The 'Social Awareness Society' tiptoed down the hall, clustered together in a large group. Deirbhile peered around the corner, "No Heteros." She confirmed,as they hurried around the corner, rushing to get to Room 1, where their meeting was taking place.
Creds to LJ and Lawz
So, this is based on a true story. A secret group of Queers meet every Friday at lunch, in a ho.mophobic school. If a teacher walks in, they claim to be the 'Social Awareness Society', or SAS. However, they are truly the Gathering The G@ys, GTG, an illegal group that discusses issues in the Community, without the pressures of The Heteros.
This is a bit of a fun, and was made up in the chat. This is not discriminating against straights (-.-) but is just based on a group I'm in. This is because I go to a ho.mophobic school that would hate us if they found out we were making a group to just be g@y. We also refer to straights as The Heteros.
If you are straight, then you can make up a character, or you can base it off yourself. You can also be an Ally, if you wish, as they are also welcome.
This is also a school RPG (but is also pretty g@y ngl)
So yeah, I don't know if this will catch on, but whatever.
Name: Deirbhile (Surname is not needed if it's based off you)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
S.exuality: Bi-Romantic (Maybe Pan-Romantic) As.exual
Appearance: Deirbhile is pretty average looking. She has caramel hair, reaching the middle of her back is poker straight strands, with highlights of golds and auburns. Her skin is pale, the webbing of veins visible by her temples and wrists, as well as up her arms. Her face is a roundish oval, with freckles spl.attered across the bridge of her nose and cheekbones. Her lips are quite full, and a pale pink in colour, her nose snub, and her eyebrows slightly arched. Her eyes are a dark blue, and framed with fairly long lashes. She is fairly tall for her age, and is often told she looks 15/16, and is fairly skinny too. Deirbhile usually wears black, and often wears large hoodies that can provide her with sweater paws. She wears black leggins and Marvel converse (drawn on by her).
Personality: Deirbhile is an introvert. She is the type of person who will never be a main character, but will be making the snide comments in the background, nothing but sarcasm coming from her mouth. She is a part of too many fandoms, and always has earbuds in, drumming her fingers on her theigh in time to the song. She is a hard person to get to know, but once you know her, she apparently 'grows on you'. Once friends with you, she will care deeply for you.
Backstory: Deirbhile had a happy childhood, and had been questioning since she was 11.
Are they out?: Just recently (On Coming Out Day)
Extra: N/A
Name: Marlene Jackson<br>
Age: (Between 13-18 please) 14<br>
Gender: female<br>
S.exuality: Queer and questioning<br>
Appearance: Marlene is a fairly attractive girl but not in a really obvious way. She is not model material, her posture is terrible and she is always scowling about something but when she lets down her guard she is pretty cute.<br>
Her hair is one of the first things people notice about her. It's thick and bushy, a sort of caramel frappuccino colour, perhaps a little darker. She keeps it tied back in two long plaits because otherwise it would just be this vast fluffy mass around her head. It falls to her armpits when down, large, loose curls that frame her heart-shaped face.<br>
Her cheekbones are very subtle while her chin is rather angular and sharp, like her dark eyebrows. Her brows are always raised, making her look as though she is always surprised about something or other and her eyes don't help this. They are unusually large, a little too large for her face. The eyelashes are long, like the bristles of a paintbrush, curling upwards. She was blessed with very nice lashes they're not something you immediately take notice of obviously. Her irises are icy, periwinkle blue spattered with silver and grey. She herself looks rather icy and her classmates would joke that she was the ice queen. She has a faint bluish glow to her skin but otherwise she is pale. She has snow-coloured skin, cold to the touch. Her lips are a very delicate pink. They hide her bad teeth but she constantly looks like she could take a bite out of you if she wanted to. Her nose is quite big, wide but not too wide, sprinkled with golden freckles like paint and she genuinely has a sharp tongue. Marlene is very short and while it has its perks and all she'd rather be tall. She wears boots with small heels to compensate. Marlene is quite slim, with angular elbows and skinny ankles. Her hands are very little, always fidgeting. It's sort of scary.<br>
Marlene's clothes consist of yellow. Yellow. And maybe some black. She likes warm sweaters and tight jeans and, obviously, boots. She is kind of cute but you would be better not saying that.<br>
Personality: Marlene acts like a cool, confident, independent girl and in some ways she is. But she is most at ease around people and when she shuts everyone out it's not good for her. She is quite friendly, approachable when she isn't plotting to kiII someone. She is quick to judge and jump down people's throats. She makes assumptions and jumps to conclusions so her first impressions of people are often bad. Her favourite phrase is 'fight me' and she is always willing to argue with someone over something or other. She loves surprises, unexpected things. She prefers to go with the flow and not plan stuff but that doesn't mean she is laid back. She is constantly on the move because she finds it hard to sit still and it's even worse when she is anxious.<br>
Marlene loves being dramatic and sarcastic but sometimes she just likes to curl up in a ball and sleep. It's her second favourite thing to do. The first is probably musical theatre though she'd never share that. Marlene usually cares what people think but on bad days she blocks everything out and just sits there, obsessing over stuff in her head. She doesn't talk to people, she cries. She cries a lot and it's worrying how many tears can come out of a girl her size.<br>
While she seems like this cute little sensitive kid she actually isn't. She would punch you if she got the chance and she's a grumpy little thing at times. She's sort of self-absorbed though she wouldn't admit that. But she is quite sweet. If she doesn't care about you you'll know it but for her friends she would do a lot. When you get to know Marlene you will see that she's creative and loving and adorable. She is also quite clever but she lacks common sense. She is loyal to some people and stands up for them but to others she is this annoying, whiny child who sleeps on furniture.
She is self-absorbed but not arrogant. She admires other people, not herself, and sometimes it's nice to have someone see the beauty in you. She is a good person really behind this whole act and she will help you through stuff.
Backstory: she had quite a happy childhood. Her parents loved her a lot and her brother Michael was mean but he looked out for her. And then she got expelled from her school and moved to this one and has a lot of pressure on her to not mess up.
Are they out?: to a select few but most people think she is straight.<br>
Ooh, a ga.yness RPG. That's new to me. I'd like to join! Here's my form if I can join!
Name: Ray Fon.
Age: (Between 13-18 please) 14.
Gender: Male
S.exuality: ho.moromantic
Appearance: He's certainly not hot. He's more cute but isn't chubby. He's not fat or skinny. Just an average 14 year old. He's Asian, more specifically Japanese. Unfortunately he can't speak his country's language. His hair is as dark as midnight and the hairstyle has bangs and...just like your average anime boy...I'm sorry, I'm terrible at describing hair. Anyway, he normally wears a plain, dark blue jacket, blue jeans, dark red sneakers and a white scarf which fades into red. He has fair skin and bright, beautiful blue eyes that would be the first thing you'd notice if you ever see him. It stands out so much. It's saddening that he covers his face with a smiling white mask.
Personality: He's very self-conscious and very weak. Any small insult can make him break down in tears. He always feel so worthless. Everyday he would lie to himself and say, "This will be a better day," but it never was. He doesn't like talking to other people but his own reflection. He's scared that he will say something wrong and earn negativity. He covers his face with a mask to conceal his emotions. He didn't want anyone to see how weak he was. He will never show his face unless the people he reveals it to are the ones he love and trust. It's hard to become his friend as he will run away any chance he gets. He feels lonely and sad all the time but he tells himself that he chose this. He is the reason why he's like this.
Backstory: When he was in primary his parents would tell him, "You should not be friends with a girl or else you will get a girlfriend at such a young age!" Pretty much things a mother would say to her daughter, only the male counterpart. So when he grew up he stayed with boys, running away from girls. In middle school, he started to grow affection for boys and before he knew it, he was in love with one of his friends. Ever since then fellow students would call him names and tease him for being "g.ay". The teachers secretly felt disgusted by him and his parents were disappointed in him. When he went to high school, he realised that some students in primary is going to the same school as him. Worried that they would tease him again, he started to wear a mask. A mask to conceal his identity.
Are they out?: No, he's too shy.
Extra: eh.
Name: Erin-Rey (I added Rey to the end of my name as it's extremely short xD)
Age: 13
Appearance: Erin is very average. She's not very attractive either. Her hair is an array of colours like Brown, black and ginger. Her hair goes just below her shoulders. Her eyes are a mix of brown and green. The blend is perfection and on her left eye is a big brown spot. Basically, A beauty spot for the eyes. Her skin is origi***ly pale but it's pretty tanned from holidays. Her face is fairly round, and has a few spots because of the beginning of acne. Erin doesn't wear much makeup, although if her face looks and pale she will wear some of her mums powder.
Erin is tall for her age, she's about average weight and has bigger feet than her mum. Erin likes to wear sporty outfits and loves a bit of band merch.
Personality: Erin is a worrier. She's not very sociable either. She relies on her friends a lot. Erin is also very adventurous. She loves theme parks and is always up for a challenge. Erin is very intelligent, she just won't admit it. She does have a lot of friends, and they're sure to cheer her up. But Erin has social anxiety and finds talking to people fairly awkward. She doesn't like to share her problems, she keeps them bottled up inside. But when she isn't worrying, she is a generally happy kid. She is fairly sporty and is very very competitive. Erin is a very very good friend, although she has been bullied and now is very careful on who's she makes friends with.
Backstory: Erin has had a very average childhood. There's not much to say really ^.^
Are they out?:Nope. She's wearing til' next coming out day!(True dat)
Extra:She has an obsession with cats
Based on me ^.^
Name: Kira Starfleck
Age: 13
Gender: Cis Female
S.exuality: Bi. Probably. Possibly Pan.
Appearance: Kira is small, both short and slim. Her frames is delicate looking, but she?s far from fragile. She has an angular heart-shaped face and pale skin. Kiras hair falls just past he shoulders in unpredictable waves. It%u201Ds dark gold: definitely darker than many shades of light brown but still more amber-gold than brown. Her eyes are light, though it's hard to tell what colour. Sort of blue, sort of green, sort of grey, with long lashes.
Personality: Kira is fairly sweet, but often overlooked. A lot of people see her as annoying for fairly unknown reasons. She?s independent, but terrified of confrontation, so tends to stay out of social situations. That being said, if she has a chance to perform, she will probably sieze it. Unless someone else would prefer, of course... Her self esteem is quite low, and she?s undoubtedly anxious, but is trying to overcome this. She can be quite daring, and usually has a good plan - if you ask.
Backstory: Nothing Tragic. She comes from a fairly ordinary family, an only child but hardly spoilt. However, her whole life she has been outed. Not a deliberate, obvious notion, she has just never really made friends. When she has, she has always felt their second choice. She is quite happy in the middle, stuck out of view, but sometimes wished to be noticed. She really can be quite a noticeable person, if you bother. Her primary was a little posh (not posh posh, but definitely of a higher level than this) and she adored the school if not the people. Here, she hates the school but has people she likes. She started to realise her séxuality quite randomly at the age of eleven and has told those she trusts (and told her mum who is in the -its a phase, but have good phase- mindset. She has never been abused for it, but the schools not exactly welcoming.
Are they out?: With her closest friends, yes, but most people don?t know. She?s not going to pretend to be straight, but she?ll let people assume.
PS. I have deliberately chosen to not use apostrophes because they come through as something ridiculous. I am aware that they should be used.
Name: Archie Harris
Age: (Between 13-18 please) 16
Gender: Male
S.exuality: G.ay
Appearance: Archie has messy blonde hair and wide green eyes.
Personality: Archie can be pretty clingy, but all in all a loyal and good friend. He is surprisingly bold when he feels comfortable, even though he's a geek at heart.
Are they out?: Only to close friends
Extra: WIP i'm so sorry I'll add more in a bit Xx You can start without me if u want and I'll join when my forms done?
Name Poppy Grace or Baby Girl
Age 15
Gender Cis Female
S.exuality Panse.xual
Appearance Well Poppy is hella UGLAY! (I mean, just look at my profile picture) She really isn't that pretty and she knows that. She doesn't pretty she's old looking and if someone says she is, she knows they're lying.
Naturally her hair is a dark blonde but AAAAGES ago she dyed it a gorgeous honey blonde but now she's got a terrible regrowth. Her hairs quite odd, it's not straight but it's not curly and it's not even the Instagram model waves, it's just blah with too many layers. Because it's so awkward and she hates it, Poppy nearly always has it two French braids or up in a high ponytail. There's no point in straightening it because she just doesn't have the time. Every so often she'll ask her mother to do it all nice and colour it a pastel pink (semi-permanent of course because of that fûcking school) but that's only really during holidays or for special occasions.
I guess you could say Poppy has vaguely pretty eyes. They seem to change colour as she likes to say but it's probably just the lighting. They're a funny colour, a dull green mixed with baby blue and silver. Fancy right? Not really, just weird. The close set eyes are framed with very dark blonde - almost brown - medium length eyelashes. Unfortunately she doesn't have glorious thick and long dark lashes as she wishes but that's life for you. Her eyebrows aren't nicely done but they do have a vaguely decent natural shape.
Poppy has a button-shaped nose with an unusual faint line straight down the middle of it. Her Cupid's bow lips are a slightly pinker shade than skin and are normally covered in dry blood (please don't be alarmed, I will explain). Her skin is quite pale but not the very white pale. She has a few very random freckles everywhere but her body isn't scattered with them. She gets quite bad acne and has a lot of spots and blemishes on her face and body.
For a fifteen year old, she's not that tall. She's not even 5'1. I guess you could say she's skinny but she'd say otherwise. She's got fairly thick thighs and muscular calves but she also has a fairly small waist. Her hips are quite wide (LIKE HER A.SSSSSS) and her shoulders are fairly broad (not overly broad but yeah). Poppy also has quite a rack as some would say but that's not something that she likes people to notice.
One of Poppy's most common outfits consists of a black denim slightly-too-big fleece-lined jacket that seems to be quite worn, a pair of vintage torn jeans (like Kurt Cobains), black Adidas Superstars, a pink ribbed cropped singlet and black fishnets. On her jacket are an array of pins and badges and they define who she is. Poppy doesn't really wear jewellery but normally just a pair of silver sleepers and a small rose gold locket.
Personality Poppy is one of the most unique people that you'll ever meet, there's just so much to her. She has so many levels to her that it's a little bit scary. Then again, what do you expect, she's a teenage girl.
One of the things about Poppy is her sass and sarcasm. Sarcasm oozes from her words like honey and sass is just like a fluent language to her. The thing is, she doesn't use it in a *** way - well she tries not to. It's more of a defence. Poppy's very guarded and doesn't like showing how she feels and so sarcasm and sass is her defence.
Although she's guarded and doesn't like showing her feelings, she still does in a way. She just wishes sometimes people could just know and understand without her having to tell them. It's hard for her because she doesn't know how to talk to people properly or let them know how she's feeling.
Poppy's always been fairly awkward but I guess you could put that down to her being an only child. She's never been popular and only really had a small friendship group when she even had one. Her mother's pretty strict (though her mother doesn't think that) and doesn't really let Poppy do much, like go out with friends or have a boyfriend - or girlfriend - so she's never really had a social life.
Though, on the other hand, she%u2019s very talkative. There%u2019s days where Poppy just goes on an on and rambles just about anything and everything. Whether it%u2019s about music, books, television or just something that%u2019s happened, she%u2019ll talk. Sometimes she just talks because she can or sometimes it%u2019s because she%u2019s holding something in and it%u2019s a defence mechanism. Sometimes Poppy just talks for the sake of talking or because she%u2019s ~*^//high\\^*~ or she%u2019s had a lotta sugar cubes. Often she gets worried that people will hate how much she talks and freaks out that she%u2019s being annoying so she%u2019ll completely shut up.
Poppy's maturity level changes AAAAALLLLL the time. One minute, she'll be the most mature person in the room and then the next, she's like a five year old. When she's mature, she can be quite judgemental and rude (well more than normal). It's not like as if she's better than anyone else, she just gets so agitated and turns into more of a perfectionist. When she's immature, it's like dealing with an actual five year old, you basically have to parent her. And there's no point in trying to reason with her because if she wants to go and play on the little kiddy playground or some other little kiddy thing, she has to do it. Poppy's also very affectionate when she's like this and loves to just randomly hug you.
One of Poppy's many flaws is that she's a perfectionist. Perfection is like her obsession, her drug. If something's not perfect, she loses it. She'll get fixated on it until it's perfect, hence why she never hands in any of her school assignments. It's just another one if the things that triggers her anxiety.
Anxiety and depression take a leading part in the play that we call Poppy's life.WIP
Are they out? Well about thaaaaat, she's out to her peers and friends (what friends lol) but not to family and most other mature adults.
I'm so sorry, I haven't finished it yet!
Name: Ried Keegan
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Se.xuality: Queer/questioning
Appearance: Ried is tall, slender and shapely with snow-white skin and long, shiny ginger hair reaching just below her waist. She has wide, doe-shaped, brown eyes that make her look like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Her skin is smooth and soft, as are her lips which are usually coated in red gloss. She's got a cocky grin, flashing her bright, toothy smile that twinkles slyly.
Her style is fitting yet boyish, with revealing, tight, white tank tops paired with baggy cargo paints and hobnail boots. For her school uniform she rolls her skirt to impossible heights with black tights wrapped snuggly around her bony legs. she wears a foundation a shade too pale for her face and her eyes are heavily rimmed with liner, giving them a cunning edge. She's got scars from fighting and a tattoo of an angel on the small of her back.
Personality: Reid, like many girls her age, is in a constant struggle to appear "chill." The way she walks, talks and acts all surrounds this grasp at popularity. She doesn't talk much, just follows her tight-knit group of friends who's main goal is to drink their ways through high school, her bond with them consists with laughing and agreeing with everything they do, no matter how cruel or immature, and getting completely wasted. She skateboards, the one things she may actually have a future in. And even that's a pretty flimsy way of finding income. But it's her passion, and whenever her emotions are too much for her she hits the skatepark and her fears are immediately forgotten.
She can be mean, very mean. she's snide and shrewd with a sharp tongue and a horrid laugh that can haunt her victim's dreams.
she's a strong believer in the greater good, the law of the jungle.
In order to go up, you need to make others go down.
You need to kill a couple of lambs if you want to be a Lion.
Backstory: Ried Keegan used to consider herself a closeted ase.xual, or maybe a straight person who just hadn't found the right man yet. Sure she had boyfriends, normal school stuff. she hooked up with people casually from her friend group, but it was always just to stay in the clear. To keep everyone in the dark about her secret.
she never really did feel any attraction, the thing's people described in movies and novels.
Until the new girl came to school. She was an immediate hit with the popular kids. She was preppy and cute. The perfect girl next door with her bouncy blond hair and laughing, blue eyes. she was beautiful, she was friendly, she was a goddess in Ried's eyes. Her smile made her breath stop and her voice made her heart ache. naturally Ried's friend group made it their agenda to hate her, but Reid didn't get the memo.
She'd always been the one crying "F@g!" the mean girl who'd try to crush anyone who was different in any way. but now she was different. In love maybe, but definitely in need of answers. Answers she could only get through the social awareness society. But will she be able to hide her secret for long? And will she loose her friends if it comes out?
Are they out?: nope
Extra: A lot of people in the club are probably going to hate her as she was a bully.
Name: Sydney Aka Sid
Age: 13
Gender: Female
S.exuality: Um bi probs. But I guess it would be poly??
Appearance: Sid is average height for her age, maybe a little taller. At 5'4, it seems that she is very short, but actually, she's normal. She is overweight, and pretends she doesn't care but actually does care about some aspects, including her boobs, arms and double chin. She does love her thighs though, perhaps a little too much. Her hair is always complimented for being extremely thick, but Sid despises it, for it is always burning, especially in summer. Her hair is dark brown and shoulder length, and her eyes are so dark they are practically black. Sid went through her spotty phase early in life, so her olive skin has barely a zit. Despite that, her nose and cheeks are practically smothered in blackheads.
As for style, Sid literally doesn't own any other trousers apart from over twenty pairs of these thin, black, supermarket leggings. She is a pretty fast range of T-shirts though, but are all baggy fandom shirts.
Are they out?:
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