|8| Let's talk
(Guys if I take to long to update you can yell at me because I literally sit around all day doing nothing bc my cyber school is only 2 days a week and I just watch YouTube and think about how I'll progress to the end of the book. oh and read gay fanfic-- also I technically have a boyfriend now?? I'm still gay af tbh.)
{-Third person-}
Yurio tapped Yuri's shoulder, instantly gaining his attention.
Yurio stayed quiet for a moment before opening his mouth to speak. "Yuri, can I talk to you?" He muttered. "Somewhere private, but somewhere comfortable?" He shifted to his side uncomfortably.
It was a nice Friday morning. The sun gently kissing down on Hasetsu. Though it was said to rain, the remaining snow still glistened in the suns gentle glow.
Yuri nodded. He had suggested they go to the beach.
As the two boys walked to the beach it was silent. Not to the point that the silence was unbearable, but it was comfortable in a way. Yurio used the short walk to think of how to start the conversation.
The boy wasn't used to addressing people, especially when it comes to something serious that could involve.. Emotions.
As the two sat down, they both seemed to relax instantly.
A small smile danced on Yuri's lips as he ran his pale hands through the sand. He let out a calm sigh as the wind gently combed through his raven black hair.
On the other hand, Yurio tensed again. His focus on the crashing waves, his face twisted with emotions.
"What'd you want to talk to me about?" Yuri spoke, his voice nearly a whisper.
Yurio took a breath, continuing his pondering for a moment.
He kept his gaze on the ocean as he spoke. "Yuri." His voice quiet compared to the gust of wind that flew by. "I saw you. Yesterday morning." Yurio's eyebrows furrowed as he recalled the memory.
Yuri seemed confused. "I.. I saw you yesterday morning too?" He turned towards the blonde boy, confusion evident on his face.
"No, no." Yurio turned towards the confused boy next to him.
"I saw you.. In the bathroom."
Yuri's face curled up in disgust for a moment until his eyes widened in fear. He glanced to his arm then to Yurio, his chocolate eyes begging that isn't what he meant.
Yurio nodded and Yuri felt a wave of idiocy crash into him. He'd left the door open, and because if that, Victor might leave him.
He parted his lips, ready to say something though he was cut off.
"I didn't tell him." Yurio stared back at the ocean.
Yuri closed his lips and stared at the ocean as well. They sat in silence. The wind picking up as the tension around them.
"Why?" Yurio whispered.
"Why'd you do it? Why the hell did you think it was a good idea?" Yurio growled slightly, suddenly finding himself angry at the Japanese boy.
Yuri shook slightly, tears spilling down his cheeks. "I don't know, I don't know.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He whimpered, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face into his knees.
He repeated saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry', I'm sorry". His words so quick they slurred together as one. Somewhere in the midst of apologies a few words like 'failure' and 'idiot' were mixed in.
Yurio frowned, reaching over awkwardly to pat Yuri's shaking back.
~Timeskip brought to you by wHY is everything I write so edgy? Like it's always sad wtf man I'm such a downer~
As the two walked home, they hung there heads low as the sound of the rain calmed them. Yuri's eyes were still watering. The brown orbs hidden from anyone's sight. Though his sniffling may have given it away.
Yurio knocked on the wooden door, greeted by a slightly concerned Victor.
Victor instantly pulled them both inside, closing the door quickly. He pulled them each into a hug, neither of them doing nothing to oblige the hug.
"Are you two ok?" He asked as he looked between the two eagerly. Yurio nodded, keeping his sight to the ground as Yuri kept still.
It was silent as a soggy Yuri shuffled towards Victor.
He slowly raised his head to look at Victor face to face. Victor stared down at Yuri, seeing the mixture of tears and rain running down his face. His eyes widened slightly at the sight, his heart aching seeing the boy's broken form.
Yuri pressed himself to Victor, wrapping his arms around Victors neck as he hugged him tightly.
(hahhhh did you think they were gonna kiss?)
Victor said nothing in protest, wrapping his arms firmly around Yuri's torso. The ravenette (that's a word I think) snuggled his head into Victor's neck.
After a few moments Yuri pulled away and Victor frowned at the loss of contact.
"Yuuri, are you-"
"I'm fine." Yuri spoke, cutting off the Russian. "I just.. Wanna be alone for a bit." Yuri kept his sight focused at his shoes. His dark hair hiding his brown eyes that Victor had found himself grown attached too.
As Yuri walked towards his room, Makkachin whimpered at Victor weakly.
Leaning down to pet the poor poodle he sighed, sharing a quick glance with Yurio. Makkachin whimpered once more, looking at Yuri then back at the silver haired champion with pleading eyes.
Victor's lips tugged upwards at his dog companion as he scratched Makkachin's fluffy head. "Always so considerate." Victor whispered to the dog before nodding.
The dog laid a sloppy kiss onto Victor's cheek before bonding off after Yuri.
I'm so lazy kms
I'll probably make a new Victuuri book but I'm also working on stuff on my other account with my friend. We're making books of our OC's and we'd love it if you'd check them out.
It's @ strawberry_chip and I'll link it in my bio.
Ty if you actually followed lmao
gud shite
calm yo thirsty ass Victor, damn.
how tf are you cold m8 I walk around in snow wearing short shorts and a t-shirt when it's like 30 degrees wyd??
I'll try to update at least once a week
And get more interaction between Yuri and Victor lmao
ok bye
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