Chapter 10
Blankness, all I heard was the wailing silence and heavy footsteps running away. Someone screaming a name, seemed to begin with k or c. I'd never been so immobilised. My hearing was muffled and my brain couldn't process much. I didn't have any thought process, although someone must of seen the writing on my hand. The note that said 'Call Ray'
My soft eyes opened and I saw light. It blinded me and I shut my eyes like the speed of sound. I could feel people muttering, sounded like young voices.
"This couldn't be worse timing..." a deep voice sounded. That made me open my eyes. I was intregued.
"I know, it's sad. Who's fault was it?"Another voice said. Three eyes looked at me. Lucia. Ray and Reid. I attempted to sit up.
"What bîtch hit me?" I murmerred.
"Jesus Christ Erin, you remember?" Reid echoed.
"Keep it down..." Lucia echoed.
"All I know it was Karma's fault" Ray said.
"KARMA!!!" I shouted. "That little b?stard better get revenge."
"Fiesty..." Ray muttered under his breath.
"How was school?" I asked. Reid shook her head. Can't be good. Ray got out his phone and started to load something up.
"Dya really wanna know?" He asked.
"Nah, I'll find out by myself..." I murmerred. I had no time for school drama. I had to worry about myself. I was centre of attention.
"Erin! Oh hello, you feeling okay?" The nurse with blonde hair asked. Reid and Ray had left, Lucia was still hanging about.
"I'm good, what damage has been done?" I asked.
"Broken tibia, not as bad as expected. And a little whack to the head." She said. I looked down to my leg and saw a massive white cast. It was 7:30pm and Lucia went home. My parents came to visit me while I was knocked out apparently. I ate some food. Although I had been knocked out I was extremely tired. I closed my eyes and just fell asleep.
The next morning I was told that I'd go home later.
"Okay, would you like crutches or a wheelchair?" The nurse asked.
"Crutches are more convenient, so sure." I said. She got me a pair and I had a little test. Then I had one more visitor. Karma.
Archie Harris
Honestly, I couldn't believe Blake had gone straight back to bullying my friends. And my mother.
"John, go upstairs." I said, trying to keep my voice even. He was mad at me, and I was trying to keep it from affecting me. I couldn't exactly beg for his forgiveness in the middle of my kitchen. "Archie, that's not fai-"
"Please." I didn't change my tone, and he reluctantly left. My mum had gone into the sitting room where my brother was. I noticed that she shut the door, something she never did. She was afraid. I pulled the first aid kit across the table, out of Blake's reach. I'd seen him eyeing up the scalpel, and however he was planning on using it, the cuts sting and take ages to heal and I didn't want him anywhere near it. I picked out some antiseptic cream and bandages, then clicked the box shut rather forcefully. I looked up to see him glaring at me with one sleeve rolled up, and stretched a hand out for his arm. He sneered.
"Let me do it or bleed out." I responded. This was my house. I would be in control. He sulked over and let me clean the cuts. It only took a few minutes and was fairly quiet. Blake was too 'manly' to indicate that it hurt. I was just glad he didn't question how I was so good at it. As I was sliding the medicine box back into the cupboard, I glimpsed Blake trudging out of the kitchen to follow John upstairs.
He turned around slowly. "Go apologise to my mother." He snorted in disbelief and turned to continue on his path upstairs.
"Blake Silverstein, you don't get to come into my house, swear in front of my mother and threaten my boyfriend. I have a twelve year old brother, my dad has been serving overseas for almost 10 months. She is fantastic, had to deal with me being almost ***d and she was at your brother's funeral. Go and APOLOGISE." I slammed the cupboard door shut.
"Or what? He spat. "You going to kick me out?"
"Or-" He smirked as I stumbled for something to say. "Or don't. I'm not going to threaten you to be a decent human being. I just thought that you might want to stay here, away from all of the school stuff. It's Hera's party tonight, you can go there instead. I just wanted to make sure you were ok." I looked down, once again afraid that trusting Blake was a step too far.
"If I want to stay here tonight, I'll stay. It doesn't matter what you say." He mumbled as he sulked over to the living room. I listened as he stumbled through an apology, then my mother's expected response. "It's ok, honey. Are you staying for dinner?" She chirped. He answered, but I couldn't hear what he said. I slid past him and up the stairs, finding John sat at the end of the small bed, holding his head in his hands, staring at the floor. I sat at his feet so I was in his field of vision, but he turned his head away.
"Johhnn." I whined, leaning my head on his knee. "Please don't be upset." He didn't answer.
"I didn't know he would be like that, honestly, I wouldn't have-"
"You didn't tell me he would be here!" He snapped, pulling his knee away. "This was supposed to be just us." His tone softened, exposing the real reason he was upset.
"I know. I'm sorry. But we can still talk, it won't be that bad-" I searched for more positives. I would be able to find a lot more if Blake dropped the act.
"He's using you, Arch." John sighed, dropping off the bed to sit next to me on the floor. "I don't want him to hurt you again." He wrapped an arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer.
"He's not, John, you don't get it, it's complicated," John dropped his arm from around me.
"Then let me get it! Tell me what's going on. What was all that at the skate park about?" I chewed my lip, not sure how to answer. I'd have to tell him eventually, but Blake could join us at any moment.
"I'll explain later, kay?"
"You said that last time."
"John, please-"
"I have to go home." He started to get up, facial expression blank. It felt like someone was trying to sew my heart with an icicle. I tried to catch his hand as he walked past.
"John, please don't leave me alone with-" he snatched his hand away.
"Why not? I thought he'd changed?" There was so much venom in that last word, I felt like he'd caught me cheating on him. Tears started clinging to my eyelashes. If I let him leave now, he wouldn't talk to me again. I'd lose him. As much as I didn't want to, not with Blake here, thundering up the creaky stairs, I'd have to explain. "I'll tell you." I whimpered. "Just come sit next to me, I'll explain why I need Blake's help."
"Thank you." He made his way back over, closely followed by Blake, who jumped up onto the bed like it was his.
"Tell us then, Florence Nightingale." Blake commanded, pulling some gum from is pocket and chewing, watching me intently.
Blake Silverstein
I felt sick to the stomach, sick that someone I knew so well would do something like that and sick because I didn't want to believe it, that my mind kept doubting Archie. Victim shaming him. Of course i was silent about these thoughts and I listened intently, but deep in my imagination i could picture my dad watching the telly, news on some new serial r@pist after getting arrested and commenting in his slurred voice "Stupid leftwings, throwing a good man in jail for some attention seeking wh.ores."
But i wasn't him. Or at least I hoped not, so I kept quiet.
I hated these thoughts, because I owed it to Archie to be his friend and I wanted him to know that I really did care, mostly because I was insecure. Ashamed that he was probably the only friend I had who'd clean my cuts for me without laughing in my face.
John was holding Archie. Which was making me feel uncomfortable, maybe even a little jealous, the little devil on my shoulder seemed to whisper
Archie needs me to help him b!tch! The only thing your good for is being the only other g@y guy in school!
Yet again, i managed to contain my thoughts. I'd already strikes once, I didn't want to offend anyone again. Had to control my anger better, but even just thinking about it seemed to make me angry again.
When Archie finished his story I couldn't help but feel in awe of him, he didn't even cry. Not once throughout telling it. Maybe he was right about being better then me, I thought shamefully as I flashed back to crying on the way here, crying last night, crying at the funeral, crying in the nurses office, crying-
I dug my finge.rnail into my knee, drawing blood, calming the rise of anger and emotions in my stomach. I really had to control them better.
"I'm Going to that son of a b!tch up so much Archie! You though Jake was bad, I'm gonna make sure beanie never sees the light-" I stopped when i saw their expressions, my comment was obviously inappropriate. It wasn't like i was actually going to do it... I just wanted to be supportive... I had to remind myself I wasn't at a rugby prep and that this was someones life we were talking about.
John quickly swooped in, "Did you tell the police?"
Archie laughed, "In this conservative town? hell no. They wouldn't believe me." He had a point.
"But Blake isn't exactly Mr. Liberal himself." John, Stupid f.u.cking john. I had to work very hard to contain myself this time, I'm sure they could see my face growing red.
I spoke, calmly much to my own surprise, "Look Arch, I can do what i do best which is kick the sh!t out of him. If you don't want that then i can make sure he doesn't touch you again. I can't get you justice,'
I hesitated, I haven't had such a serious and heartfelt conversation in well... ever.
Then I saw John and his smug face with his arm around Archie- A good guy- thats what he was. I was one of the bad guys, so I turned my boiling hatred into something productive and said, "And you know... I'm here for you like. If you're ever... you know.." Well i tried, it was enough to make Archie smile though.
"I enjoyed calling you too," I added, which really made John's face fall, sending my heart into glorious acrobatic summersaults. I wasn't even concerned that someone else's hurt feelings made me feel so wonderful.
"yeah me too." Archie replied, he really didn't look good, "We should do it again sometime."
I was about to agree until i remembered throwing my phone out of the window in a wild rage.
But i went along with it anyway, "Sounds cool," Just to rub a little more salt into John's wound.
Archie Harris
Blake was winding John up, and I would have found it hilarious under any other circumstances; at the minute John and I were stepping on eggshells, and I couldn't risk offending him further. "Babe, calm down," I whispered, leaning back into him reassuringly.
"I'm fine." He replied, running his hand up my side. "I don't mind."
Yes you do. I thought to myself, but didn't vocalise. He pushed his face into the back of my neck gently as a peace sign. I tapped his knee thankfully, and caught Blake's eye. He seemed to be staring, but on closer inspection his eyes had glazed over, he was lost in thought. "Blake?"
"Hm?" He snapped his head up, obviously a little uncomfortable about what he said.
"Thanks for..." I trailed off, searching for the right way to phrase it. "I don't want you to hurt anyone-" I put emphasis on the word-"Anymore, but thank you for wanting to help me, and believing me, and.. I'm glad we're friends again." I smiled at him shyly and a grin tugged at his lips. A good grin, not threatening, but kind, a little bashful.
"I still think you should tell the police." John interrupted, poking his head over my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair thoughtfully.
"I don't think he deserves it." I answered, taking in the confused and shocked looks on their faces. "I mean, look how people responded when I came out. I'd be afraid too If I was closeted, especially if I was that close to the heart of the popular clique. And he shouldn't have- but who told him it was wrong? He's still afraid of you, Blake, I could tell.. I think he only tried to kill me last week because he was afraid I would share the secret. I wonder if he'd talk to us..." I trailed off, entertaining the thought as John massaged my side, talking to Blake about something. I'm glad they're starting to get along.
"Why don't we talk to him tonight?" Blake suddenly burst out, breaking away mid sentence to suggest the idea. I shifted uncomfortably. "I don't really like Hera's parties..."
"It didn't turn out too bad for you last time." John joked. "But I don't want to walk into the spider's web..." Hera's parties were wild. There was loud music and every surface was sticky with cheap alcohol, but at the same time everything seemed foggy and in slow motion, like not-quite-reality. And I didn't like the way she tried to wear John like an accessory earlier.
"Yeah, but us three and Reid could go as a group." Blake suggested. "We wouldn't even have to talk to them others-"
Before we could debate further there was a knock on the door and my mum poked her head round. John and I leaped away from each other like two north ends of a magnet, and she tried to hide a smile. I made you dinner, boys." We all climbed to our feet and filed out of the room, tanking her as we left. I tried to avoid her, but she caught my eye on the way down, grinning the way she does when dad visits.
"Shut up." I mumbled as she opened her moth, and she poked me in the ribs in mock annoyance. Maybe coming out to dad wouldn't be so bad afterall.
Blake Silverstein
We stopped at my place on the way to the party, I didn't want them to come in just incase Da would recognise Archie but when I peered in he was sound asleep in front of the television, I singled them to enter and we made our ways to my room, for a pair of g@ys Archie and John really didn't know what to wear to a house party, so we opened up the closet, the joys of being with such a shallow crowd is that your in touch with the latest trends. Later Reid arrived at the house, dolled up. She looked pretty great actually. i never really noticed how hot she was... She was wearing a short black dress, simple enough with bright scarlet lipstick that made her red hair pop. Together we made our way to the party, and if i had to be completely honest i was more comfortable with the three of them then I ever was with my friend group. I felt no competition here, sure there was uneasiness but also a sense of togetherness.
I took my dads car, i didn't have a drivers licence but in a small town like this the police never really came around to check, and for a lowlife i drives pretty responsively. Everyone climbed in and we headed to the party.
Hera lived on the rich side of town, not far from john's actually. Her house was a marvel to behold, large marble steps leading up to the biggest set of doors on the street. Inside was even more impressive, with a spiralling staircase, large airy windows and wide open spaces for people to dance, although i had been to her place so many times, i was never really able to get used to it. Hera was at the door to greet her guests, i noticed Karma, my eyes barely skimming past him but he was there. He looked worried but before i could say anything Hera rested a hand on my shoulder, careful not to touch my wrist again, and her face broke into a cheek splitting grin when she saw us. "Blakey!" She exclaimed, no longer was she mocking me, or John and Archie. Not after what happened to Jake.
"You're just in time! Chris got us a new shipment from the bug guy himself," her eyes dashed to john, she was almost definitely talking about his brother, before returning to me, "Party bags for everyone!" She gave me four small bags, Like the one's we used to get at kids at the end of a birthday, plastic and brightly coloured. Inside were far more interesting things and i licked my lips, looking through the different goodies she had.
"there's a knew one," i commented, looking at the small packet of white powder,
"Yeah," she said, "they're bringing back the seventies!" I offered The other's their bags, they took them reluctantly and i noticed the look of awkwardness between John and Archie.
"Loosen up!" I told them, taking one of the party decorated joints from the bag and lighting it, the smell of marijuana filling my senses. The party had begun.
Archie Harris
As soon as Blake turned his back, John took the bag from me indifferently and slid it into his pocket indifferently. I watched with alarm until he leant down to my ear to explain, competing with the loud music. "I'll give them back to my brother to re-sell." I nodded in understanding, still sceptical. "He needs the money." John snorted as an afterthought, before pulling me into the throbbing crowd after Blake. We soon found him downing a red plastic cup of a bleach blue substance, probably vodka. "Looks like we're walking home." Reid commented from behind us, similar red cup in hand. Absent mindedly I reached out to smooth the sequin in the same direction- there was a section under her elbow where she kept brushing them the wrong way. "You ought borrow it some time." She joked, flicking a strand of hair on my forehead. "You have the legs for it!" There was a high pitched squeal over the music, interrupting Reid's teasing. "Archie!" I was engulfed in long blonde hair and the smell of apples.
"Hey, Laura!" I hugged her back, watching over her shoulder as Reid pulled the neckline of her dress down.
"Hi, Reid." She waved briefly, trying to keep the smile plastered on her face. "How are you, Arch?" She turned her attention back to me, and Reid hesitated on the edge of our conversation, trying to find a good place to enter. "I'm pretty tired, to be honest. I stayed up really late trying to finish that book." I sighed, doing my best to sound convincing. I looked at Reid intently until she got the hint.
"What, the Ash book you were talking about? I love that book!" She exclaimed, doing a much better job than me at acting. "Ohmygosh, Me too!" Laura squealed, grabbing Reid by the hand and pulling her off, already chatting about characters. I hope Reid had done enough research to keep her from floundering. She seemed fine, and turned to give a quick thumbs up as she stumbled after Laura. "What books?" John asked, leaning in over my shoulder.
"No idea." I responded, looking over the flailing mass of dancing teens to where Blake and some others were laughing and taking shots. "Matt!" John called. I jumped and turned around to see John and someone else trying to shout to each other. "Who's Matt?" I asked, peering round John to see if I should be jealous or not. "Plays bass. Do you mind if I go say hi?"
"Go for it." We kissed quickly before he ducked under the arms of a chain of girls and disappeared. Hera's house was a lot like John's, but this was all glitz, like it was designed for the express purpose of house parties. John's house was all for practicality. The stairs, for example, were swooping, right in the center, like the spiral ones from beauty and the beast. I stood near the top, watching and waiting for John to reappear. The chandelier kept reflecting and glinting on the sequins of Reid's dress, and the sight of her made me remember her previous comment. Could I look good in a dress? I slowly let a hand drop down and tried to casually brush my knee. I imagined that instead of my jeans there was the hem of a dress. A group of girls walked past and one of their skirts skimmed against the back of my knee. I straightened up in embarrassment, holding my hands to my chest. A hand rested against my waist, another joining it on the other side. "Hey gorgeous," the voice whispered, lips brushing against my neck. I tilted my head to the side to allow access, assuming it was John, when I caught sight of a light brown curl. I pulled away sharply, back bumping against the stair railing. "Brandon!"
He grinned maliciously. "Just came for what I didn't get last time." He sauntered closer, putting a hand on the railing either side of me. The hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up. I turned my head frantically, but Blake wasn't at the table with the shots, and I couldn't tell which direction John had gone in. A cold laugh forced me to turn back to Brandon, who now had Hera stood behind him, gripping her Iphone like a weapon. I could feel my legs start to tremble.
slightlybitter (This is a form)
[quote=slightlybitter]Name: Brandy Finch (Finch to those who she saunters by in the corridor, and Finch to the many teachers who just find her first name too much of a joke. Only her family and her friends have the right to call her Brandy, or at least some of her family.)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
S.exuality: Biromantic, ace (clear preference to girls)
Appearance: Brandy isn't one to speculate over her appearance, because she's found it too complicated, with so many layers and aspects, she is fairly abstract. Her face is an oval, with a f***ned chin. Due to her blessed trait of auburn locks, her complexion is the delicate hue of a pearl. However, her arms, legs, face and collar bone are decorated with freckles, that have been thrown at her. They add character, and a sense of mystery.
Her eyes are wide, and slanted inwards slightly. With eyelashes poised into delicate curls, she almost represents grace and elegance. She paints her eyelashes with a soft, cashmere eyeshadow that blurs into a darker brown towards her brow bone. Brandy's eyelashes are poised with elegance, like thin curls of delicate ceramic. Her irises are the colour of syrup, and swirl around her pupil with a bittersweet shade. The creamy substance is spiked with gingerbread and cinnamon flecks, which combine with the sweetness of her main iris colour, making that Christmas Starbucks drink that people say they like, but can't drink without going into a sugar coma. Her eyebrows are dark brown, and arched in a snarky position. Her nose is slender, with a turned up tip, which is also covered in freckles.
Her lips are full, and watermelon pink, however, they have paled after her bad habit of biting them when she's nervous. Consequently, the skin is cut, chapped and rough. However, her smile is beautiful
As a recovering anorexic, Brandy is extremely thin, and her posture is like the stance of a porcelain doll. Her limbs are slender, and her stomach is flat. Her collarbone sticks out a little too much, like her ribs and wrists. Her belly button is pierced with an turquoise stud. A few freckles are placed over her stomach, but not that much. Brandy is about five feet tall, and is comfortable with her height.
Alas, the thing that is what makes her stand out most, is the chasm of rough waves, shaded with an auburn, that cascade down to her waist. She looks autumnal, with her adorable freckled-face and ginger locks. At her previous school, Brandy was almost considered popular. It was only when people dug a little deeper that she lost everything. She had the cheer leader's body, which crumpled with her self-esteem, ruining her career as a dancer. She had the face of an angel, with was scarred with tear stains. Tear stains weren't her only scars. Them scars could be removed with a smile, however, the scars on her wrists couldn't even be hidden by long sleeved tops and hoodie.
Personality: Brandy is an unusual person. She's delicate, and will break if you yell at her, because scars are still etched over her mind, which is broken like glass. When she was self-harming, her mind became exceedingly complex. She did not cut because she wanted to die. She cut because she wanted all the anxiety about her weight and the chasm of emotions stirring in her mind to escape her in a blood flow. Alas, it never worked like that.
She's fairly literate and enjoys reading and writing as a past time. Letting her words flow out on to the pages of her leather bound journal is a coping mechanism for her. Watching real ink splotch onto paper is better than watching scarlet blood run over her finger tips.
Brandy is still fragile from anorexia nervosa, and still speaks about the recovery unit as though she is in the present day, because of how much the memories haunt her. Before her life crashed down, she was a ray of sunshine. She attended a school in California called Harper Valley, where she had grown up with her old friends. Deep down, she is her old self, which will be described in italics.
Brandy is what every girl wants to be: joyful, pretty and intelligent. She's got a kind soul, which boys chase after, because they can't help but want to savour every moment with her. The girls yearn for her lips to just pass some of her joy through theirs, or just to merely hold hands with her, because everyone has a lust for her soul and body. She helps out the disabled kids, and she does not pity the mentally ill, or run away, she praises them for their bravery, because people don't praise Brandy for hers.
Backstory: To be revealed
Are they out?: To some people
Ray Fon
Hera's house was a sight to behold.
The party, unfortunately, made it worse.
I lifted my scarf over the bridge of my nose as an attempt to block out the scent of wine, beer and sweat. The mask alone wasn't enough to stop the obnoxious smells. I don't understand. How do people love Vodka? I hate it. It tastes... weird.
Trying to ignore the chaos, I made my way to the corner of the room closest to the stairs. Whoa, to the stairs are so long... Hera must think of it as torture, trying to get up to her room. That is, if her room is upstairs. This is why I don't admire flamboyant, rich stuff. They hurt to earn and hurt to use.
Heh, I say that as I own a big house.
I sat in the corner of the room, like I always do at parties (I don't know how to party), watching the others have fun. I don't really know how they find joy in big social events. How do they do it? Maybe I'm just too timid to approach someone and have a conversation.
But I did have one with Archie when I didn't want to, Karma.
Speaking of which, where the hell is he? He told me that he's coming on our WhatsApp group chat, yet he's nowhere in sight. I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping that no one will notice me, and thought about the last time I saw him.
"Karma!" I called out, but he either ignored me or didn't hear me as he ran away. Lucia and Reid were following behind, soon catching up and passing me. Geez, I'm so slow.
The two girls began to shake Erin awake and I looked at her head. No blood, but... ouch. That's a massive bruise. I clenched my fists in anger directed towards Karma. Why the would he do that?
We talked for a little bit before she forced herself up, wobbling as she struggled to stand. Lucia caught her before she could fall, and I swore I saw the two blush. Maybe it's just me.
Lucia insisted that she took her to the nurses office. With a bit of arguing, Erin eventually gave up and we escorted her to the room. We stayed around for a bit to keep her company. First, Reid left. I did the same action a few minutes later.
"... Are you going to be fine?" I asked in a hushed tone, earning a yes from Erin. She's lying, obviously. I looked at Lucia, and she nodded, then I left. As I walked home I punched in the number for Karma and began to call him.
"Speak. Now." Whoa, my voice sounded so serious.
"Hey, haven't seen you in a while!" Karma replied in a sickening, joyful tone. "And damn, you sound so serious! What happened?"
If squeezed the phone tight. "What happened? You happened! Why the would you purposely crash into Erin with your bike and punch her? Why? She did nothing wrong!"
There was an inaudible whisper on the other side of the line. Either that, or the connection was corrupting. "Sorry, what did you say? I can't hear you-"
Suddenly, the call ended.
I looked at the screen, and it said that I've lost connection with him. Okay, what? Why is this happening? Ever since the flood, sh!t has been going on. Scary sh!t.
I groaned and continued my walk to home. Well, Hera has a party later. She invited me, which makes no sense since I'm the lame-a$$ in the school-wait, nope, never mind, I forgot about the rap battle.
Still feel guilty for that.
Karma said that he's going earlier... maybe I can find him there.
-Current Time-
And here I am, not doing any socialising or talking to anybody.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Karma, hoping that he would respond. I pulled down my scarf and waited for his response.
"Hi, noun who's calling me. I'm not available right now, I got... stuff to do. Leave me a message or don't!" And then the phone buzzed. I rolled my eyes and turned it off, sighing in frustration. Great, first he doesn't show up at the funeral, next he runs away from me, now he's not picking up. I feel so... alone without him. So... vulnerable and weak.
Back to old me, heheh...
I heard a yelp from the staircase. Normally, I wouldn't care, but it sounded familiar, the voice... Archie?
I slowly stepped towards the railings and took a peek, spotting Hera with her IPhone, recording... Archie and... Beanpole...? What... the... holy, sh!t, I realise what's happening.
I quickly looked away, not wanting to see what's going to happen next. But at the same time, he obviously needs help. Well, what's a weakling supposed to do? Step forward and talk smack? Give the bully some sass? Hah, I wish.
"Yo, wassup!" I felt something wrap around my neck and dragging me down. I grunted and turned to face... Karma.
Pushing him away, I asked, "Where the have you been? I've been calling you but you've never picked up!" He chuckled and lifted his phone, turning it on and playing with the volume buttons.
"Sorry, I didn't realised it was on silent." He says it like a childish b!tch.
I crossed my arms in annoyance. He's been acting weird ever since he attacked Erin. What the heck? "Well, I don't care about that anymore. You see-"
"And I'mma stop you right there!" He raised a finger to my lips, gesturing me to shut up. "Look, an opportunity to fight! Archie looks terrified, Beanpole looks lustful and Hera's recording. See ya!" I couldn't stop him as he darted up the stairs immediately. I groaned and stomped the floor in frustration. God, fu.c.king dammit!
Erin My first thought when I awoke was School. I had to face Karma. Why? Just a hella Why? I put on my coat and zipped it up.
"Wanna Ride?" Mum said trying to be 'Cool'.
"I'll be good..." I said opening the door, hobbling on my crutches along the street. It was cold, damp and wet. Good for crutches then. While I was walking, I saw someone. Karma. I tried to catch up, I'm not that speedy. He could hear the clicks as I tried to catch up. It was him. His blue Adidas backpack and dirty shoes.
"Karma..." I said muffled. He continued walking.
"KARMA!!!!" I shouted, a few people stared. He turned round in shock. He tried to crack a smile but I gave him a 'cmon mate' stare.
"Hey Erin, what happened?" He said, shrugging it off.
"You know what happened b!tch" I said angrily. We were somehow still walking." Schools right there. Meet me at break. I'm not done yet."
The bell went for first lesson. I hobbled to find Ray and maybe Lucia. Mainly Ray. I saw his bag. I tried to catch him up. I bet he could hear me.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, just fed up already." I huffed, "coincidence not that I saw Karma while I was walking.
"You saw that b!itch!" He whisper-shouted. I nodded as we entered geography. I sait in my usual right corner seat. Geography was pretty average, then we had maths. After maths I went to see the school councillor about Karma. He needs to be punished for it. It was break anyway, I'd leave him hanging, looking for me. Little did he know I have Reid, Ray and Lucia to back me up. Lucia recorded on her phone.
Blake Silverstein It didn't take long. The perfectly smart crowd of students quickly morphed into a mob, Animals. Pack mentality, me at the top, just how I liked it. Just how it should be. The drugs worked quick, super man pills to make you fly, joints to make you howl to the moon. Saucers for eyes and mouths a judder. Raving hands stretched towards the roof as if it was to collapse on top of them at any moment, feet pounding against the ground causing an artificial earthquake of noise. Beers and girls and sad music.
Terri Sun shoved up against me, her eyes were dilated and her skirt was twisted, honestly i should have read those signs, but when she offered me her drink i took it. I was too distracted my her low collar anyway.
Whatever was in that drink. It was bad, bad news. maybe i had suffered from a couple of schizophrenic episodes since Aiden's death, seeing him, hearing him, but those were just part of grieving, right?
But after sipping from Terri's cup the room began to spin, and the noise began to hurt and the flashing lights were laced with shadows, eyes and cold dead fingers. I dropped by cup, the contents splashing off a girls leg, she hit me across the face but i couldn't feel it and then I really began to panic, too far. Too much.
I had to get away from the pounding noise burning into my brain and cutting off my senses.
I found a quiet space at the top of the stairs on the first landing and ***ped into a bathroom.
Looked myself in the mirror and stared back at a stranger. Pale skin, hallow eyes and a drip of saliva hanging from his mouth. I began to panic again, my breath running short of me, the drug boosting up my heart rate. Cheap purple hair dye, a desperate attempt to stand out and an immediate regret that was quite sadly permanent for the next year. definitely me, pull yourself together Blake.
I pulled out my party bag and emptied out its contents. You need to stop. no more.
The contents, ingenious, the seductive way it was put together, wrapped in foils and colourful plastic tubes.
The temptation-
I emptied them into the toilet. Stop Blake.
I sat in a dark corner, hidden in the shadows of the room, voices coming down the hall towards me. I recognised Brandon's. I watched him and Hera, with someone walking in front of them, disappear into a room further down the corridor. The door to the room, left open so the sound carried.
I heard Hera laughing. Maybe I should have been concerned that she was cheating, although we weren't really official, but then five minutes or less, a protest. From a third party.
"Stop, no i don't want to". A male voice, and i wondered whether it was my drug caused delusions or not.
Still, after hearing Archies tale it wouldn't have been the most unlikely thing, so i stuck to the shadows and approached the door.
"Shut the up," Brandon said, 'Quit crying."
He won't stop. can't stop. But it threw Brandon off guard and I managed to snatch a quick peek through the door. Oh f.u.kcing mother of god. Archie.
"Keep still for f.u.cks sake!" Brandon
"please, I don't want to," Archie,
I pushed the door open, wide, the bed visible with light from a lamp in the hallway. Brandon on top, Archie pinned underneath, Hera grinning foolishly with a phone in her hand, her eyes wide from god knows what kind of drug. Brandon didn't seem to notice fist, it was Hera's
"shut the f.u.cking door." that made him turn, and his face lit up when he saw me. Fear sprawled across his face.
"Iheardhimsayno." I said, unsure of myself, my words slurred and muddled. Weakness, Brandon knew. I knew. The moment the words left my lips, he broke into one of his mischievous grins.
he's no longer scared, he thinks he's in control. I am just an unwanted killjoy.
'it's not my fault," he says, like we're joking around in the yard, "he dresses provocatively."
I laughed. i shouldn't have but i did. The drugs maybe but also the years of making similar jokes with my dad and my friends and other ***ty people. Brandon smile somehow widens and he knows he's winning the struggle of powers. he didn't even need to try. But he was underestimating me.
He moved off of Archie's rigid body, archie rolled off the bed like a rag doll, a pathetic attempt of a getaway but all he could muster. Brandon was in front of me, my back against the door, my foot preventing it from moving.
His hands were on my neck, his body against mine. our mouths too close.
"jealous are you?"
Nope nope nope nope nope Nope. I didn't even realise that I'd hurt him until Hera started screaming.
"What did you do blake! It was only a prank!" I wanted to tell her I couldn't f.u.cking care less B!tch, but my words were failing me and my tongue felt like it was swelling up in my mouth. I hit her too.
i shouldn't have but she was holding that stupid f.u.cking phone and i was ***ing tired and I really needed to p!ss and get this over with. I grabbed the phone and Archie is already outside, his hair and eyes wild and unhinged. He was unsteady on his feet, so was I but luckily Ray was there and he helped us down the stairs. John. We needed to find John.
Archie Harris "I told you not to hurt anyone!" I cried, running down the staircase after Blake. He stumbled into people, grabbing arms and yanking on hair to identify people. "Blake, stop!" I called after him as he disappeared. I could vaguely tell where he had gone based on annoyed shouts and swearing, but before I could follow John appeared by my side.
"Where did you g-" I flung myself at him, wrapping my arms tightly round him and hiding my face. "Arch?" He played with my hair as I slowly broke down, crying into his chest. He guided me outside careful to avoid any huge crowds. When we stepped out through the cloud of smoke at the door (smokers) the cold night air stung in my lungs. It was nevertheless welcomed, much prefered to the hot, sticky atmosphere inside. Blake had passed out in a bush nearby, sprawled uncomfortably in the neat lawn. "Let's get home." John suggested softly, and took my hand, moving over to nudge Blake with his heel. "Did you want myfu(kinhel..hlp pr nah?" He slurred, rolling onto his back.
"I want you to get up." John responded calmly, like he was babysitting a toddler, not the completely p!ssed captain of the rugby team.
"Fair 'nough" Blake replied, staggering to his feet and beginning to hobble alongside us unfazed, seeming tipsy at worst, rather that completely drugged up. He walked in silence though.
The front door to John's house was unlocked, hallway light on. Joe was slouched at the kitchen table in a cloud of steam. "Don't do that in here!" John snapped, opening a window and trying to snatch the joint from his brother. "If mum smells it she'll kill me!" Joe shrugged indifferently, blowing the next lot of stem in John's face. I edged over to a chair, and Blake flopped down next to me, eyes still dilated as John's coughs subsided. "Can you-" Joe cut him off, carelessly sliding a bag of herb-y looking stuff across the table to Blake. "Smoke it. Should clear your head." He snorted, getting up and parading into what I assumed to be the sitting room. John stared wistfully at the ashes that dotted the table and sighed.
"Do you really think she'll think it was you?" I asked, voice croaky.
"Nah, but he's not allowed in the house." He explained, avoiding eye contact. "Do you want to go have a shower? You are sleeping over, right?"I nodded thankfully. getting up from the kitchen table and letting John lead me upstairs.
Reid Keegan
The party was a disaster. It got out of hand way to fast and when it did there was no fixing it. Before I left i spared a minute to pity Hera, the house was in ruins. Confetti, red cups, syringes and drunks alike.
The party was also a disaster on a more private level. Laura.
She looked so beautiful in her dress. She was too fair and too good for this party that was for sure. And too good for me too. I heard she left early, without even saying goodbye. We didn't even get a chance to exchange numbers. I blushed just thinking about it, clutching my purse over my chest in a desperate attempt to stay warm, the sequins on my dress twinkling in the moonlight as I walked home across the damp and depressing streets of Rock Castle. The street lamps seemed to bleed orang and red into the dark night, making everything seem artificial. Like a dream.
In the distance I heard howling, a wild sound, what was wilder was that I couldn't tell if it was dogs or drunken boys returned from the same party as I.
I turned down Jefferson street, walking passed the identical series of houses until I reached my own shabby house. A soft pink worn from our infamous weather. Home.
I turned my key in the lock and was welcomed with a warm burst of air from the hallway, the radio playing a ballad sweet and timid, dad roasting his feet my the fire and the smell of homemade dinner drifting by my nose. I blinked, everything gone. Cold, damp home. No food. No dad. No joy. Just an after effect of a spiked drink that I missed dearly.
"Ma I'm home!" I called out, not expecting an answer. She was probably out, and I hurried upstairs, aching to kick off my shoes and get into something more comfortable. I got into my room, the wall scattered with posters of skaters and signers, the floor lined with clothes and homework, unfinished.
I stretched across the bed, letting my hair fall off the edge and my eyes wonder towards the rest of my rooms, my view upside down. Then my phone begging to buzz. Texts on the snapchat group chat, most of the popular kids were In it and it mostly contained bad memes and scandalous photos and news. This one was definitely scandalous, although I didn't know it right then.
A video.
That shook the school
Ray Fon
OOC: Hey, -Raven-, the thing about Karma hurting Erin... is that the day before the party?
I ran after Karma will all my strength, grabbing a hold of him just in time before he could reach his three targets. I forcefully pushed him down the stairs before walking up to him, yelling, "Why are you so violent?!" He simply shrugged as if he gave zero f.u.cks to the world. I rolled my eyes and shoved him out of my way. " this, I'm going home..."
I didn't bother looking back as I walked towards the exit. Chaos, that's what Hera's party was. Utter chaos. Betcha that she's going to call a maid to clean the mess once her party's over.
I sensed Karma walking close behind me, and my walk accelerated. I didn't want to see him.
"Ray, can I come home with you?"
Or talk to him.
Without looking back, I replied, "No," in a cold manner. The party was sickening enough. I don't need anymore stress.
He faked a pout and looked away, but I knew he wasn't sad. We both kept walking in awkward silence until I reached home. Opening the door, I called out, "Mama, I'm home with... Karma." I spotted him looking down when I said his name with plenty of venom. I whispered, "Don't do anything stupid, or you're out."
Immediately, my mum ran towards me and gave me a large hug. "Oh, my little boy, I'm so glad you came back home safe." God, her hugs are so tight.
"Y-Yeah... can you let go... please?" I squeaked out the last words as I struggled to breathe. She laughed and lets go of me before stepping aside to allow Karma and I to enter. I instantly darted up the stairs with him close behind, following me like a small, lost b!tch.
I entered my bedroom and kept the door open. "Karma, close the door," I ordered as I yawned. What time is it? I faced the clock on my wall and read it aloud. "10:15. Damn, I thought I came back later." I jumped onto my bed and took off my scarf, tossing it aside. Karma shut the door before walking towards me, sitting on the opposite end of the mattress. We sat there for a long while, not saying anything. I didn't want to talk to him but he waited for me to.
I sighed and fell into a lying position, closing my eyes. "Karma... why are you always looking for a fight?"
"Why do you never take off your mask?"
I lifted my hand to check if my mask was still on. "That's something personal."
"And that's my answer, too." He turned to face me. "It's something personal. And..." He trailed off, closing his eyes. I opened mine and took one peek at him. I was about to speak, but then one of our phones buzzed. I reached into my pocket and swiped the screen to unlock it. I didn't get any notifications, so I glanced at Karma, who was checking his phone. "What is it?" I asked.
He shook his head. "It's... nothing."
"Tell me!" I sat up and inched closer to him. "You've been ignoring my questions lately! Tell me!"
Karma looked away. "I don't know... it might make you jealous."
The does he mean by that? "What are you talking about?"
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in disappointment. "It's about... Archie, you're crush."
Instantly my face turned hot. "J-just give me your phone."
He passed it to me and I saw a video on Snapchat. Oh, that's why I didn't get a notification. I don't have Snapchat. I tapped the play button and watched for a few seconds before pausing it without watching the whole thing. I shoved the phone back to Karma, my face most likely red.
"I-I should have listened to you..." I shivered as I tried to erase what I just watched. "Just... ew. I'm g@y, but not like that!" I earned a laugh from him, and he earned a soft punch from me. "Shut up!"
Karma rolled his eyes and said with a smirk, "So... seems like you got some competition~!" I groaned and banged my head with my fist multiple times. He chuckled. "Ray, two people like Archie other than you. John and Beanpole. How are you going to beat them?"
I sighed in frustration and fell back, resting in the soft bed. "Karma, I... don't know... I... hate this so much!" I rolled over to plant my face into the pillow, screaming. "This is why I hate crushes!"
"So, you hate Archie?"
"What? No!" I lifted myself up to face Karma. "Just shut up! I want to sleep..." I fell back down into the pillows, covering my face with the blanket. I took off my mask and threw it somewhere in the room. I felt the bed shift. Karma must be laying next to me. I ignored him and rolled over, the blanket still covering my face. I closed my eyes and attempted to sleep.
"... won't... Ray..." I didn't hear Karma through the blanket and his voice was really soft, but I was too tired to ask what he said.
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