|5| Sleepover
:Fixed typos:
{-Yuri Katsuki-}
I wanted to oppose, but the two had already forced their way into my room.
"Yuuri! Your walls are so empty and bland! Have you not had any posters?"
I swear this man is just messing with me now.
"U-um, I did? But they got old." I blushed, looking towards my desk, then quickly focusing my attention to my bundle of blankets, to not attract attention to the drawer. Victor shrugged, throwing his blanket and pillow to the ground.
Yurio grumbled angrily. "What was the point of you dragging me in here at 2 am Victor?" The angry teen glared daggers at Victor.
Victor smiled, already in the midst of making us sleeping bags out of our blankets. "For a sleepover!" He cheered. "Victor, do we look like 12 year old little girls? I'm going back to my room." Yurio grumbled with a small yawn.
Apparently Victor was determined to make this 'sleepover' work as he had already pushed Yurio down and rolled him into a blanket.
"Hey! Let me go, old man!" Yurio squirmed around in the burrito tuck Victor had rolled him into. "Nope! Not 'till we have some fun!" Victor laughed.
I giggled quietly, blushing as the blue eyed men both turned to look at me. One in disgust and one with a bright smile. "Uh s-sorry." My voice was a hushed whisper.
"No need! That was adorable!" Victor winked at me.
I felt my cheeks heat up at the... compliment.
"Thank you." I made my way to my bed, sitting down as I tried to comprehend what Victor was doing. Discarding the compliment far back in my thoughts as just a friendly compliment.
~Timeskip brought to you by first they brought YouTubers in now they're bringing parrots/dusters? Smh.~
(~Third person~)
Yuri and Yurio both quietly grumbled profanities and mocked the silver haired Russian, as they'd been kicked out of the room until he was done making his blanket fort.
"How much of a child can that man be?!" Yuri muttered a bit louder, catching the attention of the younger boy by accident. "If you think it's bad now imagine living with him full time." The other snarled, seemingly more pissed than usual.
Yuri felt bad for the poor boy. He could imagine the boy being dragged out of his bed, being held under his arms every morning. Hearing the irritated and, might he add, irrelevant, whines of Yurio.
Yuri shook his head in response, a small feeling of dread hung over him. Full time..? If Victor was his coach, then they would be together full time. Right? But, not if Yuri looses. Which he was certain that he would, (but the universe decided otherwise.)
Yuri began to think farther into the matter. As he always did, he tended to overthink simple situations. But, to the Japanese boy, this, was literally, a life or death matter to him. He shook himself away from his thoughts, knowing if he continued to pry through his deep dark thoughts, he'd have a panic attack.
And he didn't want one of those infront of Yurio, and Victor. He'd be left for sure then, and he enjoyed the presence. Despite him being an extreme introvert.
Yuri stared out the window, seeing a snow covered cherry tree in his lawn. His mind was racing with thoughts, good and bad. But he did nothing to hold onto any of them. He just sat peacefully, staring out of the iced window at the winter wonderland. The freshly laid snow covered the town, luminescent from the street lamps.
He had always loved the snow, (but not shoveling it.) but, he always played in it alone. Growing up the poor boy didn't make many friends. Speaking of, Phichit hadn't texted him, or posted a selfie all day. He hoped nothing was wrong..
Yuri's phone was probably lost in the whirlwind of Victors blanket land now.
He looked to Yurio, who was blowing a few strands of hair out of his hair. Yurio shot him a look and he quickly diverted his sight back to the window.
"It's ready!" Victor swung the door open, pulling both Yuri's into the room. There were blankets covering the room, lined over with lights. "Victor, where'd you get these lights?" Yuri wondered. "Under your bed! I saw the end hanging out and pulled out a bunch of pretty lights!" The tall man gave a thumbs up to the blushing raven haired boy before turning back to the blondie who had already set up his own corner. Snuggled around a cat plushie that Victor got him earlier for his birthday.
They had gone out and bought a bunch of cat things for Yurio's birthday today while Yuri was sleeping.
"Yurio, I see you're enjoying your gifts!" Victor sat down, fluffing up a pillow.
Which Yuri then realized his bed had nothing on it except for the spring and mattress left.
Yurio grumbled and nodded his head. Stuffing his face into the jumbo-sized soft cat plush and curling up around it.
"Gift? For what?" Yuri questioned aloud. "Oh! Right you don't know! Today is Yurio's birthday! We were gonna celebrate tomorrow so we can bring you along!" Victor kept a soft smile on his face, his head tilted to the side, and his ocean blue eyes locked away by his pale eyelids.
Yuri internally frowned a bit at the loss of the beautiful shade of blue. "Oh. Happy birthday Yurio." He said, lacking a lot of enthusiasm according to the eldest in the room.
Yuri still wondered though, why was he here? They had met once before. But, not really. Yuri sat down, reminiscing the memory.
(-mini trigger warning-)
He bursted out in tears as soon as he hung up. He had failed himself, his family, his dog, and his idol. All he wanted was to be accepted, and known as who he was. At least, what people said he was.
He'd been humiliated infront of millions of people. What did he have to lose at this point..? His worst fear had come true, and now.. He couldn't do anything.
Except.. for one thing..
But, did he dare do it here? In a public space where someone could walk in at anytime?
Of course..
He chocked on his sobs, attempting to silence them as he pulled out his bag, and pulling out the small item. After a few moments of steadying himself, he slid the blade down his arm, leaving one big bloody cut. Just to distract himself from the failure. He couldn't do more, the stall had been kicked, sending the razor to the ground with a clink. He quickly slid the razor behind the toilet, covering his arm, and wiping away his tears. He took a deep breath, and opened the stall.
Behind the door stood Yuri Plitesky. The 15 year old he'd been beaten by. The junior gold medalist.
"U-um.. Cong-" Yuuri's quivering voice and frail, shaking body was cut off by the Russian Yuri. "Hey. I'm competing in the senior division next year. We don't need two Yuri's competing, incompetents like you should just retire already!" He growled, leaning close to Yuri, pushing him back with a finger. "BAKA!" The Russian screamed.
Yuuri felt his body shaking and the tears threatened to flow. Luckily, his glasses were fogged so his glistening brown eyes weren't visible to the other Yuri. He held onto his sleeve, feeling the blood leaking down his arm. He hoped Yuri didn't notice.
Yuri had heard the clink, and noticed the slightly suspicious behavior from Yuuri, but thought nothing of it. Maybe writing a letter to his family, or just embarrassed from loosing.
"Stay off my ice." He stated, walking away.
~Small timeskip brought to you by when Georgi cosplayed as Elsa on Ice~
Yuuri had wrapped his arm up, and was walking towards the exit with his coach.
"Katsuki-Kun!" He stopped at the voice. Newscaster Morooka?
"Don't give up! You can't retire already!" He shouted at the raven-haired boy.
'Jeez, why does everyone just start yelling at me?!' He wondered.
"I haven't finalized anything.. Please don't make assumptions.." Yuri said calmly.
"What'll you do when you get out of school? Will you still be here?" He asked with concern.
"I'll talk to Coach Celestino.."
"But Katsuki-Kun! I'm asking for YOUR opinion! How you feel!"
He continued to ramble as the young boy spotted a small poodle in the distance.. It looked just like Vicchan..
All he could do was wait to go back. To lock himself away. To never 'follow his dreams' again.
Until he heard his voice.
The Japanese boy quickly focused his gaze towards the voice who'd called his name.
'Victor Nikiforov? Asking for me?!' He felt his palms begin to sweat as a local opened the door, sending a breeze towards Yuri and a chill down his spine.
Yuri had turned to see Victor lecturing the other Yuri. His dream clearly fake. Though, he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of Victor. Even if it was merely his backside.
(Lmao guys Yuri's checking out dat ass--JKJK )
Yuri froze, petrified, as Victor turned towards him.
"Ah, commemorative photo-" Victor cut himself off as Yuri darted out the door into the cold, harsh weather. Discarding his coat that Celestino had been holding, and his luggage.
Yuri ran and ran. His cheeks and nose were surely red already. He could feel the icy shard-like feeling scraping through his cheeks, then kissed by a snowflake. Yuri wished there was someone to kiss his scars, but now was not the time to think about that.
Yuri ran all the way back to his hotel.
He fell to the ground panting, gasping for air.
The world was spinning. So much, he didn't remember that Phichit had been staying with him. Or that the Thai (fan) boy was completely flipping out.
"Yuri!!" The blonde boy screamed.
What a surprise. Yurio hadn't insulted him with an idiotic name for once.
"Hm?" Yuri shook his head, blinking his eyes quickly.
Victor grabbed the younger boy by his shoulders, shaking him gently. "Yuuri we've been calling you for the past minute and you haven't responded! You scared us!" The older male pulled Yuri into a hug.
"S-sorry!" He squeaked. "I was just lost in thought!" The poor Japanese boy glared to the side, as the Russian man shook him angrily, while hugging him affectionately.
"Well next time tell us when you're thinking! You had the old man worried sick and screaming at me!" Yurio snapped, continuing on with hugging his cat plushie.
1,776 words
I haven't updated in like 4 days. Rip.
my friends and I have recently become obsessed with Town of Salem. We're the Salami sisters and I keep accidentally calling the game Town of Salami.
Everyone always votes against me but it's never me then they all feel sorry lmao. And I always put something about my flaming homosexuality into the death note when I actually am bad, and sometimes my will says 'o snap it was Yurio, I died from all the gay'.
Also this guy threatened to sue us just bc he said being on Skype was 'illegal' then reported me so my friend called him a dumbass bc it wasn't illegal then he claimed that he was rich and was gonna sue us lmao. Like wtf dude, it's just a game?? Over dramatic af smh.
rip JJ 2k17
Yurio tho--
when Yurio Isn't home so you're left with only one child--
pocky game?- pucky up dem lips Yuri 🌚
when you wanna kiss your FIANCÉ but his best friend is hogging him
family goals besides Makkachin lmao
Thanks for reading! I'm gonna go pre-write some chapters. Or fall asleep. Whichever comes first ;A;
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