Part 6 (it's... a date?~)
Sans's P.O.V
I was still chasing freakin' papyrus which who was still being super annoying, I was still super mad at him for telling Undyne I liked frisk. Today's been pretty awkward with frisk but... who does she like?, *Asriel? No... Papyrus? Not really... Me? I wish* well tomorrow I promised Frisk I'd hangout with her, but paps thinks it's a date but WTF BRO!!! It's just me hanging out with a girl at somewhere by are selves! *...... thinking about does sound like a date.... PAPS YOUR SOOOOOOOOOOO DEAD!!!!!!!!!!* I was loosing breath gosh why is paps so fast!! I was still thinking of frisk for some reason. How can anyone not stop thinking of her... every part of her I so perfect! Her soft brown hair, her dark brown eyes, she's just perfect but.. for me... I'm just a short skeleton who is just lazy and sleeps all day!
Frisk's P.O.V
Why would Sans even hangout with me? I'm not even pretty! Why does he think I'm adorable?! He is a very funny cute skeleton and he's like, better at video games than me! He has a lot of friends I can barely make any! *he is super hard to not think about!* " hey Frisk since your Date with Sans is tomorrow... we can help pick out a spot where you guys can out together! Alone!" The last comment Asriel said almost made me blush " guys! Like I said it's not a date!" They looked at me with their puppy eyes "Ugh fine!! I-it's a date..," they both already planned it really quickly they told me that the place is where I fell in the first place "on the surface?!" They shook their heads, Chara shouted "Nooooo! Where you landed in those flowers!" I just looked at them "oh..hehe okay!"
Chara's P.O.V
I still hate Sans, that trash bag.... but still my little sister likes him and......who cares?! I stood up all night thinking about their date... I thought of making it very special, so I got up and looked for the arts and supplies I found some ribbons so... I thought of making frisk a bow for her hair, she would look cute right?
Okay probably too much with a tutu but a bow is fine.
Asriel 's P.O.V
I heard noise.. so I got up I saw chara, she told me she was gonna make a bow for Frisk. I thought that was a great idea " hey Chara? I like the bow idea but... can we make the bow little because.. Sans will think she is... idk a baby?" Chara just glared at me "okay but .. if that trash bag calls her a baby I'll kill him and I won't regret it!" I just stared at Chara blank. Soon, it was almost daytime we didn't sleep, we needed to find a Barrett so we can stick the bow on there so it can hold it in place. Finally we found one! We placed super glue on there and it dried quickly.
Frisk's P.O.V
I woke up early in the morning, it was 6:01 i saw both Asriel and chara up. "DID YOU GUYS EVEN SLEEP?!" They shook their heads no "we made you this bow!" Asriel held it in his hand and showed me it. "It's beautiful! And you did this for me?!" They nodded, I gave them both a big hug " you guys are the best!!", "anything for you little sis" Chara never acted this nice to me before. I putted the bow on, it was super pretty they even got a picnic ready! So we all went down stairs to eat breakfast "Morning mom!" The three of us told her. "My child, where did you get that pretty bow?" Mom looked at the bow " Asriel and Chara made it for me!" She looked at them surprised "I am impressed my children! all must've been very hungry after your hard work! I made you three butterscotch cinnamon pie" we all ran to the table and started eating.
Sans's P.O.V
I woke up at 6:08, that's the earliest time I could wake up at! Papyrus knocked on my room door, "SANS!!! TODAY IS YOUR BIG DAY!!!!!" I almost forgot. I almost started blushing so I got my jacket on and got up. I opened my door and went downstairs and ate some spaghetti, idk why but.. I think that is the only food paps can make. Then I got outside and went for a walk then I headed to go grillby's. when I walked in I sat down then G. Started smiling at me "why ya so happy?", " I heard your brother who you were chasing say you liked Frisk" I blushed, he was still grinning "sooooo~", I glared and blushed deeply "'s true..." he started laughing then I got up then started leaving " well... I wouldn't judge you! She is your closest friend"he said before I left.
Frisk's P.O.V
After I finished eating I opened the door that leaves the ruins and went to snowdin'. It started getting cold again but I got used to it, then I saw the Annoying dog and Papyrus chasing the bone I Tried not to laugh then papyrus waved to me.I waved back to him. Then I saw Sans walking my way, " Hey Sans!!" I blushed a little he noticed the bow on my hair "nice bow" he blushed. "Soo.. where are we gonna go?" "Back to the ruins!", he stared at me "all the way back!?" "We could use your short cut!" He agreed and we head to the ruins, we both blushed because we were holding hands.
Sans's P.O.V
It feels super awkward! I couldn't stop blushing *SHE LOOOKS CUUUUUUUTTEEEEE IN THE BOWWW BUT WHY?!?! WHY DID SHE HAVE TO WEAR A BOW!* I couldn't stop thinking of who she likes. I didn't know where we were going but... the only thing I know is that it's not in snowdin', we were near the door to the ruins. Frisk knocked the door, door opened "back so soon my child?" Toriel looked at us holding hands, she giggled. We both were still blushing, then we both let go of each others hands . "Mom~ remember?! Asriel and Chara planned us to do a picnic over there!" I was still very confused, Toriel smiled while frisk walked passed her, Toriel glared at me "you break my daughter's heart, I'll break you" for that second, I was nervous "don't worry Tori I won't!!!" I was really confused when tori said that. * how can I break frisk's heart when we aren't together?!* then frisk grabbed my hand and was pulling it, "COME ON SANS!!!"
"I'm coming! I'm coming! Then I followed her.
Frisk's P.O.V
"Here we are! it's the place I fell and went into the underground!" Sans looked around " the psycho and Princey made the picnic and planned the place? Cool." Then I suddenly remembered something "hey sans?..." "err...yah?" I took out something from my pocket and gave it to sans "it's a friendship bracelet, to show we're BFFL's (Best.Friends.For.Life)" Sans putted the bracelet on, "heh thanks kid, it looks awesome" then he started blushing. We were talking about some stuff like, Sans's terrible jokes and stuff then i saw Asriel and Chara spying on us. Sans noticed too. Then I whispered to Sans, "they think we're on a date" I told him a plan. He tried not to laugh and he blushed a little. "Sans....." I was fake acting also is Sans. "Yah kid?...." "I never wanted to tell you this but.. I like you" then I actually started blushing when I said that. " I like you too...." he started blushing idk why but it works..! Chara and Asriel were just staring with their mouths dropped open, then I ... kissed Sans but luckily he has no lips ... we both were blushing then Chara and Asriel ran away screaming "OMFG THEY KISSED!!!!!!!", we both were laughing and blushing at the same time. "Haha.. good plan kiddo" I blushed and stared at him "heh..thanks" he stared at me and blushed too. We were leaning closer to each other then suddenly Chara was between both of us "NOPE... FUCK THIS NOT AGAIN" then she ran away again, we were both looking at each other "heheh...err" I looked up at the sky "its getting dark... well that's good!" Sans just looked at me confused "why?" I just giggled "haha..silly it's because we can see the sunset and the stars" he looked at me blushing "So kid...I was wondering what was your life like back at the surface?"
Sans's P.O.V
She frowned "it...wasn't that great....but hey?! Who needs the surface?! I like it down here! With you! And are friends!" She gave me a weak smile "h-hey! Don't be sad... at least your here with us and me!" She blushed then hugged me "I love you Sans" idk why that sentence made me blush because she said it to me a lot before "I love ya too kid" she saw a shooting star "it's a shooting star!" She made a wish "hey kid... what'cha wish for?" She was blushing "I couldn't tell you in two different ways" I looked at her "heh... name those two reasons" "well.. first reason... is because my wish wouldn't come true, and two, it's weird" I laughed a little, I picked a flower then placed it onto frisk's hair next to the bow, she blushed, I blushed, "hey sans.." "yah kid?" She laughed a little "thanks for being my friend when I first came to the underground " I smiled at her "who wouldn't want to be friends with you?" Then she frowned a little "a lot of people.." I thought she was about to cry. "Hey... what ya talking about? Me, my bro, Chara, Asriel, actually every monster in the underground is friends with you" then she smiled at me "hehe sans your not just a friend, your the awesomest and funniest friend I ever had.... your always there for me when I had problems in the under ground" I smiled at her then blushed * probably... more than friends?* then Asriel ruined the moment. "How's your guys date going?" We both blush, I looked at frisk "err... 'date?' " she blushed deeply.
Frisk's P.O.V
............. my mind was just blank.. I didn't know what to say to Sans, I glared at Asriel then he ran away (like the second time). " UGH.....BROTHERS!!!" Then I landed my face onto the flowers. Sans looked at me then smiled "hey... a date isn't so bad" I just looked at him and blushed, I couldn't believe he just said that "uh... heh.. then this... could be a date? " he blushed "sure?" It was silent for a moment then I yawned "heh... tired kid?" I wasn't really that tired , "no not really " we talked about what was like before I came to the underground and Sans kept on telling me his terrible puns. I tried not to laugh but his jokes were to terrible! "Sans! If papyrus were here! He'd be super mad at you !!! Hahahahahah!!!!" He was laughing too "he's been a pretty COLD-slaw heheh" then suddenly I got a flashback of the surface I saw my mom {" FRISK! RUN!"} "Mommy!!!" I was crying my dad picked me up and started running leaving my mother in the fire , someone shot her. She died. I had a picnic at mount Ebott. I was playing then I got lost in a forest, I couldn't find my dad. I called out his name he didn't respond. Then I found a cave I thought he would be there but he wasn't then I tripped over a root then I fell into the big hole " DADDDDYYYYYYY!!!" -flash back ended- Sans looked at me " okay?" I looked at sans I had tears in my eyes, "kid what's wrong?" I told him my flashback of me and my parents, he frowned "that sounds... Tear-able" but he didn't laugh. "I really didn't have any friends in the surface, it was just me and my parents. I hugged Sans tightly, I started crying "don't leave me too!" Sans looked at me and frowned "I won't, not ever." "Promise?" Sans gave me a weak smile but then I was surprised "I promise" he never really liked promises. But he promised.
Sans's P.O.V
I actually felt bad for frisk, why would that happen? Especially to her?! She was sleeping *heh...cute* well I didn't expect it to be a date but okay! Then suddenly come to think of it, *OH CRAP... TORI IS GUNNA HAVE MY HEAD IF SHE DOESNT COME HOME OH GAWD OH GAWD OH GAWD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!* then suddenly frisk was snuggling on me, I was blushing deeply she was cute and warm . Then i gently tried picking her up she was a little bit heavy but light too.
She was still snuggling but didn't bother me too much. I can't believe it was a date, well she kissed me, but it was only to get Chara and Asriel to leave. Idk why I feel like kissing her again but did....but I didn't want to in the other hand. But I just had to! But I couldn't then I accidentally tripped on a rock, then frisk woke up. I fell on top of her. We both were blushing.
"S-Sans?! W-what are you doing?!" Well I was carrying you then I tripped on a rock... THATS WHAT I WAS DOING!!!! "Well I was gonna bring ya back home..." she deeply stares into my eye sockets she was still blushing, I was still blushing , I leaned closer and closer to her, she closed her eyes when I was leaning closer *OMFG WERE GONNA KISS!!!!! IM GUNNA KILL MYSELF!!* why does everyone have to ruin are moments, "a-are you two, g-gonna kiss? S-sorry I ruined y-your moment " Blooky looked sad as always , frisk blushed even more "err.....heh lucky mom isn't here!" Frisk was right because Tori would have my head.
Frisk's P.O.V
Omg me and sans were gonna kiss!!! I just wish we weren't interrupted at all. That was an awkward moment, I can't believe he was gunna kiss me!! We both blushed deeply, Sans got up and gave me a hand, " heh, uh... that was weird" it really wasn't that much. "Not really but I agree..." he smiled at me, I smiled at him, we were really good friends. Nothing can break us apart, well there's only one thing and that one is the one WE BOTH hate. Reset, but I promised him I will never ever ever reset again. "Hey sans?..." he turned to me "yah frisk?" .... this is dumb "so... if there are other human souls, could they reset too?" I was only asking... "heh.. kid.. your the only soul who has a lot of determination and the other souls don't but they did have determination! But not a lot like you, your soul is really special that it has enough determination to reset." I never expected Sans to be that smart, but that is true. I grinned at him. "Why are you making that face" I was still grinning "idk but I just have a feeling " he laughed. "Your so weird Frisk" I laughed with him, we both had fun today, in are picnic he was stacking hotdogs on top of my head. He is a good friend, I mean a REALLY good friend. Then we knock on my mother's door, we heard foot steps going downstairs, someone unlocked the door, "hey frisk and sans *yawn* how's your guys's date?"Asriel said rubbing his eye, he looked really tired. "Great, we saw shooting stars, we looked at the sunset, it was amazing, and awkward at the same time."
Sans's P.O.V
I really didn't know it was a date but... I had a great time , frisk looked really cute in her bow, and cuter with the flower on her hair. "Hey kid, gotta head back to snowdin, paps probably worried I'm not there for so many hours! Welp see ya later kid and princey!" Then she gave me a hug one last time, she was heh, soft and smelled good. I almost freaked out cause she wouldn't stop hugging me! But she's so cute and smelled amazing, what did she put on her? Perfume ?!
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