|2| My Idol
{-Yuri Katsuki-}
I was awoken by my loud ringtone, which I had stupidly forgotten to turn off. For some reason I had her ringtone as a screaming banshee..
There was loud banging on my door and I quickly scrambled over. I swung the door open to just barely avoiding getting punched in the face by an angry Minako.
"M-Minako-sensei! Why are you here?" I questioned. I felt self conscious as the angered female glared down at my belly, which was slightly hanging out from my shirt slightly. I pulled it down and looked back at Minako-sensei.
"What am I doing here?! What are you doing all over the internet?!" She screeched at me, nearly crushing her phone in her hands. "W-what..?" I squeaked quietly, like a mouse.
"Did you not check your phone?!" She stared me down, making me even more self conscious as I averted her gaze. "No." I stated quietly. "Well check it! I need a drink." She huffed, stomping off.
I swear, she was shaking some of the drawings on the wall..
I walked over and looked at my phone.
472 missed calls from Bitchit
192 missed calls from Yuuk
24 missed calls from Taki roll
(I'm so sorry lmao)
My eyes widened at all my missed calls. I open my chat with Phichit.
bitch get tf up or catch this #blocc
Wait hold on
There's really good lighting right here
Image attached;
But rlly thot I've been spamming u for an hour now how tf you you sleep through that
I have your ringtone as 'fuzzy fuzzy cute cute fuzzy fuzzy cute n fuzzy' so it just makes me sleep more
Fuck u.
Love u too❤️
Happy Valentine's Day u Snapchat thot
Stfu ur just jealous, Happy Valentine's Day to u too, now answer my ft
I started to type again and accidentally hit the accept button. I groaned and stuffed my face in my pillow, quickly hitting the home button and putting the screen on pause.
"Ugh, Yuri why do you always go on pause?" Phichit grumbled.
"Because I always look like shit.." I yawned and stretched my legs out.
"That's cause you never let me do your hair."
"Phichit, no." I sighed
"Phichit, yes." He laughed.
"I will hang up on you." I said jokingly
"Not until you tell me why you're all over the internet." He countered.
"W-what are you talking about?" I felt a knot forming in my stomach, remembering that I'm apparently all over the internet..
"There's a video of you skating to one of Victor Nikiforov's short programs." He said with excitement, "It's really impressive!"
I let out a choked gasp.
I felt my heart begin to pound in my ears, silencing every sound. I began to hyperventilate, gasping for air as I disregarded my phone, dropping it on the floor. Sitting up in attempt to breathe better.
The sound of my name could be heard slightly as I began to remember Phichit on the phone. I could hear him yelling at me. But that was the least of my worries.
People are gonna think I'm so stupid. How could I let this happen? Their gonna see how much I suck at skating. They're all gonna judge me. The whole world will see how much of a pig I am. They'll all hate me and look down at me.
Then one thought caused me to crash.
What if Victor sees?!
That kicked my panic attack into overdrive.
I fell off the bed, unconscious.
{Victor Nikiforov-20-Male}
I've been getting nonstop emails today. I don't even know how most of these fans even get my email, but I'd rather not know honestly.
After I got back from the rink I decided to finally look at whatever is going on. I sat down on my couch, Makkachin laying on my lap as I opened my email. They all seemed to be a link to a video. I clicked on the link and stared in awe as the boy skated around the rink. He mimicked my performance pretty well.
I felt something spark in my heart as I got a message from Chris.
Did you see that video?
His name is Katsuki Yuri, and he's got talent
And good looks ;)
Chris stop just bc it's your bday doesn't mean u can be a ho
Hey hey, Just sayin'
But really, he's pretty good
Yea. He's talented.. I'm gonna do something about it.
Damn it Chris.
Ok ok I'm sorry
No you're not
Lmao truuuu
Chris djsiaikdk I gtg
don't be a creep 👀
I didn't respond for two reasons, one, I know he hates being left on read, and two, I was busy planning my flight already.
I'm not sure what it was about him, but I had a strange feeling and I had this urge that I felt couldn't be stopped without meeting this, 'Katsuki Yuri'..
Come to think about it, his name sounded familiar.
Eh, maybe it's just a common name or sounds familiar from Yuri Plisetsky. Yea, it's probably just that.
~Timeskip brought to you by Phichit the Bitchit and his hoe filters~
I boarded the plane. I had probably forgotten a few things and I hadn't thought anything out. My self confidence was pretty good, but right now I feel like a complete idiot.
I ran off without telling anyone but Chris, who'll probably blab it to everyone by time the plane has even taken off. I haven't even considered what I'd do or where I'd stay when I got there. Or what kind of places would accept Makkachan.
I sighed and put in my headphones listening to some calm music.
~Timeskip brought to you by every time my little sister talks in her sleep at like 3 am and actually scares the shit out of me~
I began to walk to the supposed location of Yuri, Makkachan following suit. (Don't ask how I found out...) Once I reached his home I lightly knocked on the door. A cute little woman opened the door. "Oh, hello there! How can I help you?" She said cheerfully. I took notice of her ring. She must have a great significant other..
"Oh yes, I was looking for Katsuki Yuri." I said, forcing my accent to not elongate the U. "Oh, Yuri is sleeping right now! But would you like to come in?"
I smiled, "If it's not to much of a bother, yes please." She gestured me inside. "Nonsense, we love visitors!" She cheered. "Toshiya, Mari! Come and welcome our new guest! And their dog!" For a moment I had forgotten my adorable poodle who had been following on my heels. I looked at the poor hungry thing and reached down to pet him.
"Woah, he look just like Vicchan.." I looked up to see a girl with short black hair with blonde tips looking down at Makkachan, who seemed to enjoy the attention. "Vicchan?" I asked. "He used to be our family pet, until he sadly passed away. He was a good boy." The woman said, still keeping somewhat of a smile to try to keep the mood calm.
"I'm very sorry.. having Makkachan here won't be a problem right?" I asked worriedly. "No, no not at all! I'm sure Yuri will love it!" She smiled again. "By the way, you can call me Hiroko! This is my husband, Toshiya, and my daughter Mari! And of course you know Yuri." She shook my hand.
"Hello, Hiroko-san! I'm Victor Nikiforov!" I smiled brightly. The family seemed a bit shocked but still casual about it. "Ahh, Victor Nikiforov! What brings you here?" Asked Toshiya.
"I was actually looking for Yuuri! He's very talented and I'd like to become his coach!" I stated.
(Crying bc I accidentally wrote couch instead of coach)
Wow, I guess that's my plan.
"His coach?! That's wonderful!" They all said happily. I chuckled softly, running my hand through my hair. "How long are you gonna stay?" Hiroko-san asked.
"Actually, I'm not sure yet. I don't have a place to stay." I scratched the back of my neck, feeling my stupidity rise up to heat my cheeks.
(I laughed at that wtf)
"You can stay with us! We're having Katsudon for dinner!"
Suddenly it went silent aside from heavy pounding through a hallway.
"I heard Katsudon!"
<1429 words>
the piglet has arrived from his cave
This chapter sucks rip.
I'm gonna try to update as much as I can but I have school shit I'm supposed to do but I'm not gonna. I'm kinda late with Valentine's but oops they aren't really gonna do anything
I wanna draw
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