Part 6 - Change of wind
And we're back, sorry if it took long. Also feel free to reread those previous chapters so you're not lost in what's going on. Enjoy ^.^
I was woken up by the loud noises from downstairs. I quickly dressed up, trying to calm my heart. My door immediately opened, and I saw Gregory. He closed the door behind him, locking them.
My eyes widened, my heart stopped beating in fear. Gregory was bleeding, his shirt soaked in red, there was a blood dripping of his mouth and nose.
"Ryan, you need to escape," he whispered, having a strong Russian accent.
"What?" I whispered silently, confused about everything what was going on, what I was seeing.
"Come back, you bitch!"
I heard someone's voice from downstairs, while Gregory fell on the ground. I quickly kneeled down to him, my mind turned off. I was feeling helpless, frozen in place. I didn't know what to do, what to say. The picture of the blood everywhere, on my hands as I was holding his hand now, was terrifying me.
"Call your father... I... tried... run... now."
With each word that escaped his mouth there was new blood coming out. Before there was his last breath, the last time his chest raised and fell.
I felt my tears streaming down upon my face, my body and my brain completely shut down. Thousands of thoughts running through my mind, and I was unable to control my body.
"Where are you, grandpa?" The voice was closer than before.
"Does it fucking matter? Find that boy," the other voice commanded.
I hit my legs, trying to force them to finally listen. First try, second. I heard their footsteps outside my room, when my body finally woke up from the sleep and I ran towards the window.
Opening it with shaking hands, I didn't even tried to stop my tears, my heart widely beating. I quickly jumped down, hearing some voices from my room. With blurry vision, I quickly ran upon the street.
Feeling burning sensation in my lungs, in my legs, I made it to the big shopping center, where I stopped in the restrooms, falling down.
My whole body was shaking, my clothes covered with Gregory's blood. New tears streamed down, and I was just uncomfortably sobbing and tried to catch my breath.
After few more minutes, I saw picture of a dead Gregory. Crawling to the sink, I stood up and didn't fight the urge to puke.
He's dead. He died in my arms. Just like that!
I looked at myself in the mirror, wiping off another tears along with the vomit. I was disgusting.
I quickly pulled out my phone, calling my dad just as Gregory wanted. I slid down upon the wall, hugging my knees.
"Ryan?" My father greeted me with a good mood.
"D-d-dad," I sobbed, seeing Gregory in front of my eyes.
"What's going on? What happened? Are you ok?" My father's voice went from calm to worried.
"He... he's dead. He's dead. He just... just... dead," I tried to explain the situation, but it was too much for me.
"What?! Who's dead, slow down. What happened?"
"He died. G-Gregory," I sobbed again, feeling new tears.
"Dad? I'm so... I'm so scared," I whispered truthfully, my voice shaking.
"Where are you?"
I didn't understand how calm my dad was even after what I told him.
"Shopping center, restrooms. Dead, he's dead... in my arms..."
"You mean that big one in the city center? Stay there, ok? Don't move. Can you promise me this?"
"Don't leave me!" I screamed immediately, when I sensed he was going to cancel this phone call.
"I need to make a quick call, Ryan. I promise you, it's going to ok. Everything will be ok. Give me just a few-"
I looked terrified at the display of my phone, seeing it completely dead. I tried to turn it on, but the only thing it was showing me was to charge it.
I was feeling desperate, anxiety already consumed my body and I was crying once again. I wanted to hear my father's voice, I wanted to feel safe again. But the only thing I saw was Gregory dying in my arms. The only thing I felt was sorrow and pain.
I didn't even know how long I was sitting there, how long I was crying, when I felt two arms wrapping around me in protective matter. I blinked a few times to see who that was, and when I saw Luke, I finally gave up, hiding myself in his embrace.
"Hush now. You're safe again," he whispered, and I buried my face into his chest.
"He's dead... he died because... because of me," I whispered tiredly, letting him know what happened.
"I didn't know... I just... dead... so much blood," I continued.
"It's going to be ok. I'm here," he whispered back.
"Don't... leave. P-please," I begged him.
"I won't go anywhere."
After hearing those words I let the darkness finally consume me.
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