Chapter 9
Archie Harris
(OOC it has bean a while soz ladz. Also, do we fu(king get weekends in this RP, or is school everyday? I swear it's saturday by now!!XD)
The funeral was pretty uneventful. Being tired and drained, I suppressed pretty much any emotional response, letting the words wash over me. I sat close to my mum, watching people from school but not talking to anyone. I was worried that people might start asking me about yesterday, but no-one seemed to care, which I was thankful for. There was no sign of John. I did notice Blake though. He had a cut on his hand, I could tell it hurt from the way he held it. hope he didn't do it himself, that's not a good path to go down, and I don't know how to help him. Asking if he was ok was a daunting thing, and I'd hate to offer help if he didn't need it. Sympathy could become so patronizing.
I didn't have to go back to hospital, which was a result. Mum was fairly quiet in the car, I think the funeral had upset her. She only really knew Aiden when he was around six, that's when he used to come over all the time. I stopped having friends over after dad left. As soon as I pushed the cracked plastic door open and stepped into the damp hallway I was nearly knocked off my feet. I took a sharp intake of breath as something collided with me, clinging to me and causing me to stumble back. I reached up to play with the wavy light blonde hair. "Hey, Andy" I muttered. He didn't respond, and just buried his face further into my chest. Mum maneuvered around us to get in, kicking of her shoes and pulling her long hair back into it's standard ponytail. "Andrew was worried about you." She smiled gently, trying to tug his arm away from my side with the cut. He stepped back, looking up at me with wide blue eyes wet with tears.
"I-I'm sorry-" He hiccuped. "I didn't know it would be that- I only said what the others at school- I didn't mean-I'm sorry!" He covered his face with his hands in shame.
"It's not your fault, Andy." I tried my best to smile reassuringly. I knew that half the time he didn't understand that what he said was so damaging and cruel, but it still hurt every time he heard some new slang at school. I could forgive him for it. "Want to play a video game?" I asked, wandering past him into the sitting room to turn on the Xbox.He followed me and picked up a controller, which I assumed meant yes. Mum made a couple of cups of hot chocolate, and as she was carrying them in my phone went off.
Hoping it was John I checked it eagerly, only to find a load of twitter notifications. Someone had started a rumor that Aiden was murdered. As if the Silverstein's weren't going through enough right now. My mum must have noticed my disappointment as she rested her free hand on my knee. "Everything ok?" I nodded quickly, brushing off my worry. Did John not want to talk to me?
"Just wanted to hear from someone." I answered, returning to the game.
Blake Silverstein
TRIGGER WARNING : Self harm and grieving
Flashing Images and broken words. It was 2 am and dad had fallen asleep in front of the tv, again, it's cold blue light washing over him as he snored. I sat on the arm chair next to him, curled up and hidden under a blanket like Aiden and I used to do as kids. Peering at the screen but not taking it in. The pain in my hand had stopped, and was replaced with a calming numbness throughout my body. It felt good.
I could have stayed like that for an eternity, hiding in the darkness of my house staring mindlessly at the television screen, wasting away and becoming like him.
But I'd never let that happen. I wouldn't, I couldn't.
Straightening up, I went to the kitchen to run some water over the cut. I didn't turn on the lights, for fear that when I did Aiden would be sitting there at the island, cold and stiff and dead. A silly thought but one I was willing to entertain. Because I was scared. Even if I liked to deny it.
I grimaced as I unwrapped the cloth around my hand and let the cold water hit the wound. Stinging. But it helped me forget about Aiden, even for just a little while. When I was finished cleaning it, I went for the medicine cabinet and unrolled some bandages, pulling them tightly across my knuckles like I was going to an old fashioned wrestling match. Then I tiptoed quietly passed the sleeping dragon, wary not to provoke him, and into my room. I noticed my phone on the table, illuminating the dark room as it buzzed like crazy. 42 texts. for a fleeting moment I didnt want to touch the phone or read the messages, it felt like a trap. But I laughed off the feeling and picked it up, cold from not being used. Stupid Blake. I laughed again
which immediately melted into a soft whimper when I read the texts.
Horrible, horrible.
I felt my throat buckle as I tried to hold in tears, how could they? Why would they? Say such horrible things?I jammed a fist into my mouth, trying to stay silent as I kept reading, silent tears springing to life, rocking myself slowly. Dont wake the dragon, Blake. It hurt to continue reading, but I was transfixed, the cold light of the phone clung to me and I had to gasp for air before I realised I was holding my breath. Last text, Hera:
I threw the phone across the room, hearing a soft smack. I just wanted to cry and never stop and I just couldn't keep it up anymore and I-
I slapped myself in the face, hard. "You call yourself a man...." I whispered faintly, but the calm wasn't residing and I saw the terror right behind my eyes, ready to go red alert again. For that moment I longed dearly, desperately for that strange calm numbness to wash over me again. That indifference. The distraction. I got up, slowly and hesitantly and made my way to the bathroom down the hall. I opened the cupboards and frowned when I found what I was looking for, Spare razor blades. I took one, the sharpest I could see and returned to my room. Sitting at the side on my bed. Debating with myself before i settled on a decision. Just this once. I needed the distraction. It burned for a moment, little droplets of blood emerged but I continued. Then the relief, I let it take me and leave me. Deadened and anaesthetised.
Archie Harris
(OOC this bit explains why Brandon go so weird with Archie- R@pe trigger warning)
The throbbing in my chest combined with the hum of the ceiling fan proved to be quite the distraction from sleep. I had this epiphany at 3am, staring at the ceiling in the darkness, listening to cars whizz past on the main road nearby. I was afraid to fall asleep. It was childish and feeble, but I was afraid that if I looked at the window, I would see Brandon sneering at me through the glass. Apparently I fell asleep downstairs earlier. I started screaming in my sleep. Mum thought it was because of yesterday. It wasn't.
I was slow getting changed back from PE. It was just after i'd come out, people were staring at me and laughing, sometimes throwing things. I waited till it was empty until I even started getting changed. At least, I thought it was empty. I pulled my polo off and threw it into the gym locker, reaching behind me for my school shirt. Instead, something seized my wrist, twisting my arm behind me and forcing me forward into the wall of lockers. Losing my balance, whoever had grabbed me was given the advantage to force my legs open, kicking against my ankle until it moved out. I struggled uselessly, still In shock. Something dug into my neck and I squirmed when I realised it was teeth."St-stop!" I finally managed to gasp.
"Don't you like it, you little f@g?" The person teased, grabbing my thigh. I struggled again, in vain. The free hand started moving again, becoming more and more uncomfortable. "Please stop-" I whispered, voice hoarse and caught in my throat. "But you like it-" The person replied, letting go of my arm and pushing their chest against my back to hold me in place, newly freed hand wandering up my torso. "All girls like it when I touch them like this-"
"I'm not a-" The hand moved again, and my words faltered, turning into a whine. I felt my face redden in embarrassment. "Told you." they whispered, and I could tell they were grinning just from the tone. Just as the hand moved down to the waistband of my shorts, footsteps cIat.tered towards us. Whoever it was let go and pulled away immediately, and I turned round, only to be thrown against the lockers by Brandon. I sIid to the floor shaking, and he backed away, fear clearly painted on his face, like a deer caught in headlights. "Don't- Don't fu(king tell a soul!" He threatened, before turning and sprinting away, letting the door slam behind him
I sat up, cold sweat running down my neck. Why did I think about it? Gingerly I reached for my phone, hands shaky. It was just a dream, it didn't really happen. That's what I was telling myself, over and over again. But it did happen, and I couldn't ignore it anymore. I scrolled through to Blake's number. He'd be asleep, he wouldn't answer me anyway, but I had to feel like I was doing something.
The fuzzy ringing at the end of the line merged with the buzz of the ceiling fan.
"Hello?" A cracked, hoarse voice croaked through the phone. I almost dropped it in surprise, and froze in fear. Now what? "Archie, don't call me at 3:30 am just to sit in silence."
"Sorry!" The sarcasm jolted me back into action. "I just didn't think you'd pick up."
"Why the fu(k did you call me if you didn't actually want to talk-"
"I do! I just- I thought you'd be asleep. Why aren't you?" Blake runted, ignoring my question.
"What do you want, F@-"He caught himself, "Archie?"
"W-" the gravity of what I was doing hit me, but i couldn't hang up now."Why are you h0m0ph0bic?"
"I mean, you don't have to tell me, i just, it's not important-"
"Shut up, i'm thinking."
"Oh, I shrugged, but you obviously can't see that- I dunno." I giggled at his response, and he chuckled on the other end.
"Why'd you ask, anyway?"
"Oh, I don't know-"I fiddled with the corner of the bedsheet, wondering if I should tell him about what happened, if he'd care.
"You don't-" Disbelief and disgust filled his voice. "You don't have a crush on m-"
"No! Nononono...I don't- that's not- umm"
"Thank god. What, then?"
"You should talk to Brandon."
"I'll talk to whoever the fu(k I like-"
"Please. Just talk to Brandon. Ask him why he stabbed me."
"He what? Holy Shlt Arch, I had no idea-"
"It's ok. Just ask."
Silence I didn't want to hang up yet, and Blake didn't.
"Are you ok, Blake?"
"I'm fine."
"Yeah, but' fine' fine or actually fine?"
"I said i'm fine."
He hung up.
Blake Silverstein I didn't get much sleep after the unexpected call from Archie Harris. Kept lying awake, glancing towards my phone, half dreading and half hoping for him to call back. The sound of my clock, a soccer themed one I owned since I was eight years old, seemed almost deafening as i struggled to fall asleep. the sound of Tik Tok was almost burned into my brain.
I had too much on my mind, too many boggling thoughts bumping into each other. I got up and reached for the phone with my good hand and slowly punched in the number for Brandon "Beanpole"
Murphy. I hesitated on the last number. He'd been one of my best friends since we were kids, hilarious and psychotic, he was an instant hit with us. He always made you laugh, but I knew. I always knew there wasn't something right about him, that beneath that humour and smiling eyes there was a menacing glint. I pressed call.
waiting. I didnt expect him to pick up, not at 3:47 in the morning. More waiting until finally I heard
"Hey, you've reached Brandon."
I was surprised he picked up. I took in a deep breath and replied. "Hey Beanpole, it's me Blake."
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that I can't hear you?"
"Sorry, It's me, Blake!" I repeated in a loud whisper, I didnt want to wake my dad or god knows what he'd do.
"Pardon? Hello? Say that again is still cant hear you."
"I SAID IT'S F.U.CKING ME BRANDON YOU RET@RD!" Oh ***. Too loud, I heard a stirring downstairs. The dragon has been awakened.
"Ha! just messing this is a voicemail loser! whoever you are dont leave a message cause nobody likes you Beeeep" "You've got to be sh!tting me..." I muttered under my breath and put my phone under my pillow, praying that dad would just turn over and go back to sleep. please don't come up.... please...
Steps. the stairs creaking under his weight. Tall man with a beer belly and a surprising amount of muscle mass for a fifty something year-old. I Turned off my lamp and pretended to be asleep like Aiden and I used to do as kids. The door opened, letting the light from the hallway flood in. I grimaced and scrunched my eyes. "Blake, wuz that you." his words were slightly slurred, no doubt hungover. I cursed my heart for beating so loudly, I swore he was going to hear it and call me out.
He asked again, 'Blake?" waited a couple of seconds and began to close the door when my phone began to buzz underneath my head. it was so loud and surprising that I called out 'Sh!it" And I knew my cover was blown.
"Blake what did I tell ya about waking me up..." He turned on the lights so I could see his face in all its glory, blood shot eyes and a five o clock shadow. He could have been handsome if he didnt let himself go so much.
'I'm sorry." I barely managed the words. I had to keep my voice straight.
"You wuz sorry last time too. But sorry dont cut it, does it?"
"I'm sorry Da! I'm sorry and I'll never do it again!"
My voice cracked and his face filled with disgust. I showed weakness.
He reached for his belt, undid it and looped it. "Buckle or strap." He asked.
I didn't reply.
"buckle it is. This is for your own good boy. Someone's gotta teach you a lesson." He was fast, it hurt like hell but at least it was over fast. When he left I Checked my back in the mirror. No marks. he always made sure to never leave a mark. I Checked my phone, missed call from Beanpole. I was angry. So angry, and worthless. I grabbed my phone and threw it out the window. I felt like hitting something, anything. But all this just lead to frustration as I lay in bed and threw every curse word under the sun at myself.
Archie Harris "Are you sure-" Mum asked for the fifth time as I tied my laces, sat on one of the rickety kitchen chairs with my rucksack slung over my good shoulder.
"Of course. I'll be fine, please don't worry about it-" I finished tying my laces and stood up, kissing her on the cheek quickly and sliding into the hallway.
"I just don't want you to run into those boys, honey. Text me."
"I will, I'm meeting a friend anyway, I promise i'll be fine" I called, swinging the door shut. She caught it, and smiled reluctantly. "Have fun, Arch."
"Bye mum. Be back around 11."
I's never really been to the skate park. When I was younger Dad would take us for walks, and we'd climb through and run up and down the ramps while mum sketched the pond in the park. Sometimes we'd bring a picnic. I'm glad we were going in the morning, though, and despite the upcoming winter the sun was shining. The skate park was harder to reach with a bad shoulder and painful side, and once I was through I leant against a concrete post and caught my breath. The unfamiliar sound of wheels on pipe click-clacked nearby, and I watched as a girl skate past, red hair flowing out behind her. She stomped on the back of the board and jumped off in a series of complicated steps, catching the board and jogging over to me. I realised it was Reid as she pulled me into a hug, then let go sheepishly.
"Sorry, that was weird. Are you ok?" She exclaimed, unclipping her helmet. Her voice dropped. "New SAS meeting on monday. You going?" I nodded, wondering why she was being so quiet. I scanned the skate park. There were two people slouched against a heavily graffitied wall, one of them smoking, and Blake was sat on the rim, swinging his legs into one of those huge concrete craters that you run down and then can't get back out of without looking like a fool. "John's there, by the way." She pointed over at the cloud of smoke at the back wall. "What's your deal with him?" She asked curiously as she followed me over to where the two smokers were. I could already tell that the taller one wasn't smoking a normal cigarette. "complicated." I muttered not sure if I should approach them or not. "You talked to Laura about those books yet?"
"Nah. Not had chance." She knocked me on the shoulder like we had been childhood friends and skated back over to Blake. At least he had her, though I'm not sure how close they really were.
"Archie!" One of the people by the back wall called me over. I was John, in black skinny jeans and a plaid shirt, with a taller, older looking version of John, in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. I relaxed a little as it became clear John wasn't smoking- whatever it was.
"This is my brother." He nodded to Older John, stony faced.
"Hey man. Name's Joe." He raised a hand in greeting, palms dirty and mud caked under his ***ails.
"Hi." I waved feebly back and sat down next to John. He looked bored, slouched against the wall drumming his fingers against the cracked floor. I placed my hand over his gently and ran a finger over a line of tiny moles on the inside of his wrist, but he snatched his hand away. "Why'd you ditch school on Thursday and then not answer any of my calls?"
I looked up in surprise and noticed a vulnerability that didn't suit John.
"I- I didn't get any calls, I'm sorry-" I pulled out my phone, confused, and was blinded, despite the daylight. I thought I turned the brightness down? I clicked into settings. Ah. I'd turned Aeroplane mode on, not the brightness. "Sorry." I repeated, but he still looked annoyed. "I wasn't ignoring you, I just messed up the settings when I was in hospital and-"
"Hm?" I offered him the phone, to show him. "Not that, Arch. Why were you in hospital?" The anger had instantly morphed to concern. "Is that why you left on thursday? If you weren't feeling well you should've said- Oh my God." He trailed off when I turned to fully face him, revealing the cut. He reached up and ran a finger over it, murmuring under his breath apologies and "how did this happen?'"s. I explained mildly, not wanting him to worry too much. I just wanted to be with him, rest a head on his shoulder.
Something gripped me tightly, and I couldn't stop tears from rolling down my cheeks. I felt stupid, I had no idea what had caused it.
"It's ok, Arch, I'm not still mad at you." He used his sleeve to wipe away the tears, pulling me onto his lap. His brother was too high to notice, so that saved me some embarrassment. "I know." I sighed between sobs. "I'm scared that this won't work out. I want to be with you, John." I buried my face into his chest, breathing deeply to control the tears. He started playing with my hair. "Arch, promise you won't be mad." He whispered, resting his chin on my collarbone so his lips brushed my ear. "But do you remember at Hera's? When we were drunk and we-" I nodded, sniffing. "Well, remember how we talked, and you said, and I told you-" I nodded again. We were both drunk, mumbling all kinds of sentimental sh!t. I let John do most of the talking, and the things he said are probably the same things I think about when I feel like giving up.
"I meant them, Ok?" He kissed my cheek gently. "I wasn't drunk."
After a few minutes, John nudged me, shifting me out of the comfortable position of being curled up against his chest. I sat up and moved as Blake and Reid made their way over, hoping they hadn't seen us kiss.
(The following Scene is a text conversation between Erin and Lucia)
Hey Lucia, are you okay? You weren't at school for the last few days,
I'm good....
Look Luci, this ain't like you
Look, I'm fine...
Luci, tell me what's going on.
(25 mins Later)
Luci!!! I'm coming round.
There's something you need to know...
I broke up with Ben, and basically....
Leave it. I'll be round in 5
Ding! The door swung open and a nervous looking Lucia dragged me upstairs. We sat down on her bean bags and she opened her mouth to speak.
"So, I was gonna say... I think I might have a little crush on..... you...." she cried out. I smiled a big grin.
"It's okay, I like you too." I said. She leant her head in and gave me a peck on the lips and hugged massively.
Reid Keegan John and Archie looked uncomfortable when we made our ways towards them and I blushed for a second, feeling guilty for interrupting their moment. Blake on the other-hand didn't appear to notice he was intruding and squeezed between Archie and John. He pulled out a fag and offered them one.
"No thanks." Archie said and John nodded in union. He shrugged and flicked his lighter, the flame licking the top of the cigarette, charring its bud but failing to light. He tried twice more before angrily throwing it on the ground and stepping on it numerous times. Geez that guy had anger issues.
'Well." I coughed, still embarrassed. Blake wasn't helping. I gave them an apologetic look, Blake had insisted he needed to talk to Archie but this didn't seem to be going anywhere.
When he was finished murdering his cancer stick, he turned to Archie, completely blocking him off from John and whispered urgently into his ear, Archie seemed to be listening intently and I wondered if perhaps there was a purpose to this intrusion after all. John seemed both confused and bewildered facing Blakes back. Maybe I little insulted that he was cut off so quickly, like he was nothing. Like he wasn't even there.
I undid my helmet and knee guards, placing them neatly on my board when I heard what sounded like hollering apes. An all too familiar sound at that, and I turned to see Jake kano, one of the few kids of colour in our school and an outright genius if he bothered to use his potential, Hera Zhang, in her hideous pink prints and nylon tights, Chris Tyler, great rugby player and could honestly be mistaken for a bear, and the most terrifying of them all, Beanpole. Smiling. Always smiling, like he just remembered a joke that no one else knew about and was laughing madly inside his own head.
For some reason Archie seemed to grab onto Blake's sleeve, his eyes wide. I guessed it was because of the bad beating Brandon had given him. Blake whispered something else to him and grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him and we both strolled towards our "friend group" Although for that moment it didnt feel like it, In fact I felt scared. Who feels scared around their own friends?
Beanpole pulled Blake into one of those "Manhugs." Grinning the whole time. 'hey mate sorry I missed yer call last night, I was sleeping like a baby." As the words left his lips his eyes flickered to Archie, Blake seemed to notice and stood in front of him, blocking his view. Blake was definitely bigger then Beanpole, The rugby captain after all, and Blake was the boss. You don't question the alpha. Brandon's smile faltered but only briefly and he glanced at me, his eyes sizing me up. I blew at a strand of ginger hair that fell on my face and stared him right in the eyes. "Rebecca Rabbit, I got something for ya." He twisted awkwardly, plunging his hands deep into his bag and pulled out a small "goodie bag" as he liked to call it.
"All on me." He said as he handed it to me, I wrinkled my nose but forced a smile.
"thanks mate." Geez this was awkward.
Blake seemed pretty done, so he left me to fend for myself and returned to Archie. I never realised that they were friends. Hera ran her hand through my hair and peered up from under her shades, "I've got another party tonight!" She squealed, her fake American accent ringing sharply through my ears.
"rad." I replied and pulled away from her. She smelled too strongly of dope.
Brandon wasn't smiling anymore, but staring intensely at Archie. "Invite Archie too..." He said and Hera nodded, Flicking her hair as she strode up towards the small group of boys. Heels clacking against the concrete floor.
Archie Harris "Archie, this would be so much easier if you just told me why you were afraid of him. As of now I don't really have anything to accuse him of-" I shook my head rapidly. There was no way I could explain here, to Blake. I hadn't told anyone, what could I tell them? He hadn't actually done anything...
"What's going on?" John asked, trying to lean into the conversation. Blake ignored him. "Archie-"
"Archie, help me out here; what do you want me to talk to him about? You weren't too specific on the phone-"
"Phone? Wha- Arch, what is he talking about? You phoned him but not me?"
"Shut up, Fred Jones." Blake hissed. They were both talking to fast, crowding around me, Joe's smoke was making it difficult to breathe-
The hushed argument was interrupted by clicking high heels. All three of us looked up at Hera, who was sneering down at us.
"Party at my house!" she called, unexpectedly cheerfully, and sat down in John's lap. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to get her to move, but she ignored him. Blake seemed indifferent, and i assumed she wasn't talking to me.
"Do I not get an answer?" she giggled, pulling a strand of John's hair. My fists clenched reflexively, and Blake noticed. "Sure." He grunted, turning back to talk to me, annoyance clear on his face.
"What about you, g@y?" She dug one of her impossibly high stilettos into my side, leaning back against John to reach.
"No thanks." I answered quietly. I wasn't afraid of Hera, I was afraid of her friends. Her social media pages had already hurt me as much as they could.
"Aww." She pouted. "Not even if eye candy here comes?" She yanked John's hair again, and he shoved her off his knee abruptly. We sat in stunned silence as her other friends started to stride over with Reid. Hera got up quickly, brushing herself down and laughing fakely. "How rude." She sighed, clutching Brandon's shoulder, tugging her skirt up a little higher, so we could see a little too much. "Brandon asked for you especially, Arch!"
I felt physically sick.
"What's wrong, Arch, you've gone pale." John shuffled over to me, cheeks still flushed from the unexpected violence towards Hera. His brother had straightened up, and was listening to the conversation from under his hood. John told me he was the only dealer in this town, so he was probably Brandon's supplier.
"Tell you later." I reached out to grip his hand, despite the gang surrounding us. I felt protected by Blake and Reid, which was probably not a wise assumption to make.
"I promise." I whispered, more to myself then John.
Blake Silverstein There was so much tension in the air it felt like you could cut it with a knife, it didn't bother me really though, not like everyone else. Reid really did look like a fox, wild and alert and ready to take flight at any moment. Archie and John were holding hands, and I was almost about to say "yooo thats g@y!" from force of habit, but managed to correct myself just in time. Brandon was doing that thing where he grinned foolishly when he was being a d!ck, so that people would think he's being funny. Not cruel. We just stood around. an awkward pause of silence.
"Archie isn't interested in your stupid party." I grunted. Brandon cocked his head, fake confusion.
"Blake why'd you call me last night." he said it so casually, but i looked into his eyes and they were stone cold and calculating. He must know that Archie told me he attacked him. I was too obvious in trying to protect him,
Hera was staring at me too, enjoying that I was the knew focus of attention, she licked her lips and walked forward, breaking the staring match happening between Beanpole and I.
"haven't seen ya in foreverr Blake Baby!" She cooed, and latched onto my wrist. Pain sparked up through my body as her fingers squeezed the cuts and I cried out, pushing her away.
"What the hell is your problem?!" She shouted, trying to find balance on her heels. Jake Kano chuckled,
"Being around queers so much made him g@y Hera!" A line which he immediately regretted as i hit him with my good hand, an upwards motion bashing up against his nose. I should have stopped there. I really should have and I think something deep down inside me knew that even then, but i continued. Started with punches, A free fall of blood pouring from his nose, definitely broken. Hera cried out from horror, i didn't quite remember what she said but it was something like,
"Stop! Stop Blake please your going to kill him!"
When he fell to the ground, i thought it was over. I walked backwards, admiring my handiwork crying like a baby on the ground. It made me feel powerful, finally. Taking back my life almost.
Brandon was whooping, clinging to my back and jumping up and down like we won a rugby match. His thirst for violence never stopped to amaze me and I felt warm pride building through my body, but when I turned to face Archie and John I saw complete horror written across their faces. Red flushed over my face, a hot burning that I didn't like. I didn't like that I wasn't quite in power. I didn't know why I did it, maybe to display power maybe to scare or maybe to impress or just because i was mad, but I walked backwards, building up momentum and ran at Jake and kicked his head like I'd kick a football penalty.
All the frustration and all the Anger building up inside of me from last night was finally released.
"He really did kill his brother..." Hera whispered to Chris and I turned to stare at her. My eyes flashing red but then Reid piped in from behind me.
"He's still breathing. Someone call an ambulance."
I was about to say no, don't, but John already pulled out his phone, already punching in the numbers.
I just stood by, watching everyone else gather around Jake, asking him to stay awake,
"He's bleeding really fast from his nose. He might loose consciousness," Reid
"How do we stop it?!?!" Hera
I remembered suddenly, stopping the bleeding last night, tightly winding fabric across the cuts-
"Use this," I said and i took off my shirt, tearing it into thin and handed it to Reid. John was next to her helping, they both seemed to know what they were doing. Then I heard Brandon standing silently behind me whisper, so faintly into my ear.
"You better run before the police show up..."
I gritted my teeth and pushed through until i was face to face with Jake.
"If you mention me to anyone you're dead you little" My voice was a deep and throaty growl and I was sure he heard me because he p.issed himself.
"Im out." i said to everyone and began to slowly walk away, I leaned threateningly against Beanpole, who for the first time today looked genuinely afraid.
"He fell trying to do a trick on the board. You got me?" He nodded hesitantly and I grabbed my board and made me getaway. Archie perked up and began to follow me. That kid must have a death wish, to talk to me alone after that display of violence but when I saw his face it was a look of concern, not anger or disgust.
Archie Harris I had to get out of the skate park, I might pass out from the scene of chaos and gore. Who'd have thought i'd be squeamish? Maybe I wasn't, but the snap was still echoing in my ears, I was shivering to the bone. "Blake, that was bad, you shouldn't have-Oh my god, Blake, I really don't think your mum can handle-Are you going to own up? I don't want you to get into trouble, he didn't deserve it, though, Brandon I can understand but he didn't- Oh my god, Blake, that was bad, you shouldn't have..."
I trailed off as he turned on his heel and stopped dead in front of me, a vicious scowl painting his face, menacing and angry. I backed away slightly, voice catching in my throat.
"What are you going to do?"
He curled his hands into fists, edging forwards. He was still furious from the fight, he hadn't calmed down. But this couldn't possibly be worse than the times he'd beat me up before. Not when I used to wait after school for hours because I was afraid he'd be lurking at the park I walk through. Not after I ruined my student record trying to get as many detentions as possible just to avoid him. Blake Silverstein strolling towards me with hardened fists and more internal issues than Vogue was a familiar sight, and I wasn't afraid of it anymore.
"Stop, for god's sake!" The volume of my own voice surprised me. "You can't beat me up just because i'm right." He growled, like a predator that has already ki.lled it's prey. "Don't, because you know it's true, Blake!" He grabbed my wrist and yanked me forwards, lifting my arm uncomfortably high so I had to lean towards him to keep balance. "You're worthless." He spat. "Don't you dare pretend you're better than me-" He twisted my wrist and lifted it higher, so I had to go onto my tiptoes to keep it from breaking. He laughed harshly. Insecurely.
"I am better than you, though." I persisted. "Because I was brave enough to come out to a school full of people like you." My words were seeped in unfamiliar confidence, but my thoughts were still weak and afraid."And do you have any idea how much sh!t i've been through, because of you popular people? Other students treat me like i'm diseased. Teachers moved me to the back of their classrooms, they don't answer any of my questions. My doctor refused to make any further appointments with me." His grip loosened, and I managed to shift onto the balls of my feet. Something in his face softened. "And I remember in primary school when we were friends and I used to come over and Aiden was there-" He clenched down on my arm reflexively, "and you were nice and you didn't care about any of the stuff they care about, so can you just stop pretending to be like them because you're not." I started to pull my hand down slowly, and Blake lowered it without letting go. "And you don't like hurting people either, so stop, don't beat people up, don't yell at Reid," I could now stand normally, but Blake still had my arm in an iron grip, my fingers started to curl inwards from lack of circulation, and a purple bruise was forming under his white fingers. I reached over with my free hand and tentatively touched his wrist, the one he took the bandage off. Red spots had started to form on his sleeve. "And stop hurting yourself, too." I looked up carefully, afraid that If I moved too quickly or too slowly he would snap out of the sudden calm and try to kill me. Our eyes met, and the utter pain and fear clashed over his facial expressions like a small war. His lip was trembling and there was a shining tear track down one cheek.
"You can come back to mine if you want." I offered, not really wanting him to be alone. I felt some responsibility to protect him after he stood up for me to Brandon. "John's coming too. I'll tell you about what happened with Brandon. You can invite Reid if you like." In my mind I had already decided no wasn't an answer. Blake shook his head, unaware he didn't have a choice. "Your parents probably don't want me in their house-" He muttered.
"My dad's in Vietnam, he has no idea about anything that's happened. He doesn't even know i'm- you know. And my mum's pretty forgiving. Please." I tugged his arm gently, and he started to follow me. I lead him in silence down the path in the park, trying to ignore the possibility that John is going to be very upset with me.
Blake Silverstein We walked in silence, to his house i guess. I hated the silence, he could probably hear my every dragged out breath just an arms reach from crying. But I didn't trust myself to speak, If i spoke I'd definitely betray myself, god forbid i show emotion. At one point Archie stopped, His phone ringing. John.
He excused himself, walked down toward a small thicket of trees to take the call privately. Finally I could cry, quietly into my hands, my back turned to him so he wouldn't see. By the time he returned I'd managed to pull myself together, bit down hard on my tongue every time my tears felt like swelling up.
"hey!" he said when he caught up with me. i grunted in reply.
"John said he can come over..." A brief hesitation, "And Jake's in hospital. The Police aren't investigating, apparently they bought the whole accident thing." He said that last bit with a hint of disgust. Directed towards me. But I was too tired to react.
"grand." I replied. What he didn't know was that I've gotten away with things like this countless times before. Still, It was nice to have someone who believed in me.
We reached his house, on the far side of town. Where the flood was most harmful. I could tell when I walked into the hallway that it had suffered a lot of water damage, from the damp rugs to the moisture in the air.
John was already there, I guess he didn't know i was going to come because of the look of both surprise, fear, disappointment and anger flashed across his face. He didn't like that I was here and I didn't blame him. Not after that stunt i pulled. Archie's mom came downstairs and she too was surprised to see me.
Archie? hanging out with the school rugby captain? A small smile titled my lips, causing Johns brow to furrow even more.
"Oh! hi there! mmm..." She started,
'Blake." I said, "Do you have any bandages?" I asked.
She nodded, eyes flickering to my bloody sleeve and dashed to the cabinets in the kitchen, pulling out a first aid kit. I thanked her and took over, not wanting her to see the cuts.
"What's he doing here?" John asked from the far side of the room, my anger flared up at the sound of his voice, cynical. But i continued to wrap the cuts, i noticed a small scalpel in the kit and pocketed it. I didn't know why. i only remember my mind thinking that looks sharper then your old razor blade.
"I invited him." Archie.
"yeah I can tell, but why?" John, stupid John. More anger, like feeding kindle to a fire.
"Look dude we can talk about this late-"
I turned around, half way through bandaging and stared down John, "If you've got a f.u.cking problem with me being here, johnny, Then your gonna say it to my face, understand, b!tch."
Archie's mom's face flared up, a red, her mouth hung open to protest but Once again i had full control of the situation. just how i liked it.
John looked scared, he was hiding it well but I could tell. Archie on the other hand looked mad.
"Upstairs. Both of you"
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