more random
(Idk okay? Also a bunch of random ships)
(I'm aware this isn't how the moment goes in MLB)
Reaper, calling Error: What did you expect me to say?!
Reaper, on the phone jokingly: Hey Hot Stuff, this is Reaper! I'm ask you on a date to a movie but I've got such a crazy crush on you that the only way I can talk to you without foaming at the mouth is over the stupid phone!
Reaper, away from the phone: How ridiculous is that!
Error, who heard what Reaper said: So what about that movie?
Reaper: U-uhm. If y-your fine with seeing one, t-together of course!
Ink, who made him call Error: *watching in shipper silence*
Nightmare, to Lust: Ink and I have created a ship club where we help the others get together with their crushes
Lust: And why are you telling me this?
Ink: Because we were hoping you'd join
Lust: I'm in!
Horror: From now on, we'll be using code names. You can call me Eagle One!
Horror: Killer codename, Been There, Done That. Lust is Currently Doing That!
Killer: Oh god why
Lust: *pointing finger guns at Horror*
Horror: Cross is It Happened Once In a Dream!
Cross: *insert wtf face*
Horror: Ink is If I Had to Pick a Star Sans!
Ink: *laughing out of his chair*
Horror: Dust is Eagle Two!
Dust: Oh thank God
Horror: Been There, Done That is leaving the stage. I'd Be Lying If I Said I Hadn't Thought about it is in position!
Nightmare, thinking: Why me
Ink: My Feelings Are Fatal? More like my feelings are fake and don't deserve to be recognized in the slightest as real
Sci: Do- Do you need help?
Geno, drunk as hell: Back of fuckers! This amazing skeleton is my boyfriend!
Reaper: Husband, Gen
Geno: We're married, even better!
Dream, right next to Nightmare's bunk: WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!
Nightmare: Oh shit
Ink, getting up from beside Night into view: What the fuck, man?
Dream, running off: OhoHOHO!
Dust: Why'd the chicken cross the road?
Killer: Why?
Dust: To get to the idiot's house. Knock knock!
Killer: Who's there?
Killer: *starts chasing Dust*
Interviewer: So Lust, any ladies in the picture?
Lust: I need you to tell me what made you think I was straight so I can instantly change it
Lust, walking into Ink and Night's bedroom: I had a nightmare
Ink, half asleep: What was it about?
Lust: I was straight
Ink, fully awake: Holy shit, *shaking NM* wake up!
Nightmare: What?
Ink: Lust had a nightmare!
Nightmare: Of what?
Ink: That he was straight!
Nightmare, sitting up: Holy shit are you okay?!
Lust: I don't know
(Had to shift things a bit for this one)
Nightmare: Who broke it?
(Broken coffee machine is on a table in front of them)
Nightmare: I'm not mad, I just wanna know
Ink: I did, I broke it
Nightmare: No, who broke it?
Cross: Don't look at me, look at Error!
Error: What?! I didn't break it!
Cross: Huh, how'd you even know it was broken?
Error: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken!
Cross: Suspicious!
Error: No, it's not!
Killer: If it matters, probably not, but Reaper was the last one near it
Reaper: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Killer: Oh really? Well then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Reaper: I use the wooden stirs to make marks on my bones, everyone knows that Killer!
Ink: I broke it, let me pay for it Nightmare
Nightmare: No, who broke it?
Error: Nightmare, Dream's been awfully quiet
Dream: Really?! Oh my god!
(With Nightmare)
Nightmare: I broke it, it burned my hand so I punched it.
Nightmare: I predict two hours from now they'll be at war with each other with a pig head on a stick
Nightmare: Good, it was getting a little chummy in here
Someone from Underlust: *flirts with Lust*
Lust: Oh, Um, Sorry. I already have a boyfriend- Horror! *Side hugs Horror*
Horror: *confused as heck* What did you do?
Lust: We're boyfriends now
Lust: Meet my fiance Horror
Horror: why are we engaged now?!
Lust: Because I'm panicking and your not working with me!
Reaper: I've been dropping the most insane hints for like a year now, no response!
Error or Geno: Wow they sound stupid
Reaper: But They're not! They're really smart actually- just dense
Error/Geno: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don't know. . . . 'Hey, I love you!'
Reaper: I guess your right, Hey, *Error or Geno*. I love you
Error/Geno: See? Just say that!
Reaper: Holy Fucking Shit
Error/Geno: And if that flies over their head then, Sorry Reaps, they're too dumb for you
Ink: *barges in* WHO ATE MY LEFTOVERS?
Dream: Who ate my brother's ass?
Ink: *silently leaves*
Dream: One time, I accidentally said Het Lag instead of Jet Lag. Cross's response was, "When you grow up thinking your straight".
Reaper: Oh, I had a shit ton of Het Lag then
Reaper: Y'know with how many awkward hand signals and the amount of Starbucks I consume, I'm surprised people think I'm straight
Dream, to Horror: And this is Ink's adoptive son,
Lust: I'm Lust, and you are?
Horror: Not as straight as I thought I was
Sci: What do you do when your having a panic attack
Reaper: Suffer through it and never tell anyone because this is how you've always handled them
Geno: I knew you needed help but Jesus fucking christ
Error: The Bible!
Dream: This says the Bibble
Reaper: Hey, do you love me?
Geno: Reaper. We are sleeping in the same bed and we just got Goth and Raven to go to sleep, Of course I love you
Nightmare: Do you have any special talents?
Ink: I'll never die
Nightmare: Why?
Ink: Because dreams never come true
Nightmare: . . . .
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