Welcome to Saoirse
Ainsley Stark wasn't the clichéd spoiled brat many would associate with a surname as powerful as her own. She wasn't the nerdy geek or the attention loving psychopath which was also associated with the Stark family.
But what she was, was cold, ruthless and absolutely against the majority of humanity. She hated everyone her age with a burning passion. There was one thing she hated more than teenagers, and that was soulmates. Ainsley was convinced soulmates were the second biggest conspiracy theory after Bush did 911. That they were nothing but a tool to control the mass number of people in society and that she would forever be better off without one.
She was a Stark and she needed no-one to prosper and prevail.
Elizabeth Gilles as Ainsley 'Blink' Stark
Eiza González as Caroline 'Mimic' Goode
Phillipa Soo as Katherine Mann
Tom Holland as Peter 'Spiderman' Parker
Robert Downey JR as Tony 'Ironman' Stark
Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts
Chris Evans as Steve 'Captain America' Rogers
Zendaya as Michelle 'MJ' Jones
Jacob Batalon as Ned Leeds
Tony Revolori as Eugene 'Flash' Thomas
Marisa Tomei as May Parker
'Dont be fooled by the pink she is not playing dolls she is stalking the halls for the thrill of the kill'
Apex Predator - Mean Girls the Musical
''Cause ain't no way I'm a let you stop me cousin' mayhem'
Not Afraid - Eminem
'And thats the sound of me not calling you back'
Truth Hurts - Lizzo
'So Save it, get gone, shut up, cause if you if you think I care about you now'
IDGAF - Dua Lipa
The MCU and all affiliated characters are not my property anything you do not recognise does however belong to me. Any similarities to any other book or real person are a coincidence.
This story will contain the use of swear words and mentions of mental illnesses
Started: 21.04.2020
Published: 26.04.2020
Edited: 03.07.2020
Authors note:
I have truly loved the MCU since I was a young child and adore all adaptions of Peter Parker
And I've wanted to write something like this for a while so fingers crossed I don't absolutely butcher it. I've always wanted to write a character that is like Ainsley and cannot wait to properly introduce her to everyone.
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