I know a lot of people might not like him, but I find him annoyingly cute...Anyway I really would appreciate if you would hit that little star to vote..Anyway here it is, hope you like it.
Your POV
You walked to SFC nervously. Today's the day. Today I'm going to get a job. I finally approached the building. The McRonalds across the street looked kinda empty so I assumed most people would be at SFC. Slowly opening the doors, I walked up to the counter.
"H-Hi, I'd like to speak to t-the manager." I said to a blue haired guy wearing sunglasses.
"That my dear would be me, may I assist you?" He responded. Well...he's..weird, yet strangely I think I want to know him more, NO! NO NO NO!! HE MIGHT BE MY NEW MANAGER SNAP OUT IF IT.
"I'm here to apply for a job." I said simply. It would be best to just get to the point. He smiled and showed me to the back if the restaurant. I sat down in a chair across from him and smoothed out my short (F/C) skirt.
After asking me a series of questions he smiled brightly and said that I got the job. When I shook his hand he didn't let go at first, instead he stared at it with a smirk. I hesitantly pulled away and left to go home. My first day is tomorrow and I am NOT going to be late.
As I reached my apartment stairs I could've sworn I heard something behind me, yet when I checked no one was there. When I unlocked my door I heard the sound of rushing wind and swiftly turned around.
My new boss stood there but, he had wings...and his sunglasses were off, revealing his amazing lavender eyes, but one had an orange circle around it. He looked so cute. He flew down to where I was standing.
Before I could say another word he said something in a weird language and I passed out.
~Smexy Sariel's POV~
I caught her before she hit the ground and flew her to the top of a building far away from the main part of the city. This should be far away enough...Those idiotic demons plan on creating some huge commotion to collect enough negative energy to return to Ente Isla! well Im getting my beloved (Y/N) away from the disaster zone. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her.....Those enchanting (E/C) eyes...that (H/L), (H/C)....I noticed I was staring at her and reluctantly looked away. Who could blame me though...She was perfect.
Once we were a safe distance away I set her down on the rooftop just as she started to wake up.
Your POV
I woke up and looked around, there was no one else here. Suddenly I remembered what happened.
"Hello, nice to see your awake." I turned towards who had said that, there stood my new boss. "DAFUQ IS-" no calm down..."What is your name and where the fu- fudge waffle am I?" I asked, trying not to swear.
"My name is Sariel. And you are
currently somewhere safe." He answered smoothly. For some reason his voice was making my heart beat faster.
"You seem zoned out, what, may I ask, are you thinking about?" He asked calmly. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I knew I was blushing.
"N-nothing...u-um when can I go home?" I asked nervously. He smirked and sat next to me.
"I believe it is safe, but before I allow you to leave there is one thing I must do." Sariel stated. I was about to ask what he ment, but his soft lips were already against mine. I froze and blushed like crazy. After a moment I kissed back. Eventually we pulled away for air and he stood up.
"I expect you to be at work tomorrow, on time and in your work uniform. Oh and (Y/N), I love you" He said offering me a hand. I gladly accepted it and he helped me stand up. "I love you too Sariel"
With that our lips connected again and he flew me home.
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