Chapter 6
Ray Fon
I stood there awkwardly. For's sake, it's my choice whether I want to confess or not!
Karma nudged me as a gesture to speak. I tried to muster up all my courage, but the only word that came out was, "Hi."
Archie waved. "So, what's up?" He asked. Oh, I am so glad my mask is still on. I could feel my face grow hot.
"U-um..." I hesitated to speak. My mind was panicking. It's too soon to confess. He's going to think I'm weird if I say it right now. Plus, John's here! What would his reaction be if I confessed directly in front of him?! Archie's going to reject me anyway, so I shouldn't say anything now...
"W-When's the next SAS meeting?" I can easily imagine Karma smacking his head in disappointment.
John smiled sweetly. "It's either today or tomorrow. I don't know what time, but I think Robyn and Deirbhile will tell us."
I scratched my head nervously. "O-oh! Okay. Thanks for the info even though it wasn't specific but then again, I could have thought that it was in two days time-"
"Two days time is the weekends," Karma interrupted. "Ray, you're in high school. You should know this already."
"Say, we've met each other before, haven't we?" John gave Karma a puzzled look. "We were with Blake when they came, right Archie?"
The other one nodded. "We know Ray, but we didn't catch you're name." John took out his hand. "Well, I'm John, and this one's Archie, as you should know already."
Karma reached out to shake his hand. "I'm Karma." He smiled before releasing his hand. "Can we hang out until the bell rings? You know, to know each other better." Archie and John nodded and we walked to the school's playground and talked. Well, I didn't really say much. I stayed silent, like the shy b.itch I am. Why can't I be more courageous?
Deirbhile (Or D)
I finger guns my way away from Kira, classic Deirbhile-style, and walk with Robyn and Erin, into school. People mill about, talking in groups. "I'm so excited." Erin laughs, "This is what the school needs."
Robyn nods in agreement, "For real."
"Who else do we need to tell?" I ask.
"Them." I follow Robyn's gaze, and see Archie, John, Ray and another kid I don't recognise standing together. Ray keeps on shuffling his feet awkwardly, looking as though he wants the ground to swallow him up.
"Wait here." I tell the others, jogging over to them.
"Hey guys." I greet, slightly out of breath.
"Oh- hey, Deirbhile!" Ray greets eagerly, and turns to the guy standing next to him, gesturing towards me, "Karma, this is Deirbhile, Deirbhile, meet Karma."
I grin lopsidedly, "Hi."
He nods in greeting.
"Well, just telling you all that the first-" I do quotation marks, "- Social Awareness Society -" Archie snorts, "-Meeting is tomorrow lunch in Room 1."
"Awesome." Ray says, voice unnaturally high, and I smile once more.
"See you guys tomorrow then." I wave, running one of my hands through my hair, as I begin walking away.
"Who else do we need to tell?" I ask them.
"Um. . . Reid." Robyn says.
I cringe, "Where to get her alone? She probably hates me."
"You'll figure something out." Erin shrugs, as we walk to first period.
Archie Harris
I don't know if I like Karma very much. He's quite- abrasive. John made polite conversation, but I didn't have anything interesting to say, so I trailed after them, irritated because I wanted to be alone with John. It was nice finally having someone to talk to. Bored with the conversation and Ignoring John's attempts to include me, I started to drift back to thinking about being at John's house. Everything felt clean, and his house smelt like leather and earth. It was neat, and his room was tidy, everything in piles on his desk. He had alarms on his phone for every hour, when he needed to revise or do homework or eat. His life was so planned out, no wonder he did so well at everything. I also felt a little bit guilty, and sad for him. He told me that he should be working last night, but instead I took up all of his time. John doesn't have any space on his timetable for other people, but he dropped so much last night to hang out with me. And his parents weren't there. He said his mum was on a business trip and wouldn't be back till Sunday, but he warned that his brother could come in at any time in the night. I didn't even know John had a brother. Apparently he dropped out of college and deals at the skate park. He isn't allowed in the house, so he sneaks in when John's mother is away. I wish my brother wasn't allowed in the house. My brother, Andrew, is only twelve, and he hates me now I'm out. He blackmails me too. I try to ignore it, but-
"Hmm?" I snap out of my thoughts to find John and Karma staring at me.
"Zoning out? Again?" John teased, prodding me in the ribs. I slapped away his hand, even though I knew he was only joking.
"Can we go to the library?" I asked, not wanting to be around Karma anymore. It felt like he was constantly watching me, like he was comparing himself to me.
"Sure, see you around!" He waved cheerily to John, but scowled at me as we turned to go. He didn't try to hide it, or seem ashamed that I'd caught him, which was unnerving. Why did he hate me? Was he jealous? I made sure to slide my arm around John's, just incase he was still watching.
Ray Fon
I watched the two leave before looking up at the sky. I was glad that they've left, but at the same time I want them to come back. I wanted to talk more, but I was too shy. That was my chance of getting to know him better and tell him about myself.
Fu.c.king dangit.
"Well, they're gone." Karma stood from the bench we were sitting on and stretched his arms. "So, what do you want to do now?"
I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I don't usually come this early."
Karma sighed and faced the building. "Normally, I'd go to the library, but since Archie and John are in there, I'd rather not. They'll probably find us strange following them around." He plopped back onto the bench and closed his eyes. "Sometimes I like to just listen to my surroundings and let my mind free of time. It makes you feel like an hour is a minute and it's a nice thought, too."
He covered his head with his hood and breathed softly. He looked like he was sleeping. I copied his actions, closing my eyes and breathing deeply. I heard the chirps of birds and the caws of crows. The children playing, singing, rapping, laughing... talking. The wind softly rushing past us, bringing a cool feeling. He was right. This is nice. Reminds me of my mum meditating. I guess this is how she feels.
And then the bell for class time rang.
"Aaaaand now we gotta go." Karma pulled me up from the bench and dragged me to the lockers. "See? It was quick, wasn't it? But it was great while it lasted."
I nodded in agreement.
I guess my mind was still in that listening state, because I could hear everyone whispering. Many of them talking about Karma and wondering who he was. I heard them asking others if he was a transfer student, the rest shrugging. Gee, Karma isn't noticed often.
Well, now he is.
Blake Silverstein
Hera Zhang had lived in San Diego before moving here twelve years ago. She's spent the majority of her life in this sh!thole but she still gets to act like an American. She's typical miss California with her bright pink prints and figure hugging nylon leggings. Her long, slinky black hair streaked with blond, her tilted, ornamental eyes hidden behind amber smoked sunglasses. Not exactly typical gym attire. She and I were class cutters extraordinaire anyway, and P.E was our speciality.
We'd been seeing each other on the side, nothing serious and nothing real. She sells me her pot and I tell her she's a knockout.
But I didn't feel like a quick hookup behind the school stairs. Not today. I knew she was probably waiting for me.
But Whatever.
The locker room was filled with shouts, echoes and the subterranean sound of showers splashing on tile.
The boys had been playing full contact rugby during period one. A walk in the park for me on most days, but I wasn't really feeling it, so a received a couple of bad hits, fell a couple of times too. My hair and biceps were mud streaked with a little blood. Probably not mine.
I glanced to the showers from my locker, It was pretty obvious who the popular guys were and who the freaks were. The showers were open so it was only natural that no one had taken any of the showers on either side of Archie.
He's a queer though. So it's only natural.
Andy was always alone. But I always thought Andy liked to be alone. Guess he didn't huh? Guess he's dead. Because you couldn't read the mothef.u.cking signs, Blake you big eegit. You f.u.cking ret@rd.
I noticed Karma too. showering with the loners and the losers. Little sh!t sure made a show of himself yesterday standing up to me and Reid. Little b!tch. He did well in rugby though. I don't know why I never noticed him, he would have made a good addition to the team. He's tall too and lean... and muscular-
I came to the realisation that I was staring at him so I moved to the closest free shower- next to Archie.
I stepped under the water and let it run down my neck, the pressure of it fla.ttening my hair in wet streaks across my face. Archie kept taking quick glances up at me. I guess he didn't know why I'd shower next to him. The predatory f@g as my dad liked to call them. And to be completely honest, I didn't know either.
"Good game, ye?" I grunted. I didn't know if f@ggots did locker room talk.
Archie looked up at me again. Surprised? He was so much smaller then me, he looked almost scared.
"I mean sure. my team lost though."
"haha yeah. Sucks for you. So eh I got yer text yea? An' are you still going to the- em-you know-"
"the funeral?"
"Yeah that. My ma wanted to know is all. An' like its tomorrow so if there's anything you want to say, you know like them speech things, like that would be cool. I guess."
I cringed at myself. I was talking too fast. Archie turned off the shower and reached for a towel so I did the same, even though I still had blood smeared on my skin. People were looking at us. Not many but enough to make me uncomfortable. I muttered "See you around then." And returned to Jakey and Beanpole and a couple of other sh1tbags. They slapped me on the back and asked me how far I got with Hera this time. I just grinned stupidly.
And glanced quickly at Karma. He'd be good on the team.
Archie Harris
Going to PE reminded me why I usually skip. I'll be fine, going to hell for the g@y thing, it surely can't be worse than rugby. I pressed the back of my hand into my cheek, trying to calm down the redness. My face was still flushed from the embarrassment of having everyone staring at me and Blake. He got the text, does that mean he's still down to beat me up tonight? Starting to regret that offer I won't read at the funeral, I don't think anyone will appreciate me being there, since it could be my fault Adrien-Well, not my fault, but if I'd just stayed his friend-. I leant back against the metal pole at the end of one of the changing benches, listening to the water dripping in the showers. There was only one other person in here now. I fiddled with my tie in my hands, struggling to justify getting up and continuing the day. Something about PE made me feel like sh1t. Maybe it was constantly being tackled, even if I didn't have the rugby ball. maybe it was that I never had the rugby ball, because everyone was still pretending I didn't exist. It's so strange, that everyone likes to make fun of me, but as soon as we get into the "manly" part of the day, everyone wishes I wasn't there. I didn't really belong, granted. I pulled my shirt tight, so I could see through the thin white material, and inspected the purple bruise forming on my ribs. Jake. tried to push my head into the ground as he tackled me, but I rolled away. At least he didn't-
I pushed the thought from my mind when I heard the water stop abruptly from the showers, but it wouldn't go away. I hurried to tie my tie, and knotted it a little too tightly in my haste to be ready. I could hear the footsteps padding over the cracked tiles, dripping water. My hands were shaking, and I prayed it wasn't one of Blake's, I can't be alone in a locker room with one of Blake's-
"Hi Arch" Karma whistled, rubbing his hair with a towel.
"Hey." I breathed, trying to control the shaking as I pulled my jumper on.
"Are you and John dating?" My fingers sl,ipped away from the hem of my jumper in surprise. I forgot how blunt Karma was. He interpreted the shock on my face as a yes, and chuckled.
"So, you'd be mad if he made out with someone else?" I looked up at Karma, worried. These were quite specific questions. He looked innocent enough, but people found it weird when I looked at them, especially in the changing rooms.
"Why do you ask?" I replied slowly, trying to keep my voice neutral. "You don't know something, do yo-"
"No, just interested. I'm doing research, incase I have to break you two up." He grinned, jokingly.
"Please don't," I smiled back. Karma started chatting about the game, but I felt myself losing concentration. The bruise on my side was throbbing, and memories of last season's rugby games were painfully resurfacing. Goddamn, maybe all of Blake's friends will come out to me? Reid in the storage closet, and Beanpole-wait, that's not his real name-what's his real name? Anyway, him in the changing rooms in autumn. I visibly shuddered.
Ray Fon
I was hoping that Karma and I would be in the same class.
Unfortunately, we're not.
Aw man.
Well, at least I had science. Science isn't too bad.
Much explosion. More destruction.
When the session was over, which I thought was quick, many of the students pushed past me, dashing to their lockers, desperately checking their timetables before rushing off to their next class. I did the same, except for the pushing bit, and ran off to the art room.
"Ah, welcome back everybody!" The art teacher, Miss Mera, was a nice teacher. The best one in school. Many would agree. I took a seat far from everyone else, knowing that they wouldn't want my presence nearby.
"Remember how you would fiddle with play dough when you were all so young?" Miss Mera grabbed a large chunk of clay, throwing it around. "Well, today, we will be making something that is beautiful, better than the ones in the past. We will finally be doing pottery! This week, we're only practising. Next week is when we get serious! Everybody, come take some clay and I'll teach you how to do this!"
"Aw, sh!t," I cursed under my breath. "I cannot do this f.u.cking sh!t." I tried again, making the machine spin and stroking the clay as softly as I could.
"F.uck!" Why won't it work?! This is my third try and not once did it ever became close to what I wished it to be. It won't curve, it won't straighten and it won't change! I cursed again when it fell off the machine.
"Mother.f.ucking piece of why can't you f.u.cking obey my f.ucking actions?" I mutter as I picked it up and returned back to the machine, anger boiling inside me. So this is what it feels to order bi.tchy people around.
"You need some help there?" I turn to the voice, relaxing gladly when I realised that Karma was in this class. He took his hood off, smirking. "You are horrible at this."
"Shut the f.uck up and help me you son of a bi.tch!" I chuckled as I spoke. I don't understand why I'm so happy to see him. Maybe it's because I felt safe and loved when I around him-well, not full on loved, but recognised.
"Here, sit." He forced me onto a seat in front of the machine and stood next to me. "Show me how you do sh!t and then I'll help you."
I shrugged and placed the clay on the top and started to spin the machine. I stroked it softly, struggling to get it shifting. "See? I'm trying to curve it but it won't do it!"
"That's because you're so soft!" Karma explained. "Push it harder."
"I heard that."
I laughed and rolled my eyes, this time pressing it more firmly. I think I did it too firmly, because it curved so much the inside started to close up.
"No, now you're too hard."
"Oh my f.ucking god." Karma chuckled and softly pushed me. "Get off. I'll show you how to do it." I jumped out of the chair, Karma sitting on it, and started to create a vase. He made it look so simple, yet it was so hard for me to do! Why?
'See? Easy!" He pulled me back onto the chair and got off. "If you think you're too hard, try-don't you fu.c.king dare say it again, I f.u.cking swear, I will drive this fist through your skull."
I laughed. "That's what-"
Karma sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's it, I'm using you as a punching bag this lunch."
I giggled and began my work again, this time careful with my strength. Eventually it got the right structure. It wasn't the best, but it was decent. I could see Karma smiling at the corner of my eye as I created the vase. For once, I feel like I've made someone proud. This is so weird, though. I've only met him yesterday and we're acting as best friends. Maybe... no, just up to that.
"...Ray. Ray! Didn't you hear the bell?" I snapped my head to face him, my thoughts also snapped. What? Did lunch already start?
"What, got hypnotised by its spinning?" Karma asked before pulling me up. "Miss, we'll be going now, 'kay?" Miss Mera nodded before he pulled me out of the door, dragging me to the outside. "So, we're going to the cafeteria and then try to find Archie and John. I've talked to Arch already in P.E and learnt a thing or two about their relationship."
I shrugged, unsure about his plan. What was his plan? To break them up? I hope not.
"Also, once we're done talking to them I'm going to punch you because you said that when I told you no."
I laughed.
"I'm serious."
Archie Harris
It wasn't difficult to find John in the library, as he was the only person there.
"Archie!" the cheerfulness in his voice brought a faint smile to my lips, but PE had left me shaken up. I shuffled over quietly, noticing the glower the librarian aimed at us. "You ok?" John tilted his head questioningly, concern flickering over his face for a split second.
"Just tired," I assured him, pulling myself up onto a table and swinging my legs gently, watching as John carefully slid books from a nearby pile back onto the shelf. For a while the only noise was a hum from a heater over the faint scratching of the librarian's pen, but it didn't stay that way for long.
The door was flung open with such enthusiasm that it smacked into the wall, and Karma sauntered in, closely followed by Ray. I was seeing an awful lot of Karma today. Before I knew it he was sat on the table next to me, starting a conversation with John. Ray hovered nearby, and I felt like I should talk to him, but didn't know what to say. I subconsciously tuned in to what John was saying-
"-but my Music teacher freaked out, so I quit. I still learn, just teach myself. It's not that bad-"
John plays a musical instrument? Should I know that? He takes art A level, not music. Maybe he does both. I should know this. Why does Karma know this? Karma's being a better boyfriend than me! Not really knowing how to be involved in this conversation, which was now what I desperately wanted, I resorted to sulking. I could be interesting and funny too, and I was a little angry that John was talking to someone else, despite knowing how unreasonable it was.
Ray Fon
Pfffffft! Ahaha! Karma's being a better "boyfriend"! Now that's funny!
I shuffled nervously in my spot, thinking whether I should say anything or not. I know that I was supposed to talk to him so I could be friends, but I'm not too keen on communication.
"Uh... A-Archie?" Sh!t, my face is feeling hot from blushing. I lifted my hand to check if my mask was still on. Good.
"Hmm?" He faced me but his eyes were reluctant to follow. "What's wrong?"
"O-Oh, nothing's wrong! Just... kind of uncomfortable..." I fiddled with my fingers. I'm acting like a dork again. Argh, I wish I had Karma's confidence!
We both sat next to each other in awkward silence, John and Karma happily chattering about some sh!t. I kept telling myself to speak, but the words were caught in my throat.
"So, how's your day?"
"H-Huh?" Sh!t, now he's going to think I'm ignorant.
"I said, "How was your day?" Mine's been fine, I guess." Archie glanced at John and Karma. I think he's jealous.
I scratched my head and stammered out my next sentence. "I-it's been g-great! K-Karma taught me how to-to do po-pottery..." Why the f.uck did I talk about pottery? That came out stupid! I need to improvise. "It was for second session when we did art. He's quite talented, from what I've seen."
"Is that so?" Archie glanced at the other two again, the envy easily expressed on his face. "No wonder he's having a great time talking..."
"What? Oh, I just said "He looks like he's having a great time talking"." Archie scratched his head nervously as well. "So, back to the school topic, he is good at rugby, too. Are you?"
He can play rugby? "No, sports isn't my specialty... I'm more better than academic stuff like maths, English, writing and all that." This conversation isn't so bad, right?
"Then I guess I should come over some time," he chuckled. "I'm not the best at maths. Too many numbers to remember!"
I could feel my whole body become hot. He said he should come over some time! Oh, I hope that was a joke. "I-I mean, in year 6 I did go to an Extension class with a few other smart people... those guys are probably smarter than me, so why not go to them?"
Archie shrugged. I looked away, staring at the clock. The silence returned. It was awkward, having a decent conversation and then suddenly stopping even though you're not leaving. I tried to find a good excuse to talk. "Um... Karma's smart..."
"Uh-huh." For the third time he glanced at John and Karma. The tone of his voice changed into something less happy as he said, "I don't need his help. John's intelligent and I can come to him anytime."
When I noticed how... unhappy-but-not-sad-more-like-angry-but-not-really... his voice sounded, I started thinking that Archie's growing hate for Karma. I started to worry. What if he hates his guts so much that I can't have his help on talking to Archie anymore? "O-okay... well, you do you."
And the silence returned.
The only thing I can think of is the uncertain future of my relationships. I don't know what's going to come out of this. Actually, I don't even know if anything good is going to come out of this. If Archie eventually accepts my confession, that is, if I do confess, who will be with John? Is Karma talking to John so much because he wants John to "love" him in order for Archie to find someone else? But what if they're treated badly? And how is being Archie's boyfriend like? Why am I asking these questions when I'm nowhere near confessing? So many anxious questions are running through my head.
I wonder what Archie's thinking about.
Archie Harris
I was thinking about maths. More specifically, maths homework. The maths homework that was due next that I couldn't do. If I fail my maths GCSE i'll have to do it again in college, and i'll fail again there. I was going to ask John to help me, but he was...not talking to me.
With a quiet sigh, I pushed off form the table and started to head for the door. At least I could give my maths teacher a heads up, let her know to cancel her lunch plans because she's be supervising my detention. Poor woman doesn't get time to eat these days. As the door swung shut behind me, I caught sight of the John and Karma, Ray now also involved in the conversation. John hadn't even noticed i'd left. I was just being clingy, though, it was normal, of course. Right? He was probably tired of me anyway, I had been with him since yesterday. I just felt a little let down, I think. I got over excited, having someone to hang out with. Obviously he wouldn't want to hang out with me all the time. he had other friends. This entire thing was a bad idea probably, we didn't even know anything about each other until the other night. The dialogue continued in my head, loud and distracting, quickly trying to block and erase something else. It was too late though, because i'd already thought it. What if he didn't actually like me, and he was just being nice. I wish he wouldn't. I passed room one and remembered the SAS was this lunchtime. It's fine, i didn't want to go anyway. They didn't want me to go either-
"Watch it!" I jumped back in surprise, realising who i'd accidentally walked into. Beanpole was staring down at me, Blake leaning against lockers nearby. I tried to move around, but one of the others stepped in front of me.
Can't they leave me alone for once?
Blake Silverstein
The situation had become a very awkward one the moment Archie bumped into Brandon (Beanpole) Murphy when he was ***ping me a baggie of goods. I was fairly certain Archie didn't see, and tucked it away as quickly as possible, but the lads were on edge. Archie had walked right into the lions den, And was now standing, dumfounded, while the vultures circled their prey. And they were angry. The timing was just about right enough so that things worked out wrong for everyone. Yeah sure maybe Archie wasn't bad. Maybe he was my brother's friend, but it wasn't like i could stop them. Not without loosing the respect I'd spent so long trying to achieve. Besides if he wasn't such a bloody f@g this wouldn't have had been happening to him.
Jake was the first to strike, he stepped up to Archie, rolled up his sleeves and grabbed him by the collar.
"And may i ask who the you think you are, queer?" He asked, his voice friendly, chummy almost. He's surrounded by a circle of mainly potheads and jocks, large and intimidating. Beanpole's staring daggers at him, and I recognised the look. He's about to go bulls!t crazy on the kid so a turned away to face Hera and Reid, flashing them a nervous smile. Reid looked uncomfortable too but Hera's a stone cold b!tch. She stuck her gum to the locker and disbanded us to join jake and Beanpole in their attempt to make Archies life miserable. I continued like nothing was happening behind me. Something I'd done on countless occasions, but this time i felt different. Guilty?
Chris joined in, continuing with the false neighbourly attitude. He said a couple of *** things poked Archie in the chest, roughly every time like he was just kidding.. I laughed nervously. It was fairly funny.
Then it was Beanpole's turn. there was talk. Not good talk. There was no attempt at flippancy or false coquetry on his part. He smiled sickly, an ear to ear grin that was menacing and sinister. Then I heard the soft swish noise of a pocket knife.
"Your not gonna tell, are ya?' he asked
Archie looked confused, "Wh-wh-what?" He said, his voice barely audible through panicked breaths. Hera copied them, mocking him and I laughed at this too, before feeling a fresh wave of guilt.
"The drugs you bloody sp@stic!" Brandon shouted. He flipped open the knife and pointed it at Archies neck. He smile changed to an almost seductive one?
"N-n-no!" Archie cried. Hera mocked his voice again. Reid hitched up her skirt, revealing her thigh as some blond girl passed by but i didn't take much note, I was entranced by what was going down.
Chris knocked archie to the ground and started kicking him, soon a bunch of lads joined in but Beanpole stopped them.
"It's alri' lads I'll deal with him," He muttered and they backed away. "Get up, what are you a ret@rd!?" he shouted, sending drops of spittle into the air, Archie gather's himself, alarmed and Beanpole leaded him away and out into the yard, his knife gleaning in the sunlight. Soon their out of sight and out of mind. Conversation continues as normal, and I can't help but feel uneasy.
Archie Harris
(All of the trigger warnings, this is violent and hints at r@pe)
"I didn't see anything!" I tried to protest through shaky breaths and gasps. My lip stung, a metallic tang on my tongue. A sharp pain in my rib made each breath a struggle, and my hair was sticking uncomfortably to my neck with either sweat or blood, which had never occurred to me as an issue before now, when a harsh shove sent me tumbling onto the rough gravel at Brandon's? feet. I think I heard someone call him that, but forgive me for not really listening. There was a ringing in my ear that helped me ignore all of their taunts and insults, but out here Brandon's voice was crystal clear. With each word he gestured, whipping the knife through the air. The words weren't important though. Another crushing weight fell on my chest, grinding my injured shoulder further into the ground. He knelt on my chest, and before I even tried I knew my shaky hands wouldn't be able to push him off. It was a good thing I hadn't eaten, because I would have 100 percent thrown up. I could feel tears, or blood, running down my cheek. Or both. It wasn't important. There was a metallic click as he brought the blade down, following the tear track. Now it was definitely blood.
"S-stop.." I gasped, trying to look around frantically. Was there anyone around? Would Blake or Reid help me? Where's John? Oh my god, what if he kills me? It'll be worse than what he did last time-
A rough hand forced my chin up, and I felt a glob of spit land on my forehead. That was unpleasant, but i'm not sure i'm in a position to complain.
"-Know too many of my bloody secrets-"
"I don't, I didn't see anything, I promise, I wouldn't te- tell any...anywa-" Ragged breaths broke up my sentences, but he didn't seem to be listening anyway
"Not that, f@g. The other thing." He yanked a handful of my hair and I cried out.
"Not the first time you made that noise for me, hmm?" He growled, using the handful of hair to slam my head against the floor. My vision burst into explosions of colour, ears ringing again. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was something about 'dead people being better at keeping secrets.'
I recon I needed more than the nurses office to undo all this.
The talk with John was nice. Not much, but nice. Sweet, actually, but not my type of talk.
After Archie left, which I noticed while Ray and John were talking, I started thinking to myself.
When was the last time it ate?
I heard loud talking outside. Not screaming, though. Oh, wait... yeah that's totally screaming.
"Hey, I'm going to go out, 'kay?" Ray nodded, still listening to John's words. I wore my hood and left the safety of the library. Whoa, I just realised that the library is a safe house. Because you need to be so quite in there, you can hardly hurt anyone.
There goes another thought no one thinks about.
Anyway, I opened the door and walked, spotting a bleeding body on the floor with people walking past it, as if it was never there. Man, humanity is cold.
I approached it, realising that Archie was bleeding, most likely knocked out. I sighed in disappointment. It's pretty obvious who almost ki.lled him. Blake and his b!tches are the only ones in school capable to hurt someone this bad.
I mean, I'm probably stronger-no, not stronger, but capable of beating them because I'm agile as according to my family, but I'm not the dude who f.u.cks you up for a sh!tty reason.
Then again, maybe they didn't have a sh!tty reason.
They probably had no reason at all.
I picked him up and carried him to the nurse's office, not giving a single about the weird looks other people gave me. I mean, seriously. Why the should I care? I should be the one giving the weird look if you're going to leave some kid to die. Like, what the The only thing people care about nowadays are money, looks and finding someone to in the club.
Oh, too.
I pushed open the door to the Nurse's office and asked for help. I laid him on a bed and sat next to him, waiting for him to wake up. I inspected his face. Geez, who the brought a knife to school? *Cough*Cookingteachers*cough*.
Archie finally woke up after that thought, struggling to open his eyes. "Agh... Am I in the nurse office?"
"Yes! Finally, something other than, "What happened?" and, "Where am I?"!" I chuckled and nodded to answer his question. "I'm assuming that Blake tried to kill you?"
He shook his head sleepily, slurring his next words, "Nah... Brandon brought a knife... cut me... Oh god, I think I'm going to puke..."
Hmm... I wonder if I can use his sleepy state to my advantage.
"Who the's Brandon?" I already know since I listen to everything around me.
"Can I beat him up?"
"W-What? No!" He pushed himself up to sit, flinching when he stretched his injuries.
"Aw... please?" I love payback. That's why my name's Karma.
"Pretty please? I gotta live up to my name!"
Archie Harris
(Again, slight triggers)
"Dad?" There as a ringing in my ear. and a rough shove sent me tumbling to the ground. "Dad!" There were shouts, and I felt a blade cut across my cheek. "Please, Stop!" Someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me forwards. My dad was gone, I was stood in a locker room with Beanpole. It was uncomfortable, we were making out, i didn't want to but i couldn't push away- He was taking it further, but I couldn't move, I was paralysed. I didn't want him to touch me there! Where was dad? Why won't he help me? "Dad!"
I woke up with a start, squinting as a white light shone down into my eyes. My head was surrounded by lavender scented pillows. "Wh-" I grunted in pain, trying to sit up. What was going on. I raised a hand to feel something papery and itchy on my face. I tried to peel it off but a soft hand stopped me. The light seemed to dim and I opened my eyes fully. A beautiful pale woman was leaning over me, straight blonde hair falling over her shoulders, with red eyes, from crying.
"Mum?" She leant down and hugged me gently.
"Archie, Oh my god. I was so worried." She sat up and smiled softly, brushing my hair back off my forehead.
"What happened?" I croaked, voice unusually hoarse.
"You don't remember?" She replied sadly. I shook my head slowly, letting my fingers *** between hers. "It doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that you're safe." I relaxed into the bed. I guess I was at a hospital, and there was a card on the small table next to me. I must have been looking at it confused, because mum picked it up. "It's from Andrew. I know he gives you a rough time at home Arch, but he was so upset." she trailed off, and I thought back to my younger brother. Just because all the insults were just him trying to be cool and fit in, doesn't mean they don't hurt sometimes. "And a girl called Laura came to see you. A lot of people have been asking if you're ok." I nodded, shifting round to lie on my side, so I could see her. "Did John come?"
"John?" She furrowed her brow, trying to remember. "I don't think so, honey. I'm sorry." She added when she saw my face fall. "But school only finished a few hours ago, he might come round later."
"I've been out all day?" I struggled again to sit up, but she held me down.
"You woke up in the nurse's office. A student called Karma was there. You were talking about Beanpole, and knives? Do you really not remember, sweetheart?" she ran a thumb over the bandage on my cheek and I shrugged. I remember John in the library, but after that it's a blur. I don't remember the nurses office. I remember the dream, though.
"I had a dream where Dad did it." I whispered, ashamed. SHe pulled me into another hug, and I could feel tears running onto my shoulder. "You know he will still love you, Arch. He won't care, you shouldn't be afraid to tell him."
"I'm not, it was just a dream..." I mumbled, running a hand through her soft hair and sl.ipping back into sleep.
(OOC I realise Archie has had loads of attention in this and has sort of taken the focus off of the SAS, so this is going to be the end of his "character arc" He'll get better and tell his dad ect, so things will still happen, but he won't be a main character or take attention of anyone else anymore Xx)
Reid Keegan
It wasn't the blood,
-The blood that decorated Brandon's face like crimson freckles-
that had sent the red alarms off behind my eyes,
alarms alerting me that something wasn't right.
it was the now still, quietness of the boy. Tired almost, and un-engaging as the gang weaved while they walked down to the old Grills Bridge, slapping backs and chatting. Praising on each others' grisly performances, reenacting the beating of Archie Harris on innocent passers by, laughing as they did.
Brandon was a loud mouth, a psychotic loudmouth with a sick sense of humour that drew the big bad wolves like Blake crazy. They loved him, the comic relief to their otherwise bleak existences. Maybe he was unhinged, maybe he was cruel and twisted, but boy did the guy know how to crack a one liner. The crazy just made the deal all the more sweeter, who doesn't want their own madman? A real wolf amongst the lost boys and girls who steal their mothers' vodkas and pick on the weak.
Normally after a performance like that Brandon was the loudest of the loudest, hopping from mate to mate bragging about his bark and his bite. But today he was silent, a wary watcher hiding a secret.
Something heavy weighing on that broken balance he called his mind.
"hey." I said as I approached him, my hands deep in my pockets and we crossed the leaf speckled bridge, Blake pushing Hera in and Jake falling in suite, jumping with his arms high in the air.
Grills Bridge was a hotspot of ours. Infamous for the ignorant series of spray paint decorating its side in a hazy pink.
Normally whenever we passed it, Brandon would turn around, his eyes wide with false shock, a dainty hand covering his O shaped mouth and he'd say "What about us grills?" In all seriousness.
A famous Brandon quote that always got chucks from the gang.
But there were no jokes today.
"Hey," I repeated, jolting him from his thoughts.
"Hey Rebecca Rabbit." He replied, shooting me a white smile complete with charming dimples. It would have melted any girl except
His teeth were caked with blood
And Laura was all I needed.
"You seem distracted."
'Why do you say that?' crocodile teeth, and so much blood, so much hatred in his beady eyes. so much-
"Y'know your so quiet and stuff. your not like your usually self?"
"Oh" He laughs, a brief bark of a laugh, "Yeah well I had a tough physics exam today -talk about pressure!"
He said sarcastically, sitting at the edge of the bridge, his legs tapping a rhythm into pillar below.
I was about to reply when, I saw soft red a blue lights beyond the trees, a siren going off faintly in the distance. No one took any notice, for once we weren't doing something illegal, but Brandon shot up, he grabbed his bag and left. Didn't even say anything. It was clear enough, everything was adding together. He did something unforgivable, something he couldn't even share with his closest friends.
Archie Harris
(OOC a short one to keep it rollin')
I woke up again in what felt like a few hours, absolutely starving. I remembered mum telling me it was after school, but I had no idea when. After a few minutes of lying on my back, wondering whether or not I should just go back to sleep, I heard a faint buzz. Like a phone vibrating-
Like a phone vibrating. I shifted uncomfortably until I could reach one arm down the side of the bed, and felt my schoolbag. After an age of rooting around, my fingers brushed the cold metal surface of my mobile. 5 texts and 3 missed calls from John, and a message from Laura. I swiped open the lock and clicked on a profile picture, squinting. It was still bright in the hospital ward, but god do I leave my phone brightness turned up. Finally I adjusted, and with watering eyes read-
Hey Archie, Oh my gosh I'm so worried abt u! Txt when u can Xx
I can't believe Reid, saw her in the corridor when it happened. What a B1tch. ttyl, gws Xx
I tapped the text box, typing a quick thank you, but I hesitated before I clicked send. Laura saw what was happening? I tried to explain it away, she probably didn't notice, or was scared. No one else did anything, and I don't expect her to. But she did notice Reid...
Thanks, L Xx
Hey, don't be mad @ Reid, she wasn't involved-was talking to her earlier, and she likes those books- about the Evil Cinderella Fairy thing? Idk. Talk to her. Ttyl
I don't think i've ever typed faster then when I searched Reid's name on Facebook. She had me unblocked, either she never blocked me or undid it recently. Anyway, I had a job to do.
Reid, google the plot summary for Ash by Malinda Lo. Pick a favourite character. Ask no questions. You're welcome.
I started to regret it as soon as I hit send, and put my phone down in fear that she would reply. Do pizza places deliver to hospitals? Because, I'm still hungry. Hoping mum would return soon, I settled down and started counting the ventilation holes in the ceiling, matching each one to a crime i'd commit in exchange for some food.
Ray Fon
I have no idea where Karma and Archie ended up in. The bell rang, meaning that school has ended, and now I'm waiting at the gates, hoping that nothing bad has happened to the two.
Then I spot Blake, walking with his b!tch-friends, pushing people out of the way. Then I remember that his brother's funeral was today.
But should I go?
Without a second thought, I began walking towards him, forgetting that Karma wasn't with me. Normally I'd be more brave with him by my side.
They all spot me but I kept walking. Beanpole gave me a n.a.sty look, which made me uncomfortable. I still spoke to Blake. "H-hi... I was wondering whether I could come to your brother's funeral..." I fiddled with my fingers, the timid feeling returning.
"And why should he invite a son of a b!tch like you?" Jake spat, crossing his arms. Hey, haven't seen him around for a long time.
Blake waved a dismissing hand at Jake. "Nah, it's fine, boys. He already apologised." He then looked at me and... smiled... nicely? "Sure, you can come, but it doesn't mean that you won't get a beating tomorrow."
What? Why does he want to beat me up tomorrow? Actually, I should ask that aloud. "Why are you going to beat me up tomorrow?"
Beanpole stepped closer to me. "Because why the not?!" He pushed my shoulder roughly before walking past in an agitated manner. Geez, talk about anger issues.
I faced back to Blake. "I-If you want... Would you like me to bring a gift...?" I shuffled nervously in my spot, hoping to receive a positive answer. Blake shrugged and walked past me, telling me the location of the funeral. Jake walked close behind him, whispering, "Don't do anything stupid there or else, you rapping roaster."
As he left, I fiddled with my fingers again. I'll take the 'rapping roaster' bit as a compliment, I guess. I'm just nervous about what's going to happen at the funeral and tomorrow. I stood there awkwardly, people passing by.
Then I spot John, walking and texting. I ran up to him and began a conversation. The sky became dark and grey and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Why do I feel so scared now? I looked behind me as John continued, hoping to spot Karma.
Yet he was still nowhere.
I think I realise why I have this feeling now...
Sorry if it isn't as detailed as normal, I kinda had to rush.
Blake Silverstein
My hands (useless b@stards) couldn't stop f.u.cking shaking.
Just one more loop, then tighten (tightened it around your neck!)
I threw my tie across the room, shouting " this sh!t!" as I did.
I couldn't do it. couldn't do my own tie. what the actual
The room felt ten degrees colder and the earth was shaking. I turned, confused and dizzy, and I looked up at the ceiling fan, spinning to keep out an inexistent heat. Useless. Making the cold worse... Just spinning with out a purpose, over and over, idly mocking me as it went. A faint breeze knocking against my face and I shuddered, it felt like a million needles stinging my eyes and tears begun to emerge, warm and welcoming as they streaked down my face. I didn't know how long I just stood there crying, felt like an oblivion. Felt like I myself had passed away and was merely standing by, waiting for the man in black.
A man in black did come, only this one was my father.
I quickly wiped my eyes (Blake he obviously saw you you f.u.cking ejit you were crying like a baby) and braced myself, tightening my every muscle in anticipation.
He did hit me, twice. he touched my face softly, turning it towards him, to see my trembling lips and sore eyes, to see the betrayal and disgrace. His look was almost kind, and for a brief second I welcomed what came next. A distraction from deeper hurting. He punched me, once in the stomach, "I'm sorry!" I cried out, then a swift slap across the face and he was gone. black shoes squeaking gently down the hallway. I took a quick look in the mirror, I was a mess but I was clean. He was always careful not to leave a mark.
I didn't cry after that. I punched the mirror in front of me, not even flinching when the glass sliced my hand and streaked it with red. I straightened up, grabbed my tie off the floor and fixed it around my neck, letting the ache in my stomach and the pain across my knuckles distract me and keep me distant. When I was done I wrapped a cloth around my hand and tightened it, almost as tight as the knot I felt growing in my stomach, not from the punch but from bottled up anger and fear, and I went outside, welcoming the brief fresh air before being shoved into a stuffy car with a bunch of relatives I'd never met.
The blood was spreading faster then I had thought it would, but I didn't make a sound. Not with my father in the car.
Archie Harris
"Are you sure, Honey?"
I nodded solemnly, fiddling with the hem of my sweater. The pale blue shirt was uncomfortable and kept brushing against the slice in my stomach, tending brief tingles of pain shooting through me. We were sat in the hospital car park. I had to go back later, but they let me out to go to- this.
I hope Blake didn't think I was trying to steal any attention away. A soft hand reached out and stroked my face, where I knew the *** red gash was. I'd tried to hide it, but every bandage or plaster just called more attention to it. I wanted to be fairly unnoticeable. It wasn't about me anymore, it was about Aiden and his family. I prayed that Beanpole wouldn't be there as the car engine started up. Maybe I shouldn't go? But I said I'd go, and I don't want to abandon Blake, I don't think he'd have asked me if his other friends were going. I was overthinking this. John hadn't text me either.
I wonder if he knew? I wonder if anyone knew?
I used the time in the car to mentally prepare myself. I didn't really want to cry, and feeling guilty just made me feel more guilty, because it was selfish to worry about me and if it was my fault, because-
"Breathe, Sweetheart." Mum placed her hand on mine, giving a concerned sideways glance. We were almost there.
Ray Fon
I caressed my mask as my mum drove the car to the funeral. It was a decently long drive, in my opinion. Long enough for me to think and contemplate my decisions. Like:
Should I take off my mask just for this time? No.
Will other people be there? Most likely.
Do I look stupid? Maybe. I hate wearing suits.
Will Blake be okay? I hope so.
If they decide to beat me up straight after the funeral or during it for some random reason, will I be okay? Yeah, I should...
My gaze slowly changed to the window. I wasn't looking at the trees and houses that passed by. I was staring at this one small speck of dirt that annoyed the out of me. I wonder what someone with OCD would feel about it.
Then my thinking changed to the funeral. The reason why I'm in the car. My mum told me that she couldn't stay since she had other work to attend to (she never tells me) and I said that it was okay. I'll be fine.
Obviously that was a lie.
I fiddled with my fingers. I hardly know Blake that much except for him being strong, somewhat a bully, scary, intimidating and he has a lost brother. Well, I guess he's... Okay...? He did accept my apology... Or was he just really happy that time that he didn't care?
Then I was thinking about Karma. The reason that Blake was happy back then. Where was he? Ever since he left the library I never saw him during school hours. Where the I'm so worried. I can feel my stomach bouncing around and it made me want to puke. Am I getting car sickness? No, I'm just really nervous and scared... mostly for my life. Without him, I'm an easy target for people to pick on. I'm weak and... pathetic.
Pffft, says the boy who roasted the school a.s.shole., now I'm even more worried. And guilty, too.
"Ray, do we turn here?" My mum was purposely slowing down for me to see the signs. I replied with a yes and looked at my hands. I mentally laughed. I'm so weak.
I just hope that this goes well.
Reid Keegan
The turnout of classmates at Aidan Silverstein's funeral was pretty outstanding.
There were bowed heads and mournful stares, people crying. The same people who had bullied and harassed Aidan to an early grave. He would have never wanted this, all the fake attention and grief. Hell, even I didn't deserve to be there. I was just as bad as the rest. A stander-by who let the snakes be snakes and the wolves wear sheep's clothing. I pushed through the crowds of black, my stiletto heels wobbling on the wet stone below me. The weather was drab, another damp and foggy day, more rain forecast. Excellent funeral weather. Around me were graves, small and simple, sticking from the earth like pearly white teeth. I tried not to read them, to be fascinated by them and their-
"Watch where your going b!tch!"
The sweet and familiar voice of my favourite @sshole.
"Oh my god Blake I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" I said nervously, half exclaiming and have whispering, causing my voice to crack.
"It's fine." He said. He looked distant, numb. I wondered if maybe he'd taken something before the funeral, I wouldn't have blamed him either. Then I noticed the badly formed knot of fabric around the knuckles of his hand, stained red.
"What happened?" I asked. But I knew I wouldn't get an answer. Blake and I weren't friends like we used to be, when we could tell each other everything. We were children, equals. Untouched by the rest of the world and still dumb to stereotypes and expectations. Now I'm just a girl to him. Someone who wouldn't understand, someone who'd nag and gossip. Someone the media told him he could only get close to as a wife or a girlfriend. Now we were just smokers. We were friends, but were we really? How could I be his friend if whenever I tried to help, he'd push me away. I tried to catch his gaze, to beg with him silently Look at me! I Want to help! I'm just like you! But he just stared at his shoes.
"Whatever." I said, coldly. This wasn't the same Blake who'd cried in my arms. That Blake was off-gaurd. That Blake was rare and fleeting. So I didn't care that as I walked away, he just stared at my back bleeding at his own brother's funeral. Guess I was selfish. Critiquing him on his behaviour like I was a high and mighty judge, when I could never understand the full story. Maybe I was more small-minded then I gave myself credit for. I didn't even wish him my condolences. Didn't even take into account someone had died.
B!tch. I could hear it loud and clear in my head.
From then on I stood at the back of the crowd. I was fairly early and could see other people rolling in. I noticed Ray, hell, how could I not notice him and that mask. I didn't call out though, I'd said enough for one day. I just read up about the book series, Ash. Archie was a sly fox that's for sure.
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