We all come to a point in our lives when we realize that the things we've done will always have consequences and those consequences we will have to live by, how do you live with the consequences of a somewhat forbidden love and along with that forbidden love, is the truth that even though you're afraid that the people you love will not accept it, you'll still love the person they don't want you with, my greatest fear is losing the people I love for the man I've chosen to love.
"So, how was shopping?" Papa asks whilst I help him set up for dinner, my siblings bless their hearts are busy being pampered by dad even though they were with him when they caused havoc at the Cold Lake Pack. "It was eventful and fun, I'd missed the twins." I replied innocently trying to tiptoe around what we both already knew he was asking. "Is that so, I didn't know fun included you being drenched in the alpha's scent only days after he rejected his mate." Impressive as always, I had been caught and he knew the truth, somehow I couldn't avoid it, he was Heathen for goddess sake.
"Okay fine general perceptive, I wanted to talk to you about it and I didn't know how you would react, you're my pops and he's my brother, how do you tell your father that." I blurted out everything as he chuckled at my obvious embarrassment on the particular topic, I could be open with pops but some topics were just too messy to talk about especially if it included chains. "My little pup, did you really think we didn't know, and that we didn't support you." He retorted making my jaw drop.
"How—how long have you uh, —known?" That was hard to ask but I had to know, had it been months or years, our whole lives maybe, it was jarring that both our parents had known and I had sleepless nights dreading the day I would actually tell the both of them about how much I loved Savage, and how I was afraid that they couldn't or wouldn't accept it. "Ever since you moved to your house, we had suspicions." His reply made me choke on air, that was a very long time.
"Papa you knew all that time and you said nothing." I accused hoping the amount of shock in my system would wear off sooner. "You didn't say anything either and we wanted you two to figure things out on your own, it might have taken years considering Savage is a wolf that had a mate but it worked out didn't it, and that's a good thing, isn't it." He defended and explained in a way I understood, I couldn't argue with pops because their plan had been the right now, they had left me and Savage to figure things out for ourselves and indeed if they had interfered I don't think we would've reached the stage we are at now.
"I understand." I mumbled as my larger than life best papa in the world engulfed me in his arms, it always felt good to be in his arms, to feel protected, as if nothing in the world could harm you, not even yourself. "My little pup, you're all grown up, whatever decision you make your dad and I will always support you as long as we don't have to kill someone, and I know it may have seemed hard to come talk to us but remember, we're here for you, always." He comforted me whilst I reveled in his warmth, I understood that I had been irrational in thinking my parents wouldn't support us but what child would be brave enough to tell their parents something like this.
"So you're really okay with me and Savage being together?" I questioned for extra assurance, I still needed that because somehow it hadn't registered in my head that they were okay with it. "It's going to need time to get used to but not a lot since both of you grew up naked around each other and your father and I have seen the many situations where your brother had to—you know what, it's fine." He replied with a slight pause that made me realize Savage had very embarrassing moments in front of our parents, how I was going to enjoy prying them out of dad.
"Thank you, papa." I cheered placing a kiss on his stubbled cheek, for someone with four kids and another on the way, he still looked way too young. "You're welcome little one, now let's get dinner by the table before your brothers come hounding us like dogs." He chortled making the both of us laugh as we hurriedly set down the dinner we both had made, with my papa having put everything in perspective, it was time I had a conversation with the alpha who spun my world with only kisses, but that could wait, I was hungry.
"Honey, boys, dinner!" Papa yelled and just then Ren barrel rolled into the dining room whilst Robbie was hopping into the dining room as if food was the last thing on his mind, my brooding alpha came along with dad, they seemed to be slightly annoyed which meant they were hungrier than usual, I wondered how papa was going to deal with dad's mood swings, I for one did not want to be around when they started.
"Should I get our guest bedroom ready now or later." I mumbled just as Savage placed a kiss on my cheek and sat down next to me, he smirked with a slight chuckle that earned suspicious looks from dad and he wiped it off immediately. "Better get it ready now." He whispered in an amused tone making the both of us chuckle. "Okay love birds we get it, you're shagging, we don't need a preview at the dinner table." Robbie grumbled whilst taking a bite of his garlic bread.
"Robbie don't be bitter just because you're not getting some." I retorted making Ren and dad burst out laughing, Papa was standing for solidarity with Robbie but his face told otherwise. "I'm not bitter, and I'm definitely not thirsty." My brother defended but it only made the whole table laugh even more because we all knew he was dried out. "If you say so." Savage mumbled making dad glare at him but only for a minute as he burst out laughing again.
"That is enough, leave my pup alone." Papa announced but the amusement had already been passed, we ate dinner in relative conversation, the twins were doing great with their studies, dad and papa finally announced the news about our sibling on the way. "With you banging the alpha older brother, does that officially make you luna, and that question is not just for the family, it's for the pack?" Ren questioned making me groan, how did they not understand that Savage and I hadn't even done it yet.
"We haven't even gone on our first date." I stated hoping he would drop the subject. "Oh so that means you will be luna, after facing—." He cut himself off with a pained hiss, I knew Savage or Robbie had dealt that blow to shut him up before he went further. "You okay buddy, need more dessert?" Papa innocently asked and my poor Ren nodded whilst trying to cover up his pain, oh I had missed dinner like this, Robbie was barely holding his mouth shut whilst Savage had his signature smirk on, they were guilty for our brother's pain.
"When it happens, it will happen." I called out replying Ren who nodded eagerly, papa gave us all more dessert instead of Ren only but I couldn't eat because the doorbell decided to ring at that moment. "I will get it." I declared whilst getting up and dragging my feet to the door, swinging it open I didn't expect the person on the other side. "Alexis."
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