Reckless Rider
Ryder's need for speed was irrefutable, behind the wheel he was unstoppable. His High School yearbook said: "Most likely to die young" - he had a subconscious desire to fulfill that prophecy, like that was going to be his legacy?
Behind the wheel, he felt free.
Like he could go anywhere on a tank of gas. To the moon and back...To heaven and hell.
When you are driving, you don't have to talk, and you don't have to think. Although, some people would say thinking was quite crucial while driving, but Ryder's brain just went blank. He just let his mind go blank, and his reflexes function on autopilot!
He had been in several illegal races around the city, often they were arranged by a well known thug, who went under the name "Skidmark". His real name was Elliot, but only a handful of people knew that, and the ones who dared to call him by his birth name, would have trouble walking the next day! They drove for money...for respect...for the need to feel alive...for the feeling of danger...for the pure risk of getting caught.
Most of them had runnings with the police because of street racing, but they didn't care.
Ryder had been in juvie a couple of times for minor offences, but oddly enough never for speeding, and his parole officer Dave, who was an older guy - he managed to turn his life around - soon reaching 50, but still looking like a thug. Naturally he gained Ryders respect. His tattoos and brutish attitude worked well with Ryders witty, yet tough demeanor, and they were undoubtedly a good match.
He knew Ryder well, he could read him like an open book, not many people could. He knew Ryder was into street racing, and he would often warn Ryder. "It's going to bite you in the ass one day buddy". He had done a few races himself, he almost lost his life in a race, as the brakes failed him, but he jumped out of the car watching it explode into a fiery cloud, leaving him wounded on the side of the road.
But that only made Ryder even more keen to race.
Tonight was just another night. They were going to meet at the industrial complex a few miles from the city boarder. They had done their homework, pointing out the police hot spots via the 2-way radio "Skidmark" used to prep the area. They had a race here once before, and they managed to drive a couple of hours before the cops came, no one got arrested, the getaway is pretty sweet, as the area is close to the'd be surprised how quickly 10 cars can scatter and disappear.
The place was buzzing.
The dim lights from the streetlights looked like fallen stars on a black sky. People were chatting and laughing, ready to get the show on the road - so to speak. There were going to be 3 races that night...two cars in each race, and the main road through the complex was perfect for obtaining that dangerous rumbling speed, ending in a nearby field for a natural stop. You didn't even have to hit the brakes, the dense vegetation would slow the cars down without much effort.
Ryder was excited, never nervous, but excited. He was pretty sure of himself. He had obtained a decent level of respect during the years. He was a crowd pleaser. Just being there was enough to make the girls scream and the guys tremble. Ryder was relentless and he hated losing. His temper made most contenders back down, and he won more than he lost, earning him a decent amount of cash.
Tonights bet would win him $1000, which was there for the taking, no doubt.
He decided to chuck a few beers before the race, and a couple of shots too, not to calm down his nerves, but just because he liked it.
He was going to race a guy named D'Shawn, he had an awesome ride, and Ryder knew him from other races, but he had never been up against him one on one. Not until tonight...They shook hands before getting in the car, and as they sat behind the wheel, they nodded at each other, waiting for the busty girl in front of the cars to signal "GO".
As soon as she waved the flag they were off, and Ryder's brain went blank. He didn't even think about winning, maybe that is why he so often drives like he has nothing to lose! Ryder only races to reach that point of no return, that one moment where you wonder if the car is able to stop, before crashing into something, making the whole world turn black, dark...He loved that moment! The moment where the adrenaline rushes through your body and makes your heart pump uncontrollably.
The ride was over in less than a couple of minutes, as he hit the field and felt the bumpy surface slow down the car, he could hear people cheering.
Girls came running towards the car, obviously he won - and he was going to celebrate it like he usually did, with drinks and babes: Multiple of both preferably!
The party was in a nearby abandoned warehouse, and he had no trouble retrieving drinks, or babes for that he got more and more drunk, life turned into an easy blur.
The last thing he remembered, was getting behind the wheel to drive home, he got as far as the main road, driving through familiar neighborhoods...the sun had begun to set, a glimmer of rays hit the windshield and blinded him for a second, making him hit the brakes intuitively. But it was too late! He hit something, but before acknowledging what it was, he passed out from hitting his head on the steering wheel.
When he came to, his head was buzzing. He closed his eyes again quickly for relief, but it still he opened them again he realized where he was...
He was in a jail cell.
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