Chapter 11
Upon my return, I tried to rush through questions from the girls as I began to get ready for class. Even though I was expecting it, I still hadn't gotten used to being bombarded by the girls.
After they got over the initial shock of hearing about how Elijah carried me all the way home, they sprung to action and rushed around my room, putting together my outfit for the day.
The girls were insisting that I dress cute for Elijah. Well, I shouldn't say that. They would never want me to dress for someone else, but I know that they wouldn't let me walk out in just black leggings, black converse, and a hoodie every day. At least, not anymore.
As Charlotte and Elizabeth excitedly picked my accessories, Maddy, Lara, and Mariana were actually talking to me about our plan, much to my relief. If I had to choose a topic to discuss with the girls, between Elijah and me doing hair, I'd much rather go with the lesser of two evils. I did my hair while we discussed the latest news.
"I heard there's another party tonight." Maddy seemed to be the most in-the-know regarding activities on and off campus, probably because she knew the area the best after growing up here.
"Oh yeah!" Charlotte butted in from her station by my open dresser drawers. "The same girls from my poly-sci lecture were in my Intro to International Relations class yesterday. They were chattering about it nonstop. I bet I could see if they still want you to do their hair for tonight!"
"I bet there are tons more girls who want to look stunning tonight! I'll make sure I mention you to every girl who brings up the party!" Mariana began to bounce up and down on Elizabeth's bed.
"That would be great!" The sooner I start, the sooner I could accomplish my goal and shut this operation down.
Because I was up so early, I got a head start on the girls' hair (no pun intended)!
I arrived at my lecture early this time. Just how I like it. And yes, my legs were throbbing the whole way there.
When I walked into the lecture hall, Elijah was already seated and staring at the door, awaiting my arrival. His whole face lit up when he saw me, prompting me to smile and blush. He looked like a puppy dog waiting for its owner to return home.
He waved me over to the seat next to him and stood up to pull my chair out for me.
"I'm not taking any chances this time." That only made my face redden more. I didn't need to be reminded how much of a klutz I was. I still felt a little bad for bashing him in the head the other day, although I guess we're even after this morning.
"I'll try to be extra aware of my surroundings-" As I said this, I tripped over air and almost fell onto my face before I felt familiar arms around me.
As he helped me up, I put my hand on his chest for support, only to feel his erratic, racing heartbeat underneath. His expression was no longer joking and light.
"I know. I'm a clumsy, awkward excuse for a human who can't even go to sit down in a chair without almost giving myself a concussion."
A small grin appeared on his face, but I could tell it was forced.
"Seriously though, I'm fine. I'm still here today as proof. I'm the poster child for close calls!" He still seemed genuinely concerned for my well-being. It kind of scared me. I didn't want him to think I was completely inept. Maybe if I just take a cue from Elijah and try to lighten the mood with a joke...
"My hero!" I leaned my head on my shoulder and batted my eyes with my fingers interlaced under my chin. My southern belle accent was not the best, but I think I accomplished my goal.
Elijah burst into laughter. The students who were now entering the room were staring at us, confused. Usually, I wouldn't like the attention, but all I cared about at this moment was seeing Elijah happy. I didn't want him to be upset, least of all because of something having to do with me.
"That might just be one of the worst accents I've ever heard!" I made a hurt expression and nudged his arm playfully. He was trying to contain himself before the class began, but just started laughing again after he imitated my impression. I was also trying my best to hide the smirk on my face. I loved seeing Elijah laugh. If it meant embarrassing myself in front of my peers, it was worth it.
When I was with Elijah, the only thing that mattered was him.
Luckily, his fit ended right before the professor entered the room. He leaned in so close, I could feel his warm breath on my ear and said, "I'll be your hero anytime." He nailed the southern accent perfectly. Then, he just leaned back in his chair and stared at the front of the room with an amused half-grin.
He knew exactly what effect that would have on me.
Instead of making me laugh, his remark made a chill run down my spine.
I said what I did to be cheesy, but I could tell there was meaning behind his words. As cliche as it sounds, I knew he was being serious. He wanted to protect me and save me, and be my hero.
After the lecture, Elijah walked me out and pulled me aside, stopping in front of a tall oak tree across from the building's entrance.
"I would walk you back to your room, but I have practice."
"Practice? For what?" He had a confused look on his face. We both did.
"I didn't tell you? I'm on the track and field team."
I smacked him hard at the realization that I went on what I thought was going to be a casual run with a Division I athlete. He was shocked as he nursed his left arm.
"That would have been good to know before I agreed to run with you this morning! I almost had a heart attack!"
He chuckled in response. "I'm sorry. I thought I told you at dinner the other night. Jeez, you sure do pack a punch!"
As much as I wanted to be angry at Elijah, I just couldn't help but laugh at him. He was still rubbing his arm, trying to get the feeling back into it.
He started to laugh with me at the whole situation. The idea that a klutz like me would go running with a pro like Elijah was quite comical if I do say so myself.
We said our goodbyes before he ran off to the athletics facilities.
I walked to my building, thinking about Elijah the whole way there.
"I want to ask you why you have that lovey dovey look in your eyes, but we have some business to take care of." Elizabeth pulled me into the living room before I could even take my shoes off.
"We have a list! An entire list of prospective clients and Charlotte and Maddy are not even back yet!" Lara was scrolling through her phone and transferring names and numbers to a pad on the coffee table.
Before I could say anything, Charlotte came through the door and plopped down on the couch.
"I spoke to the group of girls, and they're still interested in seeing what you can do." She turned to Lara and looked down at the list she was currently adding to. "I think you should put them at the top of the list, being that they were the first to try and make an appointment."
I watched as Lara wrote their names in a bubble at the top of the list.
"I think the main girl is Natalie. If she likes how it turns out, which, of course, she will, then the other girls will definitely be interested too. She seems like the queen bee of the group."
Just hearing that made me feel uneasy. I've dealt with queen bees before. None of those experiences were good ones. I can't help but picture Addison Leigh showing up at my door, ready to push me around. But, I figure I have to give this girl a chance. This is a new place, full of new people. What are the odds that things will be exactly the same here?
"Call her up and tell her she can come in whenever she wants. We'll book around her." I start to look around the room. "We should probably bring in my desk chair and set up a little station in the corner. I think we'll just have updos today. What time does the party start?"
Charlotte responds from her room as she dials Natalie's number. "Around eight."
"We should probably be able to fit in a good five to seven people, depending on what they want. I'd prep for about forty-five minutes to an hour per customer, just to be safe."
Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement.
"She said she'll come in around five." Elizabeth popped her head in the doorway with a huge grin. "This is going to be great! I'm so excited!"
"Well, it's almost one, so we'd better call up some of the other people on the list." Elizabeth was already dialing a number into her phone from the next name on the pad. "Hi! Is this Daria?"
I looked around the room. All of the girls were on their phones, scheduling appointments on a clean sheet of paper. Before I knew it, Mariana and Maddy were back from class and doing the same.
It didn't even take twenty minutes for me to be all booked up for the rest of the day.
"Wow." I was kind of awestruck.
"Wow!" The girls were in unison, which elicited giggles from all of us.
"Okay." Elizabeth clapped her hands together and stood up from her spot beside Lara on the floor. "Let's cut the dilly dallying and get started! We only have another twenty minutes before the first client comes knocking at our door! Chop chop!"
And I thought my mom ran a tight ship! Aside from her weaknesses of sleep and boys, Elizabeth would make a great sergeant!
As we were putting the finishing touches on my makeshift styling station, there was a knock at the door. I greeted two girls, friends, who were scheduled to get their hair done one after the other.
The styles these girls selected actually took less time than I thought to achieve. Only about forty-five minutes in total.
When I finished styling their hair, they each gave me huge hugs and thanked me for my time. They left after paying me and even including a tip!
"Hey, see Sara? That wasn't bad at all!" Lara came up to my side and wrapped her arm around my waist in a side hug.
She was right. That made me feel really good. I wasn't only two steps closer to being able to buy a working laptop, I also felt like I helped people. Like a made a difference in two girls' lives.
"Now those girls are going to feel so confident tonight walking into that party! That even gives me a rush!" Charlotte gave me a hug from the front and, before I knew it, we were all participating in one giant group hug, complete with giggles and all.
By 4:30, I had completed a whopping six updos that ranged from simple messy braided headbands to embellished, curly loose buns.
I was on a roll, but I couldn't help but feel slightly more anxious each time I looked at the clock and it was closer to five o'clock. I know I shouldn't make judgments before I even meet the girl, but I can't help but have a reflexive reaction in anticipation of meeting the supposed queen bee.
I'm thankful that the girls are here to support me. It's a comfort knowing that they will be here when she arrives.
*knock, knock, knock*
Speak of the devil.
Well, it's a good sign that she's early. I put on a brave face and take a deep breath before opening the door.
Ooh! Another cliffhanger! A new character is making her debut soon. What's going to happen next? I can't wait to read your predictions!
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