Chapter 9: First Day Is Always The Worst
Third Person's POV:
Sat on his bathroom floor with self inflicted cuts on his arms, as tears mix with blood and sobs could be heard through the bathroom, was Izuku Aizawa.
Razer in his hand, ready to make the next cut. As he did so, he released a shaky breath, half in relieve and half in pain.
'Just one more' was the thought repeating in his mind as each new cut was made.
'Worthless', cut.
'Useless' cut.
'Waste of space', cut.
All things that was told to him. He could hear the laughter ringing through his mind, see their smirks and feel their beatings, his explosions against his skin.
He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to die.
The words of his once childhood friend, repeating in his mind as he thought that.
'You know deku, there is a way to become a hero. Go take a swan dive of the roof and hope for a better quirk'
It hurts.
No one loves him. Kacchan was right. The world would be a better place without him.
He knows it.
Izuku, after finally dropping the bloodied razer on the floor, lets out a humourless laugh.
"I hope you're happy after this kacchan. Your wish is finally coming true."
Standing up on shaky legs, Izuku walks to the bathroom counter, taking a full bottle of pills into his hands.
He then goes to sit in his previous position as more blood started to drip onto his clothes.
Holding the bottle of Benzodiazepines that was meant to help with his anxiety, he stared at it, contemplating his decision, only a moment of hesitation before opening the bottle.
He took a deep breath, telling himself that this was the right choice.
He took a few pills into his hands, ready to start swallowing them when someone burt through the bathroom door.
Ok! I'll stop here. You should be able to read from here!
"Izuku, I found you! Do you know how lo-" the person cut himself off as his eyes landed on Izuku, taking the state he was in.
Izuku froze as he looked at his brother, seeing the look of anger, fear, confusion but most of all, sadness and hurt cross his face.
He hurt him.
Hitoshi, after funally realizing what he was witnessing, looked at Izuku.
"Izuku, please please don't do this. It's not worth it. We can work through this ok?"
Izuku looked down as more tears ran down his face, shame running through him.
'You're a dissapointment. You always hurt everyone. You worthless piece of shi-"
Before Izuku can work himself into a panic attack, he felt two arms rap themselves around Izuku, slowly rocking him back and forth.
Hitoshi was whispering soft comforting words in his ear, while he still ricjed him back and forth.
Unbeknownst to Izuku, Hitoshi had sent a quick text to his dads, telling them to come home immediatly.
So, while the two were still on the floor, Izuku now holding on to his brother for dear life as sobs were wracking through his body, his parents had arrived home.
They didn't waist time and ran through the house, looking for their children.
They weren't given details, so they assumed something bad must've happened.
Like a villain attack. But they weren't ready for this.
This is not what they wanted to see.
When they found the two boys, Hitoshi was holding a shaking Izuku crying, with still fresh unattended wounds on his arms and a bottel of spilled out onto the floor next to him.
And they knew.
They knew because that was once them. Shota being the one to try and commit suicide, only to be stopped by Hizashi.
And it broke them.
Shota looked at his husband, nodding at him. Hizashi immediatly understood what he meant and went to the living room.
Aizawa softly and slowly walked towards his sons, tapping Hitoshi on the shoulder.
When he looked up, he saw Aizawa and nodded, letting his dad take his place.
He then went to the living room, only to find his papa on the couch, looking down at his fidgeting hands.
When Hitoshi went to sit down next to him, Hizashi looked up at his son.
"Toshi, you okay?" Hizashi asked in the gentlest voice possible.
Hitoshi looked his father in the eyes, trying to figure out what to say. When he did, it only broke Hizashi's heart further.
"W-why didn't he ask for help. I-i could've helped him b-but he d-din't and I-" Hitoshi was cut of by Hizashi pulling him into a hug.
The boy cried, holding onto his farther. He would never be able to forget what he saw that day.
Meanwhile, Shota had started cleaning Izuku's wounds.
He then pulled the boy up and gently lead him to Izuku's room.
When they arrived, Aizawa sat them both down on the bed.
After a moment of silence, Shota asked the one qeustion on everyones mind.
It wasn't in his, 'i don't give a fuck' voice, but rather soft.
Shota tried not to cry, he tried so damn hard. It brought back old memories.
Opened painful memories he never wished to remember again.
He wasn't mad. He knew how it felt to be depressed. To not want to see another day. He knows.
Izuku looked anywhere but Shota, avoiding his eyes.
Shota, upon seeing this, sat closer to Izuku and wrapped him in a hug. Instantly, Izuku was less tense as he let out yet another shaky breath.
"H-he said tht I shouldn't be in U.A. That I kept a future hero from their dreams. A-and he asked w-why I didn't j-just die already. That I should've done it in middle school."
Izuku started crying. He hated how weak he was. Hated that he dissapointed his dads and Hitoshi.
Shota rocked him back and forth while rubbing his back.
"Well, first of all, he shouldn't even be in U.A if he acts like that. And secondly, you deserve to be in U.A just as much as anyone there. You earned your place Zuzu, and no one is gonna change that okay?"
He recieved a nod from Izuku, showing him he understood.
After a few more moments, Shota did the only thing he could think of.
"First days are always the worst huh?" he said.
Luckily, that got a laugh out of Izuku and Shota smiled.
No matter what, he will make sure that this never happens again.
And so god so help the person who hurt his son. Because if Shota found them, well, lets just leave it at that.
The two of them eventually fell asleep after lying down.
Tomorrow is gonna be one hell of a day.
Hey readers!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I almost staryed to cry writing this. It fucking hurts okay!
But anyway. Please remember that comments are available, whether it's hate comments or not!
I saw that they're saying that season 5 of MHA will be released in 2021!!
I don't know if this is true, but AM I THE ONLY ONE DYING ON THE INSIDE?!
*clears throat*
Sorry about that.
I hope you have a wonderful day/ night!
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