I decided to skip to skip gym since Adam and his buddies where in that class and now it was time for health.
I walked in and sat down putting my head on my desk until I felt a weight on the side of it and I looked up to find Evan leaning on it " Hey" he said in a low voice which had me speechless well my thoughts were gone also until I saw him staring at something.
I looked only to find Cry walking in and siting beside me " So your locker is 1134 right?" I was a little confused at how he knew but I nodded " Alright well I'll be waiting for you each morning" and he gave me a soft smile and we locked eyes for a moment until I heard someone clear their throat and we looked seeing Cry staring Evan down.
Is there a fucking competition for me or something!? Wow of course he would sit there.
Evan took the seat in front of me and I could feel the tension in the air between the too, " So about earlier before Minx walked up" Cry said and I saw Evans muscles tighten.
Wow they were defined, wait what am I thinking.
" Yeah" I said quietly because I knew I was blushing " We should do it again when were in a more private place" his voice sounded seductive and I saw Evans head turn slightly as if really listening in and waiting to hear what I say " Uh..." I couldn't say anything else because I didn't know what to say.
Cry chuckled " Well I know your shy by how hard you were blushing" he said while eyeing Evan down.
This is a competition!
Cry grabbed my hand which made me jump a little and I saw Evans jaw tense up " Want me to walk you home later" he winked but I was about to say no.
" Cry pay attention if I see you talk again your getting detention" Cry growled and sat back in his desk and I saw a smirk on Evans face before he looked forward " Text me" Cry whispered and just put my head in my arms.
Why just why me then I heard my sister voice with eyes and looks like that you can get anyone you want.
I was busy listening to music until I heard the bell ring meaning school was over, I got up and walked out of the room not caring who looked at me I wanted to leave.
I was finished grabbing my stuff as Evan walked up to his locker giving me a smile until I saw it drop.
I was about to turn around but someone grabbed my shoulder turning me around and pinning me softly into the lockers and that's when I saw those green eyes.
Here we go again.
I felt his breath so close to me " Where were we" He smiled and was about to kiss me till someone ripped him off " Cant you see he's fucking nervous!"
" Not my fault but he's blushing so what's the problem" Cry said pushing Evan away from him " You're the problem you knew that I..." he cut him self off and Cry just started laughing.
" Yeah Evan that's right not my fault you're a bitch" Cry spat and I just couldn't take anymore fighting today I walked away " See what you do Evan" Cry said and I was now to far away to hear what they were saying.
What was Evan going to say? Wait why do I care... but I want to know, he what? And why did he pull Cry away from me, maybe he is jealous... no you're a fucking idiot you heard Cry, Evans had tons of girlfriends and he ditched Lui for a rumor about being gay, Evan probably thinks im straight and that's why he's trying to get Cry off me, yeah right I bet if he knew I was a depressed faggot Evan would leave me alone because why would anyone love such a mistake like me.
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