01: The List
It's only three months until our much-awaited high school graduation. Finally, I'm weeks away from getting a diploma and a plane ticket to get away from this godforsaken place.
Words can't even describe how much I hate high school.
A heavy sigh escapes my purple-painted lips as I look around the crowded cafeteria of Satan's School for Girls, a top-tier boarding school exclusive for daughters of high-class demons.
In here, all kinds of chaos get stirred up every single day.
Just imagine the drama three hundred devil spawns with raging hormones could create when they're holed up in a place that is being run by the worst of the worst. The sight is never pretty.
And to be honest, I've outgrown it all.
Now, all I want to do is to pack my Chanel bags, leave this place with my girls and never look back.
There's a catch though; there always is. The last school requirement for us seniors is a total pain in the ass.
For the final individual assignment of the graduating class, we need to find ourselves a virgin to sacrifice.
In simpler terms, I need to get myself a boy and 'devirginize' said boy two weeks before D-day.
Our charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent will be tested in this project. Then, we need to write a 15-page, single-spaced and handwritten paper on the experience as a culmination of everything we have learned in school for the past four years.
How crazy. How fucking evil.
This should have been a piece of cake to me. I'm Ruby Jane Kim for Satan's sake. My pussy is always fresh and tight. Not to mention, I've had sex with lots of guys since I can remember. Clearly, I had tons of practice.
But, a problem has been brewing at our side of town that could ruin my chances of graduating.
There has been a scarcity of virgins in our area for quite sometime now. Worse, there are 50 of us whose names are in the graduating list and so the number of potential targets is quickly declining everyday.
Shit is about to go down for real.
Lili, the youngest member of the squad, arrives then and plops down beside me in our designated table.
"Yerim said that she already has a prospect, a guy she met at the carnival last Saturday. That fucking bitch," the strawberry blonde sneers.
"What a fucking bitch, indeed," I agree. At this rate, we're going to run out of boys to fuck soon enough.
"I just want to do an innocent, cute boy and graduate," Lili whines, forcefully jamming a metal straw into the carton of her chocolate milk. "Is that too much to ask?"
"Amen to that," I take a sip from my cup of iced Americano, not really in the mood to listen to Lili's theatrics. These past couple of days, Netflix and caffeine are the only things that keep me sane.
Like rays of sunshine, Soo, our cheerleader captain, and Rosie, the squad's resident man-eater — literally and figuratively — finally make an appearance. I'm so blinded by the bright smiles plastered on their faces that I have to take out my Gucci sunglasses from my bag and wear them in a heartbeat, "we've got great news!"
"I just extorted a list of names from my older brother this morning. We just might graduate after all," Rosie singsongs, holding a piece of crumpled paper.
"Really?" The youngest is quick to snatch the paper from the dark-haired beauty's hand. She reads off the list one by one.
Bangtan Sonyeondan
Mon Kim - Leader
RJ Kim
Agust Min
Hope Jung
Mochi Park
Vante Kim
Justin Jeon
"Where are all these people from anyway?" I ask. I haven't heard of them before and they seem kind of sketchy. Mochi Park? What kind of name is that?
"They're these really elite high school boys from Holy Trinity Academy," Soo replies this time, "I think they're part of the student council or something."
I scrunch my face up in utter confusion, "isn't that the loser school from the other side of town?"
"You mean the reclusive school for angels? Yes, it is," our captain gives me a knowing look. "And it's perfect, don't you think? They're all virgins in that sad, old building of theirs."
I shake my head in disgust, "ew, the students from Trinity's are too fucking innocent, Soo. Those losers will not have sex with us even if we have beer-flavored nipples! I'm telling you now, it will be a lost cause."
"We don't have much choice here, now do we Ruby?" Rosie retorts, "we're losing fucktons of virgins every hour! We just need to up our game, is all. Be thankful that I even got us names."
Lili sighs, "I'm in. I'm too desperate to pass this up." She turns to me and pouts, she's such a child sometimes. "Besides, the other girls might get to them before we do. We need to act fast. How do we even divide the targets?"
"Well, I suggest you seduce their youngest," Soo says, "Justin Jeon. Easy enough for you, right?"
Lili thinks about it for a second before shrugging nonchalantly, "yeah, sure."
"Can I have two please?" Rosie smirks at us, "I call dibs on Hope Jung and Mochi Park."
"Do you know them?" I question, noting the way her eyes sparkle when she mentioned their names. Rosie Park is already on the move... why am I not surprised?
"Yes," she winks at me before fanning herself, "and they're gorgeous as hell."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her. Then, I face our captain, "what about you?"
"Mon Kim is mine," says Soo, "I want to take on the challenge of having sex with Trinity's school president. Oh, RJ and Vante Kim are mine, too."
"Just take all the Kims, you greedy bitch!" Lili laughs before they high-five each other. It was typical of Soo Kim to hog all of the goodies.
"And we've got a winner, baby," I stare at the name of Agust Min hastily scrawled on the paper. He could be an ugly motherfucker for all I know, but a bitch needs to graduate. "This should be interesting."
Without another thought, I climb up our table, garnering the attention of everybody in the room. "TO MY FELLOW SENIORS! I'M ONLY SAYING THIS TWICE SO Y'ALL BITCHES BETTER LISTEN UP. BANGTAN SONYEONDAN OF HOLY TRINITY ACADEMY IS OURS SO BACK THE HELL OFF!" I shout, my voice bouncing off the walls, "I REPEAT, BANGTAN SONYEONDAN IS OURS!"
End of 'The List'
Author's Note:
Welcome to my short BLACKTAN crackfic. I wasn't planning to start this so soon but I just couldn't write Utopia and NGCS so here I am, writing gibberish.
Please don't take the story seriously. I know for a fact that virginity is only a social construct. However, in this AU, all kinds of stupid shit will happen.
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