Ainsley had probably one of the best months of her life. Since the day where she'd let Peter in they'd become an item. No labels as of yet but she wouldn't have it any other way. She was content. He made her happy. Don't get her confused as to having gone completely soft though. Ainsley was still the bitch of the school and hated the majority of humanity. She just had two soft spots. Her father and Peter Parker.
She had never felt as in control of her powers. She was starting to feel as though she controlled them and they didn't control her. But thinking like this was just like she was giving the powers of above a chance to screw around with her. Now normally it was a build up of aggression whether it was through aggressive thoughts or behaviour that normally sparked her powers off. However, for a while Ainsley had started to be more in control of that behaviour too. Well she hadn't gotten into a fight for the last four weeks and that was a new record. Sure she had felt frustrated at time and a little bit fed up with other people, but it wasn't to the point where she felt like she had to act out or do anything about it. Most of her frustration was about her fellow peers who would go around acting as though they were royalty and that their actions did not have consequences as they were only teenagers. However, she had a reign on this believing there were some good cases in her generation.
Recently her frustration had been more aimed at herself. Ainsley Stark was failing English. And she was not dumb or someone who slacked in class and didn't pay attention. No she tried even harder in that subject than anything else. Honestly, Ainsley refused to use her glasses or aids for her dyslexia and in a class such as English this made it hard. She didn't want to seem weak in front of her peers and therefore, pretended to know what was going on around her when the truth was she was struggling so badly. Often she found herself unable to stay up to the speed of the other students and when they did the in class tests she refused to use the extra time she was allowed scared that the other students would work it out.
Therefore that evening Peter was supposed to be coming around to help. She had let it slip to him that she was struggling and the poor boy had jumped on the chance to help her. Even though he wasn't one of the top students in the class he would do anything to help her. So she attempted to get a start on it so when he finally turned up he could see what she was struggling with the most. Or so she could pretend to him that she was doing okay. Not that she'd been able to lie to him and get away with it successfully.
However her frustration was only getting higher and she could feel the energy within her begin to build. But rather than taking a break and doing something else to calm down she fought through. As the frustration in her inability to do the task set rose, she began to get angry at herself. It was as if she became angry at herself for being different, being unable to do something so simple. By this point she could feel herself spiralling.
She should have really started to do something, anything differently when the pen she'd been writing with snapped. For she hadn't done it with brute strength rather a purple almost smoke like sensation. This was a side effect of her powers. Her father had worked out her main ability was to create the portals and close them affectionately calling her blink from the number of times he had blinked and she had used one to escape him telling her off. But it would appear that to create these portals she had an amount of energy, thought to be kinetic, that built up that was purely reliant on her emotions. If she did not expel it through means of the portals it would expel itself. With her lack of control over her emotions you would have though Ainsley would have learnt of another way to get rid of it or learnt to determine when she was getting to that point where she would lose control.
She was a Stark however, and they always did like to have rather large meltdowns.
The only positive thing she had done for herself in this state was move herself out of the living room where she was previously sat studying. She moved towards the lab on the ninth floor. Why this one of all? It was the least used one and was practically empty other than the different workbenches littered around the room. She was actually pretty sure she'd never seen anyone on this floor.
And that was where Peter found her stood in the middle of the lab on the ninth floor, thanks to Friday the AI, a mass amount of purple hue swirling around her and workbenches blown to smithereens. He had been rather surprised to enter the building and go to the living quarters but not be met with her. He had called her name a couple of times before remembering the all knowing AI that resided in the building could probably help.
"Aines?" He questioned, well he knew it was her but wasn't sure what he was to do in that moment. Other than get excited because holy smokes this was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. Of course he knew about her having powers from not only the night she was attacked but they'd also used them to go out for food on multiple occasions when the restaurant had refused to deliver their order.
"Oh my goodness Peter, you don't want to be in here. Get back before I hurt you." Ainsley had turned as she spoke to him and Peter found himself fangirling over the fact that her eyes were once again their purple colour.
"I'm not scared of this or you Aines. You can't hurt me." He tried to reason as he continued to step closer. He watched as the purple smoke approached him almost as if it found something else it could possibly destroy. However, it seemed to almost recognise him and continued on past and behind him. He continued to take slow steps forwards until he was stood less than a footstep in front of Ainsley.
"See baby, I'm okay" He spoke with confidence now knowing despite whatever lack of control she had he would be able to be there for her. He looked down from her face to her arms where he could clearly see the mist expel itself. But he could also finally see what band her father had been working on all those months prior. For upon her arm where the band used to be was a similar looking contraption of which he'd seen months prior the purple stones were not only glowing but also emitting the mist along with a massive concentrated amount at the very centre of her hands.
Deciding he'd look more at the technology later on he went back to his task at hand. To help her. So he did the first and only thing he could think of wrap his arms around her and pull her close. It would appear that as soon as he had a solid hold on her that her legs almost gave way and the pair quickly sunk towards the floor. He watched in awe as the mist started to gravitate back inwards almost completely stopping its moves of destruction.
"Sorry you had to see me in this state Pete" He heard her let out a little sigh at the end obviously embarrassed she had been caught out of control. It would appear as though she had never wanted him to see her like this. But Peter didn't care he thought it was pretty wicked she could do anything like that and she didn't need to be bit by some suped up spider to be like it. It was just who she was. And she was perfect.
"There's nothing you could do about it Aines, I'd be with you no matter the state." And to that he felt her bring one arm around him and pull herself closer, her head going to rest upon his chest as they sat there just enjoying each other.
"I won't hold it against you if you decide to leave Peter, I know I'm volatile." Ainsley tried to tell him after all she was pretty sure she was way too out of control and bad to be with someone as amazing as Peter. Yet for some dumb reason he had stuck around.
"The only place I'd go is to the toilet and I'm pretty good at holding it."
And that was how Tony Stark found them later that evening. Curled up together in the middle of the room. Well what was left of the room.
Edited: 03.07.2020
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