Chapter Twelve
I know I said I won't be updating this not until I finish See You in My Dreams but ideas for this book keeps on bugging me XD
"We should call it a day for now." Lesley heard Gusion said, "We need to find a place to stay."
Lesley just nodded to him. She also felt tired from their travel this day.
They already left Eruditio City after they talked to SABER Squad. They informed them that her little brother was now a member of the unknown group so their search was now easier compared before because they already had a lead.
They split into three groups so they could find the hideout of the group faster. Though both of them rejected the offer of the group to lend them a vehicle since they chose to search for hideous towns. Vehicles weren't really convenient for rocky, narrow paths of forests.
They tried to find inns but they were all crammed. Except for one inn but there was only one available room.
"How come all of the inns were crammed when this town is even on a rural area?" Lesley couldn't help to blurt out.
"This town is in the outskirts of Moniyan Empire and near the Swan Kingdom. Most of the hunters stay here, young lady." The landlady of the inn answered.
"Hunters?" She asked.
"Hunters, assassins– name it. The next town from this place is the Machiavellian– the assassins' town."
(A/N: I just made this town okay? XD)
Lesley and Gusion gasped and looked at each other.
"We'll take that one room." Lesley said then handed the landlady a small bag of coins.
"Les, we can stay in the forest–"
"We are literally surrounded by assassins Gus. I know we are both assassin-hybrids but I want to rest. I'm physically, emotionally, and mentally tired." She looked at him pleadingly, "Please?"
Gusion sighed and got the key from the landlady before carrying their things, "Anything you want."
Lesley smiled at him as a thank you.
The room had actually a single bed near the wall, a mini table in front of a sofa, cabinet, a shoe rack, and a door that she assumed was the bathroom.
In short, it was only meant for one person but they didn't have any other choice but to stay together in this small room.
"Are you going to wash up first?" She asked him.
"I'm going to get us some food. You can use the bathroom first." Gusion answered while getting some money from his bag.
Lesley nodded and got some clothes before she entered the bathroom. At the same time, Gusion left to get them food.
She stayed under the shower for she didn't know how long. She put her clothes on and went out only to see Gusion was already back, preparing the food on the table.
She handed him the towel she was using to dry her hair, "There is only one towel."
Gusion was frozen to where he was standing and looked at her hesitatedly, "You sure you want me to use that?"
Lesley was confused first for she didn't know what he meant until she realized it.
She already used the towel to dry her body and now she was offering it to Gusion to use it as well.
I didn't think about that!
Lesley knew she was blushing, a chuckle from Gusion was a proof of it.
He just went to his bag to get some clothes before going inside the bathroom.
She just shook her head and continued to dry her hair. She stared at the food on the table. There were two cups of coffee– a pure black and a coffee with cream– two rice meals, a pitcher of water and a pack of chocolates.
She grimaced upon seeing the chocolates. She knew it was expensive. How could Gusion spent so much money for that?
Lesley just sighed and sipped on her coffee. She sat on the floor since she was more comfortable to sit like that rather than sitting on the sofa while eating.
Gusion came out from the bathroom and sat also on the floor then began eating.
"Why did you buy chocolates? They are expensive Gus. You shouldn't really spent too much money." She scolded him.
Gusion shrugged, "You love sweets."
"And so?"
"That's it." He said like it was not really a big deal, "I just thought it might help you cheer up a bit since you are tired– in all aspects."
She was about to protest but Gusion fed her a piece of chocolate. She hit his arm because she was startled but he just laughed at her.
"Thank you." Lesley whispered.
Gusion smiled at her, "Anything for you."
Lesley gasped a little and looked at him with her widened eyes. That was too overwhelming.
He chuckled, "Relax Lesley."
"How could I? That was too–"
"You're overthinking. You should rest now." Gusion cut her.
Lesley sighed, trying to whisk off the thought, "Take the bed. That would be my payment at least for the chocolates."
"No." Gusion frowned, "Sleep on the bed. I'll just put the sleeping bag here."
"Okay, do that and I'll be sleeping on the sofa."
"Why are you so stubborn?" She could hear frustration in his voice.
"Coming from you huh." She teased him.
Gusion messed his hair out of frustration, "Right. Sleep on the sofa, but expect me to toss you to bed right after."
"Alright then." Lesley shrugged, "Let's not use the bed then."
"Lesley!" Gusion blurted out of frustration.
"Gusion!" She mimicked him, wanting to annoy him more.
"Woman, you're frustrating me." Gusion said while shaking his head.
"How about that Gusion? A dose of your own medicine?" Lesley teased him.
He huffed, blowing his hair upwards before he quickly carried her and deposited her on the bed.
"Don't test my patience, Lesley." He whispered while pinning her down on the bed since she was trying to get out from the bed, "It's about to snap."
Lesley was actually startled. She was actually nervous because she knew Gusion wasn't joking anymore.
They were staring for quite a while when he gave her a smirk, a smirk of victory before he pulled away, but Lesley was fast enough to grab his arm to make him lay on the bed as well.
"Since you don't want to lose in this argument, let's just both sleep here." She said while putting a pillow between them.
The bed was actually just enough for them to lay on their backs with a pillow barrier in between. If they would move, their skins would touched.
"I don't know if I'll be happy or not that you are this stubborn as well." Gusion said then he sighed.
"I have enough training with the stubborn thing with Harley. I swear, he is worse than you." Lesley said while chuckling.
He couldn't help it but to smile but a sad one, "How I wish I am also close with my siblings."
Lesley didn't speak but she looked at him, implying him to tell her more.
"I have six siblings. You know that Paxleys– well except for me– aren't really fond of using weapons. I already told you that." Gusion said, and she nodded.
She already knew about that oaths and traditions of his family, on how the Elders made him chose before– but he never mentioned his siblings or parents.
"I'm the only one who took interest about weapons." Gusion continued, "My siblings were trained to be finest mages. And I was training all by myself, we weren't really have enough time to bond. They were against me for using weapons, but nonetheless they didn't leave any negative comments about me. Only the Elders."
"But now, I want to ask you a question." Gusion said and he shifted to face her, "You have a picture of my mother. Why is that?"
Lesley sighed and grabbed the locket then opened it, "The one on the right side is my adopted mother, Kimberly Vance. She is a pure mage." She pointed the one in the middle, "And this is my biological mother, Ainsley Hunter. She's an assassin."
Gusion's eyes widened, "And the one on the right side is my mother, Rita Paxley. She was an assassin too before but she had to give up her weapon because the Elders wouldn't agree for her to marry my father if she won't."
She hummed, "So our mothers were friends back then."
Gusion stared at tge ceiling for a while while thinking, "I remember seeing that picture too, my mother also has the same locket as yours."
"I think it's their kind of friendship thing. I remember my adopted mother wearing also like this one."
"But how did they met? I mean, it makes sense that your mother and my mother know each other since they were both assassins and from the Machiavellian. But how come they met Lady Vance?" Gusion asked.
She shook her head, "I don't have any idea. My adopted mother didn't tell me any story about it."
They were silent for a while, letting the information to sink in to their minds.
"So we already have a connection even before we met." Gusion whispered, audible enough to Lesley.
Gusion shook his head, "Must be fate."
"I didn't know men believe in things such as fate." She teased him.
Lesley couldn't help it but to laugh when Gusion rolled his eyes.
"May I know where you got your daggers?" Lesley asked.
"I accidentally saw my mother, opening the box where she kept these when I was still a kid." Gusion answered, "I am always been fascinated with swords, since sword is my mother's weapon. I didn't know where she got these but she said that it was from a dear friend of hers. The first time I saw the daggers, it attracted me instantly. I wanted to keep them."
So my mother gave the daggers to Gusion's mother. Makes sense since they were both assassins. Lesley thought.
She smiled and brushed his hair, "I'm thankful that the daggers went to someone like you Gus."
Gusion looked at her confusedly.
Lesley smiled at him, "The daggers you are using were my late mother's weapon. Please take care of them."
Lesley didn't know how long she and Gusion were talking last night. The last thing she remembered was they were amazed with the fact that they have connection, their mothers were friends.
She knew it was already dawn, she could feel the cold breeze coming from the window. She was about to get up but there was something that stopping her from doing so.
There was something heavy around her waist and legs. A hot breath was also fanning to her neck.
Lesley panicked. She just now remembered that she and Gusion slept on the same bed!
She tried to wriggle out from Gusion, tapping his arm, "Gusion, wake up."
But he just groaned and tightened his embrace to her, snuggling to her neck even more.
"Gus, come on. You're heavy." Lesley complaint while trying to remove his arm from her.
"Don't. You're so warm." He mumbled, "So soft."
Lesley blushed a thousand shades of red. She didn't know if he was still asleep or not. But his breathing was still even. Maybe he was just sleep talking.
Sighing in defeat, Lesley just let him be. His hug was comforting her so she sank into slumber once again.
I wanna add something more in the last part but I think it isn't necessary so I decided not to XD
They are near Swan Kingdom again. Do you know what it means? *evil smile*
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