" Walking home" his deep voice asked again and I saw Cry walking beside me down the street but I just shrugged and kept walking.
Does this guy have a crush on me? No im just a waist why would anyone.
He grabbed my arm making me stop " What's wrong?" he asked so lightly and I just shook my head and kept walking until I saw the park and found the tree I was at yesterday and sat down to no surprise Cry sat next to me closer then I'd like.
" You fucking idiot look what you did!" I looked up to see Tyler getting in a very tall guys face " Calm down I told ye im no good at this" the guy sounded Irish " Fuck you Nogla" and with that Tyler walked off.
Their little group was there and they were playing football that was until they noticed us and Luke came over.
" Hey bro and Cry" he made his name sound more like a question " Sup Luke" he gently smiled and I saw Luke's expression go like he was mad " You want to come play you have one hell of an arm" Luke asked and now Cry was the one giving the evil looks.
" No maybe another day" I said and Luke walked back but as he did Evan looked over his shoulder at us and his expression dropped as I turned to look at Cry and he was way to close to me " Want to go somewhere else" he asked softly and I didn't know how to reply.
" JOHN!" everyone looked to where that yell came from and as soon as that blue hair was in vision I groaned to myself as my sister made her way to me and sat in front of me.
" Hey hunny how did school go" she said with a smile and looked at Cry " It went fine what are you doing here" I asked in a bit of an angry tone " Well I was on my way home till I saw those guys playing and then I saw my adorable little brother siting here I thought you were alone but I guess not" she giggled and I felt my face grow warm " Im Sky John here's sister" she laughed and stuck her hand out " Cry nice to meet you".
Really this has to be happening now everyone knows going to know more about me.
" Hm unique name" she questioned the last word " Well nickname because I used to never talk to people and they just started calling me that and I've kept with it ever since" he said giving me a smile and she sat down but I noticed the guys were giving looks I didn't like at my sister.
" You going for a walk" I said and she raised a brow until she saw my facial expression " Uh ya you want to come" she got up and held her hand out and I took it " I'll see you tomorrow Cry".
As we walked out of the park the guys were giving all kinds of looks " Its ok don't bother with them" she said patting my shoulder " I cant just ignore they way they fucking looked at you" she giggled before it turned to a frown.
My sister never frowns?
" What's wrong" I asked quietly and she shook her head " Nothing just thought of something any way have you tried to make friends" she asked and I shrugged " Well they try to talk to me but I ignore them I don't want bullied because im a fre..." she slapped my face but not hard more like she lightly touched me.
" Don't you ever call your self that because your not and will never be" she hugged me and kissed my head " And if anyone says different then like I said earlier their getting an ass whooping from me" she giggled and we continued to walk until she stopped out front of a small ice cream shop.
" I got you the blue swirl" she winked and handed me an ice cream cone " Since you loooove blue so much that's the one I got you" I just gave her a glare and she burst out laughing " What's so funny" I asked in a baby voice " You, just well how we are when its just us I swear I wouldn't trade you as my brother for anything" she said putting an arm around my shoulder and pinching my cheek " I love you and you know I will always be here for you" she said letting go of me " I know" I said as we continued to walk.
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