Chapter 7
"Oh, crap."
"You just nearly broke my nose and you're the one that's upset to see me?"
"If you're so upset to see me, why did you follow me out?" I was trying to avoid confrontation. Avoid him.
"Because I never got your name."
"I thought your class ended an hour ago? What took you so long?" We had all promised we would congregate in the living room right away to tell each other how our first lectures went.
"I got caught up. Anyways, how did your classes go?" Charlotte, Mariana, and Lara had their first lectures at the same time as I did. Maddy and Elizabeth have their classes later in the afternoon.
As everyone was discussing their professors and syllabi, I couldn't stop thinking about him.
**One Hour Prior**
I was kind of dumbfounded. Why would the guy I just practically assaulted want to know my name? Maybe he wants to report me to the authorities?
At first, I thought of turning back around and sprinting away as fast as I possibly could, but I just froze.
"Umm... Sara."
"Okay 'Umm Sara!' I think you hit your head a little too hard against my face."
"Haha. Very funny." I'm not usually sarcastic, but I was already feeling out of my element. I guess its a defense mechanism? "But seriously, I'm really sorry. I'm a huge klutz, so you probably don't want to sit near me in the future."
"I'm not too sure about that, Umm Sara." I rolled my eyes, but I wasn't able to hide my smirk. I was blushing. He noticed.
"You never told me your name."
"Elijah. But my friends call me Hudson."
"Okay, Hudson. Nice to meet you."
"Who said you were my friend?"
Well, this is embarrassing. My face got red, but his amused half-smile was reassuring.
"In order for you to be my friend, I'd have to get to know you a little better. Maybe over dinner?"
I cannot believe this. Is he really asking me out? Does he like me? He couldn't possibly like me after I smashed my cranium into his face. What do I do?
"Sure." Did I really just say that?
"I'll pick you up at your suite tonight. Is that where you're headed now?"
"Good. I'll walk you there." I just nod my head in response.
Should I really be showing this guy where I live? I guess so! I silently curse myself for having no spine because this guy obviously has me in the palm of his hand.
We walked very slowly, taking the long way back, and spent the rest of the time talking about the lecture, the professor, and the syllabus. By the time I arrived at my building, I had unwittingly acquired a new study buddy. Like I said, in the palm of his hand.
Before I walked in, my parting words were, "Well, I guess I'll see you tonight at..."
"Eight." Just hearing that made my heart flutter.
When I shut the door behind me, I was kind of in a daze. I must have looked so cliche grabbing my necklace and smiling and blushing all the way to my room. I am going on a date tonight! It's actually happening! A guy asked me out!
"Sara! Hello? Are you okay? You've been zoning out this entire time!" Elizabeth was clapping in front of my face. I quickly snapped out of it to avoid the inevitable barrage of questions. "We were just talking about our plan! You know, to raise money for your computer? Well, we have some great news!"
"A whole group of girls came up to me after my poly-sci lecture and asked me about my hair! I told them about you, of course, and they want to know if you can do their hair for a 'First Day' party tonight. I told them I would see if we could fit them in, just to make it look like you're a hot commodity, but I'll just call and tell them -"
"I have a date tonight."
I interrupted Charlotte before she could finish relaying her news. I felt bad, but I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"But, you know what? I could just cancel it. I really need the money for the new computer and -"
"You will do no such thing!" Elizabeth had an intimidating, even threatening, look on her face. "Spill!"
"The girls crawled to sit in a closer circle in the living room and listened to every detail of my encounter as they oohed, ahhed and eeked.
I felt like I was at one of the junior high school slumber parties I was never invited to.
"Well? When is he picking you up?" Elizabeth looked crazed. You'd think she was the one going on a date. No, getting married.
"Eight o'clock."
"That only gives us seven hours!"
"Gee whiz! How long does it take to get ready for a dinner date?"
"Well, you have to shower, pick out an outfit, do hair and makeup, and then we have to prep you!"
"Prep me?" I completely forgot that I know nothing about going on dates, or guys in general for that matter.
"We need to tell you what to do and what not to do, stuff like that." Maddy was a little calmer than the rest of the girls.
"Liz, we have to go to class soon. Don't worry, Sara. We'll be back in time to help you out." Elizabeth looked deflated. I could tell she was dying to stand by me throughout the entire primping process.
"We'll get started soon. But first, I need to call the girls from before and tell them you don't have time today." I was disappointed that I couldn't knock out at least five girls in one afternoon. I would've been set! Charlotte could tell it was bothering me. "Don't worry, Sara. Look, if a whole bunch of girls wanted to get their hair done on the first day, just imagine how many will want to come in the future!" I was still a little upset, but right now, I have bigger fish to fry.
After my shower, Charlotte did my makeup while Lara and Mariana assessed my wardrobe and accessories, which, according to them, were lacking in the "date attire" department. After modeling several closets worth of clothes, I ended up borrowing a black dress from Charlotte and some necklaces from Lara.
I was shocked at how long the whole ordeal took! By the time I finished my hair, it was five o'clock. Now I know why guys always complain about girls taking so long to get ready! I guess I was always relatively quick because I never had many events to get ready for and I usually skipped makeup altogether. My go-to hairstyle was either a simple ponytail or a classic blowout. Now, I looked and felt like a Barbie Doll.
Maddy and Elizabeth came back when I was halfway through getting ready. There were five girls sitting around my room giving me what seemed like hundreds of tips and tricks in rapid-fire succession. I felt like I was cramming for a test.
"Make sure you walk on the inside of the sidewalk!"
"He needs to open the door for you!"
"Don't eat anything with garlic!"
"Don't do all the talking!" With this one, all the girls started to giggle.
"What? Why are you all laughing?"
"Sara, you need to focus on keeping the conversation going. Sometimes, you are so quiet and shy!"
"Hey! I know how to have a conversation! Once I get to know someone, I get more comfortable. Look at me around you guys!"
"Yes, but in order to get to know someone, you need to learn to talk about yourself."
"I don't like talking about myself. When I do, I feel like I'm bragging."
"Sara, allowing someone to get to know you is not bragging! Talk about what you like to do, your interests, your passions, stuff like that! You're both in Yale. What else would you brag about?"
I got her point. Plus, we're taking the same class. We'll find something to talk about.
"Hey! Maybe you could even mention -"
"No! I am not bringing that up. No way!" I knew exactly what Lara was about to say. There is no way that I am going to even hint at my little "hobby." This is the first chance I have gotten at starting a romantic relationship and I am not going to spoil it with my past. Well, now I guess it's my present, which makes it so much worse!
"Okay, okay. I was just trying to come up with a conversation starter."
"Thanks for all of your help, but that's not a conversation I would like to start."
I was already nervous enough. Now. I have to remember to not spill this secret.
The girls could tell I was getting antsy, so they quickly changed the subject by throwing more advice at me.
"Make eye contact!"
"Remember to have mints for after you eat!"
"Just be yourself and have fun!"
It felt like only minutes went by before the clock read 7:55 p.m. I was already standing and waiting with the girls when there was a knock at the door.
Ahh! I was so excited to write this chapter! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read it!
All votes and comments are really appreciated!
Please tell me what you think about Elijah! What do you think is going to happen on Sara's first date? I'm excited to see what all of you think.
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