I groaned as the sunlight hit my face in an unforgiving way, why was I being woken up to torture by light. "Savage close the curtains." I mumbled in an almost stable voice, I was still drowsy and I wasn't exactly the best morning person when I was sick. I felt the bed dip on my side then arms wound around my body making me fully aware that Savage was asleep spooning me and whoever had come was not him, then his scent hit me.
"Rallie." I groaned yet again when he chuckled and kisses rained down on my face. "Stop it Rallie." I grunted out but he only became worse with his sloppy kisses. "For the love of the goddess." I cursed lowly as I heard another chuckle in the room. "Morning hermosa, and get off my mate pervert." Savage muttered as he kicked Rallie off the bed who was now laughing, I was fully awake and aware, which meant I could feel Savage's very hard shaft on my ass and it made my cheeks flare up.
"Ignore it." He whispered in my ear before kissing me. "You two are fucking adorable." The perverted manchild was still in our bedroom which made me groan and sigh, I was used to him by now. "Why are you waking us up so early fool?" Savage questioned with a glare directed at Rallie who didn't even look fazed by it. "Its almost midday, and you were out like a light because your body has been healing Matty this whole while." He replied with that smarty pants grin, Ralliel was many things, he might act childish but he was incredibly smart, he got that from his dad, Linden, both him and his brother were geniuses.
"I know that, but midday seriously." Savage asserted and he turned to look at the clock, it was almost midday indeed. "Wake up, and come down for breakfast, we are also having a party, to celebrate a lot of things at the packhouse." He informed us and I narrowed my eyes on him, this was just an excuse to party and get drunk even if there was a threat on our heads, why didn't I see that coming, no one partied like a Heathen or Everlin and with how much I knew the pack needed this, I had to concede to the idea, tension was high and we needed the party.
"Fine." I mumbled my response and the manchild alpha fist bumped the air and ran out, Ralliel never lost his youth it was always refreshing and fun to be around him, he always made you smile even when you almost died last night. "I love you." Savage mumbled as he looked at me without wavering, I wondered how the atmosphere had gotten this serious. "I know you almost lost me Savage but we can't keep holding on to it, Koda was there, you and everyone else were there to save us, I know you feel like you failed and that you could've done more but you already did, and I would never stop loving you because of what happened, youre not inadequate in my eyes, you're perfect." I relayed every strand of truth my heart held, that's how I truly felt about Savage and I knew he would beat himself up for not doing more in making sure I was safe.
"You know me oh so well." He confessed and I chuckled placing a kiss on his perfect lips. "I grew up with you, you're my best friend and I've been in love with you for so long I can't remember when I even started, so yes I would know you." I smugly replied and he kissed me again with more force this time whilst coming on top of me. "Lets do this in this the shower Rallie will murder us if he finds us still in bed." I stated in between kisses. "Or film the whole thing." Savage suggested whilst picking me up, I couldn't help laugh at the suggestion but in all honesty, it was true, he might just do that.
The shower was barely a shower, with me completely healed Savage had his wicked way with me and I loved every single pounding minute of it. "I think he will kill us still." I exclaimed drying off Savage's back and he chuckled. "He can't blame us for enjoying each other." He mischievously replied as he turned to me and wound his arms around me. "No no, I'm not letting you stall me, I will not face Ralliel's wrath, face like an angel." I stated with a grin. "Wicked ways of the devil." Savage finished what we all knew about Ralliel, he was sinister when he wanted to be.
So we dried up, lotioned, I picked out our clothes and both of us made our way downstairs, the events of last night weren't as fresh in my mind but I knew they were real, I had just not dwelled on them until they became a dull memory, I still appreciated life but I also had another view, not every wolf in the world was going to be nice, some were out for blood without mercy, and wanted to enslave their own kind for selfish gain, it really broke my heart but I had to accept it, that was a reality I knew existed and never wanted to accept, until now.
When we got to the kitchen papa was baking whilst dad was eating chocolate chip cookies, obviously papa had made those specifically for his pregnant mate who had sporadic eating habits. "Morning dad, morning papa." Savage and I both said it at the same time making our parents laugh, it was always a thing that stuck since we were little. "Good morning babies, how are you feeling my little bebe." Papa mumbled sweetly as he checked me over, all the wounds were gone, thank the Goddess for wolf healing.
"Im fine papa." I stood on my tip toes to place a kiss on his cheek, he was in no way helping me by lowering himself, mean man, I sat next to dad and placed a kiss on his cheek too, he was glowing, pregnancy really did make Aries Heathen glow, more than usual too. "Heard about the party?" Savage air quoted his question making me roll my eyes, and both our parents nod, of course they did, they were party animals, we were only missing the former beta and his mate along with the current one Gerrit and his mate.
It was a party then, I immediately moved away from my seat when dad set breakfast sausage and eggs in front of me, the sausages made me want to heave everything I had eaten, which there was none, it was probably a side effects of the medication I got but the look from dad said otherwise, papa immediately removed the plate and gave it to Savage who ate happily as if nothing was wrong. "Matty sit down, you need to eat." Dad states warmly and I sighed walking back to my seat and sat down.
Breakfast consisted of pancakes, bacon and eggs after that, when it was finished Ralliel walked in carrying several boxes with Koda and some other wolves behind him. "I had Papa send over the good stuff since I couldn't find some in the city." He directed his statement to Savage and papa and I knew this day and night slowly approaching, they would be up to no good. "I swear if you guys hold hands naked and sing kumbaya around the bonfire like last time I'm leaving you out there." I grumbled out taking my plate and cutlery along with Savage's to the sink.
"Dont worry hermosa, it wont happen." Savage comforted but that's what they said last time they got white girl wasted. "I need to go check on any of the families who still remain near the territory boarder, get them food or supplies, Koda let's go, I will be back in an hour, if not come find me." I stated with a smile and kissed Savage a little longer than usual, he smacked my ass before I fully let go and walked out with Koda and another wolf behind me, I knew he would worry so we had to be quick.
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