Me: 'ello this is for my friend just because she's super obsessed with carmilla so here. TORI!!
Natori: yeah yeah. This is Carmilla x Aniyah (OC). Now LET'S BEGIN
“I’d sooner drown in a two inch puddle than give you my number,” Aniyah says with a annoyed face in a scowl. She fixed the fedora that lie on top of her head and hid her short brown hair.
She wasn’t in the mood. The pills Aniyah takes makes her less hyper then she usually is.The music blaring her ears and she could sense the headache starting even now. Body after body kept colliding with her and it didn’t help matters. Where were her friends? The lights flashed in front of her in a haze of color she wanted no part of. Aniyah was overheated, tired and really not in the mood to be hit on especially today and by a boy
The frat boy in front of her just didn’t seem to get it. She tried letting him down nicely but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He was nice almost puppy-like in his zealous ness to get with her. That was as far as it went in regards to good feelings about him. He just couldn’t seem to take a hint.
He was jumping on her last nerve.
The frat boy smile smiled at Aniyah but the brunette wasn't willing to play nice anymore.
“One smile. That’s all I ask, “ his smile was charming under any other circumstance but he was this close to making her blow up.
What part of leave me alone did he not understand?
'Solitude. That’s all I asks. How hard is it to think maybe I don’t want to be hit on right now? Maybe I just want to be alone.' Aniyah thought
She takes a drink with a huff and just starting to walk away from the counter when he leans forward.
“What about a tip?”
Aniyah get closer to his face. Her brown eyes stare straight into his eyes.
“Don’t flirt with someone that’s not interested.” she says, voice low in anger and seriousness. She just about to leave when he asks.
“Well how do I do that?” The music deafened her, but she could still hear him.
Aniyah sounded shocked when she replied. She honestly thought he would know the answer.
“You don’t assume I’m interested in the first place. Anyways, I'm gay"
This time she left nursing her soda on the way out.
That’s how Aniyah found herself near midnight sitting on the grass behind the party. Her friends, Dee, Natori and Andrew, called saying that they had to stay in and study for the rest of the week for finals or was too lazy to get up. The 18 year old was so mad she could barely think, so mad she didn’t notice the girl sitting next to her until she opened her mouth.
“Aren't you a little young to look this bitter?”
Aniyah turned her head at the voice.
The girls skin was a milky white unblemished under the streetlights. The waves of her dark hair and her bangs are short hovering over her right eyes. Her lips tug slightly at the corners: a hint of a smile showing. A perfectly straight nose peers at Aniyah and her cheekbones are sharp and high almost dangerous.
She's beautiful...
Amused brown eyes watch Aniyha during her little inspection.
“No?” She repeats after her and now aniyah can see her lips twitch.
“I'm young enough to be this cynical since I've been old enough to be surrounded by idiots.”
Aniyah fakes a smile still too aggravated for conversation.
“True, “ she smiles fully exposing a small but perfect teeth. “I'm Carmilla. “
“That's nice,” Aniyah mutter and turn her head away. Wait...CARMILLA!
“That wasn't though, “ Carmilla's voice doesn't sound insulted but aniyah still didn't speak too shocked about talking to her number 1 crush.
“Are you having a temper tantrum? “
Her voice is low but admittedly sounds like she knows aniyah inside and out. Carmilla reaches for her hand.
Aniyah dodge her hand still miffed about being ditched by her friends, but also trying to keep up a tough girl act up and trying not to run away.
“Look. Don’t touch,” she mutter looking back at her.
“Are you serious, cupcake?”
Carmilla's voice is incredulous as she evade her attempts at pulling her in.
“As your eyeliner,” Aniyah deadpan before turning on heel and walking further into the crowd.
Aniyah never admit it but Carmilla kind of did help. Already the hard edges of her voice are becoming softer. If she was the frat boy, Aniyah would've been gone long before. She's Carmilla though. Carmilla makes her think and fangirl. She won't lie, everything about Carmilla is becoming more attractive conversation after conversation.
It's scary how attracted Aniyah becoming to this beautiful stranger.
She opt to leave now before anything happens.
Aniyah moves through the crowd and back inside the party to go back to her dorm.
What’s wrong with her?
Where’s all the pent up rage from earlier?
Did it all just disappear because a pretty girl, scrach that HOT girl talked to her?
Aniyah didn't pay attention to where she going before she knows it she hit something hard and start to fall back
Someone catches her before she hit the ground but she doen't look behind her.
"Are you blind? Look what you did."
Anyiah looks down at the girl in front of her shirt and see a massive red spot staining the light fabric.
Apart of her almost apologized but then again this girl’s attitude just isn't working for her.
Before Aniyah can say a word, she hears a familiar voice behind her.
“Looks like she was doing you a favor. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing in that.”
The girl shrieks before running towards Aniyah.
She balls her hand into a fist, but a white blur hits the girl's throat.
On instinct, Aniyah grab Carmilla's hand and half drags her out the party.
The both of them end up walking along the quad shoulders bumping into each other.
It’s quiet and empty with most of the Silas student partying, studying or sleeping.
The silence is nice and Aniyah didn't object when her skin touches Carmilla's pale skin.
“You know, I didn't need your help back there,” Aniyah points out gently sneaking a peek at Carmilla's face.
She's relaxed. Her eyes are focused on the ground, mouth quirked into a closed grin and you can her hand in her pocket.
The pants have a unfamiliar gleam that catches Aniyah's eyes.
Is that leather she seeing?
She almost miss what carmilla says next.
“You say that to all the girls or just me?” Her voice doesn't betray her but there's a rigid look to Carmilla's face now.
'Is she asking if i'm single?'
“Just you,” Aniyah say a little too soft, a little too open and stop walking.
Carmilla follows her lead standing at Aniyah's side.
Aniyah turns toward her eyes flickering between hers and her lips.
They're covered in a seductive purple red and she wonders what it would be like to kiss them.
Carmilla doesn't move only closing her eyes a little.
Aniyah leans into her giving her a choice in this.
Her face softens and peer at aniyah's own lips.
When she doesn't pull back, the 18 year leans all the way and finds her hands in her hair.
It's soft.
Aniyah doesn't know whether she's talking about her lips or her hair but Carmilla surrounds her.
Their lips glide over each other effortlessly and Carmilla content to lead patient and relaxed.
When aniyah pull away, she opens her chocolate eyes and tries to see Carmilla's reaction.
She was still effected by the kiss: eyes shut and her face peaceful.
Carmilla's eyes flutter open and something Aniyah never seen puts a fluttery feeling in her chest.
She can't help thinking that this is probably the best day ever no matter what!!!
Carmilla smiles again and Aniyah thinks this time it's real because it reaches her eyes making them glow.
“Don’t I get a number?”
She gestures towards the pockets of Aniyah's jeans but she doesn't move.
She only smiles and talks,
“Sure,” raising her fist she let her index finger stand. “One.”
Carmilla silent for a moment but still smiling.
Carmilla rolls her eyes before tugging Aniyah closer by the belt loops of her jeans.
”Are you always this sarcastic?“
This time Aniyah thinks deliberating how she'll react.
“No.” (Natori: Liar)
Aniyah kissed her one last time savoring it before stepping away.
“Can I at least know your name?”
Brown eyes earnestly gaze at Aniyah's own and she don't have the heart to say no.
"Aniyah, but you can call me fang"
Carmilla nods and gestures at the dorms coming up.
“Where do you live? I’ll walk you home."Aniyah raise an eyebrow.
“A girl can't have any mystery?” she questions before starting to walk away.
“How do I reach you then?”
She turn slightly and smile smugly, taking of her fedora
“That's for you to find out,” she winks before throwing the hat at Carmilla and continuing back to the dorms. Carmilla catches the hat and smirks.
Aniyah walks back to her dorm skipping like a kid on sugar. She takes out her phone and goes on hangout
Me: here you go. Hope you like it
Natori: bye see ya
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