2. Prologue
It was lunch time in the orphanage all the kids were waiting for their turn to get the food. The line was going peacefully until a 7 year old Jennie noticed how an older boy snatched the bowl of food from a girl who looked like she was around Jennie's age . And push her to the nearby wall. So Jennie immediately ran forward seeing the girl starting to tear up.
Jn: hey you big meanie
Boy: what did you just call me ?
Jn: a meanie. A bully. Don't push her away like that and give her food back
Boy: oh you don't tell me what to do.
Jn: no one else is doing it. So I have to make a stupid Dumbo understand that bullying is mean. If you bully others then God will take away all your toys and candy . And will give you yucky things to eat.
Boy: shut up you dumb little girl or else
Jn: no say sorry to her
Boy: how about I give you a prize instead
With that went to catch Jennie to give her some nice beatings for speaking back to him but instead Jennie quickly climbed on the counter top near the stove and poured a mug of boiling hot water - which was just taken off from the flame a couple of seconds before - on the boys chest as a result the boy went away crying with one of the workers trailing him. And as a punishment Jennie was denied lunch for the day.
She was sitting in the hall trying to think of something else to take away her focus from hunger , when she saw the girl who was pushed away earlier approach her along with another girl a little behind her .
Jn: hi. You ok now ?
Jis: yes . Also thank you . I'm Jisoo. I'm 8 years old
Jn: Jennie , I'm 7 years old
Lis: hi. Your so cool. You saved this eonnie. So cool . My name is Lisa. I'm 6 .
Jn: nice to meet you both. Wanna be friends. I don't have any friends here.
Js: Okie
Lis: dokie.
Jn: so we are friends let's stay friends for ever
The three girls indeed became very good friends and we're always seen together except for sleeping time when they all had different rooms with different room mates. A few weeks later they noticed a girl who always sat alone and never spoke up about anything. Just did what she was told and other time she would be in her room or sitting in a corner of the hall. The 3 friends decided to approach her and possibly befriend her but they failed the first time and the girl wasn't even interested in a conversation. They tried again the next day with similar result but after few more days of trying they succeeded in trying to get the girl to talk and open up with them and soon their group of 3 turned into a group of 4 with the newest addition of Rosé who was the same age as Lisa and after getting to know her they realised Rosé was actually a fun and energetic person to be around .
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