We walked out the door and down the street I didn't want to be alone with Evan anymore in fear of what we might talk about next.
It was warm out with a small breeze and it felt nice no words were said just walking.
I left Kino at home because she looked tired and who knows who I'd run into, I felt my phone go off and I checked it.
Sky - Behave today I get off later today I was called in early this morning I'm sorry and when I come home I need to get everything ready then we can go have fun love you.
I texted her back and continued walking and after a few hours Evans phone went off breaking the silence " Hello... hey Tyler... no I cant today... yeah I'm still with my friend... no they don't like large groups maybe another day... yeah man... alright see ya".
Him and Tyler must be close friends.
" So where we going" he said putting his phone away and giving me a smile " To the park I guess" I said and we continued to walk but I couldn't help that I kept looking at Evan.
How did I ever end up having a guy like him even say hello to me.
He noticed and I felt my face heat up as I quickly looked away and he kept a smile on his face as we walked finding ourselves just a few blocks from the park.
" You could have went with your friends" I said and he looked back at me " No I wanted to spend time with you and before you ask yes I actually do and after yesterday I want to hang out more" I just looked at the ground.
Is it a good idea to grow close to someone I'm broken and he could hurt me more.
I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder but when I looked Evan had a stern look " Hello" I heard a deep voice say and I turned to see Cry behind me.
" Hi" I said rubbing the back of my neck " Made a friend I see" he said giving me a big smile.
He just had to show up great.
" Ain't it a little hot for a sweatshirt" Cry said pulling me close to him " Um... well... not to me I'm used to it" I said and watched as Evan grew more angry.
" Hm well where are you off to" Cry said grinning at Evan " We were just walking around together" Evan said and Cry gave me a sweet smile " Well I'll let you go for now" he said and pecked me on the check.
Why me.
" I will see you later" Cry said walking off with a grin, I turned back to Evan who groaned as we continued to walk.
" What's with you two" Evan said with his hands in his pockets " I don't know" I said hanging my head.
I really don't he just well once I slipped he's been acting weird with me and now that Evan is around Cry is weirder then before.
" Seems like you guys are dating" he said with a hint of jealousy in his voice.
There's that tone again.
" No well we almost kissed because I tripped on him and now that you talk to me he just well been like you just saw" I said rubbing the back of my neck " Do you want to kiss him" Evan said quietly like he was hurt.
" I... well no but... I don't want to talk about this" I said siting down next to the tree " If you don't want it tell him" Evan said sitting next to me " Because I'm scared" I said looking at the people going about their days.
" I can tell him to stop" Evan said staring right at me " I... I can do it" I said and he seemed more happy now " Well what do you want to do now" he said laying on his back with his arms behind his head.
Wow this guy is something else but he's not getting away that easy I want to know what he is hiding from me.
" I just want to sit here for a while" I said and stayed against the tree watching Evan breath as he laid there with his eyes closed.
Only if I was normal.
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