Palette x Goth
WARNING: This one shot contains the Hanahaki Disease!
For those who don't know what that is: It's a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.
And yes, I made a google search for this. 😅
Goth's POV.
Everything started last year with simple coughing. At first we all thought it was just a cold and that it would be over soon. Though, I knew something was off. I knew this wasn't a cold because I only got this coughing attacks everytime Palette left after a hang out. As the months went by, my parents got really worried and took me to a doctor when my coughing wouldn't stop.
The doctor couldn't find anything at first, so he started to ask me about my daily routine to see if there was anything that could trigger my coughing. When I came to the time of the day where I hung out with Palette I started to blush from those memories and. . . I started to cough again but this time it was stronger than ever before. It was so strong and painful that I fell off the chair, collapsing on the ground. My parents rushed over to me trying to help me, although they didn't know how.
It felt horribly. I could feel something becoming tight around my non-existent lungs as I had trouble breathing. There was lot of noises but I couldn't make out anything. My whole attention was on that unbearable pain. Something crawled up my throat and my coughing became even stronger if that was possible. Then finally something left my mouth but I couldn't tell what it was because my eyes were filled with tears. It went quite as soon as I coughed that something out, it was like someone flipped a switch. My vision started to clear and I saw that little thing that just left my body. It was a little green-yellow flower patel with a little blood on it. I turned my head and saw the shocked faces of my parents and the doctor. Still wide eyed, the doctor said one sentence that would change everything forever.
"It's. . . It's the Hanahaki disease. . ."
Well, and that was it. My cruel diagnosis. The doctor told us everything he knew about the disease. When he told us that it was a deadly illness caused by one-sided love, my parents burst out in tears, especially my mom but I was just shocked about the one-sided love part. I have to admit, Palette is cute, sweet and caring and he looks really good but I never thought that my feelings were this strong.
My dad asked if the hanahaki disease could be healed and the doctor said yes in two ways. Either when Palette returns my feelings or when they remove the illness with a surgery but if I do that, all my feelings for Palette would be removed aswell and. . . I didn't want that.
Both my parents begged me to do the surgery because I didn't want to talk to Palette about this. They don't want me to die of course. That would be hard especially for dad because he would be the one who has to reap me.
Anyway, right now I was hanging out with Palette again watching a movie. He made a few jokes as I felt all warm inside but also I felt the thorns around my lungs tighten. Palette didn't know about my condition. I didn't want him to know. Every time I had to cough up flower patels I would hold it in even if it hurts or make a excuse and doing this painful 'business' in the bathroom. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to do the surgery neither. I'd rather let this kill me than losing all my love for him.
As we watched the movie I became sleepy and before I could stop it my head fell on Palette's shoulder.
Palette's POV.
I felt a weight on my shoulder making me jump a little in surprise. I turned my head and saw Goth leaning on me with closed eyes. 'Wow, he is kind of cute. . . Wait, Palette what are you thinking? He's my best friend! Right?. . .'
"Uhm. . . Goth. . .?" His eye sockets opened revealing his light purple eye. I felt myself blush a little as his face grew pink and he jumped back, creating as much room between us as possible.
"O-Oh goodness! I'm sorry Palette! I- I was just a l-little sleepy a-and my head fell! . . .U-Ugh. . . E-Ex-cuse me f-f-for a moment'' He quickly got up and ran straight to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. I flinched from the loud noise with a confused expression. 'What has gotten into him? Maybe I should check on him.'
I rose from the couch and made my way to the bathroom my 'possible' crush was in. As I stood right in front of the door I started to hear coughing and gagging. It sounded like someone had trouble breathing. Wait, Scratch that. . . It sounded like Goth had trouble breathing.
Worried, I banged on the wooden door, trying to open it but it was locked. ''Goth?! Goth what is going on in there?! Answer me!'' But again, my attempts were in vain. Goth continued to cough, giving me the worry that he might die. ''GOTH OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE!!!'' I begged my best friend while still hammering on the wooden barrier that kept me away from him. He still didn't respond but the coughing stopped and not a single sound was heard. I had enough. I took a step back, gathered all my strength and rammed my entire body against the door, trying to break it. I continued this process until it finally gave in and broke open. What I saw in there made my soul tremble.
Goth was lying there on the ground motionless with a puddle of blood and flower petals beneath him. I quickly rushed over to him and pulled him into a tight embrace.
Relief filled my body as I felt him stir, meaning that he was alive. My gaze met his as he opened his sockets. ''P-Palet-te. . .?'' His voice sounded sore and it seemed to be hard to speak but still he tried. ''Pa-lette, I- I'm s-so sor-ry!. . . I- I can e-xpla--'' I interrupted him by putting a finger on his mouth to silent him. ''It's ok, there's nothing to explain.'' I knew what was happening right as I opened the door. I recognize the Hanahaki Disease when I see it and I know what causes it. One-sided love.
To be honest, it kinda hurts that Goth is in love with someone else. . .Wow, I guess my silly little crush is stronger than I thought. Goth looked at me with shock. ''B-But. . .'' I interrupted him again.
''It's ok Goth. I know that you have the Hanahaki Disease but. . . I don't why you wouldn't tell me sooner about your condition. . . Don't you trust me?''
''What? No! I mean Yes! I- I do trust you. . . I. . . I didn't want to tell you because. . . because I didn't want to worry you. . .''
''Well, it's a little too late for that, don't you think? Hehe.'' I slightly chuckled while helping him to sit up before continuing.
''C-Can. . . Can you tell me one thing?'' I said, trembling a bit because I was a bit scared of the answer.
''Uh. . . sure, what is it?''
''. . . Who?. . . Who are you in love with?. . . Who dares not to return your feelings?!'' I exclaimed a lot more aggressive than I wanted but I couldn't help it. The thought alone that someone would reject someone like Goth makes my blood boil.
Author's POV.
Goth was confused and shocked by Palette's tone of voice. He never saw him so mad before. The smaller struggled if he should answer truthfully or not. 'What should I do? I mean. . . This was my chance to confess. . . Maybe even my only chance. . . I have to take this opportunity'
''Well, I've known him since I was small. He was always there for me and over time. . . I've been developing feelings for him but. . . I know that he would never like me the same way I do, he made that clear more than once, so. . . yeah. . .'' Palette's heart shattered at this words. He couldn't believe that anyone would turn down someone as amazing as Goth. He quickly pulled him into a tight hug.
''Well, then it's his loss. You're amazing Gothy and anyone who doesn't accept your feelings is an absolute idiot!'' Palette pulled Goth even closer as the smallers face exploded in a deep blush. The reaper in training thought about these words and after a few minutes of silence, he burst out laughing. The taller separated, looking at the other with confusion.
''S-Sorry Palette, hehe. . . I-Its just funny hehe because y-you just called yourself an idiot. Hehehehe'' Palette blushed. He couldn't believe it.
''Uh, I'm your crush?'' Goth nodded shyly, still giggling a bit. ''But. . . Goth, I do feel the same! What in the world would make you. . . think. . . that. . . I. . .''
~short flashbacks~
Flashback 1: The two young skeletons were going to take a picture for good memories. They stood next to eachother. Goth was making a half of a heart with his hand but Palette just gave a thumbs up.
(Picture NOT from me)
When they looked at the picture later, Palette smiled brightly, not noticing Goth screaming inside.
Flashback 2: Goth and Palette were on a fair, trying all sorts of games. Eventually they got to this game were you have to throw balls at metal cans to win a price. (I have no idea what that's called, you all know what I mean, right?) Palette could see that Goth really liked this Temmie plush and wanted to get it for him. He won.
Worker: ''Here you go.''
Palette: ''Yeah, I know I'm awesome!'' -turns to Goth and hands him the Plushie- ''Anyway, here you go buddy!''
Goth: ''F-For me?''
Palette: -smiles brightly- ''Of course it's for you! I'm more into those awesome-looking underswap Temmies! I just thought I'd win you this since it's pretty adorable. . . Just like you!''
Goth: -stares- . . .
Palette: ''What's the matter buddy? You don't like it?''
Goth: -explodes in blush while screaming inside-
(Again, art not mine)
Flashback 3: Palette walked over to his best friend, noticing that he looked a little nervous.
Palette: ''Hey Goth, what's up?''
Goth: ''-blushes- I. . . uh, wanted to tell you something. . .''
Palette: ''Yes?'' -waits for answer-
Goth: 'Oh no, he's hot!' -blushes more-
Palette: ''Got--''
Goth: ''I. . . I like you!''
Palette: -blushes a bit- ''G-Goth, I like you to.''
Goth: ''R-Really?''
Palette: ''Of course we're best friends right?''
Goth: ''Right'' -Screaming inside-
~End of Flashbacks~ (I love you when you gkt the references)
''. . . .Oh. . . '' After remembering, Palette felt so embarrassed and 'oh' was the only thing he could say.
''Yeah, oh'' Goth responded. Both skeletons sat there in silence for a while until they both decided to break the silence at the same time. ''So, you like like me? What? Of course I do I have for a while now! Ok, now it gets creepy, stop it!'' They both burst out laughing shortly after. After they calmed down they looked at each other and slowly leaned in. Their lips touched and they slung their arms around the other. Goth could feel the thorns around his lungs and soul disappearing but a huge weight was lifted off both of their chests.
They pulled away after a while, smiling at each other. Their was nothing more to say because they said everything with the kiss.
Done! I hope you like it!
I have the feeling I got a bit lazy at the end but, meh, I tried.
And since I don't know what to say right now I'm just gonna stop talking now.
❤Love you all❤
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