It's a Holiday tradition now... 😈✨
Marie-Noel and Balthazar are back, and this time, it takes place a few days after their December 24th encounter in the North Pole from Last Christmas...
"This Christmas was a bang! I just got the reports, and hell, it was the most productive year I've seen throughout my career!"
That coming from the horned man stroking his pointy salt-and-pepper goatee is saying a lot.
He's almost as old as the rusty chains he's rattling to silence the thousands and thousands of cheers and whistles echoing around the large auditorium.
"And a special shoutout to my son. Now, I know that when I'll retire, the succession is assured 'cause you really smashed your goals!" Krampus' crooked finger finds me through the crowd, and I return his wry smile as I stand up under all the applause and wave at everyone.
Yes, I've really smashed it this year.
And more than the moment of glory, I'm basking in the memories replaying behind my eyes as I sit back down, putting my feet on the backrest in front of me and flipping a candy into my mouth.
So so sweet...
I could almost forget we're at the annual 27th meeting as I'm zoning out of the rest of Krampus' speech. It's the same every year anyway.
He'll praise a few more people, including himself, and then, remind us that it isn't the moment to rest, and that with the holidays spirit of family drama and disappointing gifts, we have to watch out for people about to move up on our lists. All of that on his precious little slideshow with small devil sketches to illustrate his words.
Yeah, I know, a slideshow meeting for the great Krampus, it's not as glamorous as everyone would imagine. But most of the evil elves here are too hungover from the 25th celebration to care.
Besides, we still have flames all over the walls and unlimited booze, and I have the bag of sweets I've stolen from a kid on my way down there, even if the sugar slowly melting in my mouth can't compare to the taste imprinted in all my cells.
Nothing can be as sweet as Marie-Noel, and I might have already sucked ten candies, but I haven't found that unique addicting spice.
All that remains in the back of my mouth is... bitterness when black, piked nails dig into my shoulder.
"Don't forget you owe me. You wouldn't want your daddy to know his precious son fobbed off half of his list, wouldn't you?"
Not half. I'm Balthazar Krampus. I don't do 'halves'. But Diablo has been easier to coax than the purple-haired evil elf I'm turning to.
"I already gave you your 'gift'. What else do you want, Kabale?"
"You know there's this New Year's Eve party..." she starts, rolling and popping her dark lips together as if it would tempt me for a blow.
It would usually, but now, my dick has been claimed candy red, in more ways than one.
"New Year parties are lame, and I already have plans for the 31st."
I have no idea where yet, except that I will be buried deep into Marie-Noel Claus' sweet cunt.
And at that thought, the warmth is already shooting to my tight pants—more than at Kabale's body leaning closer.
Clingy bitches always get on my nerves anyway.
"Come on, it'll be fun. It's a costume party at the S'Inn and the theme is angels and devils..."
"Angels and devils, you say? And there will be masks and all that shit?" I hum, trying to picture the scene with all that white, black, red, leather and satin, all those opposites mixing and blurring through the crowd. "I might come finally..."
She is late. 16 minutes late.
I'm not known for my patience in general, but right now, I'm ticking the seconds like everyone will countdown the new year in a few hours. Except it won't be fireworks that will blow if I don't see her sweet little ass soon.
There are two possibilities: either she's playing with my patience, and my mind is already crackling with ideas to punish her, or less fun, she hasn't managed to sneak out of the North Pole. Knowing her overprotective family, the second one is way too probable.
She has replied she was 'eager to come' though, when I've texted her the time and place, and she isn't the kind to give up or flake out. I remember too well how she has roamed through the dark forest to find me, the sound of her uneven breaths and her footsteps into the snow echoing through my ears as vividly as the clicks of heels walking closer down the blind alley.
"I'm not interested. Go away," I snarl, not even bothering to lift my gaze from my phone when I catch sight of two peaks at the top of the shadow that stops in front of me.
"What a shame... To think I've traveled all the way from the North Pole."
"Candy?" My head has never jerked up so fast, and it isn't the only part of me as I take in her dizzying silhouette, doing a double and triple take to be sure it's really my Candy under all that leather and fishnet.
Okay, her plump red lips and dark blue eyes are unmistakable, but my gaze still roams up and down her body a few times from the tip of her thigh-high boots to the two little red horns perked in her blond curls, and everything in between.
She has traded her famous red and white fleecy outfit for a tight black leather dress, fitted for her hourglass figure and the Vegas weather—which has never been as suffocating as right now—and if she's kept hints of her jolly color, it's only to look more devilish on her lips and with her lacy mask.
Fuck, the latter might even be my favorite part, as the gradients of red embroideries imitating flames are clashing so perfectly with her hypnotizing blue eyes, highlighting the wicked twinkle underneath the starry night shades.
"I take it that I can fit in with my costume?" She lifts a cocky eyebrow at my moment of daze, enjoying this way too much as I slowly lick my dry lips.
The little brat...
I don't know why I've expected her to dress as an angel, when she is so far from pristine inside, and the darkness suits her so well.
From there to say that she could pass as a devil though...
"No, you won't." I step closer, my finger twirling around one of her soft blond curls that are standing out even more in the darkness of this back alley, before tracing down the delicate outlines of her face until her crimson pouting lips. "I told you we don't have much candy here, and even less a spicy candy as sexy."
Spicy Candy, that nickname has never been more appropriate as her tempting lips stretch into a mischievous smile and her cheeks take a rosy shade that could almost make me forget the red I've been seeing for the past 18 minutes. Almost.
"You're late though."
"Yeah, I couldn't find a place to park with Cookie."
Actually, I'm picturing red more than ever: how red I will tint her skin. She's so pale and soft, like white snow for me to leave my marks, mine and no one else's.
"Cookie?" I ask as my fingers already brush the ever-so-fading trail I've claimed one week ago, leading down her neck and to her sweet spot...
Only to find the dark mark covered by red. A strip of red leather, more exactly.
Oh. My. Fucking. Hell. I should be mad, yet all my boiling fire is currently rushing down my pants.
She's wearing a fucking collar. I don't know how I haven't noticed it before, but it's officially my favorite part of her outfit now.
"Yes, my faithful sidekick, my best friend since forever, my reindeer. Who else?" She tilts her head, the movement highlighting how snugly tight the leather is hugging her neck, and also the smugness at the corner of her smile. "I'm sorry if I made you... worry."
The little devil... She thinks she can have me wrapped around her finger...
"Worry?" I chuckle, playing with the metal ring of her collar, which is just the right fit for my pinky as I slip it in and tug roughly. "That's not the word. But you'll definitely be sorry."
The way her plump lips part with a shallow gasp is tickling me to take the rest of her breath right here, right now, take all of her right here, right now, in that dark alley.
I know she wouldn't mind; she likes it rough as much as I do.
However, it's the time of the resolutions, and I've planned to do things by the book for once, with a bed, candles, and first...
"Let's paint the town red," I whisper above her mouth, close enough to taste her cranberry lipstick and a zing of electricity that tortures us both when I step away after this mere brush.
It's worth it though, as I watch her hooded eyes blinking around to find me unlocking the metal door behind us.
"You're coming?" I smirk because no, she isn't coming for now, even if her sweet little ass is swaying toward me.
"I thought we were going to a party?"
"We are, but let's say that it's the VIP entrance." At least it becomes one with the master key in my hand. A simple click and... "Welcome to the S'Inn!"
She jumps at the loud basses and electric atmosphere already reaching us, and she doesn't need more than the gesture of my hand to walk through the door, her curious eyes widening progressively as they adjust to the lighting around.
Not that it's much darker than the back alley, yet the lights are neon red here, making everything more vivid, including the shock on her pale features as we arrive straight into the main room from one of the balconies, and she glances around like a human entering a brand new world.
An angel entering the pit of hell, more exactly, as she grasps the railing, peering down at the brewing of people swaying on the dancefloor. And not even the white wings and halos here and there can tone down the image when most of them are smeared by stains of spilled booze, lipstick, and other substances that I usually don't even notice.
But under her large blue gaze, all these details are flashing at me like Christmas tree lights: the orange sparks of burning ember, the naked performers—or the ones who will soon be—dancing around the elevated cages and pole bars, the couches scattered around our floor and filled with people gambling, drinking, smoking, sniffing, or having sex, some doing it all at the same time.
This place is called S'Inn for a reason. A lot of reasons, that I should have considered before bringing Marie-Noel Claus here.
"Holly Merry!"
Even if she is far from angelic and innocent, she has never gone out of the North Pole, and the transition from the pristine snow and her pointy ears friends might be a little too sharp as she coughs on the thick atmosphere. Though more than the clouds of smoke seeping through her lungs, it's the ones shadowing her starry eyes that are making me reach for her hand.
"If you want, we can go to another pla—"
"This place is so cool!" she exclaims as soon as she catches her breath, taking mine with it.
"Wait, you like it?"
"I love it!"
Of course, she does, my little spicy candy, my little devil.
I don't know why I've even doubted it, but I quickly recognize the haze brewing in her doe gaze when I lead her down the illuminated glass stairs, and oh, it's definitely more blazing than smoke. With the neon lights flashing from the dancefloor, I can even catch the sparkle of interest lighting in the dark blue shade as she glances around. For the Chippendales or the large X crosses towards the double doors on the far end of the room, though?
"Do you come here often?"
"I generally switch between all the Vegas clubs, but it's one of my favorites 'cause it has special motel rooms on the upper floor," I explain, gesturing to one of the leather stools as we arrive at the bar, and only once she's seated, I whisper in her ear, "Don't worry, I'll show you... later."
Or sooner, because the goosebumps traveling down her neck aren't only testing and tickling my patience, and I'm one second away from dragging her towards those double doors she keeps eyeing and helping her warm up her, when one of the bartenders rushes in front of us.
"What can I serve you, sir?"
The place is packed tonight, but let's say I'm a valued customer, and apart from my black leather domino mask, my costume isn't very different from the usual. I have my horns and dark clothes all year, so it's easy to recognize me.
However, the little devil at my side, her big starry blue eyes and white blonde curls are intriguing Connor and everyone around.
"And miss?"
No one could ever guess that under the flaming mask, it's Marie-Noel Claus who is giving me that flirty look. "Um, what do you advise?"
"Two screaming orgasms, for me and... Candy," I announce, sitting down next to her and dragging her stool closer to rest my hand on her thigh as an intoxicating rush surges through my veins, something between possessiveness and the sparks of our two opposite forces meeting through her fishnet stockings, along with the thrill of crossing the line, of course.
I already know the latter very well, yet I haven't expected it would be so exhilarating to be here with my forbidden Candy in front of all those clueless humans and even evil elves, to not have to hide, worry about being interrupted, and other cockblocker preoccupations.
Which makes me think...
"Here, before I forget, take this." I pat my sleeveless jacket pockets as soon as the bartender is out of sight and quickly pull out the small transparent bag I've carefully packed there, making Marie-Noel's eyes bulge out.
"What's that?" she asks, staring at the two red and black pills as if they were a bomb, and I can guess the back-and-forths of her eyebrows behind her mask as I explain,
"It'll keep us out of parents' list for 24 hours."
"What? Is it possible?"
"It worked for Christmas since we're both here now."
That's all I need to know as I bring one of the 'bombs' to my mouth, and as if I'd pushed the trigger with my gulp, the burst soon happens.
"Wait, I didn't take—You drugged me?!" she gasps, spurting the words and an accusing finger at me.
"I didn't 'drug' you. This pill does nothing else than keep you out of our parents' radar ." I roll my eyes at her dramatic antics that could have caught attention if we'd been in any other place.
Lucky that the music and people here are too high to care because I wouldn't want my reputation to be stained.
I'm Balthazar Krampus; I don't need any substance to get someone on their knees, and in case, she'd forgotten, I refresh her memory.
"Unless you want your daddy to know what his precious, pristine daughter has been doing in the woods?"
From the way, her crimson mouth is parting, I would say yes, she remembers, and her finger quickly comes down as I point two of mine towards her, placing the shiny capsule on the swell of her lips.
"Where did you even—"
"In the hot chocolate your dear brother brought you. As for where I got them, you don't wanna know, trust me."
"You've really planned every detail..." she hums, playing with the pill still between her teeth, and thus, also with my patience. "Did you think about it a lot through this one year?"
Have I thought a lot about her? That's the question written under her long lashes as she peers up at me, trying to dig up the answer beyond my smirk. But she doesn't have to look that far; I've already written it all over her body.
Haven't I been clear enough last week? Should I've given her 365 marks?
"I don't know... How many times did you think about me, lying awake in your bed at night, sneaking your hand into your flimsy white panties..." I taunt, with my words and my fingers, still on her thigh, straying towards her soft flesh to press my arguments. "Remembering the burn of my scourge on your skin, how perfectly my cock filled you, and the pleasure only I can give you?"
She might swallow the pill harshly, yet she's still on top of my list, climbing higher and higher like my hand under her mini skirt.
And oh, she can play coy, squeezing her thighs together to stop my course and diverting the subject when my forefinger reaches the damp lace of her panties.
"I... wanna dance!"
The game will only be more interesting that way, and my most primal instincts are already awakening as she slips out of my fingers, and I watch her disappearing toward the dancefloor, the sway of her hips almost as inviting as the devilish smile she throws at me over her shoulders.
I don't move though, leaving her a headstart and enjoying the rush of adrenaline and alcohol tingling in my veins as I sip peacefully on one of the drinks the waiter puts on the counter.
Only when I've downed my Screaming Orgasm, do I follow her trail, and even if there's no footprint in the snow here, I find her tempting silhouette in no time through the hundreds of people, her perky little butt catching my eyes like her blond curls are attracting all the lights around.
Not only the lights actually, and I quickly cross the wide dancefloor, pushing people out of my way, including the horny fuckers that I make vanish before they can stagger too close to my Candy—with my scorching glare, I make them vanish, and luckily they all understand. It would be a shame to burn this place to the underground.
I'd rather keep my fire for the little devil who is already gasping as I tug her firmly against my chest.
"Finally... I thought you'd never come," she shouts over the loud music, tilting her head back and pressing her hips against mine to make sure I catch the last word, and I gladly keep her there, digging my fingers into her sides as I dip my head into the crook of her neck, breathing her in.
She smells like a spicy candy: sweet, cinnamon, warm, and addicting. She tastes like it too.
"I was enjoying my drink. You left so fast, you didn't even get your Screaming Orgasm..." I trail off along her soft skin, knowing her thoughts are following, even before I finish over her ear, "Should I give you one here?"
"Here? Are you sure we can..."
"There's nothing I can't do, candy." My hand envelops her jaw, stopping her frantic glances around, and fuck, the wide look in her eyes is only emphasizing the darkness simmering under, ready to take over the icy dark blue.
There's only the faint voice of her conscience holding her back as she's battling with it. But that's okay; I can play the devil on her shoulder, pushing away the thin strap there with my teeth while my other hand snakes down to the hem of her mini skirt, my long finger toying with the thread of her fishnet stockings.
"The question is: can you handle it?"
One thing I've learned the two times we've been together is that she thrives on challenge; she gets off on it. It's one of the rare things we have in common, and that's why I'm growing harder as she meets the challenge and the rocks of my hips.
"Yes, yes, I can."
"If you say so... let's hope the music will be loud enough..."
Lucky for her, the song picks up with drums at this instant, drowning her first moan as I slip my hand under her skirt, pinching her clit through the wet lace of her panties.
Though maybe she would have wanted to be heard?
Could the sweet Marie-Noel Claus be an exhibitionist?
I keep finding new wonders every time I explore her folds, and right now, I find her dripping at the mere possibility of getting caught with my hand between her legs by strangers.
"Keep swaying. We're on a dancefloor, remember?"
A dancefloor, where half of the people are too drunk on their own Screaming Orgasms—not only the drinks—to notice us, but that's only a detail.
The important is the adrenaline tingling down my pants with every brush of her hips against mine, and the one pulsing under my fingerpad as I press on her sensitive nub, and at this pace, the screaming orgasm might be delivered faster than I've planned.
Oh, but lucky for me, the music is slowing down, and of course, I make sure we're in rhythm, from every swirl of my fingers matching the drawling melody to the thrusts of our hips beating the tempo.
The only thing that's not in sync are the bangs of her heart under my lips, and mine are quickly following when she leans her head against my shoulder, and her hands hold onto my horns.
She doesn't just 'hold' onto them, actually.
"Thirsty for a screaming orgasm too?" she taunts breathlessly as the little devil has already grasped how horny they make me, the two protrusions being filled with nerve endings directly connected to my cock.
But to the point of coming when they're stimulated? Nah, it's never happen—
"Fucking hell!" I growl, my trail of thoughts short-circuited by sparking ecstasy fusing straight to my tight pants, where my dick twitches with pre-cum, when she tightens her grip, and her thumbs hit the pointy tips with flicks, faster than the beat of the song.
Not that I hear the music anymore, and I don't bother pretending to dance when I sink two fingers into her warm slit.
The song blasting through the speakers in every corner, the hundreds of people rippling and dancing all around, everything becomes a faraway buzzing, fueling the one throbbing under our skins, while her whimpers in my ear are the sexiest melody and the beat... Oh, it's accelerating, growing into a frantic crescendo: the thrusts of my curling fingers and my hips, the clenches of her hands around my horns and of her tight pussy, the thrums of her heart and behind my groin.
Fuck, I still can't comprehend how in sync we can be while being fundamentally opposite, how close I am to follow her when she tenses in my arms and lets go of my horns.
"Holly—" She slams both her hands over her mouth.
Yes, yes, I've been really serious when I've said I would give her a screaming orgasm. She realizes it through her wide eyes before they roll to the back of her head, and I don't let up my strokes until the choked sound of my name rumbles against her palms.
It doesn't take much.
It wouldn't take much more either for me to come too, and I have to fight the urge to slide down my pants and bury my cock deep into her sweet cunt as she arches against my chest.
She's such a sight. For everyone to see, but only mine to enjoy with a VIP view, hunching above her shoulder, where the faintest shudder becomes dizzying along her silhouette, and even once I withdraw my fingers, the uneven rises and falls of her plump tits keep my head spinning a little bit more.
"You okay? Still thirsty?" I ask when her breathing finally steadies, and I manage to gather myself and the hard-on threatening to break through the leather of my pants. For now...
"Yes." She eagerly opens her mouth for the two damp fingers I'm presenting her, sucking them clean, and as if it weren't enough to stir it again, her hazy gaze slides down to my painful bulge before she adds, "More than ever."
"How about we get out of here then?"
It's not a question, and I don't leave her time to reply or even breathe before spinning on my boots, my hand firmly wrapped around her wrist to lead her through the hazy crowd.
And let's say that nothing and no one can stop me.
We're already reaching the double doors at the far end of the room, when she tugs on her arm, and still, I continue until...
"Wait, is that my brother?!"
Cliffhanger!! Oops... 🙈😬 Don't worry, the second part is coming soon, not sure Balthazar will be able to though... 😂
What do you think of his POV by the way? He's so horny, isn't he? (pun intended lol 😉). And what about his home place? So different from the North Pole, isn't it? 😈🔥
Tell me all your thoughts about this 1st part so far in the comments, and don't forget to vote ⭐ if you're excited for more!
I hope you had a beautiful Christmas! Were you on the nice or naughty list? You know whose list you'll be on next year... 😏
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