If there was one thing Ainsley was it was independent. She hated to rely on others for anything and hated the idea of a bodyguard even more. They had toyed around with it when she was younger but it had never worked out well with her often getting into fights with said bodyguard instead of those threatening her. Therefore, they had settled to getting her trained to defend herself and attempt to control her powers.
Yeah the control wasn't always the easiest, especially not when her emotions were out of control, hence her fathers work on the cuff she wore on her left arm. Luckily it had been changed so it didn't take over her entire arm at all times because that made outfit choices hard. Rather she had a bracelet and two rings which would now activate the cuff and its respective focusing channel.
Therefore, it should not have been a problem for her to walk late in the evening alone. It was not much past 10pm when she decided she needed air and that she felt like Fiona stuck in the tower. But she seemed to have forgotten who she was. Ainsley wasn't overly involved in the spotlight her father trying to keep as much of his private life away from the public eye. Yet her weasel of a birth mother had happily spilt everything to the press when she made like a banana and split. If she ever saw her mother face to face again there were going to be some strong words.
From this she should have known that many people would try their hardest to get a hold of the young heiress thinking she would be unable to protect herself and be worth a small fortune in ransom. And it would seem someone had been tailing her for this exact purpose. Well more than one person it appeared as six rather fully grown adults appeared from the surrounding buildings and area like wild Pokemon. It should have been no problem she was sure she could take on all six at once she would just have to spark up and blink her way through it.
Only problem was that all six had ultimately decided they needed to be real threatening and had brought guns with them. Oh and yeah the guns worked, that was proven when she hit one around the head and his best friend decided she was dangerous enough to start firing like she was one of those tin cans on display at a carnival. And when all six started to fire that was when she felt as though she couldn't open portals fast enough to send them away. And she was scared like extremely scared. This could be it. Ainsley stark would be found dead down a scrawny little street all because she thought she was a boss. She began to think of prayers and what her last words would be as she was desperately sending the bullets into the wall using her portals.
Though her state of what could definitely be considered terror seemed to have sparked something in the Parker boy. He normally could sense when something was going wrong in the local area through what he had affectionately called his spidey senses however he was now more tuned into it and it was hitting at a much harder frequency than he had ever experienced. And he just knew from somewhere in his body that this new feeling was because Ainsley was in trouble. Wasting no time he changed into his suit the fastest he'd ever done and found himself following the rhythm of his body and his mind as he found himself stumbling across the scene of the large group of people attacking HIS soulmate. Though he did take a second to admire her using her powers before snapping out of it knowing that she was actually in danger and was scared. Holy fuck Ainsley Stark was scared.
"Hey six verse one ain't that fair, now is it?" He watched as only two of them turned to face him. Well 1/3 wasn't bad and soon enough he had both of them trapped against the wall webbed and unable to move. It was then that the four other attackers looked over obviously aware that suddenly there wasn't as many bullets flying around.
4 down two to go. And woo Parker takes the win soon enough all six were trapped and he found himself etching to stand in front of Ainsley attempting to hide her away from any more danger, completely covering her from the eyesight of the six idiots who dared to pick on his girl.
"Now I'm not really feeling the effort of having to take you all to the station and leaving you out front so how about you guys get yourself down and scram and never ever pick on Ainsley Stark again. Pass on the message that she's off limits to your scumbag friends" Another point to Parker as the six struggled but soon enough were down from their positions on the wall and running.
He then took this time to then turn around and assess Ainsley for himself. He couldn't visibly see any direct harm to her physically but he didn't know what to make of the insane amount of shaking she was doing. He wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and hold her. But he knew she didn't like to be touched and though he was itching to hold her and promise her it would be okay he didn't dare take a step closer towards her. Rather all he could think of was to address her and hope for the best.
"Peter" He didn't get the chance before he was barrelled into by the weight that was Ainsley launching herself into him her voice broke as she spoke his name and he reacted automatically. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her in tight as he held them both up.
"It's okay Aines you're safe, you're okay, I've got you" He continued to whisper into her ear though felt as though it wasn't having as much of an effect considering the mask. He went to deactivate the suit but was surprised when a small hand beat him to it, though thought opposite to question it and rather continued to pull her tighter in.
"I've got you Aines, you were so brave, you did so well, you're safe now. You're safe" He chanted it over and over again as he felt her slowly relax in his arms the shaking reducing to a minimum one of his hands having moved to rake its way through her hair as the two teenagers slowly moved towards the cold harsh concrete ground of the street. Soon enough her shaking had completely stopped and Peter was convinced that she had fallen asleep curled up on his lap. But by now it was almost midnight and he knew she needed to be home shortly.
"Aines... Ainsley princess wake up" He spoke lowly as he rubbed her shoulder in an attempt to wake the young girl up. He got a little whine in reply but he was happy for she didn't seem to push him away immediately and that was good news. He walked her home that night hoping and praying that this would be a new start for the pair. Peter walked her all the way to the private living part of the tower before deciding this was far enough considering her could hear the pacing of her father the other side of the door. Though he didn't want to leave her alone.
"Come back here in the morning?" Queried Ainsley technically they had school in the morning but all she had to do was a little pity act in front of her father about tonight and he would let her have it off. Plus she was in no mood to deal with the rest of humanity tomorrow.
"Yes of course yes 100%. Wait isn't tomorrow a Thursday? Wait hang on yeah sure definitely I'll be here 8:30 sharp..."
"Goodnight Peter" Ainsley cut him off with what he thought to be the first real smile she'd ever given him.
"Goodnight Ainsley"
Edited: 03.07.2020
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