The Sanses react to PJ's Daycare
(Scenes will be described before the reactions, and the same ships as the video + Dustberry)
(Also, " " means it's the question to describe the scene and they will not be reacting to all the scenes because not all of them would have verbal answers other than laughter)
Lust: What are we here for?
Ink: Reacting to a video
Error: Why?
Dream: It's gonna be fun!
Blue: Yeah!!!
Geno: I'm not excited
Nightmare: Neither am I
*Video Starts*
("Oh I can only imagine that PJ's the only adult and Error, Ink and Fresh are children")
Error: *wheezing*
Ink: Of course you did that
Nightmare: It hasn't even been a minute and Error already made it funny
("hey little Ink sans, do you like to play with Error?")
Ink: *blushes*
Blue: Kinder Ink looks seems very shy
Reaper: Huh, a lot has changed
("Can I give them some cookies plz? *-*")
Error: Ink's too shy to take a cookie from an anon
Ink: At least I didn't insult their cookies!
Geno: literally the only nice kinder in this scene is Fresh
Reaper: Where the hell are the rest of us?
("Aww, hi there, Ink! I brought you a sketchbook and colored pencils you little cutie *pats his head*")
Error: You legit look like your going to cry
Ink: either of happiness or that someone I don't know touched me
("Please don't be shy Ink, *try petting him but decided not to* I'll give you your space, you must already feel uncomfortable *gives him a gentle comforting smile*")
Ink: Now that's better
Error: What do people not understand about a kid being shy?
Cross: They are anons
("PJ HOW DARE YOU! YOU MADE THE SMOL CRY! Nao go and say something nice to Fresh")
Ink: Good job, but also are you okay? You got really glitchy there
Error: Embarrassment probably
Geno: "you made the smol cry" the highest offension
Nightmare: Nobody noticed Ink's fucking eyes while that was happening?
("How did Ink react to ERROR standing up for his bro?")
Nightmare: Apparently like he just cured cancer
Ink: they are Kinders, it could be damn well close to it
Error: your eyes were like 50% of your face there
("Did Paperjam and Fresh ever make up for the whole crying incident?")
Error: Kinder me death glaring at PJ
Ink: Kinder me is still shook as hell
Nightmare: and Fresh is still crying
("Hey Kinder! UnderLust sans, don't touch any of the other kiddos in the wrong way or else you'll get, /THE CORNER/ dun dun dun")
Geno: You act like it's jail
Lust: I heard that someone was in the corner on their tippy toes, with thumb tacks sticking up under their heels for a bit
Nightmare: *taking notes* go on?
("Kinder!Horrortale Sans and Kinder!Lust Sans?")
Horror: *getting a couch cushion* LET'S DO THIS
Geno: horROR NO-
("Has Ink in the Kindergarten AU have any friends yet like Dream or Blue?")
Dream: Poor Kinder!Ink
Blue: Kinder me just happy to run
Ink: I can tell Kinder!Ink doesn't like Dream or Blue's endless energy
Error: I don't either
("What does PJ think of horror and lust?")
Lust: The pure difference of what we are doing is hilarious
Geno: Horror and Lust in a single picture
("Error decided to hold Inky's little hand")
Error: Out of all the things I could've expected, this was not one of them
Ink: *blushed silence*
Dream and Blue: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Reaper: If only it were that easy
Geno: Legit, Kinder! Ink looks like they are about to cry again
("OH MY GAWD ANOTHER BABY WEDDING! When I was in preschool my classmates had a wedding, it was adorable. Here Error, here are the rings *hands Error two ring pops*")
*Error and Ink are just sitting there, blushing*
Reaper: UwU
Geno: Fuck no, stop that
Reaper: *gets closer* UwU
("I ship horror and lust now")
(Btw, first time I watched this I had no idea what a ship is, that was fun)
Lust: *wheezing* just the "nope" is hilarious
Horror: *slowly pulls out his axe* Hehe
(*The whole bow buds fiasco*)
Dream: The bows are bigger then the Kinders are what the hell?
Blue: The fluttering
Error: Alas, swapfell tries to fit in but fails
Ink: As always
Nightmare: The denial
("So what do the Star Sanses think if SANESSSS???")
Blue: Why are Kinder!Dream and I the only Star Sanses
Cross: Kinder!Ink was too shy
Dream: The Kinder! Star Sanses are very welcoming
("Hey Sweetheart, hows it like being married to Error? (You don't have to answer if you don't want to)")
Ink: I definitely feel Kinder! me has a problem with attention being on them
("Awww! Inky still didn't eat his ring pop")
Ink: why the focus on my character?!
Error: Idk
Nightmare: it's getting interesting
("Omg Error, your newly wed needs comfort")
Error: Cuddles make everything better
Nightmare: That was so out of character for you
Ink: If you think about it, cuddles can solve a lot of things. It's comforting to know someone has your back and will be there with you
Dream: *nods*
("Cross is a bery kawaii")
Cross: Oh no
Ink: Oh! It's X!Chara
Cross: How do you know that?
Ink: -_-
Error: He's the Creator/Protecter, Cross
(Whatever you choose)
Cross: oh
("Hey chara")
Cross: Chara is not an imaginary friend-
Ink: I know
("Who is Senpai, Cross?")
Nightmare: It's my passive form, I hate it
Ink: Kinder!Cross doesn't
Cross: Kinder!Dream's reaction is funny
("So newly Weds, why don't you give each other cute nicknames?")
Dream: hey, didn't you guys actually use to call-
Ink: *tackles Dream* You stop right there
Error: Holy shit Kiki
Ink: *pauses and blushes*
Error: *realization*
("Did Ink and Error do a little kissy at the wedding~?")
Ink: *blushing silence*
Error: *also in blushed silence*
Lust: *fanboys*
Horror: Calm the fuck down
("How would younger Fresh react if PJ got a girlfriend?")
Error: This is going to take a bad turn
Nightmare: I can sense it
("PJ how dare you cheat on poor Fresh?")
Ink: oh no
Nightmare and Error: Knew it
Ink: Oh god, oh no
Error: The police are gonna get involved
Nightmare: oof
("Actually, how did fresh get there without CQ noticing?")
Ink: CQ seems familiar
Reaper: I think they're Error, Geno and Fresh's creator
Error: does that mean we are technically brothers?
Geno: Yup
("*Carefully explains what happened to police* It was all a big misunderstanding, little fresh happens to have a crush on Me PJ and pj didn't want want to make him sad. Mr Pj is no pedo, he's a loving caretaker that would go to hell and back for the kids he cares for")
Geno: why am I such a fucking snob?
Reaper: Idk, maybe your the oldest
Ink: Makes sense
("RACIST! PJs not a pedo P.S I'm bad at sentence")
Error: RaCiSt
Nightmare: *wheezing*
Ink: *chuckling lightly*
("Why is After such a snob?")
Geno: Reaper was right
Reaper: You think you have respect
Error: and ya don't
("Can we have the butterfly bows work as actual wings so that the Sanses who have them can use them to flutter around? That would be abso-f'n-lutely adorable")
Blue: That's cool!
Dream: SF behind you though, he gonna murder ya in your sleep
("Hello Mr PJ, I come to take my kids. They have a doctor's appointment")
Ink: Nightmare looks terrified while Joku is running away
Nightmare: and Dream is completely oblivious
("Can we see kid fresh talking to 7goodangel about ct! Paperjam?")
Ink: PJ's reaction though
Error: I would react like that
("Hey, I wonder how PJ would react if Error fell sick at Daycare and the other kids would they go crazy or they wouldn't really be bothered?")
Error: Fs in the chat for our fallen soldier
Geno: Oh no, Kinder!Geno is becoming sassy
(*The four or five questions directed to Geno*)
Geno: wow I literally called my sick brother a crybaby
Reaper: Both Error and Fresh only cried once
Ink: Kinder!Geno is a slight asshole
("Nightmare decides to read Error a story")
Ink: who else keeps forgetting Joku themself keeps writing these
Error: I do
Dream: It's nice to know he cares sometimes
NM: I care, I just don't show it often
Cross: *secretly fawning over how cute NM looked*
("Did Cross get to hear Nightmare's story?")
Cross: Of course he did
NM: As expected
("Haha, Nightmare's face is priceless wasn't he just adorable cross? Especially when he blushed (don't worry, I'm not trying to steal your senpai)")
Cross: He was adorable!
Ink: Aww! Chara's adorable
("Chara, your so cute and this might be the one world I can't decide who's cuter you or Cross")
Cross: *gay gasp* Holy shit Chara is just a baby!
Ink: He got close to saying "anon"
("Error, how do you feel?")
Error: silence
Ink: That's accurate
Geno: Tbh, yeah
(I wasn't going to include moments with the rivalry with PJ and Spring but this one is to funny not to write a reaction for)
NM and Dream: ???
Blue: They're adding drama to this specific moment
NM and Dream: Of course they are
("Is babu Error still sick?")
Ink: *face goes dark* Oh no
Error: I have a bad feeling
("PJ! what the fuck are you waiting for? Run to a hospital, call a doctor, I don't know BUT NOW")
Dust: *calmly picks up Blue and sit with him on the couch, calming him*
("Bet that Geno is in a hella worried state now that Error is going to the hospital")
Geno: I can be scary
Reaper: I don't like where this is going *sinks slightly into the couch*
("Someone kick some sense into Geno!")
Error: Ink scared a person like three times his age at least while holding Reaper in the air and after he smacked Geno
Ink: *trembling*
Reaper: He didn't mean literally kick some sense into him!
*Error hugs Ink, then does the same thing to Ink that Dust did to Blue*
("Oh no, Fresh! Can't anyone help him?")
Geno: oh no this is going to mentally harm Kinder! Me
Reaper: Yeah. . . . *Sinks even further into the couch*
(*Blue and Dream's speech*)
(Also, Ink at 22:19 mins into the vid is priceless)
Ink: This could go one of two ways regarding Geno
Reaper: *silently sinks even further into the couch*
Blue: Kinder!Dream's voice is a higher pitch then mine
("What does Geno think of Blue and Dream's speech?")
Geno: And I ran away
Reaper: I'm the only one to notice your absence
Ink: I knew it was going to go badly
("Hey Ink, aren't you going to apolgize to Goth and Geno?")
Geno: Wait- Is Kinder!Reaper crying?
Reaper: Yeah *hesitantly*
Error: *whispers* and this is when Geno realizes how much he means to Reaper
Ink: finally, it's painful watching Reaper trying to hint at it only to get a tsundere reaction from Geno
Reaper: *sits up and out of the couch*
Geno: Now they realize!
("Okay, but where's baby Geno? Is he okay? Is he sad? WE NEED TO KNOW")
Reaper: *slowly wraps his arms around Geno and lightly cries*
Geno: *shocked but turns to cuddle Reaper*
("I wonder what Reaper is thinking now that Geno has run away")
Ink: To say that Reaper is worried is an understatement
("Reaper baby, it's going to be okay. all it is, is an emotional impact that led Geno to believe he doesn't belong anywhere so he ran away and probably will never return, oh")
Geno: Way to be blunt
Ink: My earlier statement has been proven true again
Reaper: *holds Geno a little tighter*
("You better watch your ass Pallette, or stick cat mum will come for you")
Error: Who the hell are they talking about?
Ink: Nekophy, Goth's Creator
("How's little Reaper back at the daycare")
Reaper: Too worried about Geno to eat
Geno: *pulls Reaper into his lap*
("Watch out Pallette, make sure that love doesn't turn into lust~")
*Everyone collectively face palms*
("Where, WHERE IS TEAM ROCKET? I mean, Blue and Dream, help to Reaper!")
Geno: Not even hugs helped?
Blue: I mean, it wasn't you
("*pets little Cloud* How about you try to cheer your friend up my son? Form something he likes with your fantastic clouds~")
Reaper: Well that helped a bit
Geno: Best they could do, I guess
Reaper: NO NO NO! *Buries his face in Geno's neck and starts to cry again*
Ink: Geno! N-No
Blue: *starts to cry as well*
Dust: *comforts Blue*
Geno: Not to mention Reaper
Ink: So many people would miss you
Error: Am I dead?
("What about the baby brother fresh? Does he even know what's going on right now?")
Ink: Oof, I'm stressed
Error: I wouldn't blame you
Geno: Thinking about it, I wouldn't either
Geno: Why did they gasp?
{Get it? No? I'll walk myself out}
Ink: Yay! Error's alive!
Error: Oh thank goodness
*Everyone lets out a breath they were subconsciously holding in*
Geno: Come on, get down from there
Reaper: Please
("Calm down Geno. . . . ERROR is okay now, you can get down from there and come see your little brother!")
Ink: Aww!
Error: What the hell was that noise?
Reaper: a glitchy pigeon coo
("He's aliveeeeeee! Yes I'm so proud of Geno, NEVER DO THAT AGAIN")
Geno: Thank goodness they're both okay now
Ink: the other two must be either still scared he almost jumped, or being happy he didn't
Error: Suicide is never the answer, but just saying it can't make people stop doing it.
Nightmare: I mean, yeah you're only making them feel selfish and guilty for even trying
("How does everyone feel about Geno being back at the daycare?")
Ink: Glad, though Bluescreen is a little confused
Error: He was gone for the entirety of Geno missing
Geno: I forgot about him
Reaper: The smol is crying
Reaper: Now Kinder!Geno realizes one of the unexpected people to care about him so much
Geno: Better now than never
Ink: Yay!
("Ruru! Go see your loved ones!")
Error: He's very surprised
Ink: In the whole video this was the one time you addressed him by his real name and was nice to him
Ink: he did a tiny baby gasp
("Awwww x333333 the baby newly Weds have reunited")
Ink: Yay!
Blue: Awww!
Reaper: They're together once again!
("Yo Fell! Your best friend's back")
Error: Weirdly sing song tune while saying that
Blue: The amount of floof on Fell's hood makes him not intimidating at all
("Will fresh finally wake up now that the quiz show is over? Nice intermission BUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?")
Error: Oh, he thinks it's all a nightmare
NM: But it's not
Ink: It's better for Fresh to believe it is than learn it was all real
("Geno, what do you think of Reaper? And be honest")
Geno: *blushes*
Reaper: Kinder!Me is shook
(Pretty much the rest is about either Gray, Poth, Fresh realized he should leave PJ alone when it comes to his crush on him, and the extra part)
Geno: Who are the caretakers? I mean I know their names but I'm confused
Me: *appears* glad you asked Geno!
Reaper: Who the fuck are you?
Me: The author, now to answer Geno's question, the caretakers are what's called ship children, a fan made character based on two characters but they're older
Me: PJ and Gradient are the ship children of Ink and Error, Pallette is the ship child Ink and Dream, Goth is the ship child of Geno and Reaper, Bluescreen is the ship child of Error and Blue
Reaper: Are there any more?
Me: Oh way more! Between any and all ships! Incubux is a ship child of Cross and Nightmare, Desire is a ship child of Horror and Lust, Sprinkle is the ship child of Dust and Blue, anyways this chapter is pretty long
Error: How and why?
Me: No idea, but I gotta stop though I'll have another chapter where you interact with the kinders because I have nothing better to do
(Bye Everyone! Stay safe and inside your house!)
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