I woke up to my alarm going off I reached over turning it off and noticing a weight on my side, looking down I saw an arm around me, I shifted and noticed Evan cuddled up to me.
Oh god not this now.
Kino jumped off the bed and I heard him groan then pull me into his chest more, I felt extremely warm but uncomfortable at the same time " Evan... Evan wake up" I said and I felt him shift more.
" Good morning" he said in a deep husky voice " Evan your um... move your arm please" I said and he opened his eyes looking at me " I don't want to" he said pulling me into him more.
" Um Evan please" I said trying to pry his arm off me and luckily I won, standing up I noticed him fast asleep again " Evan get up I don't want to be late" I said and he stretched rubbing his eyes.
" Dude I'm so sorry I passed out here I was waiting for you and I kinda feel asleep, I didn't steal your bed did I where did you sleep" he said sitting up and giving me a sad look.
Wait does he not relies he was just cuddling me.
" Um I slept in my sisters bed" I said and he gave me a sad look " You could have woke me up and slept in your bed, I'm not a bed hog anyways" he said standing up and stretching.
Yeah sure your not!
" No its fine, you can borrow some of my clothes if you'd like" I said grabbing some for myself and he walked over " I will get them right back to you" he said looking at the closet I motioned for him to look through.
I already hade everything I wanted to wear planed out incase I woke up late since I thought my night would be spent playing guitar and not with Evan.
I heard someone coming down stairs I looked and for a moment everything went blank and my mind started racing.
Stop... ok stop and breath.
I took a breath and I felt a hand on my shoulder " You ok" he said and I stayed staring at the floor " Do you have hair gel" he said and I nodded " You going to show me or tell me" he said in a smart ass tone.
" Um in my bathroom under the sink" I said and he went to walk off and once he was going up the stairs I saw my pants didn't quite fit him and they were sagging a little but showing off his ass not to mention he's shirtless.
Damn his ass looks good going up stairs... wait! MY RAZOR!
I shot up and ran up the stairs by the time I made it to my bathroom Evan had just walked in the door turning around giving me a confused look.
I pushed past him and pushed him out the door " Ok if you need the bathroom you can just say so" he said and turned around I sighed and grabbed my box of razors so Evan wouldn't find them.
I walked back to my room so I could hide them and he was standing by my door " Can I go in now" he said smiling and I nodded.
" What did you need to grab" he asked looking at my hands and tilting his head a little " Um... I had to check the mouse trap" I said feeling the heat building up in me.
" Then why are you taking it to your room" he said stepping towards me.
Fuck don't let him see.
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