Sleepover *Part 2*
(In the Morning)
(Ink's POV)
I wake up to Error slightly shaking me. Almost everyone is awake except for Cross and Horror.
Geno and Reaper were with us now, sitting on the couch next to me. Killer and Dream were making breakfast.
A couple minutes later, Cross and Horror were woken up. Then, Cross started talking about more plans he and Killer had planned.
Just before Dream and Killer were starting to serve breakfast, Blue yelled my name from the bathroom.
"Yes, Blue?" I smirked, knowing what he was freaking out about.
"Did you really have to do this?!" He screeched and I remembered his shirt, which had been decorated with pictures of Dust with a heart around each one.
"I thought you liked that shirt" I giggled as he walked out and yelled, "I do, but why do you do this to me?!".
Error then started laughing hysterically. Between laughing he had been able to wheeze out, "I did the same thing to Dust".
Then, I started laughing my non existent ass off. We didn't calm down until Dream and Killer served everyone breakfast.
After we finished, Truth or Dare started up again. Things got chaotic quick.
"Cross! Truth or Dare?" Reaper started.
"Uh, Dare!"
"I dare you to throw a random person out the window". Cross proceeded to grab Killer and throw him out the window.
"He was across the room from you what the fuck?".
"He was the first person I saw, okay? Anyways, Blue truth or dare" Cross asked.
"Ok, let Error choose an outfit for you from Dust's closet" Cross smirked as Error and Blue walked to wherever the fuck Dust kept his clothes.
When they came back Blue was wearing one of Dust's grey turtlenecks and a pair of his sweatpants. He looked happy and comfy.
"Now, INK! Truth or Dare?!" Blue smirked. I had to think, either get a big secret revealed or be dared to do something embarrassing.
"Dare?" I cautiously said. Blue smirked. "Eat a sponge". Oh no.
"No! Hell no, I will not eat a sponge. Anything else please" I begged.
"Nope, its the one thing you hate eating" Blue grinned. I then got a sponge and slowly ate it. Once I was done, I hid behind Error.
"I am never doing that again, anyways. Dust, Truth or Dare?!".
"Dare, I'm not scared" Dust chuckled.
"Drink bleach" I said.
"What the fuck?".
"Drink. Bleach. It's not that bad" I repeated. I summon a bottle of bleach and hand it to him.
"You like BLEACH but hate SPONGES?" Dust yelled. Blue and Dream sighed, "Ink will eat anything but sponges. He hates the texture".
Dust drank some of the bleach and ran to the bathroom to throw it up after he did. "That was disgusting".
"Maybe to you, but not to me" I said. Error whispered, "Green is not a creative color" next to me and I started laughing.
"Is that from the fucking 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared' video?!" I wheezed out. He nodded and started laughing with me.
Once we calmed down, Dust spoke. "Horror, Truth or Dare?".
"Dare, but don't make me move". Horror was cuddling Lust, who was in his lap.
"Have Lust read your last 5 Google searches" Dust grinned. Horror handed Lust his phone and continued to cuddle him.
"Best way to cut someone up, the best weapon to use on humans, where to buy dark blue dye, where to buy string and then just a link to Tumblr" Lust sounded confused around the dye and string bit.
"I was going to prank Error by tying him up with dyed string but I forgot. Anyways, Nightmare Truth or Dare?".
"Eh, truth. No one has picked it yet".
"Do you or do you not watch comics of people in this room?" Horror asked.
"Of course I do, and then I tease them about it" Nightmare chuckled. "So, Dream. Truth or Dare?".
"Dare, why not?" Dream smiles.
"Share some of the things you find online".
Dream smirked and brought out his phone.
"Didn't know you were the romantic type Dust!" Reaper teased.
"I have a video I would like to share" Dream grinned.
"Uh-I-Uh-wait-um" Reaper was a stuttering mess, Dust chuckled and mocked him.
"Didn't know you where the flustered type, Reaper!". Reaper hid behind Geno and underneath his cloak.
I laughed with Error as Dream smirked towards us, oh no. That's can't be good.
"What was that, Ink?" Dream chuckled. Nightmare was laughing his ass off while Error looked like a brighter version of the sun.
I'm pretty sure I looked like someone took the color out of Skittles and put it on my cheeks.
Dream then smirked at Nightmare. Oh hell yes, I don't know what he is going to do but I think it's going to be hilarious.
Everyone was wheezing and gasping for air they were laughing so hard. (Not that way you sinners).
We repeated lines and laughed even more. I'm pretty sure we had to stop and calm down after that.
Once everyone calmed down, Cross and Killer stood up.
"Now time for the best part of today, Find Heaven in the Dark!" Cross yelled.
"We turn the lights off, and make sure it's really dark. Then, run around and make it into an open closet and lock it once two people are in there. We stay in there until the author decides." Killer explained as he turned off the lights.
Someone made it even darker and we all had to run off. I ran off to a specific closet, I know this place pretty well. Used to go here all the time back when Nightmare, Error, Dream and I were best friends.
Error might have run to the same closet, once I got in there I asked if anyone was there.
"REEEEET" Error yelled. I locked the door and sat down.
"So Criss Cross and Kills are probably expecting us to make out or something".
"Or do the frick frack" Error laughed at his own phrasing.
"I don't know about you, but I just want to take a nap. I laughed so much it took my breath away," I laid against Error and got comfy.
"Same". Error leaned his head against mine, I grabbed a blanket that was in here and threw it around us. We fell asleep quickly after that.
(3rd Person POV)
As the others ran away, Dust picked up Blue, Horror was picked up by Lust somehow, and Nightmare grabbed Cross. Killer grabbed Dream's hand while Reaper brought out his wings and flew around the corridors, eventually picking up Geno.
Blueberry and Dust had cuddled throughout some of the time. Blue was on Dust's lap burying his face into Dust's neck. Though it got a bit heated in there later on, you could hear both of them.
Luckily nobody was in a closet near them. When they stopped, they continued to cuddle. Blue would kiss Dust's cheek every once in a while while Dust always had a protective arm around Blue.
Cross was worried as the slimy tendril that coiled around him held a firm grip on him. Nightmare didn't know why he was running, he knew this place inisde and out.
Once they got there, Nightmare quickly shut and locked the door. Cross fell asleep though before Nightmare could say anything, though he did have a fun time listening to Cross sleep talk about pushing people off buildings.
Killer was so dizzy when him and Dream got to a closet, shut and locked the door he had fallen instantly. He played dead as a way to entertain Dream.
After that, Dream and Killer shared stories about their siblings or friends and chuckled at their stupidity. Then they had moved on to going into their phones and showing each other memes until they fell asleep.
Lust had quickly gotten into a closet, shut the door and locked it faster than you can say his name. Horror looked astonished at what his boyfriend was able to accomplish.
Lust proceeded to pass out from using too much energy in less than half an hour. Horror made sure Lust didn't get hurt and was comfy.
Reaper had managed to not only convince Ink to summon Nintendo Switches, but he had managed to grab them and get Animal Crossing.
"I love you" Geno kissed Reaper's cheek as the game loaded up. Reaper blushed and leaned against Geno, starting his game and smiling as the two were the happiest they could be.
(Ending it there)
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