Weeks had began to fly by as you tried your best to keep Dashi hidden and juggle the new found friendship with Karmi. She was pushy, but that was just her way of hiding insecurities.
You were patient and ever kind, though at times you used a more strict tone of voice as a warning. Karmi knew partially of your limits now and had yet to cross them.
Dashi was open with you as he had no one else he could really trust on. You didn't hide anything from him anymore not wanting to disappoint him. For some reason the angry look he gave you when he knew you were lying stuck with you.
Today was no different as your father threw another tantrum.
"You've been running around with someone haven't you!" He yelled slamming his fist on the table. You jerked backward at the abruptness.
"Y-yes sir. A girl though and I swear she doesn- ah!" You barely caught a scream in your throat as he shoved you against the corner of a wall.
"If she finds out anything! Ill make you wish you were never born. You hear me!?!" He screamed.
"Yes sir." You answered promptly. He growled then left to go out with his friends. You glanced up at the clock.
"2 o'clock pm." You mummbled. His schedule was getting esrlier with each day. He was anxious. You didn't understand why he didn't kill you.
With a sigh you walked to the garage and opened the door. Dashi was looking at you with an unreadable expression.
"Uh hey dashi." You said with a small wave and a nervous smile. You saw a flicker of realization behind dashi's eyes.
"You remind me of someone." He muttered suddenly. You rubbed your sore shoulder as you slumped into your seat at your computer.
"Oh? Who?" You questioned booting it up.
"I.. I don't know." He mummbled quietly. "Someone important." You scoffed.
"I don't see why I remind you of them then. Im no one special." Dashi walked up behind you and you flinched. He seemed about to turn the chair you sat in around abruptly, but your flinch must've made him think twice.
"(Y/n)." His tone made you pause. It wasn't angry. Yet it held a firmness that caught your attention. "You saved my life. If you were no one special you wouldn't have come after me."
"Lotta good it did you." You mummbled feeling the despair in your gut. "I can't even find out who you are." Dashi pushed your chair gently then leaned on the armrests trapping you there.
"Hey! Im not giving up on you." The sincerity in his eyes caused your eyes to widen. No one had ever depeneded on you like this before. And no one had ever believed in you.
A new spark of determination ignited in your chest. And a smile crossed you lips. A sincere smile. One you hadn't wore since before you could remember.
"Alright." You said turning back to your computer. You flicked through news articles and skimmed them while dashi sat on the cot behind you with a smile.
An hour passed and you had found a few things on a 'Tadashi Hamada' but nothing on a Dashi. You frowned in confusion. Dashi...or Tadashi. Were you willing to gamble? It could be him. But what if this Tadashi fellow had been found and you were only finding the name of a dead man?
There was no sure way. Suddenly as you scrolled the air left you lungs when you read the only other victim.
"Robert Callaghan." It read in bold. You felt a pang of guilt smack into your gut. Your uncle had been in the fire?! You hadn't even known! You had let him die! This was partially your fault.
Dashi was at your side in an instant. His arm around your shoulders and bent at the waist to your height.
"(Y/n)?! What's the matter?" Tears formed in your eyes. You couldn't even breathe let alone explain.
When you were young and even as you grew older your uncle and you were close. He acted like a real father and you almost envied your cousin abigail. He had tried to convince your father to let him have custody but it had never worked.
He knew about the abuse. But your father had threatened to end your life if your uncle even so much as muttered about talking to a police officer.
He was your one friend for years. Recently he had been too caught up in a big prodject to visit. But he called when he could. With everything keeping you busy you hadn't even considered that something could have happened.
"(Y/n)?!" Dashi's voice pulled you from your thoughts abruptly. His tone was panicked. Tears flooded your vision causing it to blur.
"D-dashi." You whimpered quietly. The pain seemed to rip what was left of your heart apart slowly. The more that realization sunk in the deeper it felt. Dashi saw the pain in your eyes and hugged you close holding your head in his shoulder.
Sobs escaped your lips as you buried your face in his shoulder. It had been years since you cried. It felt.... nice. Freeing even. But the pain didn't fade and eventually you fell asleep through your tears and Dashi placed you in your bed and pulled the covers over your sleeping form.
Then he sat on his cot. Bending his elbows he rested them on his knees and clasped his hands togeather and pressed his lips against his clasped fists in thought.
Your reaction had sparked a memory. One long forgotten that seemed buried deep in his mind. Like a memory of a long since past dream.
"Dashi?" A small voice whispered. Dashi looked up at a small boy maybe 2 years old at best. The young boy had tears in his eyes. "When's mommy and daddy coming back?" Something about the question caught dashi off guard and hurt.
Suddenly his own voice but much younger spoke in return causing his heart to clench in his chest.
"Hiro, mommy and daddy....they...they aren't coming back buddy."
The memory ended abruptly and dashi blinked. Hiro. That was the boy's name. It definately sounded familiar.
"Hiro." Dashi whispered testing the name on his toungue. His little brother no doubt. Dashi analyzed the new piece of information with a frown. He didn't have parents. And his little brother was much too young to care for himself.
Dashi frowned in worry. Was his brother ok? What had happened to him when the fire broke out? Had hiro died in the fire? Was that why he ran in?
These questions made dashi uneasy and without much thought he sat at your desk. He didn't want to intrude, but he had to know.
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