Chapter 11
It's been two weeks and I was in an unknown place probably the middle of nowhere but the piece of paper is still saying I'm in the right place, it took me so long because I couldn't figure out the damn paper. Suddenly a kuni was placed just above my neck as someone hold my hand behind me in a harsh way.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A smooth voice said making me swallow. When did she get there? I didn't even sense her or even smell her.
"I'm Rai from the red sand.. I was just looking for my mother." I say and the kuni slowly left my neck.
"Rai?" The woman asked as I turn around to look at her, she had long white hair with purple eyes but before I could admire her beauty she hugged me tight.
"So you decided to look for me after all." I widen my eyes. This is my mother? She pulls away looking into my eyes placing a hand on my cheek as small happy tears formed in her eyes.
"You're so beautiful.. you need to tell me everything." She said with a smile and somehow it was contagious as I smile back at her.
"Ok.. but first do you have any message birds? I promised someone I'd send a letter when I found you and it's been a month since then." I say as a grin came to her eyes.
"Of course." She said making me smile.
It's been years, training was hard, you'd think that because she's my mother she'd take it easy but she didn't. Anyway, Gaara and I have been sending letters back and forth and he told me he had become Kazekage normally I would get a response by the first day max of having send the letter but it's been two days and nothing. So I decided to head back.
"Be safe honey." Mom said as I give her a small smile but it was strained.. I was worried sick, there was a bad feeling at the pit of my stomach and I didn't like it.
"He's fine Rai." Mom said assuring me but I stayed quiet.
"I'll be leaving now mom. Make sure to visit the sand village soon." I say hugging her before I turned around and started heading towards the sand village. The journey was long but something caught my nose before I actually made it to the village. Was that Naruto and granny's scent? What's Naruto doing here so close to the village and.. granny hasn't left the village for a very long time. Their scents were distant so they had probably been here yesterday.
I started following their scents at amazing speed. As I got closer a flood of smells continued to hit my nose but one of them made my heart drop. Gaara. My speed got faster until finally I got to a cave like place where I saw Granny and the pink haired girl, the girl seemed hurt and as I saw an attack directed their way and accelerated my speed doubling it standing in front of Granny and the girl creating a reflection barrier.
"Granny? What's going on?" I ask as the attack was headed towards the opponent I saw her just standing there with the pink haired girl next to her.
"Rai?! What are you doing here?" She asked when she saw me when the smoke cleared.
"I got a bad feeling when Gaara didn't return the letter.. it seems I was right. Before I made it to the village I caught scent of you and Naruto and along the way Gaara's. So please tell me what's going on?" I ask again looking at her.
"So this is Rai huh granny Chiyo?" I freeze.. did he just.. call her.. granny Chiyo? I turn to look at the red head.
"Who are you?" I ask feeling my breathing starting to get out of control.
"Oh? She didn't tell you? I'm Sasori, your father." I just stare at him wide eyes.
"Rai.." Granny says.
"I'm sorry if this isn't the encounter you expected to have with me." His voice told me he really didn't care at all.
"What happened to Gaara?" I ask waiting for someone to tell me what happened.
"Oh, you mean the red head jinchuuriki? We killed him." My breathing stopped.
"And it was so easy too." I feel my fists clench as did my jaw.
"Easy? Easy you say?! You killed him and you found it easy?! You're right, this isn't the encounter I wanted.. I never though I'd hate someone more than them.. I never thought I wanted to kill someone so bad." I say clenching my jaw showing him my growing canines as my nails started to grow as well.
"Oh really? Something as trivial as that angers you? I'll admit that attack you just did surprised me but it wasn't so impressive." I glare harder at him.
"That's too bad because that was your own attack." I spat glaring at him.
"Really? Hm, how did you do it?" He asked as now I finally notice the third Kazekage floating above him.
"Like I'd tell you." I say taking a deep breath. I need to be cool, I can't fight on a hot head.
"It looks like I did the wrong choice when I left you on Granny Chiyo's doorstep. Maybe if I had kept you, yoh would tell me." He said as I look away.
"There's no way I'd accept someone like you my father. You know nothing about and yet you only regret abandoning me because I won't tell you the secret behind what I did? You don't regret leaving me at all. You don't care for me, you don't care that because you abandoned me so many things happened to me.. because you left me with granny I became who I am now.. so thank you." I say before getting ready to fight.
"But now I must kill you, father." I say as he just stands there.
"You want to kill me huh? Then let's see you try!" He yelled before he starts to use his puppet just for it to stop.
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