As I was opening my locker I couldn't help but hear the whispers from people about why im hiding my face, I must be a freak, and the laughs but I soon noticed that Evan was staring but I don't think he noticed because I saw out of the corner of my eye, I just threw my stuff in my locker.
The bell just rang for everyone to go to lunch well for me and everyone else who has lunch this period, but I don't eat and I'm not to comfortable going in there with so many people yet.
I found myself in the bathroom on the side of the school where there wasn't many class rooms by it meaning I wouldn't be bothered, kicking the door open and shutting it behind me I went over to the wall and slid my back down it, once I was in the ground I pulled my head phones out and turned on my music to help relax me as I pulled out my book and a pencil to draw like I normally do to pass time.
Checking the time I noticed that lunch is almost over so closed my book and took out my head phones putting them away just in time as the bell rang, opening the door and making my way to the art room.
Yet again the classroom was empty except for the teacher, there were tables like in a normal art room and as normal I found myself at the furthest seat I could get and since there were a lot of tables I was hoping that no on would sit near me.
But then they walked in, Evan and his group of friends they sat at the table behind me.
Just great, figures a group like them would sit in the back.
" Yo ma man mind if I sit here" I knew that voice and I just cringed but keep my focus on the table " I take it your still being silent" and yet again I didn't answer but he stayed siting beside me I guess the table was full.
Why didn't he just pull a chair over there unless your not aloud, great.
He turned around talking to the guys " Lui!" he yelled which kind of hurt my ears " What"
Has he hit puberty yet?
" Boys that is enough pay attention" the teacher said but that didn't stop them they just kept talking, I put my head phones in to ignore the sound and ignorance of them, well that was until I heard the one thing I've been avoiding.
" The hell you doing siting by that freak" that was Tyler's voice I just clenched my fists and Luke seemed to notice " Because I want to" is all he said " Well if he infects you and turns you in to a faggot dont be bitching to us" he laughed and to my shock I saw Luke's jaw tense before he spoke " Keep talking and you'll be my first target" and they went quite " ooooooohhh your screwed Tyler" and there's that kid voice again.
" Boys this is your last warning, Luke turn around and stay quite" the teacher sounded extremely agitated now, but he did as he was told and I saw he kept looking at me which really made my anxiety start to go but I was to scared to ask to leave and draw more attention to myself so I just pulled my book out and held the cover in my left hand to try and shield my drawings " What ya drawing cutie" and with that I almost snapped my pencil but luckily it just cracked " Calm down tiger" he started laughing but I didn't, I just turned up my music and continued what I was doing.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and to find out everyone was gone, I pulled my head phones out " Class is over but I'll give you a slip so your not in trouble for being late" she said and motioned for me to follow and I did " I was told not to bother you and if you need I can make sure you sit alone all though I would love to see you make some friends" she said with a small smile and I just put my hands in my pockets " I know your going to do fine in this class, I know your sister and she told me you're good at drawing".
What!? My sister knows her? Well she loves to draw so I guess they could have met at an art convention or whatever.
" Here and one more thing" she said before handing me the slip " I talked to Mr. Williamson your chemistry teacher after first period this morning and we both said the same thing" she set her hand on my arm " If you ever feel overwhelmed your more then welcome to come to one of our classes and stay as long as you would need" she handed me the piece of paper I nodded to her and she smiled as I walked out the door.
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