A Typical Day
-before I begin let me make somethings clear! If the text is in This form it's inner Sakura. If it is like this then it's someone's thoughts. 'If it is like this then it's Shadow communicating with Sasuke through telepathy.' If it's like this then it's a letter or note to Sakura-
-Shadow's POV-
It was a typical morning, I woke up to Sasuke shaking me awake way to early. It's 5 in the morning! The academy doesn't start until 8!
"Shadow, c'mon wake up!" Sasuke shouts.
"I-I'm u-u-up." I stutter out.
"Go get a shower, I'll make breakfast." He says and I nod. I know what you're thinking, the emo duck-butt isn't cruel to me, well of course not I'm his younger twin sister.
I get up and take a quick shower. I get out dry off, brush my teeth. I brush my hair out and decide to leave it down, I get dressed in my usual black dress with my fishnet crop top, black leggings. My fingerless gloves, my red arm warmers with my usual black ninja combat boots. I put my wrap around my left thigh and strap my weapons pouch there, then I strap my second pouch to my right hip. I put some mascara on with some lipgloss.
I walk out and see that Sasuke made eggs, tomatoes(-_-') and toast. I grab my plate and put some eggs and toast on it. "A-ar-arigatō, o-on-onīsan." I say as I start eating.
"Yōkoso, imōtonsan." He says smiling at me.
We eat in silence for a few before we hear a knock on the door. Onīsan got up and answered the door. He sighed in annoyance, "Shadow! It's the dobe!" He shouts.
I walk over to the door and smile small smile at Naruto. "H-he-hello, Na-Naru-san."
"Gah! Shy-chan! You're so cute! Believe it!" He says hugging me.
"Naruto, let her go. Geez, come on and let's go already." Sasuke says irritated at Naruto, he lets me go and we walk out towards the academy.
We walk in silence most of the way. "Hey, I'll meet up with you guys later! I gotta do something important! Believe it!" Naruto yells.
"D-d-do-don't get i-i-in t-tro-trouble." I say after him but he doesn't hear me as her runs to who knows where. Onīsan grabs my hand and we walk to the academy in complete but comfortable silence.
We get there relatively early like usual. Which is actually a really good thing because we can get to our seats. Well actually I can get to my seat without being pummeled by Sasuke's fan girls. I wish Sakura wasn't one of his fan girls.
We sit in the classroom in silence waiting for everyone to arrive. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know is that there are tons of fan girls surrounding us. Well more Sasuke.
'O-onīsan, I t-think i-i-I'll g-go si-sit w-with H-Hinata.' I tell him through our telepathy.
'Don't you even think about it! Imōtosan! Please don't leave me here with these creatures!' He growls and glares at me slightly, causing his fan girls to glare at me.
"What did you do to my Sasuke-kun to make him glare at you?!" Sakura-chan yells.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry S-Saku-Sakura." I say with tears brimming in my eyes but I hold them back and get up. 'I-I'll tr-tra-train wit-with y-you o-on-onīsan.' I get up quickly and go sit with Hinata.
We're a lot alike, we both stutter like crazy, we both have crushes who are oblivious to our liking of them. "H-hello Hi-Hina-Hinata-chan" I stutter out.
"H-hello Sh-Sha-Shadow-chan." She says smiling at me and I smile back as well.
"Shy-chan!" My fanboys yell as they come up and try to hug me. Yes I have fanboys just as Sasuke has fan girls.
"H-he-hello." I smile while blushing. I unconsciously pull my sleeves of my hoodie down.
Iruka-sensei comes in and tells everyone to sit down. He starts his lesson only to be interpreted by ANBU saying something about Naruto. I inwardly sigh. Oh Naruto, why are you always getting in trouble.
After awhile he comes back in with a tied up Naruto. He started lecturing him and all that fun stuff. "Because of Naruto you're all going to review taijutsu!" Iruka-sensei shouts.
Everyone groans except for me. I think reviewing things helps out rather well. Iruka-sensei called out names. I zoned out until I heard "Sakura Haruno and Shadow Uchiha." I felt my cheeks turn red.
"Sakura here! Alright, let's go!" She says getting into a fighting stance, I get into mine. I wait for her to make the first move, which she does. I block every hit until I see my opening.
"I-I'm sorry S-Sakura." I say as I take my hit, hitting her into the wall.
"Good job Sakura, great as usual Shadow." He says scribbling on his clip board.
"Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki." Iruka-sensei say. Sasuke obviously wins this fit but Naruto is improving, slightly anyways.
I get bored watching the fights so I take my seat and zone out, writing a letter out for Sakura-chan.
you did an amazing job with your taijutsu today. I just wanted to tell you that you looked amazing today, as alway. I hope one day we can be friends or maybe more.
From your secret admirer.
The bell rang for the end of class. I folded the letter up and quickly 'accidentally' bump into Sakura and slip the letter in her weapons pouch. Then walk away before I'm noticed.
"Come on Shadow, let's go train." Sasuke says grabbing my hand.
"O-ok-okay o-o-onīsan." I stutter out as we walk away.
We train the rest of the afternoon. Eventually our stomachs growl so we go inside and I make dinner. While Sasuke takes a shower. He gets out just before dinner is ready. As soon as dinner is done we sit down and eat. After we eat we watch a little bit of tv but I'm too tired to stay up any longer.
I yawn, "g-goo-goodnight onīsan." I hug him and he kisses my forehead muttering a goodnight before I walk away.
MariannaBL: hello my humble readers! I hope you like this story so far! Sorry for any spelling errors. So for the disclaimer I have *looks down at a piece of paper and pushes my glasses up my nose* ah yes. I have Ita-kun today.
*Itachi walks in* *fangirls and faints*
Itachi:*sigh* not again. Mar-chan, wake up. *starts shaking her*
MariannaBL: Ita-kun? *glomp*
Itachi:Mar-chan doesn't own Naruto. Vote, comment. You get the drift.
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