|9| Dinner prep
(Random thing of young Victor bc fUCK YEA. New book is being published right after this! Broken Hearts. Hope you like it! And ty for 200+ views even though my writing is trash, lmao.)
(Third person)
Yuri sat up, draping his feet over the edge of his bed as he heard soft whimpers at his door. He dragged himself over and let in the poodle, then closed the door again.
Sure he said he wanted to be alone, but.. Who doesn't love doggy cuddles?
Makkachin instantly climbed up onto Yuri's bed, sending a weak smile to the saddened boy. Yuri crawled onto his bed clinging onto the dog.
After a few minutes, Yuri decided to get up and find out where he'd be taking Victor and Yurio tomorrow.
He pulled out his laptop, his back pressed against the wall and his legs crossed as he pet Makkachin's head. He began scrolling through restaurants. Looking for somewhere nice, but somewhere they could go with casual clothing and not get strange glares or not fit in.
Website after website, Yuri continued to search for the perfect place.
It was now midnight.
Yuri heard a soft knock at his door following by an irritated grunt. He snapped his eyes away from the screen, attempting to scan the darkened room for the door. Me made his way over to the door, stumbling and tripping over practically nothing.
Opening the door he was greeted with the heart shaped smile of Victor. Yuri rubbed his eyes then straightened his glasses. "Oh.. Hey Victor.." Yuri yawned. "What're you doing here?" He smiled with exhaustion.
"We wanted to have a sleepover!" Victor smiled again.
"Correction. Victor, wanted to have a sleepover and dragged me along with him." Yurio grumbled.
Yuri laughed as he stepped to the side, letting the two in.
Victor plugged the lights back in, surprised the tent they'd made the previous night still stood. But, he was happy his hard work could be used more than once.
Quickly, yet carefully he scurried into the tent. Yuri laughed slightly, following him in, and Yurio doing the same.
Victor was ready to sort some sort of small talk, but by time the ravenettes head hit the pillow he was out of it. And by the looks of it, Yurio was half way there.
Victor quietly laughed at the two.
He turned to Yuri, admiring the boy's signature pig nose. Victor watched Yuri. Calmed by the slow rising and falling of his small chest.
Victor admired every aspect of the boy.
To his raven hair, to his feminine body.
He thought about Yuri's beautiful brown eyes. Sure, Victor had lovely eyes. But he didn't find them captivating and breathtaking like he did Yuri's. They were something Victor could stare into when he's loosing his grip on gravity, and they'd pull him back down. Back to remind him of his duty. His duty to protect the Japanese beauty.
Victor knew what he felt towards the boy. He accepted it, and was glad he was falling for someone as perfect as Yuuri Katsuki.
He couldn't wait to lead Yuri to victory. Victor longed to see that medal, held up against Yuri's eyes showing of Yuri's brilliant eyes. To see Yuri on the podium, getting the love and respect he'd deserved. For Yuri to be praised for his excellence.
Maybe, even see something else gold for both of them to flaunt..
Victor shook his head. He was getting ahead of himself. Yuri Katsuki. With Victor Nikiforov?
Yuuri Nikiforov does have a good ring to it.. Don't you agree?
"Oi, old man." Yurio yawned as Victor's head turned towards him, humming softly in confusion.
"Are you gonna go to sleep or keep staring at Yuri while he sleeps?" He scoffed.
Victor smiled before laying down and closing his eyes.
~Timeskip brought to you by how gay Victor is for Yuri~
Yuri woke up early surprisingly. It was about 8 am and that gave Yuri time to keep looking. He silently slipped out of the tent and crawled onto his bed next to the still sleeping Makkachin.
He found it quite surprising that Victor hadn't gotten up and curled up next to Makkachin in his sleep. Considering the fact that he brings the dear poodle everywhere.
Yuri scrolled around until he found somewhere appealing. The boy began to scribble down information and quietly pick out an outfit. He had planned everything out for the group and felt proud.
He yawned and crawled back into the tent silently.
~Timeskip brought to you by I ran into my parents room asking why couldn't I be Korean because they have very aesthetically pleasing voices~
Yuri woke up to find himself, once again, awake before the other boys.
His small figure slipped out the tent swiftly as he slivered into the bathroom.
(calm down he was just taking a piss.)
He washed his hands off and changed into a dark blue shirt and black pants and sneakers. Since he had nothing better to do he headed towards the Ice Castle to practice a bit.
this is a filler chapter because I don't know what the f c u k I'm doing and I really needed to update this
s h i t t y
book because for some reason people are
'e n j o y i n g'
anyways all my friends are ignoring me and I'm depressed so that's another reason updates are fucked up.
im back at my house so at least I don't have to sleep on the floor anymore lmao.
This used to be my background w h o o p s
what I live and breathe for
f u c k i n g-
k I L L ME
h e l l a
s e x y
f o r
V i t y a
I'm too lazy to put more
c h e c k o u t m y n e w b o o k
B r o k e n H e a r t s
ok ilyg
-Porki's going to sleep now bc it's almost 6 fucking AM here
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