Chapter Seven
Another day passed. Another day of not finding a clue where she could find Harley.
Lesley sighed after she threw another branch to the bonfire.
She was actually losing hope on finding Harley but she would immediately shake off that idea.
No, I will find Harley. I will.
She looked at the map that a kind vendor gave her earlier. The map of the whole Land of Dawn. The vendor informed her that she was in the southern part of the Moniyan Empire.
She looked closely and saw that there was a kingdom in the southern part of the empire.
Swan Kingdom.
"Never heard of this kingdom before." Lesley whispered.
She folded the map and decided to get some sleep before she travelled to the next town.
"Yes, that's what I heard."
"It was said that the group also attacked the other cities as well."
"Does the empire already know about this?"
"Yes, they have sent one of their best warriors for this matter. I heard she's the sister of the leader of the Moniyan warriors."
Fanny? Lesley thought as she accidentally heard the conversation of the city people she was currently in.
She was showing a picture of Harley and asking people if they saw him, but she was receiving the same answer from them.
Sighing, she decided to rest for a while since she was quite tired already. She had been walking since dawn, and it was almost noon now.
She was about to buy some fruits then she noticed a little girl with big ears and pink hair with a tail.
Lesley cocked her head to the right as she stared at the girl carefully.
Her appearance looks familiar.
The girl was actually eyeing the fruits in front of her. Lesley could even see hearts in her eyes.
"Do you want some fruits?" Lesley asked the girl.
"Will you give me if I do?" The girl asked hopefully.
Lesley chuckled and nodded, "Of course. What do you want?"
"Can I have strawberries? I haven't tasted those because Miya said they were expensive." The girl said.
The southern part of the Land of Dawn had actually tropical climate, so growing of strawberries was quite hard. Maybe that was why strawberries were expensive in these places.
Lesley heard a faint "Excuse me, have you seen a cat elf girl with pink hair?" on the background. Lesley calculated that she had enough money to survive for a month.
She smiled, "Okay. You can have strawberries."
The little girl's face lighted up into a smile before jumping with joy. The vendor was also smiling while handing the strawberries to the little girl.
"Thank you miss! Thank you!" The little girl exclaimed, "You're so kind! I wish all people are like you!" She bit on the strawberry, "Unlike those bad people who hurt a human and her saber-toothed tiger. If I didn't saw and saved them, I didn't know what will happen to them."
Lesley smiled and patted the girl's head, "That's so brave of you. You deserve these strawberries."
The girl smiled and then her eyes widened, "Oh! My bad! I haven't introduce myself." She wiped her hand that she used for eating strawberries, "My name is–"
The little girl was cut off when they heard someone shouted that name. And there, they saw an elf with white hair in a ponytail, carrying a bow.
"I told you not to wander off! It's dangerous!" The newcomer scolded the little girl, "And it's not good to talk to strangers."
"But she bought me strawberries." The little girl named Nana said in a low voice.
The newcomer looked at Lesley before looking back to Nana, "And what if this stranger has an evil plan or worst kill you–"
"If I want to do something bad to her then you wouldn't see her just now." Lesley cut off, feeling pissed she was being judged by someone she didn't know, "And don't scold the kid for wandering off when it was clear that you are at fault too for not paying attention enough to her."
The elf was seemed taken aback and embarassed as she looked down, "I– I'm sorry. I didn't mean to judge you like that. I was just worried–"
"Nah." Lesley said while she raised her right hand, "It's fine. Just be more careful next time."
She was about to turn her back when Nana called her, "Wait Miss! I haven't introduce myself and haven't know your name."
"Let us treat you for lunch as an apology. Please?" The white-haired elf said.
Lesley just sighed and smiled a little to them before nodding.
They headed to a small eatery and once they settled on the table with their food, the little girl started the conversation.
"My name is Nana and this is Miya. Miya is actually on a mission and I just tagged along." Nana said while they were eating.
"Mission?" Lesley frowned.
"To find a new Elf King." Miya said as she nodded, "Our race is in danger so I need to find the new king as soon as possible."
"I'm hoping for your success." Lesley said sincerely.
"How about you Miss?" Nana said while her mouth was still full with mushrooms so she earned a light hit on her arm from Miya.
"Don't talk when your mouth is full." Miya scolded Nana.
Nana giggled, "Sorry."
Lesley smiled at them, "By the way, my name is Lesley and I am currently searching for my little brother."
"What happened?" Miya asked woth worry.
"Someone took him. It had been months actually but I'm not losing hope." Lesley said with a sad smile.
Miya and Nana held both of her hands, trying to cheer her up. She felt better a little. She just met them, but she could feel their sincerity to her.
"It makes me miss my family more now." Nana said, "After we find a new King, I'll go straight home."
"I thought you love adventures?" Miya asked.
"I do." Nana smiled, "But there's no place like home. I miss the Magic Forest."
Lesley's eyes widened and looked at Nana, "Magic Forest?"
Nana frowned in confusion, "Yes, it's my home."
Lesley put a hand on her mouth with the information.
Oh my goodness–
"Y-you're a Leonin?" She carefully asked the feline.
Nana nodded, confusion was still written in her face, as well as Miya's.
"How long you haven't been home?" Lesley asked.
"A year and a half I think?" Nana answered, "Why Miss Lesley? Is there any problem?"
That brought tears to her eyes.
Oh my goodness, the little girl doesn't know that their whole race was wiped out, except for Harith. I don't want to break her heart.
Lesley composed herself, trying to stop her tears from falling. "Can you go to the Moniyan Castle first?"
"Why?" Miya asked, "It's a bit far from here."
"Please? For Nana." Lesley said, a tear successfully escaped her left eye, "I'm not in the right place to say things to Nana but there is someone in the empire who is a Leonin as well. He will be very happy to see you, Nana."
"There's a Leonin that is a Moniyan warrior? Wow! That Leonin must be strong!" Nana exclaimed then she faced Miya, "Can we go please? We could asked the empire to help us find a new king too!"
Miya sighed, "Alright, as if you'll not stop convincing me until I agree."
Nana shouted 'Yes!' while jumping before hugging Miya. "Thank you Miya!"
"Thank you for the information Lesley. Will you come with us?" Miya asked her.
She shook her head, "I'm sorry but I won't. I don't have the courage to face them anymore."
"Excuse me, but have you seen this woman?" Gusion asked a town person, before showing a picture of the magenta-haired sniper.
The person shook his head and that cycle went on.
He hadn't still found Lesley and it had been a week.
He didn't know how many towns or cities he went to find her but there was still no trace of Lesley Vance.
Actually, Gusion still didn't know why he was searching for her when she broke a promise to him.
He shouldn't be here. He should be at the castle now, but what was he doing?
Shaking his head, Gusion went on his way to a vendor to ask the same question and showed the vendor Lesley's picture.
The vendor's face lighted up, "Ah yes! I saw her. She was here yesterday."
Gusion felt excited all of a sudden, "Really? Do you know where she went after?"
"I gave her a map of Land of Dawn actually. I think she is on the next town as we speak now." The vendor answered.
Gusion's excitement went down when he realized something.
The current town he was in actually had four towns around it.
So which one?
"Is she your lover? Did she runaway from you?" The vendor asked Gusion.
He felt his cheeks warmed, "N-no. She is just a friend actually. I want to help her find her little brother."
The vendor hummed, "Shouldn't you find her little brother instead of finding her? That way, it will be easier."
Gusion was appalled and felt his cheeks became warmer, "A-actually, I–"
"But instead, you want to see her first?" The vendor cut him while smiling, "Love really has its own way."
"You got it wrong." Gusion defended.
"I'm right, you're just denying it or you just haven't realized it." The vendor said, "Think like you were in her shoes, if you were running away, where should you head to?"
Gusion was confused at first before realizing what the vendor said. He smiled widely, "Thank you very much, Ma'am. Please accept this." He said while handing the vendor a small bag of gold.
The vendor refused, "No. You'll need it. Now go."
Gusion smiled at the vendor one last time before running towards south.
I'll find you this time Lesley Vance. Hide and seek is over.
I'm not feeling well actually but I want to update this book since I have a draft. Hahaha.
Hmm... is hide and seek really over? Hmm...
Next chapter will be next year. HAHAHAHAHA.
We're coming near to Swan Kingdom and that means– *dun dun dun dun~* *evil laugh*
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