Chapter 3
Archie Harris
I want to shove a pencil in the eye of whoever invented Quadratic equations. Why do they exist? I kicked my foot a little harder against the table leg. I could tell the teacher was getting annoyed, but my frustration was so strong I didn't care. There was a kid at the back smoking, but I'd get told off. The teachers hate me too. Every time footsteps tapped by the door I looked, wondering if each passing student was going next door, Room 1, to join the queer club. I just assumed that all of them were, and had to constantly remind myself that I was probably wrong. After around ten confirmed hetros went by I gave up, and was about to pick up my pencil and actually finish my long overdue homework when John walked past.
(OOC sorry it's short and a bit pointless)
Reid Keegan
Wow. I still found it hard to believe that I was actually doing it. But I never thought about what I was going to do after I walzed into the dreaded room 1.
"I'm not ga.y!" I immediately bursted out, my face was burning and probably looked redder then my hair.
Robyn and Deirbhile exchanged looks. They probably didn't pin me down as the "ally" kind of girl.
No, because I was the girl who mocked suicide and punched noses.
"Just write down questioning..." Robyn whispered. My palms were sweating real bad. This was a terrible terrible idea.
Derbhile tried to give me an encouraging smile, but I just wanted to bolt out of the room.
What on earth made me think that this was a good idea? No doubt one of these little queers were going to wag their tongues to the wrong person- Blake - or even worse, Hera.
Once again my thoughts had runaway with themselves in the cruelest of fashion. I became suddenly aware of the possibility of a nearby mind reader. A silly and childish thought, but one that always came across me when my mind was being particularly unsavoury.
"What are your views on the community Reid?" D asked.
"Oh well I-" my voice was embarrassingly high. Like a child's. I didn't want to look vulnerable in front of these people. But I didn't want to sound like a bi.tch either.
"I mean- people like suck or something. Not that I can say much I guesss."
It was cringy how perfectly Reid that sentence came out. And how stupid it sounded
I suppose that said a lot about me. No wonder there were so many rumours..
My pens are falling. Whilst that may be a fairly peculiar thing to say, as I smile at Deirbhile in the hall, promising her I would attend the interviews for the society I had forgotten about, my pencil case sIips off the stupidly tall pile of materials I carry and explodes on the floor. Did you think pencil cases couldn%u2019t possibly be explosive? You were wrong. Carefully bending to collect them, I re-count every other item I carry. Every textbook. Every (probably iridescent) notepad. Strangely, none of them have evaporated since the last time I counted, 49 seconds ago. Suddenly, a jolt of pain slides through my ankle with about the same affect as a dramatically screeching car in a movie. I hear myself squeal, though the sound is slightly distant in my ears. A first peal of echo when you shout in a shitty school hall. It would appear that someone has trod on me. Why wouldn?t they? No one cares for the clumsy year seven who probably has no friends (just for reference, it?s a clumsy year EIGHT with no friends. Don?t judge the height, people). All the same, a tiny bubble of rage rises in my chest. I press myself silent again. No one cares, Kira. No one cares.
Ray Fon
(Whoops I got mixed up with Reid and Erin....Y'know I feel like a minor character, which is fine. Why am I on the other side of the world? Whenever someone posts it would be when I'm sleepin-stop.)
Social Awareness Society.
Those three words would keep bouncing back and forth in my head. Mainly because I have no idea what it meant. I guess that's another reason why I'm going there. But for real, what does it mean? People who are aware of social activities? People who can help with your problems?
I walked down the halls faster than I normally would. People were whispering around me, but they weren't whispering about my mask. I tried to eavesdrop but my mind was distracted with one thing.
Social Awareness Society.
Why is that sentence so....get-stuck-in-your-head-ish? Or maybe I'm actually interested.
I pass a locker with the word "f@g" on it. Instantly I knew it was Archie's locker. F@g has been his title for quite a while now.
"I mean, he's not the only g@y one here..." I whispered under my breath, smiling. I felt my face burn and realised that I was having that one feeling I had whenever I come near a boy I like. I turn away, knowing that I would look like a creep just standing there staring (wait....I've always been thought a creep.). I would have rubbed it off if I wasn't busy walking to my destination.
Finally I reached room 1 and I heard people talking about my mask again. How great. I mean, it's normal. I'm the underdog. The Omega. I'm someone you talk rumours about and tease. Just like Reid and Archie. But my situation would be more like Archie's. Or maybe Reid's. Argh, what am I saying? Let's just get this over with.
I open the doors more quickly than I normally would. Geez, am I really desperate?
My sudden entrance surprised those who were already inside and I begin to feel stupid. I should have slowed down or never come at all. This is just a waste of my time, I don't do socializing-
"May I ask why you're here?"
One of them snapped me back into reality. I touched my mask, just to mask sure it was still there. Sighing, I let the door close itself and I spoke rather nervously and quietly, "Is this the Social Awareness Society?"
Reid Keegan
I craned my neck to see what was happening, thankfully Ray had shown up, for a brief (but alarming) moment I thought I'd be the only one here. His hands hung kinda awkwardly at his side and I could tell he was uncomfortable. He was standing on edge, deciding whether to enter or turn back. I understood how that felt. Somewhere down the hall the bell rang and loud whooping noises filled the school. Lunch.
Then we heard Blake, who'd obviously spotted Ray, an easy victim.
"Hey you little creep show uz what your ***ed yo face looks like!" He had the slightest Australian drawl from his fathers side of the family, which I made fun of regularly.
Ray's eyes widened with alarm and he dashed into the classroom. Socialising was better then getting beat in by that animal. He slammed the door after him, chest heaving and pounding.
But Blake continued. I guess he too was trying to redeem himself after the "hanging" incident. Probably trying to prove to his chums he's still tough as can be. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
All of that pity immediately left me when Blake kicked the door open crying "Heres johnny!"
I looked at Robyn, Robyn looked at Derbhile and Derbhile looked at Ray. I tried for a nervous "hey Blake" but the words caught in my mouth.
Now it was Blake's turn to stand there awkwardly but was he going to turn back or was he going to get physical?
Ray Fon
...Oh god...argh.....
My heart was beating so fast I thought it might as well burst out of my chest. It felt like I had the heartbeat of a mouse and trust me, their heart beat is f.ucking fast. I guess in this case I really was a mouse, being hunted by that terrifying tiger at the doorway.
Now he was in the same position I was not too long ago. Thank goodness three other people were with me, but how long will my safety last? And he wants to see me under my mask? Okay, I will beat that ... up if he dares to touch it! You have no idea how precious this mask is. You have no idea how scary it is without it.
"Ahem." One of them spoke and my eyes were drawn to the speaker. Robyn decided to talk. "Blake, are you going to stand there all day, beat this kid up or leave? The lat.ter would be greatly appreciated."
I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping that he would leave. Fortunately, he did step away from the doorway and turned to leave. Not before he said threateningly, "I better see you outside once you've finish this little meeting."
Oh, you poor.... And I'm talking more about myself.
I had no idea what came over me but I spoke to him, mentally smacking myself after what I said.
"I'll let you beat me up if you win a rap battle against me."
What the hell did I just say?
Bull.sh1t. That's what.
He scoffed before leaving, whispering "fine" as he did so. This time I smacked myself physically, repeating, "Ray's an idiot, Ray's an idiot, Ray's an idiot..."
I snapped my head up. Derbhile gave me a funny look. "Aren't you daring?"
I looked away in embarrassment. I groaned in frustration and called myself an idiot once more before approaching and sitting in an available chair. I mumbled, "What do I have to do?"
"All you got to do is to answer these questions," Robyn stated as Deirbhile gave me a sheet of paper. Robyn then looked back at Reid. "While you do that, I'll wait for Reid's answer."
I stare at the sheet before staring at the first question.
Well that's simple. And while I'm at it why don't I do the rest of the questions?
Name: Ray Fon
Age: 14
Hetero or Queer: Queer
Views on the community: Cruel, mean and depressing. There is only less of a quarter that are friendly, a quarter of that that I can be friends with, half of that that I can trust and only one that I can love.
I finished the answers and was about to give it to Deirbhile until...I started to feel doubtful. Ca I really trusts these two? What if they spread the word and tell everyone that I'm g@y? What if they tell Blake and he'll use that against me for our stupid rap battle? Why did I even say I'll rap battle him? I know i'm pretty decent, but I-okay, I'm getting off topic here. Back to trusting. Should I really give them this?
I mean, at least Archie wouldn't have to suffer alone...
I could hear Reid beside me having trouble too. She seems a bit stressed out. She must be scared to tell the truth as well. Sometimes, the truth can betray you. Lies are made to hide the truth. To protect it. If you use lies to attack and defend, that makes the truth a secret. And secrets are always everyone's key to turning them weak.
But every secret is told eventually, whether you like it or not.
Archie Harris I watched John hover in the hallway- not surprising since Blake had just gone past, and I wouldn't pay someone to go running towards him. My maths work lay forgotten on my desk (I had an after school detention to finish that off) as he caught my eye, then smiled like he'd found what he was looking for. Panic gripped my chest as I felt embarrassed for John- He didn't think this was the Social Awareness Society, did he? I was about to find out, as he raised a hand and knocked on the door confidently. The teacher looked up, annoyed, and gestured for him to come in sharply. "Can Archie Harris leave early? He's needed in Room 1."
Now, usually, the answer would have been no. We've already established that all my teachers hated me, and i've done nothing to change that. But this was John asking. He helped out in the library. He was that 'bad boy' that secretly had a kitten and was actually sensitive and caring- You know the stereotype. That's what the teaches saw when they looked at John. Minutes later we were stood outside Room 1, just out of view from anyone in the room i'd just escaped.
"Who needs me? I thought this room was taken, anyway-"
"It is." John bit his lip nervously. "Please come in with me."
"Wha- No, no way!"
"Please, Arch, I don't want to go in alone! I'll, " He hesitated, looking around for inspiration. I didn't want to go in there, and going in with John- people might know what happened, or at least guess- I studied his face for a second. He was nervous, biting his lip hard. If he wanted to commit social su1cide, it was his call I guess...
"I'll do your maths homework!" He finished triumphantly.
"No." his face fell again, and he resorted to begging.
"Please, Arch, I-"
"i'll go in, just, you don't have to do my maths homework." I'm not stooping that low. His eyes lit up, but he was hesitant when moving to open the door. I shoved it open, really not caring anymore.
As soon as we stepped in, my eyes were drawn to Reid, but i didn't have much time to interpret my thoughts on her being here, because I was instantly met with-
"Archie! You came!" From the two year eights? Running this.
"I don't know who you are and I want no part of it." I snapped quickly, already acutely aware that the'd probably been counting on me showing up. john sat down and one of the girls handed him a piece of paper, but I hovered by the door, becoming angry again.
I'd been out for two months now. That's two months of being beat up by Blake on my walk home, getting a new paint job on my locker every day, having no friends because no one wants to talk to the f@g. And here they were, all sat together, probably chatting and sharing biscuits, leaning against lockers, watching and fake laughing along with the crowd as I got shoved and yelled at. No wonder they expected me to be here- I'd been their sole reminder to stay in the closet.
I bet the only thing they ever thought when they walked past my locker was thank god it's him not me.
I leant against the wall, trying a little harder to disappear. I focused on the back of John's head to stop my vision going blurry. They were sat in a circle.
I didn't even belong in this community.
Reid Keegan
I thought ray had had more sense then to bargain with the devil. Then to make plans with the big boys when they kicked down the door like ill-tempered hunters on the track of easy pickings.
But a rap battle? That I had to watch. I couldn't imagine either boy spitting words like urban poetry.
But I guess I had underestimated Ray, or just misunderstood him.
We never talked anyway. We were in different lanes of life, different leagues maybe. But that was such a crude word.
Now that I thought about it, I didn't really know anyone in the room. Other then Archie from our previous events. I kept trying to make eye contact with him but he seemed to have a lot in his mind. He looked so uncomfortable next to john, who was trying really hard not to look at him.
It was scary to think that I hand put my entire being into the hands of these kids. They could ruin me if they really wanted too.
"For the record I ain't a queer. Alright." I said for the third time. I kept messing with my red haired nervously. I couldnt wait for this to be over.
"So you've said.." Archie muttered. It seemed he was always muttering. But I supposed it must be hard being the only kid who's actually out to the whole school.
He was lucky he just missed Blake. Who knows what he would have done to the kid... Archie had been sorta friends with Aiden though. Not that that would have mattered now.
I'd kill myself too if I had to live with that animal
Suddenly I didn't feel so good. Why'd I keep thinking things like that? horrible *** things..
So I changed my thoughts to Laura and everything was okay again.
OOC sorry it's kinda pointless
Ray Fon
Deirbhile looked at her watch before sighing. "Hey, kid, it's almost time for first lunch to end. Give me that sheet and you'll be free to leave."
I could feel myself sweat with worry as I hesitated to give her the sheet. I still don't know who I can trust. Who can be my friend. Who won't judge me for who I am.
Finally I've made up my mind. I've always believed that secrets are eventually revealed, and my one is no exception. Slowly I passed her my sheet before walking towards the doors, not looking back to see her expression or check on the others in the room. All I heard was Deirbhile whispering, "Interesting..." before I left the room to go venture towards my class. The bell rang a few minutes ago already. The teacher's going to yell at me again.
It was hard to concentrate in P.E. People were whispering and saying my names more than often. The thing is that they weren't whispering about my mask. They were whispering about something else. I heard Blake, Ray and fight. It only took me an hour to realise what they meant.
Some motherf.ucker started spreading rumours about my rap battle with Blake.
Screw you, Blake. Screw you.
At the end of P.E. the bell rang, meaning that second lunch was now in play. I wished I have never said that and kept quiet like how I normally would. I walked out into the open and wandered across the playground.
Actually, why did I say that? I asked myself. Why would a weakling, an underdog like me, step up and talk back to the powerhouse? Was it because I was so fed up with his nonsense? Was it because I felt safer around all those people in that room? Or did I take the opportunity to fight him while he was still down with that social media Perhaps I was-
"Ey, you little b.itch!" Was that... Blake's voice? I faced where I heard the call and immediately regretted my decision. Behind Blake was the majority of the high school, following him like he was the leader of the pack. This made me want to run but I didn't. When you're scared, two things will happen if you're like me.
One, you run away as fast as you can. Two, you stand there in fear.
I stood there in fear.
Oh, how many regretful decisions did I make today?
"Don't think you've forgotten our little "Rap Battle", you slimy b.itch," Blake scowled as the mob behind him surrounded us two. Soon there was no escape. I remember what I said. I told him that he could beat me up if I lose this rap battle. But I don't want him to take off my mask. I don't want him to... He can't. He shouldn't. He wouldn't.
He won't.
"...You messed with the wrong rapper," I mutter.
I clenched my hands. That's the third time he called me bi.tch. I'll make that the last time. I'll make him pay for his abuse. I'll make him pay for his threats. I'll make him wish that he had never met me and never hurt anyone and never called me bi.tch again.
Oh, how I'm going to love roasting him.
Reid Keegan
The meeting had gone surprisingly well,
but i felt awkward throughout it, never able to let my guard down. Everyone was so nice, even though they knew full well what kind of a person I was and what kind of things I did. I couldn't help but think that it was fake politeness they were showing me, or maybe they were being genuine but i was so used to fake people.
I had gathered my things and smiled at John. I didn't expect to see him there, like me he stood out. he was a surprise amongst obvious guesses. My friends had often speculated if john was a dealer, but he seemed too nice a kid. I also wondered if he was seeing Archie...
The rest of school classes had been boring. I was still subject to gossip but the attention of the school was mainly occupied by Ray's to-be rap battle with Blake. People were making gambling bets and everything. I was afraid for Ray, I didn't know him well but I knew that he was different and that made him very vulnerable.
When lunch came I was grasped by a fear; who was I cheering for?
The crowds were quickly separating into two and I had to make a decision.
Blake had been my friend since we were little. We had grown up together, no amount of fighting would change that. We spent every weekend hanging with Jake and Beanpole, he taught me how to skate and he helped me through my family issues. But he wasn't always the best friend either. He'd made me feel insecure, he'd hit me, I'd hit him. But maybe I had gone too far saying what i did? Maybe I wouldn't be welcome on his side of the field.
Then there was Ray. I was surprised to see that there was a crowd forming on his side, cheering and chanting for his success. Maybe they liked the change of character? Maybe they were tired of Blake always getting his way. Archie was there,
with Laura.
But if I cheered for Ray, would that be the final push? Would i be completely severing myself from Blake if I didn't support him? Why would I cheer for Ray anyway? I barely knew the kid.
Maybe because he's an actual decent person...
I shoved the thought from my mind. I tried to clear my head. I wanted to stand with Laura so badly, but i wanted to preserve my reputation more.
Ray Fon
Two teams. They chanted our names. It was nice, the few of them rooting for me.
But they won't help me.
I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. This was it. A small child people either bully or ignore, facing the beast of the school. I was the mouse. The rabbit. I've always been so small compared to others. But now I can prove who I really am. I can prove the beast I was when I was younger. I can release my inner child. My inner knight.
My inner wolf.
I was always a fan of wolves. Strong and protective, caring for their pack.
In this school, Blake was the alpha. But he didn't care for others.
Let's change his title, shall we?
"Well? What are you waiting for, punk?" Blake spat. Punk. That's new.
"Hurry up, b.itch!" Great, back to b.itch. "Why are you so silent? You wanted to battle!"
I silently mutter, "You go first."
I think he heard me. He scoffed. "Heh, scaredy cat. Fine." He then spotted Reid on the side in isolation. She must trying to choose a team. "Hey, Reid! Join my team!" Blake called out to her. She flinched at his words. She hesitated to pick a side. Eventually she slowly walked towards Blake's side. Understandable. They were friends and Blake has been having a bad day. A really bad day.
But that won't stop me.
I heard beatboxing from Blake's side. I few boys and a girl were making a beat. Cool. Show me what you've got, motherf.ucker.
He started rapping, "Little b.itch tryn'a fight me? You'll wish you were free. There's no escape from me when in a battle, can't you see? You're all bark, no bite. You don't know how to fight. That's why you chose a rap battle, isn't that right?" A few people "Ooooh"ed before the beatboxers made another tune for me. Not bad, not bad. I clenched my fists. Strange, I'm not sweating with worry like how I would normally do. I stared at him for a moment. He crossed his arms. "Well? You going to rap? Or are you scared like the pu.ssy you are?"
I gritted my teeth. That son of a b.itch better shut the f.uck up right now.
"C'mon, pu.ssy! Say something!'
Shut up.
"B.itch, are you scared?"
Shut up.
"Say something already, motherf.ucker!"
"I guess that means I can beat you up-"
"SHUT THE F.UCK UP." Then everybody went silent. Even Blake and the beatboxers. They must be shocked. Makes sense, they've never heard me speak before.
I pointed at the beatboxers. "Give me a beat," I demanded. They did as they were told and I faced at Blake once more.
"You're gonna wish you've never met me," I whisper. Blake asked rather rudely what I said but I already started rapping quickly but clearly.
"You failed at education so your only dedication is hurting others and breaking and also mastur.bation. You've failed every relation with a girl in this nation and in the world so you're chasin' somebody that you're facin'. You're a stupid creation that has an early expiration, and you're such an irritation you won't be in graduation, you're like, you're like the devil's spawn, bi.tch, go back to hell. I'm surprised you're still here when you should be kept in a cell. You only got a big mouth, yeah, all you do is yell. Maybe next time have some mercy so the pain would be repelled."
It was as if the words were already there in my mouth, ready to slay the beast. It was as if my whole life was getting me ready for this one moment. It was as if I was born for this, like I was born to fight the alpha. To challenge him. To bring him down and stop his cruelty once and for all.
And the crowd goes "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"
Blake just stood there, mouth agape, eyes wide, shocked. Many others were in the same position as him while others were freaking out at my rap. Heh, reminds me of middle school. I looked at my hands. Did I really say all that? Really? Well.... I'm impressed by myself.
Guess it won't be long till I really do get some self respect.
I looked back Blake. He just stood there, as if I paralyzed him with my rap. Was it really that amazing? I don't think so.... was it?
"Um... Blake? Are you alright?" I asked, feeling a bit sorry. Oh, how I regret doing this. I should have stayed quiet, now I'm going to get unwanted attention, feel great guilt, get popular....
Then suddenly Blake dashed off somewhere with his head down. A few people followed after him. Did my words really hit him that hard? Oh, no. Oh, hell no. Why did I do that? What have I done?!
"Yo, Ray, dude, that was sick!" Someone cheered from Blake's team.
"I told you he was cool!" I heard Julika say somewhere. I think her friend said something about changing her mind. But my mind was changed already. How did I, a mouse, turned into a ferocious wolf?! And now I feel like a sorry deer. Aw,, what do I do?!
Was the rap good? I feel like I've could've done better. But I can't do a second round or else it'll be too long and I'll go over my curfew. Aw man, I feel like the rap sucked. Meh, too late to turn back now.
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