Ainsley had spent the majority of her teenage years actively avoiding almost everyone. Yet she had never had to work so hard to avoid running into one person. Honestly, it was wearing her out entirely. Peter Parker was wearing her out whether it be from her trying to avoid him in the corridor, her trying to avoid the conversation as he tried time and time again to convince her to give him a shot or whether it be because even when he wasn't around he was running through her mind. She lost count of the number of times she replayed the image of him crying in her room and begging her to just give him a chance. And the more she replayed it the more it affected her. Ainsley did not like this.
Peter Parker made her weak.
Ainsley Stark was not weak.
Just like his superhero namesake Peter Parker was about as hard to get rid of as the little spider who hid in the corner of your room during the winter. And just like said little spider, Ainsley didn't have it in her heart to force him out.
Peter had no thought of ever letting Ainsley slip away or out of his reach. For he could see her inner turmoil every time he approached her or they passed each other. He found himself trying to do stuff to get her attention, but he wasn't reckless heavens no. He pushed himself in every class they shared hoping that maybe just maybe if he was praised in class for his high grades or for being a better human being than most teenagers their age that she would see that he wasn't a dangerous threat. Just maybe.
But there was one thing that got her attention he never actually meant to do. It was commonly known around the school that the actual bully title belonged to Flash Thomas. Flash Thomas was a nasty piece of work who thought himself higher than everyone else because he was on the school athletic team and this gave him a podium to stand upon. Though he was rather weak looking in appearance and wouldn't pick upon anyone his own size or bigger. He only picked on the younger scrawnier looking people. That was where he was going again. Flash Thomas was picking on the scrawniest looking person in the school and had even gotten as far to start a physical altercation.
Peter was all about protecting the average person and he'd rather take the hits to the face knowing he'd heal fast than watching this young child getting chucked around. And that was how he found himself involved and taking the hits from Flash left, right and centre. Now Peter could fight back he was after all Spiderman, the only problem was his unusual amount of strength and how it would be a lot less like Flash had been hit by a student and more like he'd been hit by the hulk.
But Ainsley didn't know Peter had stepped in to help out a younger student. She was a little late to the crowd that had formed and all she could see was Peter being pummelled by the schools pathetic excuse for a bully. And she didn't like it one bit. Normally she would do anything to avoid getting involved in a fight she didn't start. That was not part of her morals. Let them go against each other and she was less likely to get hurt. But this was not possible this time. No matter what she tried to reason with herself as she pushed through the crowd. This was her Peter. Nobody could touch her Peter.
"Oi Flash" She shouted affectively turning the boys attention away from Peter onto her and watching his eyes widen as he worked out just who he'd pulled into his little fight.
"Cat got your tongue? Haven't you heard don't throw what you cant take." Ainsley announced before throwing a right hook directly to his jaw. Upon making contact with the bully she felt the energy begin to build and let a smirk grow onto her features, now it would be fun.
"Come on you sissy. Scared to hit a girl?" She continued to taunt before throwing another well aimed hit to the same spot. She let her eyes cast quickly to Peter who seemed to be getting his breath back pushed up against the locker and then to the unknown kid sat on the floor. It was then that it clicked that Peter had stepped in on behalf of this kid and she felt a small amount of pride before turning back to the teenager she was currently serving his seconding to.
"I'm not afraid of you Stank" Flash attempted to berate back at her. But his jest was met with another hit once again to the same spot before he was shoved up against the lockers with a loud crash. Though Ainsley didn't stop there for she used a strength people often didn't realise she had to then push him upwards enough that his feet no longer touched the ground.
"You should be Thomas. After all what kind of lowly scum picks on the weakest looking person in the entire school. You scared starting a fight with someone your own size will leave you wounded. You're pathetic." Ainsley spoke with a tone of which chilled the bully to the bone and as she applied enough pressure to leave a bruise on the section of his upper arm she had grasp on she continued to stare into the boy giving him a glare he'd never forget. Flash could see her eyes change colour as the purple stormed around in them creating a dangerous looking pool of colour.
"Stark let him go now" Shouted the ever familiar voice of the principle and Ainsley was happy to comply dropping the teenaged boy as if he was nothing but a rag doll and watching him fall to the floor in a rather unbecoming fashion forming a crumpled pile of teenaged boy on the floor. She turned, picked up her discarded bag and followed behind the principle with no words spoken.
Once again the Stark duo found themselves sat in the familiar chairs of the principle office Ainsley picking at her nails and Tony pretending to listen. Honestly the pair were surprised she had yet to be expelled due to her fighting nature. Maybe it was because their family was a large sponsor of the school? Whatever it was they were thankful.
Peter sat waiting outside the principles office. He was shocked to have not personally been pulled in there almost as if his role in the whole ordeal had been forgotten about. He was happy about this as his Aunt May would have flipped if her precious Peter was caught fighting. Though part of him knew had it not been him involved Ainsley would not have gotten involved. But then this had meant she had come to assist him. Score for Parker. Eventually, the door opened and Peter watched the two Starks leave the office either not really affected by what had been said inside. He made eye contact with both and watched as Tony took a step back to allow the two to talk, having seen exactly what happened during his journey over the benefit of having an AI happy to hack into any security camera in the world.
"Aines, not that I'm not thankful cause I totally am like utterly thankful like yeah no regrets or anything of that sort, but like can I just ask why? I was sure you didn't want anything to do with me. Like you made that totally clear and I get it not that I'm trying to dispute your feelings or anything but like I just-"
"I dunno Peter I don't really know why I stepped in" She replied stopping as she walked to give him a quick once over but not because she cared. Definitely not because she cared.
"Oh no thats cool I get it no worries. Thanks anyways for everything" He watched as she caught her father up but not before calling back one last thing.
"You're not too bad you know Parker"
That was it Peter Parker just died and went to heaven.
Edited: 03.07.2020
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