"Y/N!" Your father shouted loudly as he burst into the garage. You didn't move to ensure your father wouldn't see the man.
"You." He growled pointing a finger at you and stomping over.
"Where have you been all night?! What were you doing?! Are you some kinda slut now?! Answer me!" You dad grabbed your arm fiercely and you only clenched your teeth to keep from yelping.
"N-no sir." You stammered between small gasps of pain. "I-I-I was working late last n-night to get some extra money I'll get it to you tomarrow." You said quickly before he could see the guy.
Your father seemed to relax at the idea of money. Then glared at you and threw you into the wall causing your head to crack against it painfully.
"Next time message me or something!" He shouted before leaving and slamming the door behind him.
You knelt up trying to ease your trembling. You could have swore he'd see the guy, but your father was most often drunk even if he had seen the guy, your father would most likely write it off as a hallucination. You might as well work to get your mind of the pain. After that close of an encounter sleep was no option. Nightmares would rack you for a while.
Walking over to the guy you inspected his minor injuries and got to work on fixing them up. An hour or two passed and the guy started to stir.
You hadn't noticed as you were too busy trying to find a list of casualties from the fire. But it was too soon. The internet had nothing. And you still had no clue who this guy was.
"Um hello?" You jumped in your seat. And flipped around. The guy had sat up and the blankets slipped off him some. "Who are you?" He asked a bit cautiously.
"Huh? Oh uh I'm (y/n) and this is my house. I noticed you were hurt so I um took care of it for you." You tried to explain, but your neglected to think up some decent lie for bringing him here instead of the hospital. Welp, better late than never. "You didn't look too bad so I was just gonna fix them up and send you home when you woke up. Ya know cause the hospital bills can get kinda pricey for nothin'." You said rubbing the back of your neck and smiling nervously. The guy smiled at you.
"Uh thanks. What happened though?" You tilted your head to the side with a confused frown.
"You don't remember?" To which the man shook his head.
"Um no. C-come to think of it I can't remember anything...do you know my name by chance?" He asked panic lacing his tone with a hint of hope and your stomach dropped.
"Oh boy." You whispered quietly. "This is gonna be one heck of a day." You stood and stretched some. "No I don't know you. I saw you run into the SFIT building while it was on fire. I grabbed you and some guy in a mask saved us but was acting shady so I got us away from him." You explained simply.
The man seemed to blink at you for a moment as if you were insane or something. You sighed and clicked on a news clip of the fire from last night.
"Look, that's what happened last night. If you don't believe me that's fine I really don't care. But yes, we gotta get you home." You said as you watched the man freeze once he saw the computer screen.
"Woah." His brown eyes grew wide with shock and then horror when what you said registered. "I ran in there?"
"Yeah." You said quietly. This guy really didn't remember a thing. Not even who he was. You were practically already six feet under. You'd never met the guy before and frankly you were no detective.
Running your fingers through your hair you jumped at another sudden text message.
"Aren't you gonna answer me?" It read and you rose a brow.
"Pushy aren't cha'?"
"Pardon?" The man asked with a confused look.
"Oh no not you. Look I really have to get you home." You said getting to a stand. The man gave you a worried frown.
"Do you know where I live?" You let out a breath and fell back into the chair.
"No. I don't even know your name." You were trying to think of your next move when your phone went off again. Without even reading the text you started to type.
"Really sorry can't talk right now promise I'll text later."
Seconds later your phone went off again.
"Whatever." You huffed and rolled your eyes. Suddenly the man spoke.
"Huh?" You asked looking up from your phone.
"Dashi. I remember some kid calling me it." He said his hand on his forehead as he tried to focus.
"What kid?" You asked excitedly sitting up.
"I don't know." Dashi said with a sigh. "Some two year old or something. Cute kid though."
"What did he look like?" You pressed. This was something. Not much but something and right now you would take what you could get.
"Messy brown hair, big brown eyes, buck teeth." Dashi replied simply. Your smile faded. You hadn't seen any two year old. Now that you thought of it there was a kid next to him but he had to be your age atleast.
"Maybe a baby brother?" You asked forgetting about the boy your age as he clearly wasn't important.
"Maybe....yeah, yeah that sounds right." Dashi said with a nod as he thought.
"Do you know his name?" You asked hopefully. Dashi shook his head and offered you an apologetic smile.
"Nah. Sorry." You sighed and stood up.
"Don't worry about it. You can stay here but you can't let my dad see you. Or he'll be really mad." You tried to down play it but still get across the urgency.
Suddenly shouting erupted from inside the house and it consisted mostly of your name.
"One moment." You said sweetly before dashing inside. The kitchen had pots and pans strewn about on the floor with several smashed plates everywhere. You looked down at the mess and carefully maneuvered around it to make sure you didn't make it worse.
"(Y/n)!" Your father shouted loudly as he stomped into the room. You jolted and your head snapped up.
"You hadn't done any dishes so I bumped the counter and they fell. Now look at this mess!" He grabbed your arm so suddenly that you yelped.
"You useless little brat! Must I do everything myself!?" He yelled throwing you on the floor. You hit the glass shards with a small scream. And barely pushed yourself up not daring to look up as he continued.
"I want this cleaned up now! And heaven help you if I come back and it isn't done!" He yelled before walking out the front door. With a wince you stood. Holding your now bloodied right arm you glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall.
"3 o'clock." You muttered. "That's early." Your dad would leave to go drinking with his friends most nights. But only around 5 or 6 never this early unless he was especially upset.
Then it hit you. Last night he must have heard the police sirens. Maybe he had assumed you'd went to the police. You picked up the mess and tried to think of what to do with Dashi. Certainly someone would realize he was missing and come looking right?
No, the fire burned that hope to a crisp. You could always research the 'victims' of the fire but that might take a while to get to the press. You started to formulate a plan. SFIT would definitely be a no go for a while as the school would be closed due to damages.
You didn't dare go to the police. If any of your dad's friends saw you it'd be curtains. And you had Dashi to think about. Once you finished the task you went outside to get cleaned up.
You were so lost in thought you forgot to hide your injuries or come up with a lie. You simply opened the garage door and jumped when you heard a gasp.
Dashi stared at you with wide eyes. At first you looked at him with a baffled stare. But then realization hit you as Dashi pushed himself out of your cot and rushed over.
"Are you ok?" He asked worry evident in his voice as he inspected your arm and your shoulder blades.
"Fi-fine. Here just let me-ah." You yelped as Dashi pushed you onto the cot and picked up the first aid kit you'd left near it. "What-wait what are you-" you asked as he walked behind you with this determined look.
"You helped me. Now I'm going to help you." You glanced over your shoulder.
"Look, that's sweet and all but I can- ah! Hey!" You shouted as he pulled out some of the shards with a pair of twezers he'd obviously found in the kit.
"Sorry. Hold still." Dashi said putting the bloody glass on a table next to the cot. You tried not to flinch and bit your lip to keep from crying out. You didn't want to startle him.
After a few minutes of this you heard him mumble out something but didn't quite catch it.
"Come again?" You asked quietly. Barely stopping yourself from gasping as he pulled out one from under your shoulderblade.
"I said I wish baymax was here." You frowned.
"What's a baymax?" Dashi shrugged at your question before continuing.
"No clue."
When he finished he bandaged your arm and then you two sat in silence. And you figetted with your fingers trying to come up with a lie.
"So, what happened in there?" Dashi asked finally and you frowned. A lie still hadn't come to you. Normally they came right on time and were perfect but nothing came to mind. So you sat there for a few seconds.
"It was an accident." You said your tone more unsure than you wanted it to be as you glanced up to meet his gaze. Dashi was clearly unconvinced as he gave you a look.
"I heard him yelling." Dashi confessed and your gaze fell back to the floor. "Does he ... Hurt you?" Dashi asked carefully. Part of you wanted to yell at him but the stronger half wanted very much to tell him everything. But you resigned to a different approach.
"No." You said simply with a forced smile and laugh. "Of course not it was an accident. I fell and-" Dashi was giving you an angry look that clearly said. 'Don't lie to me'. You sighed in defeat.
"Fine ok. Yeah he does but he's the only family I've got so." You said trailed off. Dashi gave you a small worried frown.
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok." You said truthfully. "I mean I've got friends right?" You threw him a hopeful smile which Dashi returned.
"Yeah." You jumped up and headed for your computer. "Alright then, friend. Let's get you home."
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