What theyve planned: Chapter 9
While the 4 days Terrie and Preston were enrolling, and the guild was STILL thinking of strategies, this is what happened to Yuki.
Day 1: The Hostage Place: Yuki POV
After the ElementS Intros, they just....vanished. Like wut?! So I'm just sitting here, you know, tied up. I need to find out how to get out of these ropes...UGH! I'm so hungry...I can't get out of this problem in this situation!!! Hmmmm.....OH! need a sharp object to cut these! DUH! If I can get a sharp object, then technically I wouldn't be using magic. But do I have anything sharp?! Then, I saw something on the floor. There was a piece of GLASS! YESS! But uh... I can't reach it 😐. WHYYYYYYYYY (*anime tears) maybe, if I tried to lift it with my shoe, I could get it! Well, I'll try tomorrow, I'm a little sleepy...
Day 2: The Hostage Place: Yuki POV
Ok, I'll try to do it.
Time skip after 2 hours of trying N to get the piece of glass
UGH! I wish there was someway I could do it! "- and we'll finally be able to do it!"Huh? Do what, learn the ABC's? What are they gonna plan on...well I need to find out."-hope they don't interfere." Hope who won't interfere? "Ugh finally! We've waited to long!" WAITED TO LONG TO DO WHAT? "*tch* yeah yeah" WHAT.DO WHAT. " don't getting cocky. We need to train, just in case." TRAIN FOR WHAT???? After the mini conversation, the talking stopped. Guess I'll find out tomorrow whst they're planning...
Day 3:The Hostage Place: Yuki POV
I woke up to hearing whispers. "How much longeeeerrr" "OML blaze shut up" "geez Rockbe" "I'm so excited! Hehe!" "We can finally restart the world to our master's wishes, Chance!" "I SAID SHUT UP BLAZE" "I will when I want to" "guys, don't fight, hehe! Well get the red gem from the stupid wizards, hehe, just you wait!" "Ugh you guys are so annoying, I'm gonna go to my bedroom" Huh. So I can tell that blaze, Rockbe, and swift were talking,and Fluisca was either just not talking or was somewhere doing something. Woah woah woah...who's chance, what do they need the red gem I got for, and what do they mean, "changing the world?" I have a not so good feeling about this..I NEED TO GET OUT!
Day 4: The hostage Place: Yuki POV
I'm SO HUNGRY.....hmm..."HEYYYYYYYYU!!!! KM HUNGRY!!!!" "OML YUKI SHUT UP" "ROCKBE I AM HUNGRY!" "FINE GEEZUS!" Huh...just actually worked!
Later, Rockbe handed me my so called,"food," it looked disgusting. "Eat." He said. "Eww Rockbe whst he heck is this?!?!" "It's something called beef and beans." "But it's cold, and you obviously cooked it wrong!" "EAT IT OR DONT!" "I CHOOSE NOT TO!" "THEN FINE BY ME!" Then, Rockbe took the plate, and slammed the door behind him. Geez the nerve of the guy.
(Time skip to the end of the day)
Geez I haven't heard anything from them, and I still have to get out! Ugh.
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