Chapter 19
"Sister." I could swear I just heard him say Natalie is his sister. Now that I thought about it, it made sense. I just couldn't believe it. How could I not have put it together sooner? If they weren't polar opposites, it probably would've been easier.
They did share the similar features. Their hair was pretty much the same color. Although Natalie's was color treated with highlights and layered with extensions, I could see some of her natural hair peeking through when I was working on her updo. Their skin had the same light sun-kissed tan that made them stand out like divine mythological beings. The physical resemblance was there, but other than that, they were nothing alike.
"I'm so sorry. I should've told you right away. I just didn't want her toxic attitude to make you think differently of me. I wanted you to get to know me as an individual before you experienced my second half."
"Second half?" Come on, Sara! Use your context clues! Natalie is in the same grade as us! "You're twins."
Elijah's jaw clenched as he silently nodded his head.
"Elijah, I want to get something straight with you." I watched as he looked away from me like he was preparing for the worst. "You are your own person. The sweetest, kindest, most caring person I've ever met. I would never pass judgment on you based on another person's actions, even if that person is your twin sister. That doesn't matter to me, and that doesn't change how I feel about you."
I sensed his apprehension, as he wasn't looking me in the eyes. "Are you sure?" He got quiet. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to stay away from me because of... everything." His voice wavered.
My eyes welled up at this. It made me think about how many things Natalie must've taken away from him in the past, for him to jump to that conclusion.
I grabbed his hand.
"Sorry, Mr. Chameleon Eyes, but you're stuck with me." I noticed a change in his eyes as they met mine. There was an overwhelming sense of relief that passed through them before he pulled me close yet again like he was holding onto something he was at risk of losing, gripping for dear life.
I pulled away from his embrace, which made him flinch. Our eyes met again, and he searched mine for a hint of what was on my mind. His eyes held something different; an almost desperate hope of redemption, as if he had anything to redeem himself from.
Before I could think about my actions, I did something I never thought I would do in a million years.
I put my hands around his neck and stood on my tippy toes while pulling him down to close the distance between us, and I stole a kiss. My first kiss. His first kiss. Our first kiss.
I can't describe how I felt. I wasn't nervous, scared or self-conscious. I knew that we both wanted and needed this.
My mind became disconnected from my body. I was somewhere between lightheaded and floating; in the best way possible, of course! I honestly don't know how my knees didn't buckle below me from the overwhelming sensation. A rush of electricity and excited energy formed where our lips met and coursed through my limbs, causing them to feel as if they were vibrating with passion. My heart was pounding ferociously against my chest. If it weren't trapped inside my body, it would've launched itself to the moon as soon as my lips met his.
It took him a second to react after we made contact. One of his arms slowly wrapped around my waist and rested on my lower back. Then, I felt his fingers brush against my cheek, giving me the chills. His hand made its way to the nape of my neck under my hair. He was pulling me closer.
I usually got mad when I saw guys messing with the girl's hair during movie kiss scenes, but at that moment, I couldn't have asked for anything better.
In that moment, I had no worries, no reservations. I focused solely on the magic that was going on between our bodies; magic that I initiated.
His eyes had fluttered shut. My lips lingered on the hot skin of his cheek, making both of us shiver.
Stealing my first kiss was something I never thought I'd have the courage to do. I had never taken the initiative to do anything like that before, and I was so happy I did, especially when I saw his expression as I pulled back after placing one last chaste kiss on his cheek.
His cheeks and neck were flushed, and his eyes were glimmering when they finally opened. They had turned from hazel to brown, which made me smile to myself. We stared at each other in perfect silence until we gained our bearings and returned to Earth.
"You leave me breathless, Mon biche."
I took a step back in shock. "W-What did you just call me?"
He stood there frozen and dazed like he was in a trance after our kiss.
I had to hold a smile back with that thought.
"Oh! No no no! That came out completely wrong. I didn't call you--that. It means something very very different. I should've thought about the language barrier before I said anything, but I was just so... blown away. I wasn't thinking."
"So, what does it mean?" I was still a little taken aback, but I knew Elijah would never call me anything like that.
He looked down at his feet, then returned his gaze to me. I noticed his face redden even more and the small smile appearing on his lips.
"My darling, honey, baby... it's a term of endearment."
It was my turn to blush. I bit my lip, trying to hold back a chuckle, but it escaped. "Well, that's certainly a false cognate if I've ever heard one."
We both laughed together as we started walking back to campus, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, enveloping me in his warmth.
I texted the girls to tell them everything was okay, and I would be out with Elijah for a little while longer.
We took our time as we strolled through campus together. I asked Elijah to tell me about his childhood in more detail this time. He had a lot of stories about growing up with the "devil child."
I glanced at Elijah with a questioning look on my face. "What are you smirking at?"
He had just finished telling a story about the time they went to Bali for vacation and Natalie bugged him with devious schemes and jabs for the entire trip.
"Nothing." His grin grew wider, but his lips started to scrunch up at his attempt of suppressing his amusement.
"Come on, you have to tell me!" I nudged his side, and he leaned in to grab my hand with a chuckle, removing his arm from my shoulders in the process.
"Its just something stupid and childish that I thought of. Not even Braxton knows about it." I urged him to continue. "You know how I call Natalie 'Nat?'"
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and my smile grew. "Yeah...?"
"Well, when I was little I started calling her that because it sounds like a regular nickname for her full name. What no one knows, however, is that I call her that to spite her without anyone even realizing it." He lifted his head up high as he continued with his explanation. "It made me feel like I was doing something. You know? Instead of sitting back and taking it. It's like I was getting back at her without making her angry and getting in trouble."
"You're going to have to elaborate a bit more. You're losing me."
"Well, my crafty eight-year-old mind decided to use a homonym. What's a word for a tiny, annoying, biting fly that loves to bother everyone and never leaves you alone?" He feigned deep thought before peeking at me from the corner of his eye. His grin widened again as the realization dawned upon me.
"A gnat! Oh my gosh, Elijah, that is hysterical! Very childish, but absolutely genius!" We were both cracking up.
Leave it to my Elijah to cope with his problems using comedy. This guy is truly unbelievable. It amazed me how he grew up in the same house as that insolent girl and still kept his sanity and his kind heart. I guess that's how he did it!
When we walked up the steps to my dorm, Elijah gently pulled my hand towards him, and I landed against his chest.
I felt his breath fan my face before he leaned in for another kiss.
I don't think I'll ever get tired of that feeling. The way my heart flutters in my chest like the feeling of a thousand butterflies whenever his lips touch mine.
As if he read my mind, the next words out of Elijah's mouth mirrored my thoughts.
"I'll never get tired of that." Then he smirked. "You don't know what you're in for, Mon biche. You woke something inside of me tonight and now I'll never be able to stop." He kissed me again.
The sound of us breathing heavily after our kisses and the feeling and scent of his breath against my face made my heart go wild. Everything about the act was addictive. It made me sad to have to go.
"I'll see you tomorrow. We need to study for our first test next week. I'll make sure we have a quiet space to do so, with no interruptions." I chuckled to myself as I thought about the impossible feat of getting the girls to leave Elijah and me alone in our dorm. Never gonna happen.
Our fingers slid against each other as I continued to walk to the entrance. I looked back before I opened the door to see Elijah right behind me. I felt his warmth against my back but didn't get the chance to turn my whole body before he leaned in for yet another kiss.
This boy was going to make my heart explode one of these days if things kept going the way they were.
"Until tomorrow, Sara." His smirk made me smile. I love that smirk. I want my lips on that smirk. I had to fight the urge to leap on him as he was walking down the stairs backward.
I couldn't believe tonight actually happened!
When I entered our suite, I overheard everyone chattering in the living room. They were upset about something, and I had a good idea what it was.
"I can't believe that girl had the nerve to say such mean things. Didn't she ever learn 'if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?'" Charlotte was taking her makeup off as she voiced her thoughts.
"Yeah, she was being a real jerk. It was like she was doing it on purpose because we were there." Elizabeth shook her head as she looked down at her lap. I hated seeing them so upset like this.
"I'm so sorry, guys. That should've never happened the way that it did. I had a bad feeling about her from the beginning, but at least we know her true colors now." I looked around at all of their eyes on me.
"What happened between you and Elijah?" Elizabeth sat alert as she analyzed my face.
"What do you mean?" I fought the blush spreading across my cheeks, but there was no saving myself. I was past the point of no return.
I have to admit, I was ecstatic, so I figured I might as well have some fun with this.
I hummed the chorus to Enchanted's "True Love's Kiss" as I sauntered to my room. The girls squealed as they rushed behind me.
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! IT HAPPENED!" Elizabeth practically screamed as she squeezed me in a hug.
I received congratulations and hugs from all of the girls before I sat on my bed and recounted the night. At first, they were in shock when they heard about Natalie being Elijah's twin sister. Then, that shock turned into anger.
"How could she be so mean to her own brother? Elijah is like the sweetest guy ever!" Lara shook her head in disgust.
"I know. It broke my heart to see him so tense and upset. But, I guess everything happens for a reason because tonight only brought us closer together." I smiled as our kiss returned to the forefront of my mind.
The girls giggled at my comment.
"After I kissed him, he was in shock. It was so adorable." I touched my lips as the fresh memory replayed itself over and over again. "Then, he gave me a nickname."
"Oooh! What nickname?" Mariana bounced on her knees.
"Mon biche." I laughed as the girls' faces morphed into expressions of shock and anger again. I knew they would hear what I heard, so I did it purely for my own amusement.
"What the heck? I guess he takes after his sister after all. Please tell me you slapped him around because it's my turn next!" I could tell Elizabeth's blood was boiling.
"It's French. It doesn't mean what you think it does."
I explained everything to the girls, and they went back to swooning after everything was cleared up.
"I still can't believe all of that happened tonight! It was like a rollercoaster." I wondered if this was a dream after all. Would I wake up tomorrow like none of this ever happened?
My phone buzzed on my desk.
Goodnight, Mon biche. I can't wait to kiss you tomorrow.
...I mean see you.
I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. Whether or not he really meant to say "see," I felt the same way.
Well, I guess tonight really did happen; and it changed everything.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! IT HAPPENED!
This chapter made me embrace my inner Elizabeth as I reacted to Sara and Elijah's first kiss! I am so happy!
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