10) Crashing Chandelier
It was New Year's Eve eve and the castle was hustling and bustling with sights, smells, and lots of food. I woke up groggy, still affected by the cold last night. My hands felt for Nick but his bedside was empty. "Nick?" I whisper, sitting up to observe the room. It was empty. I see a note taped to the bed frame and open it.
I have to smooth things over with the Easter bunny after that ....dinner last night.
Santa duties. I'll see you tonight!!
I love you.
P.S: Look out your window when you wake up."
I fling from the warm covers from my body and run to look out the window.
"Mrs. Claus, are you awake? I'm sure you saw the note Sir Claus wrote?" Holly and Jolly come in to refresh my room.
"Yes. I did Holly" I giggle, looking at the note Nick etched out in the snow. It was a beautiful iced gazebo. A sea of icy blue roses scattered across every inch. It was beautiful. In the snow were large words of "I love you" It was his display of love for me and I never felt warmer.
"Holly. Jolly. Don't take this the wrong way but what is there to do besides baking dozens of cookies and treats?" Nick was basically the king of the pole but his wife was stowed away in the kitchen. It didn't seem right.
They came in and began to draw my bath, ushering me to start my day. " Well, usually those are the duties of Mrs. Claus. Perhaps you and Sir Nick can discuss expanding your duties" Holly suggested.
I frown as they lead me to the bathroom. I excused them as I dipped into the warm bath. They stood attentively itching to bathe me themselves but it was something I was not used to. I stand and they run to wrap a towel around my body. They lead me to the dresser and begin combing my curls into a tight bun, putting a crown on my head. "I didn't think we wore crowns?"
"The Claus family usually don't but they are royalty. The other Claus family will be wearing their royal garbs as they start their visit to Claus castle tonight so you are expected." Jolly clues me in.
"Oh." I nodded. There was still much I didn't know. I still had so much to learn.
"So the kitchen is open any time and the chefs are at your beck and call." Holly and Jolly guide me through the castle giving me yet another tour. It was a friendlier tour that wasn't rushed, unlike Mrs. Claus's. "And this is Claus Library." Holly bragged lifting her hands to show off its grandness.
Books of every station and kind filled the mahogany-lined shelves. It was a beautiful room filled with magic and whimsy. "Holly?Jolly? I think found my new favorite place."
My fingers run against the oak and wood details. Every book had a story. A purpose. And I was itching to know more. The books were so well-detailed that I couldn't help but pick them up.
Magical Apothecary.
Winter Snow
Claus Family tree Vol I. Oh, I would need a full day for that one!
As my feet wander aimlessly through the bountiful space, I see a divet in the corner shelf. It was a divet that looked inconspicuous to the naked eye. I only noticed it due to my curiosity and attention to fine details. "What's this?" I think to myself as I try and venture to its secrets.
I picked up a black book that hovered a little too close to the edge and a vibrating sound ensued. I tried not to gasp as the unexpected nook was exposed. It looked like a little secret nook. But why was it hidden?
I cautiously take a step inside, and the chilling air immediately engulfs me. Gone was the environment of glitzy, leather-bound texts tied with satin bookmarks. There seemed to be a little more stiffness to these volumes. Darker...
Forbidden Spells and Arts.
My eyes widened as I saw the title of the first book that lined the expansive shelves. What was a book like this even doing in this castle? Forbidden spells? I should have run away. I should have bashed the very thought of peeking inside, but as my arms lifted towards the thick binding, I couldn't help my unnerving curiosity.
I open the book and flip through the yellow-stained pages. It looked ancient.
Heart's Blood.
Icy winters.
Darkest wish.
My hands ran across the page and lingered on the one called "darkest wish"
" In your heart fills your deepest desire.
One wish may be wary may be mire.
All it takes is---
"Wynter! Wyn! Where are you?" I hear Nick's booming voice in the distance as he ventures near. How much time has passed! He said he would be here by 12.
"WYN! WYN!" I quickly fold the page and place it back on the shelf to revisit at a later time before running out of the little nook. I don't know how much Nick knew or if he even knew of this little secret room.
"Wyn! Holly and Jolly said you came in here" I hear his footsteps approaching. Right as Nick turns the corner, the room closes. The only thing left was the book in my hand which was the key to the little nook. I had to return it without alerting Nick.
"There you are Mrs. Claus" He walks over and pulled me in his arms, kissing me passionately. I wrapped one hand against his back, the other still had the book. "Saw my note?"
"Which one" I teased. He trapped me against the shelves, making sure the bookshelves surrounded us for privacy. "I loved it." I continue kissing him looking behind his back to make sure the coast was clear.
I sneakily feel for the bookshelf and, after finding it, slide the book into the space between two books. I must keep it out of sight.... until I figured out more about this book.
I successfully slipped the book and continued kissing more passionately.
"Nick... Nick, someone will catch us in here" I bit my lip, staring into his eyes. He smirked carrying me in his arms. He lifted a hand and I heard the loud click of the door. I knew the look in his eyes and that only met one thing.
I rested in the safety and warmth of Nick's body as he repeatedly pressed his lips against my head. The light of the warm fireplace coated our skin.
"Can the Spirit of Christmas ever be... I mean is there a spell or potion I could drink?" My eyes lift to meet Nick's.
He sighs and shrugs. "Who knows? Maybe. We would have to look in every single book in this library. Even if we do find a spell or a potion. It's not 100% successful. That's the thing about magic. It can be so reassuring but also so unpredictable."
How Nick spoke seemed like he had no clue about the darkest wish spell or even the little nook.
"And dark magic?..I mean Jack Frost is the product of dark magic" Nick snatched my jaw, forcing me to stare into his brown eyes. "Who told you about dark magic?" He whispers.
"No! No one Nick. I just assumed because he's evil..." The loud crackles of the roaring fire filled the warm air as we challenged each other's gaze.
"Dark magic is dangerous Wyn. Some people can't pull themselves because it's so enticing. One might lose themselves."
"Surely there's an unexplainable allure to it. A sort of innocence for the unknown..the forbidden?" I whisper softly as he runs his thumb across my lips. He stares into my eyes and smirks.
"Well..when one puts it that way" He laughs, making my head vibrate in response. "Still, once one starts indulging...bad things tend to follow."
Wynter turns to stand, lifting my white blouse over her body. "So when your family comes, do you think--"
I tried to pay attention to Wynter but my ears were focused on the distant cracking sounds above us. Was it the crystals from the chandelier? The creaks of the bookshelf?
"I figured if just one family member likes me, then we can work on---"
Another crack and I look up to follow the noise. The long chain of the bright chandelier breaks and speeds towards Wynter's unsuspecting body.
"Wyn watch out!" I yelled, grabbing her waist and pushing her to the floor. I use my powers to elevate it before it could crash on top of Wyn. It barely missed her head. She was frozen in awe as she heard the chandelier crash to the floor.
"What..what was that?" I looked up and saw a faulty light flickering and a cut wire. That was no accident. She knew it and I did too.
If I wasn't here...she could have...would have been killed.
"You okay?" I ask her, pulling her into my arms. I grabbed her shoulders, making sure there were no scratches on her. She took deep breaths to calm down.
"Yea...yea" She shook, burying her head in my shoulders. She was shaken up. I needed to get to the bottom of this. There was an attempt on my wife's life and I did not take that kindly.
"My family has probably arrived... we have to start getting ready." She nods, holding my arm tight. I hated how shaken up she was but I didn't blame her one bit.
"Nick, we can't tell anyone about this" She whispers. "I don't want to cause alarm, especially with your family visiting. I want to make a good impression nor do I want them to worry about us."
Her eyes looked remorseful. Sad. Pained. I would give her the world if she asked.
"I know how to be discreet Wyn." I kiss her cheek softly. "Let's get out of here."
Next Day
I see a few servants going in and out of the library cleaning up the aftermath of the crashing chandelier. A few pieces were taken to be observed by a team of guards and intel. I needed to have a name or lead before all my family came into the castle tonight. Yesterday's crash didn't sit well with my core. Someone had a vendetta against Wynter and I would not rest until I found out who it was.
"Watch Wynter Claus. Clear her path. If she goes to the kitchen, I need 3 guards in there before her doing a thorough inspection of the room. Every second, every minute, I want 6 guards following her. Got it?"
"We understand Sir Claus" The guards bowed with respect before following my orders.
Drew leans against the door, letting out a sigh as he surveyed the scene. "Jack claims he never left his castle. He has an alibi" Drew reveals.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Something didn't smell right. I didn't want to jump to conclusions but all signs were pointing to Jack.
"Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this bro" Drew pats my arm, reassuring me. I didn't realize my fist was clenched so tightly.
"You've seen her yet?" Drew sat in a chair across the room.
"I never left her side since last night. She's still sleeping so I thought to get a head start on intel and security. There's too much at stake to have things like this happening She's still shaken up Drew" I empathize with her but selfishly I fear for her. I don't know what I would do if Wynter wasn't a part of my life.
Every single Claus man woman and child would be arriving soon and security need to be tight.
Author Note:
This chapter was so hard to edit cause so much happened but the book is finally picking up! Hmmm do you think someone purposely cut the chandelier.
What could Wynter's darkest wish be?
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