Chapter 13
Ray Fon
With her final statement, we all left the library, talking to each other quietly as we left. I glanced once at beanpole with some sympathy. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was. Heck, he's probably better than Karma.
Speaking of Karma, he ditched me. Again.
So, during school, he leaves me. After school, he comes to me and wants to hang out. What a great friend.
So, the next few sessions are stuff that I'm bored of. Hooray.
~Time skip because I have no idea what the sessions should be~
I am struggling so bad to talk with Archie.
I fiddled with my fingers on the bench near the school's entrance, trying to force myself out of the seat and walk up to him. Why can't I just say, "Hi, Archie! We haven't talked in a while and I really want to know you more! How's your day?" Because I'm a ***ing scaredy cat.
I left the bench and walked to the playground, trying to find someone or something to play with. The only people I'm okay to talk to is Erin or Deirbhile, but Erin wasn't at school and Deirbhile was somewhere...
Speaking of Erin, I'm supposed to visit her after school.
I climbed on a tree nearby and sat on a thick branch that was closest to the ground. Wow, one short climb that wasn't at all hard and I'm already exhausted. I need to improve my stamina. I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes, sighing and thinking. People that I care for are getting hurt. Archie's been hurt and... stuff with Beanpole, Erin's been damaged and has a severe injury (apparently) and my dad is losing sleep. I'm scared, especially for dad. He's going to get some horrible injury or sickness with sleep deprivation and if he dies early (because of a heart attack, or a stroke, or some other horrible thing), who's going to work for the money necessary to survive? My mum... used to be a waitress. Maybe she can try the job again... But she'll hardly get enough money to buy food, pay bills and buy clothes.
I wonder... is there jobs available for a high schooler like me?
Then the bell rang and the students nearby either raced each other to class, or sauntered down the path. That's a quick lunch break. I jumped down from the branch and made my way to the gym, since my gym class had a surprise session with the police. I wouldn't say it would be a surprise if we already knew what it's about.
Opening the doors, I was introduced with the sight of my whole class sitting on a blue mat with police at the front of the gymnasium. Hoo, boy. This'll be fun.
I take a seat near the back, like always, and looked at the authority at the front. I want to talk to them, actually. I'll see if I can later.
"Don't start thinking that we'll be teaching you the jobs of a police," one of them announced with a stern voice. That made me flinch. Ouch, so much venom.
"Lately, horrible things have been happening in your school, right?" a female police asked. "You had a student commit suicide here. Or... so you were told." She paused. How dramatic.
"Rumours have been spreading that a student didn't commit suicide, but got ki.l.l.ed. We don't know the main source of the rumour, but we advise you to stay out of it. These types of situations are ones that should not go any further. The best thing to do is to leave it to the authorities. We don't want to start a panic." Kids were murmuring about them not knowing about the rumour. I guess the post from Hera's party was more juicier than Aiden's possible murder.
"If anyone knows that people have been doing illegal things in or outside of school, please tell your teacher or call us, especially if it includes death." I think about Karma attacking Erin... I'll tell the authority about it.
They talk some more, telling us what to do with a death scene and telling us what's illegal. I silently chuckle. I know a few people who do bad things.
Eventually, the bell rang and school ended. Everyone flooded out of the gym and to their lockers to grab their bags and leave. I approached the female police, as the male one was busy talking with the teacher. I asked her, "Um... I know a friend... his name is Karma. He purposely hurt this girl named Erin pretty bad. Do you think you can talk with him?" I feel myself grow nervous.
She looks down at me, making me feel small and vulnerable. "... I'll go speak with the head teacher later in the day. We already have a death to investigate. As long as Erin is alive, she's the least of our current problems."
That last line made me feel a bit angry, but I thanked her with a calm tone. She's the least of your problems? Wow, such a nice thing to say. Finally, I left the building and to my locker. I didn't hesitate to dash straight out of the school. I had to meet Erin. I grabbed my phone and texted my mum, saying that I won't be coming home for a while. I explained that I was visiting Erin since she hurt her leg and needed someone to talk to. Since she was a kind soul, my mum allowed me to stay there until six. Nice.
Ray Fon
I slowly made my way to the door, nervous to knock. What if Erin's father doesn't trust a guy with a creepy mask? Well, too late to turn back now. I hesitantly knocked once. Twice. I waited for someone to open the door, and guess who let me in?
"Finally!" Erin said with a joyful tone. "Ray, come in." She pulled me in and wobbled, hissing in pain. I helped her walk to the living room and we both took a seat.
"You should be more careful, especially with that cast on." I accepted the biscuit she offered me and slightly lifted my mask to eat it. I couldn't really see anything with the holes for my eyes lifted, but I can tell that she was staring at me. The feeling is really uncomfortable.
"Um... so, you see these?" Erin started and grabbed what sounded like three sheets of paper. I lowered my mask, so the holes were at my eyes, and spotted the pictures she had. They looked like X-rays. "I've broken my leg over three times. That's why my leg broke as it's so weak."
"Wow..." I stared at the pictures, somewhat intrigued. How painful is it to break the same bone over three times? I wonder... do you get used to the pain?
Erin's breath began to shake as she inhaled, and I turned to her with worry. "But this time... well..." I small tear began to roll gently down her face. She's crying... (well, duh, thanks for pointing that out Captain Obvious)... I have a feeling that it's not from physical pain.
"... What...?" I began to worry. Why is she pausing?
"This time it went too far."
"What-what-what does that mean?" I began to stammer, fearing the worse. Please don't tell me she's badly infected and going to die early. That's not possible, right? Right?
"Because I've had such bad breaks and such bad infections..." Oh,, she is infected! Oh, no...
She began to sob, as her tears flowed down her cheeks more rapidly. "I have to get rid of my leg."
"WHAT?!" I stood from my seat in shock and anger. I glared at the floor in rage, breathing heavily. This may be the first time I've seen Karma hurt someone, but it doesn't mean that I can forgive him easily! She's getting rid of her leg, for ***'s sake! A part of you! The part of you that helps you escape, that moves you forward! All because Karma hit her, she needs her leg amputated! DOES HE KNOW WHAT HE'S DONE?!
Did he know about this?
I looked at Erin's scared face, and I realised that I was... mad. Like, I actually expressed my anger. This isn't the first time it happened, but... Wow. I've been letting my fury explode instead of keeping it in lately... Why am I like this? Ever since the flood destroyed our town...
"I-I'm sorry," I whispered, giving her a hug. She was crying. A lot. I felt myself wanting to do the same thing, but I can't let myself be weak. Not now. "Don't worry, I'm sure that the teachers at school can handle it."
I'm sure, huh?
What a lie.
The next morning, Erin and I were called into the hall, Karma following far behind. I didn't want him to be around us and I can tell he didn't want to be around Erin. We had to skip out a session, which is fine with me. Maths sucks. Karma might think differently, though.
We stopped in front of the teacher and police that called us; PC Brooks and Mr Buck. They both had a serious face, meaning that they weren't messing around today. Thanks a lot, Karma.
"Karma, Ray and Erin. Never thought that I'd see you three together." Mr Buck glanced at Karma. "Being honest, Karma, this isn't like you." I nodded in agreement, and Karma averted his eyes with a frown. PC Brooks started, "And Erin-" Her face lifted to him. "-tell me what happened."
Erin began explaining the scenario that caused her broken leg. I didn't expect Karma to be so silent during her explanation. I thought he'd cut in and say some snappy comeback, or something like that. I guess he can be a good student in front of a teacher.
Once done with the explanation, Mr Buck glimpsed at the police with an astonished expression. "Wow, PC Brooks."
"And was it on purpose?" PC asked, wanting the answer from Karma. The student (I don't think I can call him friend right now...) shuffled in his spot and looked down, murmuring, "Y-Yes..."
"OH MY GOD, KARMA!" Erin screeched loudly. I can tell she wants to annihilate him pretty badly.
"Erin, silence," PC snapped sharply. "Alright, Karma and Mr Fon. Is this all true?"
"Yes," I replied. Karma simply nodded.
"Ray, Erin. You are dismissed." Mr Buck said. "We require you at the end of the day. Meet me in my office."
"Yes, sir," Erin and I said simultaneously. I smiled. Do you ever get that amazed feeling when you say something at the same time with someone else? I always have that.
We both walked back to maths class, which should finish soon. I looked over my shoulder and spotted Karma walking away with PC Brooks. I felt a small pang of guilt, so small it quickly got replaced by anger. He deserved any punishment he gets-holy, sh!t, that's cruel. Why am I like this?
John Mason I followed Archie to his locker, joking around and talking about nothing in particular. He was unnervingly cheerful, it almost seemed fake. I tried to hide my worry as he continued to joke. Was he really this ok? Or was he just putting on a brave face? I watched him closely as he re-arranged the books in his locker, not giving the graffiti a second glance. He asked something, catching me watching mid-sentence.
"Do you thi- nk..." He tilted his head in confusion. "What?" He slowly brought a hand to his face, brushing his cheek nervously. He'd wrapped hi sleeves round his hands to create paws.
"Nothing." I responded, trying to sound neutral. He'd already told me off for worrying too much, and although it was painfully cute, I didn't want to make him cross. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"Ok, ok-" I held my hands up in mock surrender. "I believe you," I let him pull my hands out of the my crossed arms, swinging them between us. While he was busy watching them, experimenting with momentum, I kissed his forehead quickly. I know he didn't like it, he was still a little afraid of the stares and comments. He was afraid for me, he wasn't sure how I would take it. It was only to protect me.
"Arch," I squeezed his hand and he looked up with wide, innocent eyes.
"Yeah?" He chirped back. I hesitated, running my tongue over my lip, trying to think of what I was going to say. I really didn't have anything to say, but I longed for it. I wished I could stay with him and talk about anything and everything, and flirt and tease and just watch him be adorable.
But Diane was getting back tomorrow, and I was behind on work. I'd been with Archie when I should have been revising, I needed to do well to get to Oxford. I wanted to go to Oxford. She wanted me to go to Oxford. I'd have to stay up all night to catch up.
"Nothing." I replied softly. At the unwelcome ringing of the bell that signaled the end of lunch, he pulled his hands out of mine, and my fingers reflexively closed around air. He picked up his back and waved before hurrying through crowds of students.
I waited by his locker until the hallways cleared again, then walked back to the sixth form study hall numbly.
Reid Keegan
I decided to skip school for the rest of the day. It didn't feel worth it, to have imaginary eyes burning into my back, accusing me, judging me. Almost as if I had a giant red arrow pointing at me with, "LO! QUEER!" Written in big cheery letters. Of course that was just my paranoia. My secret was still safe, wasn't it? No matter how bad the hate would get after the Brandon incident, I would remain untouched. In the closet, no one would suspect me? and yet here I was, hiding from my fellow classmate.
"It's okay Reid. They don't know..." I whispered to myself as I curled up on the closed toilet seat, lifting my socked feet from the plain white tiles and pulling myself into a foetal position, arms wrapped tightly around my knees. "it's all going to be okay."
For some reason, no matter how much I told myself that, I didn't believe it.
The familiar sound of the bell filling the halls of the school was quickly drowned out by the ruckus of students rushing down them, like filthy animals escaping death. They had no idea. Soon the ladies bathroom quickly began to fill with smokers, talkers and make-up appliers alike. No one who actually needed to use the facilities it appeared. I hugged myself closer, burying my face into my skirt and pleading with them silently to go away so I could get back home without confrontation. without having to look into those eyes and feel guilty. At one point someone shook the door, asking if anyone was inside and I held my breath fearfully, heart pounding a million times a second. The relief I felt when everyone left was unlike any other, and as I stumbled out from the stall, my legs numb and disobedient I couldn't help but feel sorry for the people who actually had something to fear. Like Archie, or dare I say Brandon. They were the one's who were really in danger, I was just a drama queen. I groaned, banging my head against my locker. The school was quiet as the dead, only a couple a stragglers left behind the stampede. Then I noticed someone, A thick head of blond curls and an oversized jacket. Archie.
Suddenly I felt the corners of my mouth rise, a flicker of mirth spreading through my chest and a slammed my locker before speeding towards him,
"Archie!" I cried, bringing him into an embrace, he jumped a little but eventually subsided, pushing me away after a couple of seconds.
"Well that was unexpected." he said breezily and my face flushed, was I perhaps being too pally with him? We didn't know each other that well after all, but at that moment I was just so relieved to have someone I could trust.
"Oh yeah well, you know," I said, leaning at the side of his locker and playing with my hair through the magnet mirror he had inside, the classic you know line, one which I used, quite ironically whenever I didnt know what I was doing.
"sure," he replied and closed his locker, pausing slightly to lift his bag over his shoulders. he began to walk and I, caught of guard had to catch up to him.
"hey wait up!" I called as I reached his side, "I see you have no Johnny to escort you today,"
"Yeah," He chuckled slightly, white smile lighting up his face, "He's studying."
'how booring," I retorted and then exaggerated a look of shock, "I have an Idea Archie Kins!"
"Do tell," He said while he opened the wide double doors,
"Why don't we hang out huh? I can show you what I get up to in my spare time!" I replied, eyes beaming.
Archie paused, and I could see him considering it, the cogs of his mind spinning.
"Sounds cool." he replied. Bingo.
Archie Harris
"So what do you normally do after school?" I asked, walking behind Reid as she balanced on a low brick wall near the school entrance, arms out to keep her balance. She swung round, giggling, and took a few steps along the wall backwards, brushing her feet along the side of the wall as she did, toes pointed like a gymnast on a beam. "You have to wait and see, Archie Kins!"She twirled round again, continuing along the wall facing the right way. "Please don't call me that." I muttered, trying to sound annoyed.
"Sorry." She called over her shoulder, leaping off the end of the wall gracefully. "What shall I call you?" She skipped to my side, linking our hands and pulling me alongside her. "How about Archie?" I retorted, taken aback by her friendliness. I wasn't used to hyper, pally Reid. "Fine." She blew a strand of hair out of her eye, sighing in mock annoyance. The exaggerated scowl quickly morphed back into a wide grin, as she started to break into a run, pulling me behind her. "Come on!"
We soon arrived at a small house, white gate opening into an overgrown front lawn. Reid finally released my hand, disappearing into a cluster of tall pink flowers. I dropped my bag and followed her. She was sprawled out on her back, hair splayed out behind her like a halo. I collapsed on my hands and knees next to her, trying to catch my breath. "Usually I just lie out here and think." She gasped. "But since you're here, we'll talk instead." I lay down next to her, and she rolled onto her side to face me. I turned my head to the side, chest still heaving, and met her wide, curious eyes. "Is that weird?"
"I don't think so." I too turned, so our bodies were facing each other. "What do you want to talk about?"
Karma Okeira
I watched the two leave with a blank face. My poker face. Erin and Ray are getting along well, like best friends. They only really talked at the funeral for Aiden's death and bam, besties for life. Of course, Ray didn't see me there. I intentionally made sure that he couldn't see me. It worked. It always does.
"As for you-" I faced PC Brooks. "-I need to ask you something. Did you know she had an infected leg?"
I shook my head. That, I had no idea existed in her.
"Right." PC took out his phone. "That's a fine for purposely crashing a bike into someone, leaving the scene and breaking their leg and I'm sure you do know that. I'll have to call your parents to pay-"
"No," I stated, both adults' eyebrows raised. "I have my own money. Take my one instead. They did nothing." I reached into my pocket and sl.i.pped out a wallet, Mr Buck's expression a mix of anger and shock. I know what he's going to say. He's going to scold at me for breaking a school rule and the law. We're not supposed to bring wallets to school and I know that. We're also not allowed to bring phones, cigarettes, drugs and makeup yet here we are, everyone breaking the school rules. Funny.
"Karma, you-" Mr Bucks stopped himself mid-sentence, sighing in disappointment. "Karma, this is unlike you. You're normally the type to stay silent and do the right thing. What has gotten into you?"
I said nothing. Of course I said nothing. That's a personal matter. Students have secrets. We all do. We lie, we hide, we search, we find. That's life.
"I'm going to have to call your parents anyway," PC Brooks lifted his phone back up to his face. "They must be informed about this and about your punishment. It's for your own safety and others."
Right. Telling my parents will obviously stop me from going insane. They'll ground me for the weekends and lessen the amount of technology I can use. They'll stop me from communicating with friends. All on the weekends. Then I'm free to do sh!t.
I can tell he's already dialled the number. "I'll call them, you're free to do whatever you want with the kid." Mr Buck nodded and PC leaves the hall and makes his way to a classroom. The classroom. Aiden's classroom. I watched him leave, then faced Mr Buck. He's going to say something. It's obvious with the problem at hand.
"Karma... come with me to my office." I followed him to said room, staring at the back of his head. I can kick him unconscious and run away and leave right here, right now. But that'll only get me in trouble and I know better than to do that.
Plus, that would only get in the way of my plan.
He pushed open the door we both entered before it closed on us. He took the seat behind the desk and I took one of the many wooden chairs in front of the left window. I looked at the carpet floor. It's always carpet. Why not wood or marble?
"Karma Okeira-"
"Don't call me that." My eyes shot up to glare into his but my face stayed tilted down slightly.
"-I've been told that your behaviour is turning violent." Mr Buck obviously ignored my warning.
"Told by who?"
"Your parents, of course," he reached into one of his already opened drawers and pulled out a note. "I don't understand why they brought this to the office, only saying, 'give this to the head teacher,' instead of calling me. This letter from your parents inform me about your sudden change of behaviour." He passes it to me, which I accepted in a calm manner. I unfolded the note and read in my head;
Dear Mr Buck,
If you haven't noticed yet, that's not a good sign. Our son has been acting strange lately. He wouldn't return home at night when he is expected to (he would normally call us if he is to come back home late or not come home at all). He has been acting rebellious. He told us that he has friends. He isn't supposed to have friends. Karma is a child who works best alone. Friends will only get in his way and change his behaviour, from silent and controlled to manipulative and, dare I say, dangerous. We suggest you keep a close eye on him. He's bound to hurt someone sooner or later. Please try to prevent him from any further connection with other students. He's capable to become successful without them. Trust us, this is for his and everyone's safety. This isn't his first time acting catastrophic.
-Sincerely, the Okeira parents.
I lifted my head from the paper. "When did you get this?"
"On a Saturday," he replied bluntly. "Karma, I allowed you to read this so you know you're being watched. I know you're a good student and you'll return to your responsible self. For now, you must stop talking to people. Understand?"
I nodded and stood to leave, giving him back the note. However, his hand still stayed reaching out. I averted my eyes to the door and walked towards it, giving him my wallet at the same time. I earned a thank you from him. Thank you. A word as weak as special. That means nothing to me.
The bell rang. Students run out. It's lunch time, isn't it? I can't wait to leave.
I can sense the eyes of authority on me already.
As long as I don't speak with anyone, no one will feel scared about the police telling them to leave me if I ever talk to someone.
But... they said nothing about texting.
I entered the bathroom. Of course there's a police in front of the door. Not inside, though. Other students might be thinking that they're here because of Aiden's death. I think differently.
I enter a stall and whip out my phone from my other pocket, beginning to text. This seems like the perfect time to start, no?
Hey, FashionWorrior3! The thing we privately messaged about! I think it should start now. Can you type about it first? (tell me if you don't want to)
I walk in the swinging doors of the Jade ward, I had packed a mini suitcase full of my stuff. I lookead around, lots of people with amputations like I will have. I was lead to bed 31. Okay, put your suitcase down, go get in the gown and come back, your operation is in an hour." The grumpy nurse said. I texted Ray. 1hour to go!
I finished putting on my gown and went to my bed. I was immediately lead to the anesthesitist and I was gone for over 3 hours.
"Erin...Erin....Erin!" I heard. I opened my gentle eyes, I looked down and an oxygen mask lay on my face. I looked at the clock, 11:58pm. A nurse took the mask off. "You feeling alright?" She asked, I nodded gently. "I got a message from a...Ray?" She said. My eyes opened fully,
"Ray!" I whisper shouted. I opened the letter
Dear Erin,
Y'know, I hope your okay. It's a big operation, I know. But I'll know you'll do great. I've heard from my mum, I'm coming round tomorrow(Or today if you get it past 12.) I'll come round and give you some stuff. Also, Mr Buck said you don't have to do homework! How cool is that! I can't wait to see you, I hope you are okay.
"Thanks, "I said putting the letter beside my bed. How nice of him. I never thought he'd be bothered to send a letter! I dozed off to sleep, not caring that tomorrow was Tuesday and I was missing hell. I heard nothing after that.
I was woken the next morning by A deep voice shouting in my face. "ERIN!!!! WAKE UP ITS 12PM!!" One word. Ray.
Reid Keegan A garden overgrown with pricklers, lying amongst the heather and dandelions, my face basking the warmth of the sun. The grass was wet but we didn't care, it was too peaceful out here to bother with the dampness. In this town we were used to it anyway. A soft buzz of a dragon fly is the only sound for what feels like miles and we lay in the hazy light. I break the silence, reaching blindly for Archie through the tall grass above me, poking him in the face.
"Oi," He said, Laughing a little and throwing my hand off his forehead.
"Thought of anything spectacular, Archie Kins?" I asked quietly,
"Only that I don't want you to call me that," He replied, followed my a chuckle. I moved my legs, pressing the flowers beneath me as I shifted my weight, fla.ttening out my skirt when I finally sat up.
"I thought of something," I said as he too rose from his flowery bed.
"Go on,"
"I F.u.cking hate it here." I Picked up a stick, it was forked, a water witches wand. I remembered my mother telling me, back when everything was new and shiny and good, that they could be used to find wells. But I already felt like I was in one. A dark, wet, sli.ppery trap of a town. Where no one can hear you. All you could do was drown.
"Oh? I thought this was your special thinking place?" Archie said with bafflement and I reached out for his hair, parting the blond curls.
"I mean this whole," I pinned a section with a clip from my hair before waving my hands in the air above me, an exaggerated gesture, unable to find the words to describe my frustration. "This whole town I guess." I said finally, and snatched the heads off some daisies.
"What The hell are you doing?" He asked, turning his head but I set it straight,
"Braiding. careful don't move, I'm out of practice."
We sat silently for a while after that as my fingers moved, entwining wild flowers with golden strands, creating a slightly wonky wreath of whites and purples and blues. finally I finished with a chain of daisies for his neck and stood back to look at my creation.
"You look pretty, almost as pretty as me" I said, He laughed but I shot up my hand to silence him,
"I ain't kidding Archie, we should do this more often."
Archie Harris
"Yeah." I breathed, reaching up to touch my hair. My fingers brushed against some petals and curled in, half afraid to damage the weak plant, but just as equally embarrassed. I shivered involuntarily, remembering the fluttering feeling at the party, with the dress.
It was wrong.
Reid rose once again from the long yellow grass, brows furrowed in concern. "Do you hate it?" She inquired gently, reaching out to pluck one of the larger flowers from my hair. I pulled away, panicked.
"No!" I snatched at her wrist, more violently than I'd ever have intended. I could feel my cheeks flushing, and I quickly let go of her wrist, wrapping my hands around her pale one, hovering in mid-air. "I-Sorry, I-"
My eyes dropped to my lap, ashamed. Ah fu(k, I'd messed this up. Especially when Reid was being so...soft. A cool hand lifted up my chin, and we made eye contact.
"It's ok." She shrugged casually, and flopped back down into the grass. I followed suit, and we lay next to each other, bodies close to stop long grass creating a wall between us.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked, tucking her arm under her head. I was thinking about the flowers in my hair, how I liked it, what people would say if they saw me, what John would think-
"You're really pretty for a guy." She continued, matter of factly. I snorted in surprise.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I reached for a daisy near her nose and picked it. Reid didn't flinch as I tucked it behind her ear. She shrugged again, shuffling closer. We were touching, her head was resting against my collarbone, but it didn't feel weird. It felt... nice. Like I could tell her things. The rational part of me, that new telling my darkest fears to one of the most popular girls in the school was stupid, was fluttering above us with the white cabbage butterflies and moths, leaving the me that I had grown unfamiliar with. I guess the constant panic and worry had changed me a little, and it felt nice to not care anymore about what people, Reid, thought of me.
"Talk about John." She insisted, nudging into my neck.
"Then I can talk about Laura." She explained simply.
She started by asking questions. What he liked, what he looked like. Basic stuff. I did the same for Laura, and we spent most of the time bouncing questions off eachother. Then it started getting more playful. Well, playful for Reid, awkward for me.
"Do you... watch her in the changing rooms for PE?" I managed to ask, after Reid complaining that I wasn't being dirty enough.
"More like it." She mumbled, before giving her answer. She hadn't asked the question I'd been dreading. Yet.
"Has he seen you naked?" She asked, rising up joyfully when I flushed red. I rolled onto my back and she placed her hands on my chest.
"Oh My God, Archie!" She squealed. "Ok, My turn!" She clapped excitedly. Is this what girls did? Do they talk about this stuff?
"Um.. What's her favourite type of pasta?" I asked lamely, trying to steer the conversation in a safer direction.
"That's such a dumb question I don't even have to answer." She sighed. "Ok. Have you ever thought about him when you.." she winked slyly. "Y'know."
I choked on air, taken aback by the question.
"Reid! No! I- I haven't even, ever-" Her shoulders slumped. I was amazed she talked about this so casually.
"have you ever fu(ked?"
"I'm pretty sure it's my turn." I stuttered.
"Oh Lord."
"Anyway, umm, does she-"
"Archie! Have you?"
"Why are you so excited?"
"It's like, a big deal! Unpopular people don't get laid until, like, collage, and he is a sixth former." She talked about it as if there were rules and guidelines that were common. Should I know this? Is this not, strange, to talk about? After trying to hide my face, I considered that maybe, in this patch of flowers in a small garden on a worn down street that I could pretend was in the middle of nowhere, It was ok for Reid to know.
"And you look so innocent-"
"My turn!" I insisted, watching her descend into another giggling fit.
"Why do you like Laura, Reid. Do you even know her?"
Karma Okeira
The end of the school day is finally here. Yay, time to get out of this boring piece of sh!t full of students fearing the classroom with police tape and authority surrounding the area. I rolled my eyes. Poor kid. Poor, poor kid. Aiden didn't deserve to KYS.
But that rumour... maybe he didn't do it. Hmm... murderer, they whisper. Can I use that as an advantage? No, that's going to far... maybe later.
I enter the library, shoving past students in my way. Yeah, yeah, call me b!tch, mother f, whatever pleases you. I don't care.
Oh, lookie here, what a surprise. John.
I looked around. You know, I haven't seen the librarian in her usual spot in a long while. Well, she doesn't matter in my life. She could die this instant and I would give zero f u c k s. John, however...
There's no police around. I can talk to him.
I took a seat right across him and knocked on the table, grabbing his attention. "Yo."
"O-Oh, Karma!" He immediately closed the book in a rush. He looked pretty concerned as he closed the book with such force... Hmm... I acted like I didn't notice his worry.
"We haven't talked in a long while," I said, chuckling. "When I saw you here, I decided to talk, realising I have nothing to talk about."
John smiled sweetly. Man, he's pretty cute. No wonder Archie digs him. "Well, I guess I have something to talk about." He pushed the book aside and replaced it with his homework. Nice. "Can you help me with maths?"
I nodded and took a peek at the book. Pssht, this is simple. I opened my mouth to speak, but then an idea popped up in my head. There's a ton of books around here, many of them being books that can teach you stuff. "I... have no clue what this sh!t is." John's expression turned sad with a small pout. "However, we are in a library." His face began to lighten up with hope.
I pointed to the left. "Go check down there and see if there are any maths books. I'll try and figure this out because all of a sudden, my brain decides to say that it knows it." He nods and stood from his seat, making his way to the shelves to the left. Once he was out of sight, I grabbed the book he placed aside and opened it, a random page displaying a selfie of him and Archie. There was writing below it. A sweet poem. How nice. I took out my phone and snapped a picture before putting it away, moving the book back to its original position. Then I looked at the homework. I guess I should exchange the picture with my help. "Mode, mean, range and median? I know this sh!t. Might as well do it for him." I unzipped his pencil case and borrowed his grey led before writing on his sheet, light enough so then he can rub it out. I wrote down the explanation of the four words before shoving the pencil back into the case, zipping it up and leaving the library. "There's a little help for you. And..." I lifted the phone to my face, grinning. "Thanks for the help. I won't post the picture. Not yet. I will post the cute poem, though." I walked out of school, going to my Instagram account. Instagram is really famous now. Even radio stations have it. Maybe a few celebrities, too. I deleted my account, removing all of my friends on the app. I can't let anyone know it's me. I made a new account and a username that no one should know about. I checked my settings, making sure that people can't track me down. I even used a fake Email account. Anything to prevent anyone from realising it's me. I edited the picture out of the poem and was just about to post it, when I realised something.
If I post it now, it's too suspicious, I told myself as I blindly made my way home. If John sees this straight after I disappeared, he'll think this is me... I'll have to wait until at least midnight. I turned my phone off and walked on, hoping that my parents won't be watching me like hawks watching their prey.
(OOC: Oh.
So, I thought that Karma's last name was a real word for some reason, so I searched it up, and the answer I got made me laugh.
Okeira = Oke-Ira.
Oke-Ira = place in Nigeria.
My mind = *BOOM!*)
John Mason The click of the library doors swinging shut echoed around the empty room. I looked out around the shelf of spanish dictionaries, checking that Karma really had gone. He was a nice guy, but maths could scare off even the kindest of souls. I meandered back over to the desk, to see he'd scribbled some answers on the year 7 worksheet I'd asked him for help on. I pushed down the guilt of lying to him. It's not that I didn't want to talk to him, just...
I didn't have time. I had so much to do. Slumping back down in the uncomfortable plastic library chair, I flicked open my notebook, shifting nervously as I skim read the messy black writing. It was so dumb, I wasn't a master of English. I slammed the book shut again and slid it across the table, as far away from me as I could. I wouldn't achieve anything if all I did was think about Archie. Diane would be back tomorrow, and If I wasn't exactly how I was when she left, I'd be in trouble. I sighed guiltily. I hadn't been to the gym since she left. And i'd have to remember to throw out the leftover takeaways from the fridge. God i'd been so unhealthy without her. I slowly worked through the maths work, moving on to chemistry coursework. It was easy, but I didn't have the motivation. Still, I refused to just leave it. I'd have to finish it at some point, and I already had two weeks of revision from the timetable to do tonight.
Better get on with it.
Deirbhile (Or Deirvs or D idek anymore lmao)
"Bye." I smile at some friends, Gemma and Chiara, as I seperate from them on my way to the library. I adjust the strap of my backpack, a habit now, as I push open the door. I plan on doing my art homework, and the library is usually quiet, and therefore peaceful. A few tables are occupied, and I spot John by one of them, reading a textbook of some kind. Making my way over to him, he looks up, "Oh, hey, Deirbhile."
"Mind if I sit?"
"Go ahead." He smiles, and I slide into the harsh plastic seat opposite him, putting my bag on the empty chair next to me. I take out my sketchbook and set of sketchpencils, deciding what lead to use, before picking out a B. "You do art?" John asks in interest.
I nod, "Yeah." Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I grimace, "But I have Miss Bull. She's a bìtch."
"I've heard."
"What are you doing?" I begin working on the half-finished sketch, nodding at his science textbook.
"Just revision." He shrugs, "It sucks, to be honest."
"I'm awful at Chem." I laugh slightly.
"Yeah, it's hard." John agrees. "What kind of stuff do you do in your classes?"
"Well currently we're doing environmental chemistry. Y'know, the carbon dioxide chain, global warming, stuff like that."
"Eesh. I remember doing stuff like that." He shakes his head.
"How're things with you and Arch?" I ask, blending some of the pencil marks on the left side of the girls face. Her hair is curly, tufts poking out from under a snapback, fingers hidden behind sweater paws.
"Oh, yeah, things are good."
"Nice." I grin. "You two are adorable.
Ray Fon
I exited Mr Buck's room with Erin by my side. That wasn't too bad. Just more talking about the passed scenario. Also for him to tell us to stay away from Karma. Well, I guess it makes sense for Erin, but why me? We're okay. I don't like him, but we're okay.
I asked her, "Do you want me to help you back home?" She shook her head and smiled.
"Nah, I'll manage." Erin slowly turned to exit through the front school gates, where it's closer to her house. "Thanks for being around."
"No problem," I said before waving a bye. "Text you later!" I adjusted the straps on my shoulders and began walking the opposite direction of Erin. I like using the back exit. Or entrance. Or doors. Whatever. Less people walk that way, which I like.
My walk home was pretty peaceful. It was nice to be walking alone for once. Karma's always wanting to come home with me, which is now getting kind of annoying. Speaking of which, he has not spoken to me the whole day. It feels... I don't know, different? There's some sort of empty feeling in me. I guess that happens once you leave a good friend of yours.
But, Karma isn't really a good friend.
I my phone buzzed and I grabbed it out of my pocket. Erin already texted me a message privately.
Erin: I'll be going to the hospital in a few hours! A bit nervous.
I decided to reply to her.
Ray: Don't be. You'll be fine. Probably get some sort of sleeping thingy which I've forgotten what it's called.
I turned off my phone and continued my walk to home, which wasn't too far now. I approached the door and knocked a few times, waiting for my mum to open it. I wished it would be my dad for once. It's as if he's never existed in the first place.
My mum opened the door and let me in with that heart-warming smile of hers. I don't get it. How does she always look so overjoyed? I walked up to my room, only for her to stop me by asking, "How's school?"
"... Eh, weird." I replied. "Had to talk to some sort of police and Mr Buck about Karma and Erin-"
"Oh, my little baby, what happened?" She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. "Did you get hurt? Did someone say something bad to you? Wait, are you getting bullied?!"
"N-No, mum, it's nothing bad!" Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, lies. "Nothing happened to me! It's just something in between Erin and Karma that I don't know about!" Ahaaaaa, more lies.
My mum lets go of me. "Okay..." she whispered with a hint of suspicion. "If someone is bullying you, you need to tell me so then I can complain to the school that they're doing a terrible job at taking care of their students! My friend'll give them the chancla!"
They're already doing a terrible job. I chuckled softly. "Mum, I think you've been calling that Spanish friend of yours a bit too much."
"Nonsense! Now go do whatever you were doing." She went back to the kitchen and grabbed her phone, either looking at things or texting things. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs to my room, where I threw my bag in the corner and jumped on the bed, sighing. When Erin and I left, Karma was still with the teacher and PC... What did they do to Karma?
Reid Keegan "Oh haha," I paused, my charisma failing my along with an answer, I didnt know. But was that the truth, or was I too scared to actually ask myself? I sat up straight, my eyes settling briefly on a golden buttercup in the soft moss before turning to Archie.
"I think I like her Because she's everything I'm not." I sighed, resting my chin in my hands.
Archie scoffed and rested his head on my shoulder, flowers beginning to come loose and wilt. How long had we been here? Just talking?
"You guys aren't that different." He said, And I couldnt help but let myself feel hopeful.
"Really?" I asked and he nodded,
"For example," He said, "You both try and do the right thing. You're both thoughtful and you're both beautiful."
I Laughed bitterly, looking away, "Thats nice but I'm probably queen of tacky, Archie kins"
"No!" He exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders so id face him, "You aren't! Besides pretty sure Hera's earned that title already."
"Maybe I should start fancying her," I Laughed, I guess I needed to hear that, something light-hearted amongst all this seriousness and chaos.
Archie Pulled out his phone, and at his small gasp, I turned to see what he was looking at.
"Investigators?" I asked,
"They seem to find A-Adains death suspicious,"
I laughed again, but there was no humour in it. Just bitterness.
"thats ridiculous." I muttered,
"Wouldn't be the strangest thing thats happened here."
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