Chapter 5, Page 1
~ Two chapters in one day O.O damn, :) you're welcome, stay lovely my dearest people <3 ~
The breeze felt nice and the grass was soft as I laid on the grass almost forgetting about Evan until I heard him chuckle and I opened my eyes turning my head to look at him.
" What" I said and he shifted to lay on his side facing me " You look happy" he said.
Well for a moment I was.
I just turned my head back up to the trees that were shielding the sky and watching as the birds came and go whenever they wanted.
I pulled my phone out to check the time and I noticed that 3 hours had passed since we got to the park.
Covering my face I groaned and felt an arm on my side " Im fine" I said and I felt the warmth disappear " Ok well I have to pee I'll be back" Evan said.
I sat up against the tree and pulled my phone out unlocking it and then started staring at the number.
Should I really do this.
I texted the number and waited for a reply and to my surprise it was almost instantly and I sat there texting him for a little until I stopped pondering his question for a moment.
Cry - There is a party next weekend would you go with me.
After debating I finally told him yes I would go and that's when Evan came back " Who you talking to" he said siting down next to me " My sister" I said lying but I didn't want to tell him the truth he just smiled and leaned against the tree.
" Your eyes say a lot" he said smiling at me.
The hell does he mean by that.
" I know your not talking to your sister" he said and I froze as he put a hand on my shoulder " You don't have to lie to me" he said and just looked away embarrassed.
After about another hour we decided to go home the walk was peacefully quite and I liked it.
" So when does your sister get off work again" Evan asked as we got to my door and I was unlocking it " Not sure what time probably around six I think" I said and we walked in and sat on the couch and Kino came in and laid in between us and set her head on my lap.
" Have you ever seen Southpaw" I asked " Nope but I've heard about it" he said and I went through finding the movie and then put it in " Well we will see if you like it" I said pressing play and siting back down and Kino curled back up to me.
" She really likes you" he said looking at Kino looking all comfy in my lap I just smiled and started petting her head " You are cute so I can see why" he said and I shot my eyes to him.
Did he just call me cute?
He chuckled at my expression and soon just stared in my eyes.
He has beautiful eyes.
I smiled and soon realized what I was doing so I quickly looked away and back to the movie and I saw him starting to pet Kino as she sleep.
If I could ever not be scared and over think everything I would love to do this a lot even if I cant have him its nice having someone around well sometimes it is.
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