Chapter 10 {No Pain, No Gain}: Accomplished (Part 2)
Jimin's POV
I groaned in frustration. Of all the times it could have rained.... It just had to RAIN on my parade (*winks*)
"GO JIMIN! NOW!" Jaemin commanded, kicking one of the thugs in the stomach.
"I can't leave you he--"
"DON'T ARGUE! GET IT INTO YOU'RE THICKHEAD THAT I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET SICK AGAIN OR HURT!" she shouted, swiftly dodging the many sloppy blows thrown at her.
The rain pelted at us. I blinked, trying to push away the embrace of the slithering cold that soaked me. I coughed once. No... Not this again...Jaemin, baring her teeth at our attackers, glanced at me in concern. If I hadn't felt like a dying whale, I would have been surprised. But I couldn't think at all. I was so cold (OR STONE COLD *gets dragged away*)
Warm arms slipped around me as I was swept off the ground entirely.
"Gosh darn it Jimin! You're burning up..." Jaemin mumbled as quick distant footsteps sounded in my ears.
She was probably unaware how frozen I felt. Rain, water, thunder.. Then warmth. Out of the rain. Jaemim sat me down on the dry floor gently. Rain blasted at the glass of the heavenly shelter. The wind still clawed its way into the bus stop.
"Jimin.." Jaemin said, feeling my forehead, "Wait here. I'll take them out... I promise."
I only shivered in response. I wanted to stop her, to let me help her but I couldn't move a muscle. Sighing, she took of her jacket and wrapped it around me. The sounds of footsteps crunched behind us. Those idiots were coming. Within moments, Jaemin was up and moving towards them, back into the drenching downpour. She was clenching and unclenching her fists.
I could feel sleep tugging at me, trying to pull me into the depths of sweet unconsciousness. Just as Jaemin blew one of the thugs noses to bits, I grinned weakly.
"That's my girl... "I whispered to myself before letting exhaustion claim me.
Jaemin's POV
The thrill of feeling my fist connect with one of these fools was unexplainable. In the battering rain, the adrenaline that shot through my blood kept me warm. I kept throwing multiple blows but not as strong as the one on his nose. His nose broken, the thug fell back, swearing and crumpling onto the floor. The other continued to stand, unfazed by what just happened to his accomplice.
I snarled at him as he held the gleaming blade in his hand, all ready to connect it with my flesh. But I was mistaken. He wasn't planning on injuring me but my only weakness here.
I swore. Noticing my realisation, he ran past me, towards Jimin, who now seemed unconscious. Everything began to slow as the thought of him even hurting my friend...
Blind fury crept on me as I raced after him. I couldn't let Jimin get hurt. Not in this state. Not after all that happened to everyone I truly cared about. Forgetting about the deadly knife, I slammed into the man shoulder first, the knife slicing through the flesh of my left arm. Searing pain shot through my arm as I fell on the ground, along with the man. Blood mingled with water dropped on the rocky ground as we both got up, breathing heavily.
Untrained in combat as he was, he threw furious but terribly aimed punches at me, all which I dodged with ease. My wound continued to scream but I drove my fist into his jaw, only to receive a knife into my stomach. Fortunately, it didn't go clean through...
Gritting my teeth, I backed away a few paces, fresh blood trickling and soaking my shirt. Hissing at the pain, I glared furiously at the man. Agony was tearing through me.. But this pain.. Was nothing like the one that broke me. Physical pain could never mount to mental pain. Summoning the energy I had left, I kneed him in the 'man's weakest spot', wincing at how the impact sent bolts of pain crackling through my stomach.
Almost immediately, he collapsed, screaming at the pain that was inflicted on him. If it had been a different situation, I would have felt bad. Maybe.
Bracing a hand on my stomach, I winced again at the torturous pain. The blood was not clotting anytime soon..
I hissed at each step towards Jimin. The wounds burned, especially with the rain. I glanced back at our attackers once I reached him, but they were already long gone. Jimin was utterly knocked cold. After a series of prodding and poking him, I finally picked him up, giving myself a whole new level of agony to deal with.
I suffered from the excruciating pain each step. Clenching my teeth together, I promised myself that I would pull through... Because Jimin was my friend... My only friend.
When I reached the apartment, I felt so damned accomplished.
Man that was the longest chapter I wrote in this whole book.... I feel so ACCOMPLISHED....
Yeah I withheld from the puns in the story so try spotting them yourselves ;)
*teleports away*
P.S I might give you spoilers for the next chapter if you give me chocolate :))))))
~Devil out~
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