We were sitting on the couch and I looked at the clock it was now 6 PM and we have been trying to watch movies all day but my sister still hasn't calmed down.
Please stop.
" Sky please talk to me you know I'm here for you" I said and she started to sniffle again so I gave her a tissue and rubbed her back.
" John I can't I haven't told anyone" she finally spoke up and said but it made me raise a brow.
She looked at me with such red eyes and a sad look on her face and I knew something was killing her inside and I needed to help her.
" Tell me" I said pulling her to my side and letting her rest her head on my shoulder and I heard her take a deep breath and she hid her eyes in my arm.
" Do you remember Alex" she said and I nodded my head it was her boyfriend before at the time when everything happened with my parents.
" Well there's a reason why I didn't get you right away when gram took you in" she paused and started to cry more until she took a deep breath.
" Please don't get mad or upset you have enough on you right now" she said pulling back and looking at me as I nodded and she placed her head back taking another deep breath.
" I heard about it and I wanted to come help you and well Alex wasn't as nice as everyone thought... John I was pregnant and he wouldn't let me tell anyone he didn't want me to keep the baby" she said pausing and I could feel myself growing angry.
" The next day when I heard you were at the station I tried to come get you but that's when Alex snapped... we fought with each other and I tried to leave but he pulled me back in and" I stopped her before she could finish.
" You don't have to go into details" I said whipping the tears from her eyes.
" John he beat me and stabbed me" she said and I felt my body go cold before I felt like it was on fire.
" I went to the hospital and I lost the baby I was in a comma from how bad it was and when I woke up I found out gram hade you and I just wanted to come get you but they wouldn't let me leave" she said hugging me tightly.
" As soon as they let me out I found out that Alex was put in jail and I didn't care I left right away and came to grams to see you but she said you went out for a walk and we talked she said she would talk to you and I should come back in a week" she said blowing her nose.
" So that's how and why I got you when I did and that's also why I treat you like my son because I was having a baby boy until Alex took it away from me and when I saw how destroyed you were I saw myself... I just wanted everything to be different for you" she said and I pulled her into my chest.
" Sky everything is different you love me and I don't mind you treating me how you do because your doing perfectly fine I just wish you would have told me you know I would have beat the shit out of him" I said and she shook her head.
" That's why I didn't tell you because I didn't want him to hurt you if you did anything John I can't lose you you're my brother, best friend and like my son you mean everything to me" she said and I kissed her forehead.
" Well your never going to lose me I promise I'm going to try and stop so please stop crying if you want you can sleep in my room like we used to do when we were kids" I said and she nodded her head.
I walked her to my room and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep with Kino on her chest, I covered her and laid down next to her closing my eyes.
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