Me: This is random scenarios again, I have no motivation, take it
Geno, to Reaper: Why are you like this?
Reaper: Come on, you know you love me~
Geno: Where'd you get that idea?
Reaper: . . . .
Reaper: *sniffle*
Error: I know you like your scary vibe you give off
Nightmare: Yes?
Error: And you are not an item
Nightmare: Continue please
Error: Or a mere teddy bear
Nightmare: Sleep with one eye open
Error: So you obviously want me to move them
(Killer and Cross are on either sides of Nightmare, cuddling him as if he was a stuffed animal)
Nightmare: Move them and I'll kill you
Dream: Ink is an . . . interesting person
Ink, in the background at a minor inconvenience: Fucking kill me already, COME AT ME BITCH
Blue: Yeah, let's go with that
Sci: People think I'm smart, and they are right sometimes but once for an experiment I said nothing but the word "mouth" for an hour and proceeded to never say it again for the next month.
*Dust and Blue avoid a near death experience*
Blue: I'm so glad we're alive I could kiss you!
Dust, panicking: N-neat
Horror: Aw, come on. It's not that bad, remember what I did when Lust confessed to me?
Dust: Didn't you thank him?
Horror, looking at the ceiling: I thanked him.
Nightmare: I'm shipped with so many people it's insane! I'm going to fucking explode!
Ink, who has the same amount if not more ships: it gets worse
*Fell, Blue and Dust are hanging out*
Blue: what's sin?
Dust: * death glares towards Fell*
Fell: I-
Dust: *punches Fell in the stomach* It's nothing you need to worry about Blue!
Blue: Oh, okay. Is Fell alright?
Fell: Yeah, I'm fine
Ink: I love Dream and Blue to death but sometimes I want to crush their SOULs
Dream and Blue, in the background: Aww, you guys made me ink!
Killer: You'd expect the Star Sanses to not say a single swear word, but they cuss as if it's normal english
*In the background*
Ink: You fucking take that back!
Blue: Make me, bitch!
Dream: Holy shit, calm down and apologize!
*Back to Killer*
Killer: It's fun to watch
Error, to Blue and Dream: Is Ink sleeping okay, how long is he sleeping for?
Dream: I don't know
Blue: He sleeps whenever he feels like it
Error: I've found him asleep in the weirdest places
Dream: Where?
Error: On Nightmare, the ceiling, roof, on Reaper, tied to a bunch of balloons etc etc
Blue: He has a problem
Error: no shiT SHERLOCK!
Blue: I have a very specific taste with high standards
Dust: *walks by Blue, trips on his own feet and just lays there in defeat*
Blue: I want that one
Dream; *being all happy and calm in a peaceful garden*
Cross or Killer: *walks within one meter of Dream*
Nightmare, who is nearby: *overprotective brother mode activated*
Reaper: Some days, I want to kill whoever comes within 3 feet of me and other times I crave affection
Cross: What do you mean? It's always the second option
Lust: And why are you on the ceiling?
Geno: Hey Reaper, spell 'Me'.
Reaper: Okay? M, E?
Geno, not thinking it would work: You forgot the 'D'
Reaper: There's no 'D' in Me
Geno, slighty surprised: Not yet~
Reaper: *slow realization* oh, Oh, oH, OH! *blushes heavily*
(Human AU for this one)
Ink: Why am I not a banana?
Sci: Because your genetic code dictates that you are human, but you should be pleased to you know you share 50-60% of your DNA with a banana
Ink: Thank you
Error: Are you telling me that some people are 10% more banana than other people?
Classic, drunk: You are not a very interesting person to talk to while drunk
Dust, also drunk: Debería estar enojado, pero tienes razón.
Sci: I'm currently learning 5 different languages
Fell: Why?
Blue: So he can insult people without them knowing
Nightmare: I have a perfect memory, name one time when I forgot something
Dust: You left me at the Star Sanses base last week!
Nightmare: That was on purpose, try again!
Ink, at 3 AM: *eating sour cream straight from the tub*
Error, grabbing a shit ton of chocolate bars: Move over, I have chocolate to eat and choices to regret
Reaper: I'm not cute! I'm supposed to be intimidating!
Geno: Life is unfair
Reaper: She cheats at Uno a lot too
*Something bad happens*
Blue: This is so sad, Dust play Despacito
Cross: I just love knitting needles! I can make some mittens, I can make a hat! I can stab your eyes out, I can make a scarf!
Player: What was that middle part?
Cross: I can make a hat?
Ink: Do all Sanses laugh like Blue?
Dream, now looming over Ink: Only one way to find out!
Nightmare, drunk: B-O-N-N-E-Y!
Ink, also drunk: BONNEY. COM!
Reaper, who's passing by: Call Bonney!
Lust: I want affection!
Reaper: Welcome to the club!
Dust: You'll hate it here!
Ink: Most likely
Horror: I made a list of things that don't need to have different colors because they all taste the same!
Horror: #1 on the list, Humans!
(Nightmare is passive in this one)
Dream: Hey let's do "Get Help"
Nightmare: What?
Dream: "Get Help"
Nightmare: No
Dream: Come on, you love it!
Nightmare: I hate it
Dream: It's great, it works everytime!
Nightmare: It's humiliating
Dream: Do you have a better plan?
Nightmare: No
Dream: We're doing it
Nightmare: We are not doing "Get Help"
*Elevator opens*
Dream, half carrying Nightmare: Get help, please my brother is dying! Help!
Dream: Help him! *Yeets Nightmare at the gaurds*
Dream: Heh, classic
Nightmare: Still hate it, it's humiliating
Dream: Not for me, it's not
Cross: I'm going somewhere, don't ask where
Nightmare: Tell me where your going
Cross: Uh, no *teleports away*
(Cross and Epic run by the window)
Nightmare: what the absolute fuck
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