Final Battle
Sarafina's POV
"Honestly Draco, I'm fine" I assure him as we sit on the front steps of the castle.
"I thought we'd lost you" he tells me.
"But you didn't, we nearly lost Fred. We lost Remus and Tonks. Along with others" I tell him. "Besides I'm not going to let our daughter grow up without both her parents" I state.
"Sarafina, I have something to ask you" he tells me looking nervous. "I was going to ask when Aurora was born, but she came early. And I didn't have it yet" he states.
"What did you want to ask me Draco?" I ask him curious. He gets on one knee.
"Sarafina Carmen Weasley, you are the love of my life and mother of my daughter. Will you do me the honour of being my wife?" he asks me.
"About time, I thought I'd have to ask you" I tease and peck him on the lips. "Yes" I say and he slips the ring onto my finger. We stand up and he spins me around in a circle. "I love you my dragon" I tell him.
"I love you lioness" he says back connecting our foreheads. From the corner of my eye I notice Neville with the old sorting hat. I pull away from Draco and look to see Voldemort approaching with his followers. Draco and I hold hands as our friends and family join us on the steps. I notice Hagrid carrying something while being chained.
"Who is that Hagrid's carrying? Fina, who is it?" Ginny asks me.
"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort announces.
"No!" Ginny screams and goes to run forward. But dad holds her back telling her 'no'.
"Silence" Voldemort says. "Harry Potter is dead! From this day forth you'll put your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead! And now it's the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us or die" he tells us. Draco's dad spots us and steps forward.
"Draco!" he calls. Draco looks at me reluctant to leave me.
"I can't leave my family" I tell him. I hold his other hand slipping a piece of paper into it. "Go home with your family. I'll contact you soon" I assure him. I let go of his hands and go stand by Ginny. Draco still looks torn.
"Draco come" Narcissa says. He sighs in defeat and heads towards Voldemort.
"Well done, Draco. Well done" he says and hugs him. Before letting him go to his mother. Draco grabs her hand and they start to walk away. Mr Malfoy following them. Neville then steps forward still holding the sorting hat. "Well, I must say I'd hope for better. And who might you be, young man?" Voldemort asks him.
"Neville Longbottom" he answers and the deatheaters laugh.
"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks" Voldemort tells him.
"I'd like to say something" Neville states.
"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say" Voldemort tells him.
"It doesn't matter that Harry is gone" Neville states.
"Stand down Neville" Seamus tells him.
"People die everyday! Friends, family. Yeah. We lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here" Neville says pointing to his heart. "So are Remus and Tonks. All of them. They didn't die in vain" he tells us before looking at Voldemort. "But you will. Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us! It's not over" he finishes drawing the sword of Gryffindor from the sorting hat.
Harry rolls himself out of Hagrid's arms very much alive pointing his wand at Nagini. "Confrigo" he says before running into the castle. Many deatheaters disapparated. Only Voldemort's most loyal followers like Bellatrix stayed. The final battle begins.
Ginny and I get separated from our dad. "You think you're worthy of a Malfoy you filthy blood traitor?" Bellatrix demands. "Reducto" she says pointing her wand at me.
"Protego" I say with Ginny deflecting the spell.
"I have your back Fina" Ginny tells me.
"And I have yours" I tell her. We start to duel Bellatrix. She soon throws a killing curse my way and I duck it. Mum appears firing a jinx Bellatrix's way.
"Not my daughters you bitch" she snarls standing in front of Ginny and I. Bellatrix throws a curse her way and she blocks it. They exchange a few spells. Before mum hits her with spell turning her to stone and blows her to pieces.
"Way to go mum!" the twins yell as mum hugs Ginny and I.
"Are you girls ok?" she asks us concerned.
"We're fine, that was great mum" I tell her.
"Can you teach me to duel like that?" Ginny asks her.
"Hey, Harry is fighting Voldemort in the court yard!" someone shouts. The fighting stops. We all go to see the out come of the fight. Voldemort uses the killing curse and Harry uses his trade mark Expelliarmus. Voldemort's own spell rebounded and killed him. We all cheer and the deatheaters surrendered. It's over, my daughter won't have to grow up in a world plagued by war or with Voldemort in it.
I conjure a patronus. "Voldemort is dead, once and for all this time. Harry did it. I'll see you soon with our daughter, I love you" I say. Before sending it to Draco. Who I'd sent to our home with his parents.
(Weasley-Malfoy house) Draco's POV
I pace the living room. "I'm sure she's fine Draco" mum assures me. We're in mine and Sarafina's future home in Godric's Hallow. She'd slipped me a piece of paper with the address on it. So that my parents would be able to get in.
"I shouldn't of left her" I state.
"She's tough" she reminds me. "Did you ask her?" she asks me.
"Yes and she said yes" I tell her with a smile.
"A patronus is coming" dad tells us. We look at him and lioness patronus appears.
"Sarafina" I say relieved.
"Voldemort is dead, once and for all this time. Harry did it. I'll see you soon with our daughter, I love you" the patronus says before disappearing.
"Told you she'd be fine" mum says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Now I'll finally get to meet my granddaughter" she adds. "I'll make us all a cup of tea, come help Lucius" she says.
"Kitchen is through the main hall way, the door to the right of the stairs" I tell them. They leave me be. I look at the photos on the mantel of Sarafina, Aurora and I.
Gif above of Neville beheading Nagini and picture on the external link of the ring.
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